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"fan fiction" -> "fan works"
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("fan fiction" -> "fan works")
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{{quote|''One of his teeth splashed into my Kilmagoon, fifteen feet away. I fished out the tooth to keep as proof, as otherwise no-one would ever believe me.''|''[[Cloud Atlas]]''}}
|''[[Cloud Atlas]]''}}
It's like this: Two men are fighting, [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]. Now things get dirty. Then, one of them makes an attack to the mouth and hits. Cue the other one spitting out one tooth (or several).
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== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[Real Bout High School]]'', Ryoko knocks several teeth out of the head of gang leader Takasugi's [[The Dragon|Dragon]]. Hey, it's his fault he was talking when the fight had already started.
* Cleverly and artistically used as part of the title of ''[[Bleach]]'' chapter 426. Ichigo and Uryu both punch out the big boss of a gang who was after Ichigo, knocking out three of his incisors. The artistic part is where the chapter number appears on the teeth as they fly out. The reason why they were there? Ichigo previously had punched out SEVEN''seven'' of one of their guy's teeth.
* Happens [[Battle Discretion Shot|off-screen]] in an early episode of the ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'' dub. [[Bruiser with a Soft Center|Kuwabara]] is set upon by a group of thugs while he's taken a vow not to fight at all, even in his own defense. As [[Dead to Begin With|Yusuke]] and [[Don't Fear the Reaper|Botan]] watch helplessly from the sidelines, Botan makes the horrified observation, "Is that a ''tooth''?"
* In ''[[Akira]]'' when Tetsuo is recaptured by the scientists Kaneda attempts to save him but a huge guard stands in his way, he attempts to fight the guard but he grabs Kaneda by the face and slams him into the ground, when he gets back up he spits out a tooth.
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* Very common in ''[[Mortadelo Y Filemon]]'' as a result of punches to the face or explosions. For example, there is one scene where Filemon gets hit by a boxer off screen, and Mortadelo asks him if he lost a tooth. Filemon comes back into view, counting a handful of loose teeth: "No, I think I got all of them... 22, 23, 24..."
* In the "[[Bodycount]]" arc of ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' Johnny Woo Woo beats Raphael and slams him into the ground he just casually gets up and spits out a tooth.
* This happened a LOT''lot'' in Gail SimonesSimone's original run on ''[[Birds of Prey]]''., Possiblypossibly as a way to show combat damage, and how much the fights hurt both heroines and villains alike. Huntress does this deliberately to a goon at one point, which is a bit icky, her being a heroine and all. In a subversion of ''[[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]'', the villain Rabbit knocks out one of Black Canary's teeth, and even proceeds to taunt her about it.
* In a truly bizarre example, from Kevin SmithsSmith's take on ''Daredevil'', the titular character knocks out two of the villain BullseyesBullseye's teeth, which Bullseye then proceedproceeds to toss SO''so HARDhard'' they splinter DaredevilsDaredevil's staff. Damn!
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]/[[Hellraiser]]'' crossover ''Evil Be Thou My God'', Harry is punched by Peter Pettigrew's silver hand and loses a molar in the process. He discovers this when he spits out a mouthful of blood and the wayward dentition comes with.
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