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Take That, Scrappy!: Difference between revisions

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'''Picard:''' "Doctor..."
'''Wesley Crusher:''' "And since I ''am'' finished here, sir, may I point out that—"
'''Dr. Crusher:''' ''"Shut up, Wesley!"''|''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]''}}
|''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]''}}
[[The Scrappy]] and [[Scrappy Index|his ilk]] are characters who are despised by most (if not all) of the fandom. However, occasionally there may be one moment where the despised character is the butt of a humiliating joke, or another character says what the audience is thinking to/about the despised character.
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See also [[Discontinuity Nod]]. Contrast [[Creator's Pet]].
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* In the ''[[The Legend of Zelda (manga)|Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time]]'' manga, there's a mini-story that includes Navi getting chased around with a fly swatter, being hit numerous times. "Shut Up [Navi]!" indeed. ''[[There Will Be Brawl]]'' references Zelda. "Shut the ''[[Precision F-Strike|fuck]]'' up, Navi!". In ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'', where the Mayor plays ''[[Ocarina of Time]]'' and accidentally kills [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywqlYujA0zQ Navi].
* ''[[School Days]]''
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* ''[[Spider Island]]'' was one big [[Take That]] against infamous Spider-Man [[Replacement Scrappy]], [[Creator's Pet]] (she's named after [[Joe Quesada]]'s daughter), [[Shallow Love Interest]], and all around [[Relationship Sue]] Carlie Cooper. While at first it seems like more of the same — Carlie gets to sleep with Peter Parker, she gets Spider-Powers while Mary Jane doesn't, and gets to be a "super awesome" fighter to complete the [[Character Shilling]] — she then gets her butt handed to her in a fight, turns into a giant spider with the rest of the hapless citizens of New York, and the day ends up saved largely by MJ who gets Spider-Powers ''without'' turning into a giant spider. The comic ends with a Peter and MJ [[Ship Tease]] of the highest order. On top of that, Peter forgets about Carlie's predicament, leaving her naked and embarrassed in the middle of New York. And then rejoiced louder when they broke up right after this.
== FanfictionFan Works ==
* It's not hard to find a fanfic of any fandom in which a despised character is mercilessly bashed by its author.
** If anything, fanfiction revolves around this and [[Die for Our Ship]].
* In ''[[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]]'' is despised for, among other things, being a [[God Mode Sue]], being a [[Jerk Sue]] and sharing many of the author's hateful viewpoints. {{spoiler|Then the author's former stepbrother hacked his account and added a chapter after the end in which [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] Edfred restores everyone to normal and kills Ronan}}.
* [[Mary Sue Hunter]] fanfiction often specialize in this, although most often, the Mary Sues are fictional or "donations" from other fanfic writers.
== [[Film]] ==
* The provided image is a depiction of the infamous ''[[Star Wars]]'' character Jar Jar Binks, who, [[Alien Scrappy|for whatever reasons]], gained a HUGE''huge'' [[Hatedom]] upon debuting in ''[[The Phantom Menace]]''. The statue was made by a fan for the Star Wars Celebrations. Lucas was sufficiently amused to commission one for himself.
** The fact that Jar Jar is also [[Attack of the Clones|directly responsible]] for enabling Palpatine to rise to totalitarian power and form [[The Empire]] is also very likely this trope in spectacular action.
* Love or hate the ''[[Resident Evil (film)|Resident Evil]]'' films, one can't deny that Wesker bringing Alice back to normal and killing off the clone Alices in ''[[Resident Evil: Afterlife]]'' brought a smile to the faces of those who hated the way Alice became a [[God Mode Sue]] in the previous films. She still has the [[Improbable Aiming Skills|standard]] action hero [[Made of Iron|powers]], but at least no more psychic nonsense.
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