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[[File:the-sopranos-2_7524.jpg|thumb|400px|Wouldn't you need therapy?]]
{{quote|''"I'm in the waste management business. Everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype, and it's offensive."''|'''Tony Soprano'''}}
|'''Tony Soprano'''}}
''[[The Sopranos]]'' is centered around New Jersey [[The Mafia|Mob]] [[The Don|Boss]] Tony Soprano, who after a panic attack secretly begins seeing a therapist. [[Hilarity Ensues]] as his therapy coincides with him sending his troublesome, sociopathic mother Livia into a nursing home when it becomes apparent that she's no longer able to take care of herself.
The show focuses on Tony's dual families: his biological family -- long-suffering wife Carmela, his straight-A student daughter Meadow, underachiever son AJ, and his equally morally bankrupt sister Janice -- and the organized crime family he is involved in, who include his bitter uncle Junior, his 'nephew' (actually his wife's cousin) Christopher, [[Loads and Loads of Characters|and more.]]
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* [[Ain't Too Proud to Beg]]: Christopher in Season 1 when he suffers a [[It Works Better with Bullets|mock execution]] : [[Defiant to the End|Totally reversed]] later in Season 5 when Tony is about to kill him and Chris doesn't back down from an accusation.
* [[Alas, Poor Yorick]]: Christopher holds a skull this way when he is relocating the bones of an old murder.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Uncle Junior had been an unpleasant and uncompromising person throughout the whole series but his final scene certainty plays his dementia as a tragedy.in fact Junior's fate is so upsetting it moves Tony to finally let go of his hatred for his uncle.
** Johnny Sack's death from cancer.
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Played straight for almost all the female characters. Arguably averted for Melfi, but even she feels an unhealthy attraction to Tony.
* [[All Psychology Is Freudian]]: Averted. Tony Soprano cites Freud (whom he learned about in his "semester and a half" of college) to explain to Melfi that he understands therapy "as a concept", but the show deals with psychology a lot, and it really isn't here. Often called the most accurate fictional depiction of what ''actually'' happens in therapy. Freud, however, is the [[Trope Codifier]] of the [[Oedipus Complex]], one of the [[Mommy Issues]] mentioned often by Melfi despite Tony's repulsion.
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* [[Automobile Opening]]: Tony driving from New York to his home in New Jersey. His route is deliberately inefficient to provide more interesting visuals.
{{quote|'''Junior:''' My nephew running things? Not that strunz. Not in this life.}}
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]] : Zigzagged, the mobsters like to wear plain sportswear but they dress up according to their fancy businessmen status when the occasion requires it. Members of the Lupertazzi crew can usually be seen in suits, as befitting their more successful and refined nature compared to the Jersey crew. Carmine Lupertazzi also stated to Tony that "a Don doesn't wear shorts.".
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: At the end of season 2 Tony does his utmost to prevent authorities from ever discovering Janice's role in Richie's disappearance and defends her from their mother's verbal abuse. Subverted later when Janice is attacked by Russians. He agrees to retaliate but only to avoid appearing weak.
* [[Bad Guy Bar]]: The Bing.
* [[Bad Guys Play Pool]]: The Bing's back room.
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** A.J. too, though this is only in the later seasons. He's one of the dumbest characters on the show, but lacks the ruthless spirit that a mobster needs, so he has no real place in the world.
* [[Can You Hear Me Now?]]: Poor telecommunication service is the source of problems in the episode Pine Barrens when [[Hilarity Ensues|Paulie and Chris get lost in a frozen forest]]. Tony gets gradually more and more agitated and has to give them orders [[No Indoor Voice|very loudly and full of profanity]] while his parents-in-law are in his house.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Tony... where to begin with Tony?
** Frequently assaults the bartender who works for him until he gets permanent hearing loss.
** Contemplates Killing Paulie for being an annoyance.
** Belittles Chris for his drug addiction.
** Alienates Hesh by borrowing money and stubbornly refuses to pay it back until Hesh's girlfriend dies.
* [[Celebrity Paradox]]:
** In one episode, Tony watches ''[[The Fugitive (film)|The Fugitive]]'' -- oddly, he doesn't notice that Ralphie has a minor role in it.
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** Paulie Walnuts. And how. His love is fickle, though, as seen in "The Fleshy Part of the Thigh": {{spoiler|turns out he only loves his mama as long as she really is his ''biological'' mama}}. He gets over it eventually, though.
** Tony. He literally goes berserk when Dr. Melfi diagnoses Livia with Borderline Personality Disorder and reads the symptoms to him.
** Christopher also has a soft spot for his mother. He brings her a picture of his father hoping it will move her and is ready to give away his position when he sees Phil threatening her.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]:
** Tony and the crew are appropriately horrified and disgusted when Ralph beats to death a stripper pregnant with his child.
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** The mobsters all express disapproval at Christopher's drug habits.
** Richie Aprile, who condones the beating of a woman if, and only if the man is her husband.
** Uncle Junior and Bobby both find it incredibly callous When Tony sends a terminally ill man on a suicide Mission.
** Junior is saddened when one of the drug dealers employed by the organization sells drugs to a child and causes it's death.He is so infuriated that he has the dealer Killed upsetting his more pragmatic associates.
** When Vito,'s homosexuality is revealed Tony is (or tries to be) the sole voice of reason arguing that it is no one's business but Vito,'s.
Junior is saddened when one of the drug dealers employed by the organization sells drugs to a child and causes it's death.He is so infuriated that he has the dealer Killed upsetting his more pragmatic associates.
** Tony detests animal cruelty.
** Unlike their associates Johnny Sack and Bobby insist on remaining faithful to their spouse.
When Vito,s homosexuality is revealed Tony is(or tries to be) the sole voice of reason arguing that it is no one's business but Vito,s.
** Despite his dislike of Davey, Richie actually does try to prevent him from becoming buried in debt and cuts him off to Keep Davey from gambling away more of his money.
Tony is appalled when he learns to What extent his father disregarded the family 's interests and silently Vows to never be like him.
Tony detests animal cruelty.
Carmine is hinted to have similar views on marriage as Johnny Sack and Bobby.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]
Unlike their associates Johnny Sack and Bobby insist on remaining faithful to their spouse.
** Junior dislikes people making fun of his deceased mentally handicapped brother Eckley and snaps at Tony for doing so.
** Tony deeply loves his son and daughter. He is very angered when he suspects Jackie may be mistreating Meadow, and AJ's attempted suicide affects him deeply.
** Part of Phil's motivation for hating Tony is that he holds him responsible for the death of his younger brother Billy.
** Johnny Sack loves his wife and kids. This is exploited by the FBI to force him into a plea deal in order to ensure his wife isn't left penniless. This costs him the respect of his associates though he regains it in time.
** Pussy became a rat because he was caught selling Heroin when he was trying to make enough money to give his kids a good education.
** Carmine is doting towards his son.
** When Ralph's son Justin was in an accident he was guilt-ridden and even seemed as though he may redeem himself. We'll never Know if this change would have lasted as Tony murders him before we have the chance to find out.
** Eugene looks at pictures of his family before committing suicide.
** Patsy is infuriated When Tony has his brother murdered.
** Johnny Soprano went out of his way to provide for Eckley until his death.
* [[Everything Is Racist]]:
** The Coalition of Italian-American Associations issued a joint statement in 2002 condemning the show for perpetuating negative Italian-American stereotypes.
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* [[Evil Matriarch]]: [[Meaningful Name|Livia]]. '''[[I, Claudius|LIVIA.]]'''
* [[Evil Parents Want Good Kids]]: Tony is adamant that A.J. doesn't go into the life like him, partly because he's simply not cut out for it. Jackie Aprile also felt this way towards his own son, and arranged with Tony to make sure this wouldn't happen before {{spoiler|he himself died in the fourth episode. Tony doesn't succeed and Jackie Jr. ends up dead later on, further strengthening his decision to keep A.J. out of it}}.
** Tony B does not want his Kids committing crime either.
* [[Expy]]: Done in-universe, the nasty boss from [[Show Within a Show|Cleaver]] is modeled almost verbatim after Tony who fails to realize this at first but then {{spoiler|it's a major and definitive wedge between him and Chris}}. Chris, terrified by the implications strong-arms the nominal writer into taking credit for the character. He claims that [[Sincerest Form of Flattery|he stole the character from another movie]] but Tony who was on the fence about the thing easily sees past the lie, checks the original movie [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|and takes serious offense on the whole issue]].
* [[Eye Scream]]:
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I was prostate with grief.
[[Best Served Cold|Revenge is like serving cold cuts]]<br />
A guy like that is going out with a woman, he could technically not have penissary contact with her Volvo<br />
I agree with that Senator [[w:Rick Santorum|Sanatorium]], says if we let this stuff go too far, pretty soon we'll be fuckin' dogs.<br />
'''Christopher:'''<br />
Create a little dysentery among the ranks<br />
He is the hair apparent.<br />
'''Boby:''' : Quasimodo predicted all of this.}}
* [[Meaningful Background Event]]: The FBI approaching Johnny Sack from behind when he is talking with Tony, who reacts in time.
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* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Often masterfully done. Scenes of deep introspection or lighthearted comedy will sometimes, without warning, erupt into frantic violence.
* [[Mother Russia Makes You Strong]]: One-legged and determined Svetlana remarks that Americans don't know what a real problem is, live an easy existence compared to the average miserable life in Russia/USSR and yet they are wimpy complainers. And then there is VALERY, the Russian Rambo who outfights Chris and Paulie in a frozen forest when he was suppressed and about to be executed. In the meantime, he shouts proudly that harsh weather is warm to him. His uncertain fate lead to [[The Sopranos/WMG|WMG]] that David Chase deliberately [[Hand Wave|HandWaved]] in Season 5 opener.
* [[Morality Pet]]: In "Boca", Artie and Melfi talk Tony out of killing a coach who abused his position to sleep with one of his students.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: Tony Kills Tony B to keep him from having to suffer Phil's torture.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Adriana. If she's not parading around in her undies for Chris, she's bending over a trash can wearing very tight pants. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in the third season opener when the FBI agent keeping tabs on her prays to God that he not be reassigned.
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Bobby goes to make his pickups from an inner-city Newark "client" late at night, and winds up getting robbed by some street kids. Because he didn't bring any backup, they get away with it, and the rest of Tony's crew mock Bobby for quite some time.
* [[Music Video Syndrome]]: Averted. Almost all music has a source or reason.
== N-S ==
*Neptoism [[Nepotism]]: Tony would not hesitate to Kill anyone else in his organization who was guilty of substance abuse however Hehe gives Chris a pass due to their close relationship. This is also shown during the conflict with New York brought on by Tony Blundetto. Tony keeps everyone else on the street to earn but has Chris moved out of harm's way.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: The FBI sends a younger agent to "turn" Adrianna because they think she'll respond better to a young woman. When {{spoiler|Adrianna is discovered and murdered by Silvio, Chris plants her car at the airport long-term parking to suggest that she ran away. Only the new FBI agent believes it, and the other agents' laughter at her gullibility is a serious [[Tear Jerker]]}}.
* [[Naked in Mink]]
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** Also subverted. Tony and his son have the same first name, but the latter is always called A.J. to prevent confusion.
* [[Overly Long Gag]]: Paulie's habit of repeating his jokes is a funnier quirk on its own.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Never EVER''ever'' [[Berserk Button|threaten Tony's daughter.]]
** He also exacted brutal revenge on Matthew Bevilaqua in retaliation for an attempt on his nephew's life.
* [[Passed Over Promotion]]
** One of the factors that triggers a [[Mob War|power struggle]] between Tony and Junior, acting boss and [[Authority in Name Only|nominal boss]] respectively.
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** Averted by A.J., who befriends some gangster wannabees who idolize him for being the son of the big man and make him accessory to some violent extortions, but he is unaffected.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Literally. One of Tony's few virtues is a love of animals. It was was used against him via Melfi's fellow shrink friends, who point out that Tony's empathy for animals is also a sign of being a cold-blooded monster, since animals often mean more to such people than humans.
** This is also used after Melfi is raped. Tony is clearly upset when she calls and tells him she was in a car crash and later does Everything in his power to comfort her When she breaks down during one of their sessions.
This is also used after Melfi is raped.Tony is clearly upset when she calls and tells him she was in a car crash and later does Everything in his power to comfort her When she breaks down during one of their sessions.
* [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything]]: The mobsters all have "legitimate" jobs, which they never show up for, and don't actually work when they do.
** Christopher is the only one seen regularly earning, but then again he is a rookie while the rest of the characters we mostly see are bosses and spend most of their time hanging around Bada Bing or Satriales. Explained by the hierarchical system; senior mobsters have their own crews and do mostly managerial work or collections yet they perform delicate tasks or street jobs from time to time, Paulie assaults Columbian drug dealers in Season 6.
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* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Paulie resents Chris for playing [[Nepotism|the blood relation card]] too many times, but he is not above enforcing the trope, shamelessly; [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3d_mqQzsxE his attitude towards Finn takes a radical turn once he learns he is Meadow's boyfriend.]
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Matush when he hears a gunshot during Jackie Jr.'s card game heist. And then later, Jackie himself, who steals a car and leaves his friend Dino to get slaughtered.
* [[Secret Identity]]: Tony often conceals his real name to 'civilian' clerks and receptionists. This backfires soundly when he tries to use one of his usual alias -- Mr. Spears -- with a new psychiatrist -aware of Tony's identity and line of work- and who is [[Genre Savvy]] as he has watched ''[[Analyze This]]''. Tony tries to argue that he is [[Wrong Genre Savvy]] as ''Analyze This'' is a comedy, but gets rejected anyway.
* [[Sexy Priest]]: Father Intintola, who also develops feelings for Carmela and needs to beat a hasty retreat out of town.
* [[Shout-Out]]: [[Up to Eleven]] [http://davidlavery.net/Sopranos/intertexts_&_allusions.htm Loads and loads of them, and then more].
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** ''[[Game of Thrones]]'' has been [[Word of God|described by a series producer as]] ''The Sopranos [[Standard Fantasy Setting|in Middle-Earth]]''.
* [[The Starscream]]: Just about everyone. One of the episodes lampshades this ''completely''.
<!-- *Sympathy for the Hero: Tony comes to feel this for Officer Willmore when he sees the damage he did to the man's life. MOD NOTE: This trope doesn't exist on ATT. -->
* [[Stealth Pun]]: Phil coming out of the closet when he is handling the resolution of Vito's situation.
* [[Stiff Upper Lip]]:
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* [[The Stoic]]: This is what Tony would like to be and sometimes laments the Americans -including him- have gone soft, always whining, complaining and dominated by their emotions. His role model is Gary Cooper; the strong, silent type.
* [[Stolen Good, Returned Better]]: Dr. Melfi is having trouble with her car, and with the mechanics who are fixing it. When Tony learns this during one of his therapy sessions, he has her car stolen, fixed, and returned that night. She's grateful, but not happy about it.
* [[Strip Club]]: The Bada Bing, which was changed from a strip club to a [[Bikini Bar]] when the show was [[Edited for Syndication]].
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Tony, near the end of the show's run, because all of his smart, capable underlings had died, fled, or turned witness.
* [[Surveillance as the Plot Demands]]:
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** Christopher and Tony. Subverted in the Season 4 finale, when Tony stops himself from hitting Carmela and punches the wall.
** Ralphie takes this to the extreme and not only punches a ''pregnant'' woman, but beats her to death.
** Tony Nearlynearly Chokeschokes Gloria to death when she threatens to tell his family about their affair and barely refrains himself from Killing her.
** Hot-headed Richie Aprile hits Janice. She hits him back. {{spoiler|[[Boom! Headshot!|With a gun]]}}.
* [[X Meets Y]]: Chris summarizes his movie as "''[[Saw]]'' meets ''[[The Godfather]]''".
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