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The Walking Dead (TV series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Black Best Friend]]: Glenn does ''not'' take his death due to Nicholas's cowardice well.
** He can also be considered this to Beth, especially when Beth helps him escape the Grady Memorial Hospital. Unlike other examples, they're not the same gender.
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: As Glenn watches, he gets brutally devoured by zombies.
* [[A Death in the Limelight]]: Par for the course of a deceased Walking Dead character.
* [[Double Entendre]]: When he tells Glenn not to let go, one can interpret it as him telling Glenn ''not'' to let go and let him be devoured by the Walkers. However, Noah is telling Glenn not to let go of his humanity, indicating that he knew that he was going to die.
* [[The Load]]: Subverted. Though he's not exactly a fighter, he does tell Rick and his group that Tyreese had been bitten. It doesn't save him, but it ''does'' prevent him from becoming a walker. And he does help out during a supply run, though it still ends in disaster due to Aiden's actions.
=== Judith ===
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* [[Adaptational Heroism]]: The tragic backstory is present in both versions (though it's not dwelt upon in the comics outside of a prequel), but even so, he's less evil than he is in the comics.
* [[Arc Villain]]: He serves as the main villain of Season 3, before returning to antagonize Rick's group in the eighth episode of Season 4.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: It's implied that for killing his zombified daughter (and gouging out his eye, no less), he intends to torture Michonne to death. This persuades Michonne's best friend Andrea ''not'' to stay in Woodbury any longer. However, he eventually decides not to do so to Michonne, but he DOES''does'' find another use for the torture chair, using it to restrain Andrea while Milton kills her, whether the Governor has to turn him into a walker or not.
* [[Creepy Souvenir]]: He keeps a bunch of severed heads in his personal chambers (which due to the zombie virus have reanimated) to help him cope with his fear of the walkers. Michonne breaks a few of the tanks but she isn't bitten.
* [[Exact Words]]: Strictly speaking, what he tells his fellow survivors (which were formerly led by Martinez) to persuade them to take the prison for themselves is true (such as them killing his daughter)...he just leaves out several details along the way, such as the fact that his daughter was a zombie.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Michonne cuts out his right eyeball, so he wears one.
* [[Foil]]: To Rick. While Rick is perfectly sane (he does engage in acts of violence, but it doesn't happen very often), the Governor has gone off the deep end some time ago. He does have moments of sanity such as when he addresses his people, but they're the exception rather than the norm.
* [[I Lied]]: He had no intention of sparing Rick and his friends if they delivered Michonne to him. In fact, he was going to treacherously slaughter them all as soon as they did so.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: While it wasn't the first time Rick and his group encountered humans corrupted by the zombie apocalypse (Shane in particular might not have tried to kill Rick were it not for the outbreak warping his mind), he really proves that the apocalypse can really change people for the worse. He was a normal man before the walker epidemic changed him into the sociopath he is now. Unfortunately, he turns down Rick's generous offer of redemption.
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** He rescues Meghan from the walkers, instead of simply trying to save himself. He does shoot her in the head without a trace of emotion once she's bitten by a walker and dies, but he likely didn't want to keep her around in her reanimated state like he did with his biological daughter.
** He does legitimately love Andrea, only turning on her when she attempts to kill him.
** He decides not to use the torture chair on Michonne...but he finds another use for it.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: What eventually leads to him killing his own military. The few survivors side with Rick, with the exception of Martinez.
* [[The Sociopath]]: In a way, he's even more horrifying than the walkers themselves. He won't eat people, but killing them is another story entirely.
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* [[Would Hurt A Child]]: He won't harm his own children, but children in general are ''not'' off-limits. Ironically enough, he persuades his group of survivors that Rick and his group are willing to do this.
* [[Zombie Infectee]]: While he never becomes a zombie himself (courtesy of Lilly), he's well-aware that everyone in ''The Walking Dead'' is a zombie infectee, and he takes advantage of it at one point using Milton.
=== Negan ===
The leader of the Saviors.
* [[Adaptational Villainy]]: As opposed to Walking Dead toning down the Governor, AMC makes him worse than he was in the comics, such as having him kidnap Daryl and treat him like an animal. He still has redeeming qualities in both versions, however.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: He has a complex personality, but generally he's a scary man. And a deadly one too.
* [[Batter Up]]: His signature weapon is the baseball bat Lucille, which he named after his late wife. He generally keeps it with him wherever he goes.
* [[Foil]]: He's more comedic than the Governor was, though he still engages in brutal actions, such as his execution of Abraham and Glenn. And unlike the Governor, he seems to have retained his sanity to some extent.
* [[Pet The Dog]]: Instead of killing Carl for killing two of his men and for trying to kill him, he decides to show him around the Sanctuary instead.
=== Milton ===
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* [[Brutal Honesty]]: When accused of kidnapping Bob, Carol, and Daryl, he admits to have left fellow survivors to die. This causes the heroes to realize he's not responsible for the kidnappings. Sure enough, they found out what happened to Bob, though they don't find Carol and Daryl.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Deconstructed. He didn't offer sanctuary to his fellow survivors, which got them killed. However, he becomes braver when some cannibals decide to pay a visit to the church. He freezes up when he encounters a walker...but that was because that walker just so happened to be his wife.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: He makes one with Negan. Unfortunately, that enemy mine involves using walker guts as a disguise...which end up entering his open wounds.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: He regrets not opening his doors for his fellow survivors.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: Initially. It's scary what he did to his fellow survivors, which was pretty ironic considering he did it out of fear. However, he becomes less scary when he overcomes his cowardice.
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A survivor who accompanies the Governor on his assault on the prison...but comes to regret her actions. Just so happens to be a lesbian.
* [[Badass Gay]]: She wouldn't have survived the zombie apocalypse if she wasn't. Ironically, she ends up in Oceanside at one point, which for the most part consists of female survivors.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: Subverted. She was planning to, but Glenn talks her out of it.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: She regrets helping the Governor conquer the prison.
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: To Glenn. Were it not for the fact that Glenn is already a married man (and Tara herself is homosexual), they might be lovers.
* [[OfficlalOfficial Couple]]: With Denise.
=== Abraham ===
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: He has some violent tendencies...but he isn't evil outside of that.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Based on what Eugene does, he doesn't take it well when people lie to him. Though it might have to do with the fact by what Eugene lied about specifically: having the cure to the zombie apocalypse.
* [[The Big Guy]]: He's big and strong, though he's not stupid.
* [[Defiant to the End]]: Though Negan chooses him to be his victim, he still chooses to defy the leader of the Saviors. Too bad Negan doesn't stop with him.
* [[Killed Off For Real]]: Courtesy of Negan and lucilleLucille.
* [[Official Couple]]: With Rosita.
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A survivor who claims that he knows the cure to the walker virus.
* [[Ambiguous Disorder]]: It's implied he's autistic, but it's never confirmed.
* [[I Lied]]: Turns out he ''didn't'' know how to cure the virus. Despite this, it's shown that he does legitimately care about Abraham, and he doesn't take his death well.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Sort of. He joins the Saviors in Season 7, but while he does help the Saviors, he doesn't intend to kill Rick or any of his companions, either.
* [[Fat Idiot]]: Averted, he might not know the cure for the zombie virus but that doesn't mean he's dumb. He's a smart man.
* [[The Millstone]]: He deliberately tries to sabotage the group so that they don't get to Washington. He figures that the later that they figure out he doesn't have the cure, the better.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: He doesn't smile very often. Considering he lied about knowing the cure to the virus, perhaps there's a reason for that.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Much like Abraham whose the big guy. This is why Negan chooses him to be part of his group, and a high-ranking group at that.
=== Rosita ===
A survivor who is in love with Abraham, and accompanies him to Washington.
* [[Action Girl]]: Abraham invites her to join his cause for this very reason.
* [[It's Personal]]: In retaliation for killing Abraham, she decides that she's going to kill Negan with a bullet designed by Eugene. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out.
* [[Official Couple]]: With Abraham...but they eventually break up.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Ironically, she happen to be this to Eugene's blue, even though Rosita is female and Eugene is male.
* [[Widow Woman]]: Well, technically she and Abraham weren't married, though they were lovers. But she's still hurt by his death.
=== Gareth ===
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The leader of Terminus.
* [[Bait the Dog]]: He seems like a nice man at first, but Rick has every right to be suspicious when he discovers that for some strange reason, Glenn's pocket watch is now in his inventory.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: He doesn't take it well when Carol kills his mother.
* [[Evil All Along]]: Terminus was a trap the entire time.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: His friendliness towards survivors is an all act to get to them to trust him.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Evil survivors invaded Terminus and drove the Terminus survivors off the deep end.
* [[I'm Aa Humanitarian]]: He eats human flesh. For example, he and his group eat Bob's leg. He comforts Bob by telling that he tasted a lot better than he thought he would. Unfortunately for him, Bob neglected to tell them that he had been bitten by a walker. Perhaps not knowing that everyone on the show is already infected, his group doesn't take it well.
* [[It's Personal]]: He doesn't take it well when Carol destroys Terminus by attracting walkers to it.
=== Simon ===
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Negan's right-hand man.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Unlike Negan, Simon isn't particularly concerned about his men. When Maggie threatens to execute her Savior prisoners if he refuses to leave Hilltop, he shrugs it off.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: He only acts affable when he's not angry. Once he is, you can tell just how evil he is.
* [[Hate Sink]]: Unlike Negan, the show makes no effort to take Simon towards redemption. And even Negan himself hates him.
* [[Leave No Survivors]]: It seems to be his solution to everything, wipe out entire survivor communities who decide to rebel. Library survivors causing trouble? Kill them all. Oceanside resisting? Kill every male member of the community who isn't ten or older. The Scavengers decided to side with Rick? Send them off to meet their makers. This puts him at odds with Negan who would rather not do such pointless killing.
* [[Make an Example of Them]]: He wishes to wipe out other communities to make examples of them so that subjugating other communities would be easier. Ironically, Negan does this to Simon by adding him to his walker fence.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: He's number two for the Saviors, so whatever he says goes.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Generally, survivors look like normal human beings, so you can't tell whose evil just by looking at them. But Simon? You can probably tell just by looking at his mustache.
=== Gregory ===
The leader of Hilltop.
* [[Big Good]]: Subverted on the good part.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: In an effort to save his own skin, he lets people suffer at the hands of the Saviors.
* [[Hate Sink]]: He's not as bad as Simon, but he's still a very bad person. His defining trait is his selfishness.
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Since he chose to ally himself with the Saviors, Maggie decides to lock him up with some Savior prisoners.
* [[Not Worth Killing]]: Maggie opens the gates to allow him back in Hilltop for this reason.
* [[Public Execution]]: He undergoes one as a consequence of his actions.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Generally, the citizens of Hilltop aren't bad people, but Gregory is.
=== Jesus ===
A citizen of Hilltop.
* [[Badass Gay]]: Despite his nickname, he happens to be homosexual, much like Aaron.
* [[Kleptomaniac Hero]]: He's far from a bad person, but he has a habit of stealing from others based on how he interacts with Rick and Daryl.
* [[Name's the Same]]: He has the same name as Jesus Christ...it's not his actual name though. Only his nickname.
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