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Digital Piracy Is Okay: Difference between revisions

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== Neutral ==
* Microsoft was famous in the past for saying, "If You're Going To Pirate Software, Pirate Ours". [[Subverted|Since then,]] they implement many anti-piracy measures on their products and advocate about how [http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/piracy/default.aspx|"Pirated software hurts everyone."]
* WinRAR doesn't mind if you don't pay for a license even after your 40-day trial period is over. WinRAR CEO Burak Canboy stated in an [https://en.softonic.com/articles/winrar-5-0-interview-with-ceo-burak-canboy interview] that they would rather see people download the legitimate version and continue to use it for as long as they see fit than have them use a cracked and potentially infected copy. Besides, they see no problem with people not caring about the nag screen as long as the user base they amassed gives them [[No Such Thing as Bad Publicity|the publicity they wanted]], and that enterprise users and those who downloaded the ad-supported version of RAR for Android make up a bulk of their revenue. In addition, a special version of WinRAR for Chinese markets was released since 2015. Unlike regular WinRAR, the Chinese release is free-to-use for home users and individuals due to rampant piracy in the country, hence why developers have to come up with creative business models as seen with MMORPGs.
* Notch has said that he is with some people pirating [[Minecraft]]. IRL he is a member of the [[wikipedia:Pirate Party|Pirate Party]].
* C418, who composed music for [[Minecraft]], [https://web.archive.org/web/20161020025429/http://c418.org/?p=298 would rather] have you download his music on The Pirate Bay than listen to it on [[YouTube]], which [[Take That|he thinks is "terrible and the worst way to support [him]."]]
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