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Mind Control University/Characters: Difference between revisions

fixed oddities left behind by last and prior edits,
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{{characters need descriptions}}
{{cleanup|Most of the characters do not have any descriptions at all, and the ones that do only have one-line summaries. The characters need descriptions. Tropes would be nice, too, but that's less important.}}
== Daphne Miller ==
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: Of the [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type 1]] sort. Daphne, as she herself views it, does unjustifiable things, to people who've done nothing to deserve it, for purely selfish reasons. In her own views, she is a monster. At the same time, she is not without her own virtues, and dedicates time and effort toward being "the nicest possible monster".
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Daphne's shyness, adorkableness, social anxieties, and desire to help people are out are all genuine... but she deliberately plays them up to appear harmless, when she is anything but.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Brainwash innocent girls? Certainly. Depower the sole champion of a [[Crapsack World]]? Nope, nope, nope. She also doesn't like Ruby [[Mind Rape|Mind Raping]]ing girls and turning them into empty shells or bimbos.
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: Even before attending MCU, Daphne was working on prototypes of her own mind-control technology.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: She may genuinely want to make others happy, but she is more than willing to lie, mind-control, and manipulate everyone to get what she wants.
* [[A Father to His Men|A Mother to Her Slaves]]: Daphne will override your free will, make you love and worship her, brainwash you until you are completely loyal and obedient to her... but once you're her slave, she ''will'' go out of her way to keep you happy and healthy. She's making {{spoiler|Taylor Hebert}} attend therapy sessions, and is looking into ways to solve the problems her slaves have back in their respective home dimensions.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: Takes ''a lot'' of security measures, and considers again and again the possibility that things aren't as they seem. In a place like MCU, that's just being cautious.
* [[Subliminal Seduction]]: One of her favorite tricks to get more slaves. she used it on Joyce, Taylor, Hope, and Ashley to weaken their will.
== MCU Staff==
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* [[Final Boss]]: Possibly. The possibility that Daphne might go up against her some day has been acknowledged outside the game itself.
* [[Know When to Fold Them]]: Mesmerra is ''incredibly'' powerful, but there are fights even she doesn't want to pick. {{Spoiler|She doesn't want to go up against [[The Chessmaster|Solaria]], and she's never going anywhere near [[Abusing the Kardashev Scale For Fun and Profit|the Annihilators]].}}
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: Mesmerra cares about ensuring that mind-control ''happens''. Whether or not people are harmed is not really a major concern in her eyes. {{Spoiler|Daphne strongly suspects that she invited [[Magical Girl|Hope]] to MCU specifically because she hopes someone will brainwash her and take her out of the picture.}}
* [[Odd Job God]]: Is the Goddess of [[Mind Control]]. Not as obscure as some other gods (such as, say, [[w:Cloacina|Cloacina]]). Fellow gods in the quest Include [[God of War|Gung Young]], [[Power of Love|Mary's Mom]].
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: She's been around for... a long, long time.
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A self-aware idea that has been brainwashing - sorry, [[Insistent Terminology|"domesticating"]] countless humans in her own dimension. She has sent one of her hosts to serve as a hypnosis teacher at MCU.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Mind Virus]]: Started as a girl's erotic mind control fantasy before slowly morphing into something "real" in her mind then spread to other minds.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: An omake reveals that she asked Professor Norton for some tech to help cure diseases on her world.
* [[Willing Channeler]]: Well, more like brainwashed channeler. Miss Meme's "hosts" are human beings who have been indoctrinated until they know exactly what she would think, do, and say in any given situation, and do what they believe she would want them to do - including serving as her mouthpiece.
=== Professor Norton ===
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Supervillain? Mad scientist? Peacemaker? Whatever she is, Professor Norton has managed to conquer a large chunk of the African continent in a world of superheroes, and serves as MCU's technology teacher.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Emperor Scientist]]: Rules a chunk of middle Africa in her world of superheroes.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Abusive Parent]]: If you thought that Emerald making Ruby her daughter [[Screw Destiny|to thwart that prophecy]] also involved being a good parent you thought wrong.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: To the staff of MCU. While they all did morally questionable things, Emerald destroyed a entire city of [[Lizard Folk]] to teach a point.
* [[Evil Teacher]]: To the staff of MCU. While they all did morally questionable things, Emerald destroyed an entire city of [[Lizard Folk]] to teach a point (and/or provoke Daphne into attacking Emerald so Emerald could enslave Daphne).
=== Empress Tianshang ===
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The student counselor of MCU.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Hive Mind]]: She has multiple bodies which she has used to have multiple one on one sessions with different students simultaneously.
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: Unlike the teaching staff, Charity is not at MCU of her own free will, but because she's brainwashed by Mesmerra. ''Extensively'', to the point where she can be her hyper-benevolent angelic self, support a school that teaches villainous mind-controllers how to enslave people, and not feel any pressure from cognitive dissonance.
* [[Nice Girl]]: ''Extremely'' so, being a literal spirit of love and benevolence.
* [[Our Angels Are Different]]
=== Librarian L.I.B.B.Y. 205 ===
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ambiguously Human]]: Is she a robot? A cyborg? Daphne isn't sure at this point.
== MCU Students ==
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=== Taylor Hebert ===
Taylor Hebert: Tall, lanky girl with long, curly long hair. Tends to act suspicious of others and uncomfortable with other people, due to horrific experiences with loss and school bullies. Intelligent, methodical. Loves books. Her roommate is Joyce.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Woobie]]: She was viciously bullied before she went to MCU. Her self-esteem was in pretty bad shape at the start of the story to put it mildly.
=== Ashley le Fay ===
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Believes her race (the Denebians) are superior to all the other races and brainwashes her slaves that they are worthless and should be grateful they breathe the same air as her.
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]]: Her species is of the conquistadors variety, and likes conquering and enslaving other species purely [[For the Evulz]] since theire technology could take care of everything.
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kate include:}}
* [[Weak-Willed]]: Claims she is "hypersuggestible"
=== Poisoned Smile ===
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Ditzy bimbo whose approach to sex can be summed up as "why not?". Her father's an evil hypnotist with his own harem, and Bonnie was raised to follow in his footsteps; to his displeasure, she's a switch. Closer to the middle of the Kinsey scale than most of this class. Tammy's roommate.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Is pretty much [[The Ditz]] in everything but Hypnosis which she is Very Good at. including Hypnotizing Her Kistune Roommate.
=== Mary ===
Small mousy girl. Raised by her father, only recently learned her mother is a literal love goddess. Kate's roommate.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
Small mousy girl. Raised by her father, only recently learned her mother is a literal love goddess. Kate's roommate
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== Seraphina ===
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Asaka read Ruby's mind and how Lady Emerald treated Ruby was pretty messed up. Any time Ruby made a friend Emerald would ruin that friendship and possibly even engineered and thwarted an assassination plot against herself that would have used Ruby as a [[Targeted Human Sacrifice]].
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: seems to be the case.
=== Fumiko ===
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Semi-Divine]]: Is the daughter of the Chinese god of war Guan Young.
=== Lady Daystar ===
Goes around wearing what looks like gold armor. A Perfect from the world of Cosmos who has come to MCU to explore the rest of the multiversemmultiverse, has demonstrated her abilities by not getting noticed by you at first despite her getup, driving Daphne to orgasm just by how skillfully she blew her a kiss from across the room, and fighting Fumiko, Young and Kaorka all at once without breaking a sweat. Has taken an interest in Daphne, and made her a deal: She's now given her a tutoring session in leadership, but in exchange, at the end of the school year, Daphne will either follow Daystar as her servant, or somehow be able to resist her will in the matter.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== Hanako and Honoka ===
Playful, tends to hypnotize first and ask questions later.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Dividual]]
* [[Finishing Each Other's Sentences]]
* [[Single-Minded Twins]]
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: Immediately tried to hypnotize one of the people that rescued them from the nightmarish fate of being Ruby's slaves.
=== Fixit ===
Quiet redhead, actually an artificial intelligence - one of many who were designed to orchestrate the technological systems of her world. The Great Light, planetary guardian of her world, has destroyed all the other AIs, turning her world into a post-apocalyptic mess that she is hoping to save, somehow. Peggy's roommate.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Androids Are People, Too]]: Fixit is an artificial intelligence, but Daphne and the rest of the harem treat her like a normal person. She can also use magic, chi, and psychic powers, which proves she has a soul.
* [[Hive Mind]]: She can pilot multiple bodies at the same time and regards herself as not having any single true body (for this reason she regards herself as not being a true robot).
=== Connie ===
Known in her world as the supervillain Lady Moriarty. A sociopathic yandere, addicted to enslaving anyone who can make her feel love, and discarding them when she gets bored. Fumiko's roommate.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Sociopath]]: Fits the description being a cold, calculating, [[Yandere]] that can not feel anything about other people's pain, and will murder her emotional stimuli once [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|she gets bored of them]]
=== Fen ===
Delicate-looking Chinese girl. Werewolf. Jackie's roommate.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== Jacquie ===
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=== Flare ===
Blue-haired [[Unicorn]] girl with a love-me aura that she apparently doesn't fully control.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== Candace ===
Hope's blue-haired roommate. Has been using a sleep-inducing drug to ensure Hope doesn't wake up while Candace is asleep. Came to MCU hoping to learn how to make the girl she's in love with become gay for her. Very goal-oriented.
=== Candace ===
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== Asaka Stargazer ===
White-furred fox girl wearing gray monkish robes. Helen's roommate and ally. Is from an alien species called the Valdari and a Jedi knight.
=== Asaka Stargazer ===
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
== The Multiverse Beyond MCU ==
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=== The Crystal Dragon ===
Planetary guardian of Joyce's world; remains inactive for decades or even centuries, then intervenes to solve some major crisis through overwhelming power. Then intervenes to solve some major crisis through overwhelming power. [[Stop Worshipping Me!|Worshiped by the largest religions of his world, despite never displaying any interest in religion or worship.]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== The Great Light ===
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=== The Light of Hope ===
Semi-sentient force of love, justice and freedom that's been empowering rare champions like Hope to fight the Darkness.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
=== The Darkness ===
Semi-sentient force of despair and corruption that's been maintaining Hope's world in a dystopian state from behind the scenes for eons.
=== The Darkness ===
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Corruption]]: It is a force of destruction, despair, and misery that has held Hope's world in its Thrall for most of its history.
=== Morgan le Fay ===
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=== The Deneb Imperium ===
The Deneb Imperium, [[The Empire|a racist feudal dystopia]] built by the survivors of a precursor race who view themselves as destined rulers of the cosmos.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
*[[Fantastic Racism]] the Denb Empire belives themselves to Be the [[Master Race]] and Rule over all Non-Denebians with a Iron fist.
=== The Spiders ===
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{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Dreaded]]: The Annihilators are feared throughout the multiverse. even the staff at Mind Control University which includes people like Emerald and Norton who can fight against gods, Stay far away from the Annihilators because of their advanced technology.
=== Solaria ===
Goddess of the Sun, Civilization, and Goodness. Helen's patron, as well as patron deity of some medieval nation called the Sirovian Federation. Infamous for being a hypercompetent plotter with a tendency to outmaneuver the forces of evil; feared even by Mesmerra.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[God of Good]]: Is the Goddess of Civilization, the Sun and Good.
=== The Dark Empress ===
A sorceress from Kaorka's world who's achieved a meteoric rise among the ranks of Dark Lords, practically taking over an entire continent and reaching the unprecedented point where some of the "good" nations have decided to establish an embassy in her lands.
=== The Dark Empress ===
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Evil Overlord]]: {{spoiler|Subverted: at first she seems like this, threatening to murder Karoka's entire clan of [[Our Orks Are Different|Orcs]]. But actually she is a normal human mage who found herself in arch-devil territory. One thing lead to another and now she is the Dark Empress. For political reasons, she has to make most people ''think'' she is this though. This means she has to contrive an evil, or alternatively, pragmatic, motive for doing anything that could be seen as being a good person. She is also trying to improve her kingdom with things like the printing press, new agricultural techniques, vaccines and so on.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dark Is Not Evil]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Good All Along]]: If this doesn't fit within the purview of Tropes Are Flexible (because the trope description is clearly geared towards minions), delete this entry.}}
* [[Slave to PR]]
* [[Tom the Dark Lord]]: Her friends call her Amy. Admittedly Amelia is might be more exotic than Amanda, but it’s still on the mundane side of things.
* [[Walking Spoiler]]: As of this writing, a lot of her entry is spoiled.
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