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* ''Sev Trek: Puss in Boots'' (an Australian CGI spoof of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]''). Lt. Gaudy Regurge gives a highly-technical explanation of how they'll defeat the alien vessel. Captain Pinchhard gestures Commander Piker over and says quietly, "I didn't understand a word of that." Piker responds, "Sounds good to me!"
* ''[[Red Dawn]]''. Colonel Tanner lays out a plan to attack a Cuban base using military terminology like "flanking manoeuvre" and "grazing fire on this defilade". Unfortunately none of the guerrillas, a group of civilian [[Child Soldiers]], can understand what he's going on about, so he just mutters "[[I Need a Freaking Drink]]" and starts over.
**For the record a "defilade" is a position on the reverse slope of a hill (I.E. there is a hill or bend in terrain between your guys and theirs). "Grazing fire" is fire that is below 2 meters (in other words [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|a bit above the grass]] and straightusually forward). As opposed to plunging fire which is fired in an arc and "plunges" downward on the target (figure out the difference by playing with a lawn hose). And enfilade fire (fire from the flank which hopefully will [[One-Hit Polykill|hit more than one enemy]] by drilling down the length of his position). A flanking manoevre is "going toward his side". In other words all it means (if used properly in the movie of course) is, "keep their heads down while some of us can get round" which they always do in Westerns as well as war movies for good reason.
* ''Airport'': Capt. Vernon Demerest, played by Dean Martin, stops a know-it-all kid from broadcasting the fact that the plane is turning around: "You have a young navigator here! Well, I'll tell you son... Due to a Cetcil wind, Dystor's vectored us into a 360-tarson of slow air traffic. Now we'll maintain this Borden hold until we get the Forta Magnus clearance from Melnics."
* ''[[I, Robot (film)|I Robot]]'' had Susan Calvin talk about how robotic brains work using a lot of this.
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'''Wilbur:''' Ah! One of ''those''. }}
** Further lampshaded in ''One Of Our Thursdays Is Missing'', which reveals that any technological object in the Bookworld more advanced than a toaster is built by Techno Babble Industries.
* The Head of the Alchemists' Guild speaks like this in the ''[[Discworld]]'' novel ''[[Discworld/Reaper Man|Reaper Man]]'', which is appropriate given the Alchemists are like early Discworld scientists.
** Also seen with the Smoking GNU in ''[[Discworld/Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'', who are to the mechanical telegraph system known as the "clacks" what RLReal Life hackers are to the Internet. When Moist listens to their explanation of ...''the Woodpecker'', about the only words he recognizes are things like "chain", "disengage", and "the".
* One of [[E. E. "Doc" Smith]]'s ''[[Lensman]]'' books, ''Galactic Patrol'', includes a very amusing technobabble explanation for the unlikely properties of one of his favorite inventions, Duodecpylatimate, AKA Duodec, the ultimate chemical explosive, though you do have to understand scientific notation to figure out the joke. Duodecpylatimate is described as "the quintessence of atomic destruction," whose power is second only than a nuclear explosion and has few of the drawbacks of atomics. No radiation danger, easy to handle, simple to use, powerful and easy to detonate. "Duodec" is a solid chemical explosive composed of 324 atoms of heptavalent nitrogen combined in 12 linked molecules of 27 atoms each.
* Parodied in Alan Dean Foster's ''[[Spellsinger]]'' series, where wizards incorporate technical terms from science and engineering into their arcane rituals. Lampshaded in that Jon-Tom immediately spots the connection, but turtle wizard Clothahump merely comments that the wizards in his (our) world must simply use comparable formulae for their spells.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Popular in all incarnations of ''[[Star Trek]] except for the original series''.<ref>If Dubbedonly "Treknobabble",the stalwartssequel includeshows suchhad thingskept asthis "Runningpart a Level 3 Diagnostic" and "Compensating for minor ging-gangs inof the starboardoriginal warpseries' transgobbler".writers' "[[Reverse Polarityguide:{{quote|Reversing''The theless Polarity]]"you was a catch-all cure thatuse, the writers commonly employedbetter. Throwingwe inlimit physicscomplex termsterminology thatas havemuch alreadyas enteredpossible, popuse scienceit usageonly iswhere stronglynecessary encouraged,to whichmaintain isthe why Geordi spends every second episodeflavor of ''[[Starthe Trek:show Theand Nextencourage Generation|Next Generation]]believability.'' babbling about neutrino flux.
''IMPORTANT: The writer must know what he means when he uses science of projected science terminology. A scattergun confusion of meaningless phrases only detracts from believability.''
|[http://leethomson.myzen.co.uk/Star_Trek/1_Original_Series/Star_Trek_TOS_Writer%27s_Guide.pdf The Star Trek Guide] (April 17, 1967), page 30: "How much science fiction terminology do you want?"}}</ref> Dubbed "Treknobabble", stalwarts include such things as "Running a Level 3 Diagnostic" and "Compensating for minor ging-gangs in the starboard warp transgobbler". "[[Reverse Polarity|Reversing the Polarity]]" was a catch-all cure that the writers commonly employed. Throwing in physics terms that have already entered pop science usage is strongly encouraged, which is why Geordi spends every second episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Next Generation]]'' babbling about neutrino flux.
** Scripts for ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' were usually written with "[Tech]" as a placeholder; a second set of writers would come in and replace the placeholders with actual Techno Babble, referring to the right [[Applied Phlebotinum]] for the job.
** [[Lampshaded]] in the following exchange from the ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' episode "Battle Lines":
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** Baltar had previously used reams of technobabble on Tigh to demonstrate his fake Amazing Cylon Detector. Lucky that his hapless victim turned out to be a real Cylon. Ironically, the equally-technobabbly but functional detector later built by Baltar is currently considered fake.
** Ronald D. Moore has gone on record several times saying that he hates using technobabble. In fact, the avoidance level is so high that it takes four seasons to show the Galactica's engine room. Most of the basic tech remains a [[Black Box]].
** ''[[Battlestar Galactica]] (2004 TV series)|The 2000s ''Battlestar Galactica'']]'s attitude to technobabble can be summed up by one particular incident in the season two episode "The Captain's Hand": the battlestar ''Pegasus''{{'}} FTL is offline and engineer-turned-commander Barry Garner has to quickly fix it. Not by [[Doctor Who|reversing the polarity of the neutron flow]], but [[Percussive Maintenance|hitting a valve with a sledgehammer]].
** That said, some of ''BG''{{'}}s aversion to technobabble goes a little bit too far to the point where sometimes you just don't know how anything works, and it ends up becoming more [[A Wizard Did It]]. Especially when it comes to suddenly moving through vast reaches of space with no explanation (and no, I'm not talking about the FTL drive).
** It really came back to bite them when the writers actually came up with a real scientific explanation for why stem cells from the human/Cylon hybrid Hera would cure cancer. Moore was worried that it would just ''sound'' like gibberish, and the final episode largely glosses over why it works (something about some blood cells being square while others are hexagonal, as far as we can tell). And the end result was many viewers upset that such a huge game-changing moment was given no real explanation.
* Very common in ''[[24]]'', where most of Chloe O'Brien's lines involve nothing but meaningless technobabble, including incredible abuse of the word "subnet".
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{{quote|Molecularly, Tiberium is a non-carbon-based element, that appears to have strong ferrous qualities, with non-resonating reversible energy! Which has a tendency to disrupt carbon-based molecular structures, with inconsequential and unequal positrons orbiting on the first, second and ninth quadrings!}}
*** This would translate to "It's not carbon, it is ironish, and it kills people." Plus it's at least partly antimatter, even if the positrons are "inconsequent". (At least they're not ''incontinent''; it's so annoying when your sole resource leaves little puddles of antimatter pee everywhere.)
** For ''Command and Conquer 3'', EA took things up a notch and commissioned scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to "provide a white paper describing the biophysics of Tiberium, its atomic structure, its method of transmutation, the form of the radiation that it emits, and the way to harness it for powering machinery and weapons -- giving it the same treatment as would be suitable for a scientific journal article on a real substance." Actually, an [https://web.archive.org/web/20070915051431/http://pc.ign.com/articles/721/721138p1.html interesting read.]
* Dr. Judith Mossman in ''[[Half-Life]] 2'' has the tendency to speak in technobabble which your character is supposed to understand, and likely does. ''You'' however, are not, and likely don't.
** In ''[[Half-Life (series)/Fanfic Recs|Welcome To City 17]]'', he doesn't understand it either, because that is technobabble [[Science Marches On|from twenty years in the future]] to him.
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== Web Comics ==
* Subverted in ''[[Kid Radd]]'', where the otherwise brilliant [[Mad Scientist]] has a huge blind spot for technobabble. "The sensors are picking up some '''stuff!'''"
* Parody: [https://web.archive.org/web/20120814084728/http://starslip.com/2005/05/25/starslip-number-3/ this] ''[[Starslip Crisis]]'' strip.
* Parodied as well in [http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/1503.html this] ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'' strip; see also the notes at the bottom.
* ''[[8-Bit Theater]]'' features a technobabble dialogue in [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/09/25/episode-334-car-talk-and-retribution/ this strip].
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* ''[[Intragalactic]]'' did a parody of technobabble in a footnote [http://intragalacticcomic.com/2008/11/21/021-magic-2d-space-map/ here]: "It wouldn't seem like you could chart space on a two-dimensional screen like this. Until you remember that at large distances space functions as a flat surface due to the exponentially increasing effects of gravity as we near the Planck time. Subspace anomaly nanoprobes wormhole."
** Also in ''Muertitos'' by the same author [http://muertitos.comicgenesis.com/d/20080306.html here]: "The trauma has rendered her catatonic, clinically vegetative, and medicine saline doctor viral!"
* Lampshaded, in a typically direct way, in [https://web.archive.org/web/20100114105944/http://www.antiheroforhire.com/d/20081103.html this] ''[[Antihero for Hire]]'' strip.
* Lampshaded in ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]'' when Jean Poule tries to [http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20071204.html explain the experiment which produced Molly.]
** And again when Molly [http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20100713.html tries to explain her newest invention.]
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{{quote|'''Scientist:''' [[Negative Space Wedgie|Shiny]] [[Hell Gate|void]] [[Another Dimension|rift]] [[X Meets Y|plus]] [[Kill Sat|big]] [[BFG|space]] [[Wave Motion Gun|gun]] [[Oh Crap|make]] [[Earthshattering Kaboom|world]] [[The End of the World as We Know It|go]] [[Apocalypse How|'splody.]]}}
** And [http://exterminatusnow.comicgenesis.com/d/20100926.html here], where they use some of the more well known ones. Don't miss the labels on the other switches.
* ''[[Far Out There]]'' does this [https://web.archive.org/web/20150313094911/http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1030261/page-111-show-your-work/ all] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150313092153/http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1071120/page-211-and-its-not-just-because-its-angry/ the] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150313092519/http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1071137/page-213-get-on-with-it/ freaking] [https://web.archive.org/web/20150313095443/http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1080531/page-274-and-the-technobabble-flowed-forth/ time], though there's usually at least a little [https://web.archive.org/web/20150313095447/http://faroutthere.smackjeeves.com/comics/1080537/page-279-just-let-them-play-with-their-toys/ lampshading] going on.
* [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2010/10/28/0212-techno-babble/ Completely inverted] by ''[[Sandra and Woo]]''.
* Technobabble in ''[[Girl Genius]]'' tends to run afoul of the [[Unspoken Plan Guarantee]]; if any use of technology is described it will fail or be foiled, necessitating [[Indy Ploy|on-the-spot improvisation]] that involves [[Percussive Maintenance]], [[Frickin' Laser Beams]], or [[A Wizard Did It|just science that happens to be weird]]. The entire three-way poison cure between Agatha, Gil and Tavrek is a good example, as it was full of babbling Sparks getting owned by [[Finagle's Law]].
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Essentially every product or idea sold on the basis of the word "quantum", or to put it another way, the entire woo-woo industry. Woo which predates quantum mechanics—homeopathy, for example—has been retooled to include a lot of convincing-sounding, but utterly nonsensical, jibber-jabber about superposition and parallel dimensions. To make yourself an idea, watch the second half of ''What the <BLEEP> Do We Know''.
* Attempts to use technobabble to lend a veneer of plausibility to pseudoscience often have the opposite effect on people who actually know anything about the scientific disciplines being abused. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120306055402/http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2006/08/your_friday_dose_of_woo_just_what_your_w.php One hilarious example]—apparently the ills of the world are caused by the ''bond angle in water changing''; not only would this not happen without a change in the fundamental constants of the universe, but it's something everyone would notice because it would affect the freezing and boiling points of water. The same people then go on to talk about how boiling water drives off the electrons because its natural state is electrically charged, at which point anyone who hasn't completely forgotten GCSE chemistry and physics should smell the bullshit clearly and anyone who actually has a degree in either subject will be laughing uncontrollably, facepalming or both. Most people don't, which is why it's so popular to use.
** Here's a challenge: try to find ''any'' New Agey pseudoscience or fakery which the charlatan behind it at no point ever describes or explains using meaningless misapplications of the words "energy" or "vibration".
* Parodied by the [http://www.dhmo.org/ Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division], who claim that a compound called "[[Kill It with Water|Dihydrogen Monoxide]]" is a dangerous chemical indirectly responsible for cancer, extremely addicting and deadly when accidentally inhaled among other things. This stuff has killed thousands. Although all the terminology used is correct and none of the stated information is false, [[Half Truth|the possible dangers are greatly exaggerated or portrayed from an unusual point of view]]. Anyone with basic knowledge in chemistry quickly realizes that "Dihydrogen Monoxide" is actually {{spoiler|water, ice or steam}}. Although clearly a hoaxjoke, numerous people unfamiliar with chemistry—including [[media:dhmo.gif|no few elected officials]]—have actually advocated a ban of the chemical.
* The ICAO Accident Prevention Manual mentions an incident where a private pilot once wrote the authorities asking if he could save money by mixing kerosene with his aircraft fuel. They sent back a letter stating: ''Utilization of motor fuel involves major uncertainties/probabilities respecting shaft output and metal longevity where application pertains to aeronautical internal combustion power plants.'' Pilot's reply: "Thanks for the information. Will start using kerosene next week." Answering by cable this time, the authorities responded: ''Regrettably decision involves uncertainties. Kerosene utilization consequences questionable, with respect to metalloferrous components and power production.'' Cable reply from the pilot: "Thanks again. It will sure cut my fuel bill." Response by telex within the hour: DON'T USE KEROSENE. IT COULD KILL THE ENGINE, AND YOU TOO!
** A great example of why you should avoid [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness|uselessly long words]]. (Regrettably decision involves uncertainties -> Actually, we're not sure about that decision.)
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I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did. }}
* Physicist Alan Sokal wrote an article in the journal ''Social Text'' that was essentially this, emphasis on "babble". He did so to prove that the humanities division would accept anything.
** [https://web.archive.org/web/20120512161934/http://classic.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55756/ Some guys got a vanity academic journal to accept a paper made up entirely of technobabble generated by a computer, from a university that didn't exist.] The only concern was how soon the submitters were going to pay their fee. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120331070127/http://classic.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55759/ The editor who had supposedly read the paper promptly quit, saying he had never seen the paper in question] and the journal eventually shut down.
* A number of supplements talk about how wonderful it is that they contain DNA. As does every life form on Earth.
[[Category:Tropes of Legend]]
[[Category:Applied Phlebotinum]]
[[Category:Applied Phlebotinum]]
[[Category:Tropes of Legend]]
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