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<div style="text-align:center;">MANUAL FOR THE SOLUTION OF MILITARY CIPHERS</div>
<div style="text-align:center;">BY PARKER HITT'' Captain of Infantry, U. S. A.''</div>
<div style="text-align:center;">PRESS OF THE ARMY SERVICE SCHOOLS Fort Leavenworth, Kansas1916Kansas 1916</div>
<div style="text-align:center;">PRESS OF THE ARMY SERVICE SCHOOLS Fort Leavenworth, Kansas1916</div>
Captain of Infantry, United States Army
Line 62 ⟶ 63:
It is necessary therefore to fall back on ciphers for general military work if secrecy of communication is to be fairly well assured. It may as well be stated here that no practicable military cipher is mathematically indecipherable if intercepted; the most that can be expected is to delay for a longer or shorter time the deciphering of the message by the interceptor.
The capture of messengers is no longer the only means available to the enemy for gaining information as to the plans of a commander. All radio messages sent out can be copied at hostile stations within radio range. If the enemy can get a fine wire within one hundred feet of a buzzer line or within thirty feet of a telegraph line, the message can be copied by induction. Messages passing over commercial telegraph lines, and even over military lines, can be copied by spies in the offices. On telegraph lines of a permanent nature it is possible to install high speed automatic sending and receiving machines and thus prevent surreptitious copying of messages, but nothing but a secure cipher will serve with other means of communication. <big>[</span>[[#xd21e171|vi]]]</span></div></big>
It is not alone the body of the message which should be in cipher. It is equally important that, during transmission, the preamble, place from, date, address and signature be enciphered; but this should be done by the sending operator and these parts must, of course, be deciphered by the receiving operator before delivery. A special operators’ cipher should be used for this purpose but it is difficult to prescribe one that would be simple enough for the average operator, fast and yet reasonably safe. Some form of rotary cipher machine would seem to be best suited for this special purpose.
Line 91 ⟶ 92:
== Chapter I ==
=== Equipment for Cipher Work ===
Success in dealing with unknown ciphers is measured by these four things in the order named; perseverance, careful methods of analysis, intuition, luck. The ability at least to read the language of the original text is very desirable but not essential.
Line 107 ⟶ 108:
Cipher work requires concentration and quiet and often must proceed without regard to hours. The office should be chosen with these points in mind. A clerical force is desirable and even necessary if there is much work to do. The clerk or clerks can soon be trained to do the routine part of the analysis.
It is believed that each Field Army should have such an office where all ciphers intercepted by forces under command of the Field Army Commander should be sent at once for examination. This work naturally falls to the Intelligence section of the General Staff at this headquarters. A special radio station, with receiving instruments only, should be an adjunct to this office and its function should be to copy all hostile radio messages whether in cipher or plain text. Such a radio station requires but a small antenna; one of the pack set type or any amateur’s antenna is sufficient, and the station instruments can be easily carried in a suit case. Three thoroughly competent operators should be [</span>[[#pb3|3]]]</span>provided, so that the station can be “listening in” during the entire twenty-four hours.</div>
The office should be provided with tables of frequency of the language of the enemy, covering single letters and digraphs; a dictionary and grammar of that language; copies of the War Department Code, Western Union Code and any other available ones; types of apparatus or, at least, data on apparatus and cipher methods in use by the enemy; and a safe filing cabinet and card index for filing messages examined. A typewriter is also desirable.
Line 113 ⟶ 114:
The office work on a cipher under examination should be done on paper of a standard and uniform size. Printed forms containing twenty-six ruled lines and a vertical alphabet are convenient and save time in preparation of frequency tables. Any new cipher methods which are found to be in use by the enemy should, when solved, be communicated to all similar offices in the Army for their information.
Unless an enemy were exceedingly vigilant and changed keys and methods frequently, such an office would, in a few days, be in a position to disclose completely all intercepted cipher communications of the enemy with practically no delay. [</span>[[#pb4|4]]]</span></div>
== Chapter II ==
=== Principles of Mechanism of a Written Language ===
With a few exceptions, notably Chinese, all modern languages are constructed of words which in turn are formed from letters. In any given language the number of letters, and their conventional order is fixed. Thus English is written with 26 letters and their conventional order is A, B, C, D, E, etc. Some letters are used very frequently and others rarely. In fact, if ten thousand consecutive letters of a text be counted and the frequency of occurrence of each letter be noted, the numbers found will be practically identical with those obtained from any other text of ten thousand letters in the same language. The relative proportion of occurrence of the various letters will also hold approximately for even very short texts.
Line 123 ⟶ 124:
Such a count of a large number of letters, when it is put in the form of a table, is known as a frequency table. Every language has its own distinctive frequency table and, for any given language, the frequency table is almost as fixed as the alphabet. There are minor differences in frequency tables prepared from texts on special subjects. For example, if the text be newspaper matter, the frequency table will differ slightly from one prepared from military orders and will also differ slightly from one prepared from telegraph messages. But these differences are very slight as compared with the differences between the frequency tables of two different languages.
Again there is a fixed ratio of occurrence of [</span>[[#pb5|5]]]</span>every letter with every other for any language and this, put in table form, constitutes a table of frequency of digraphs. In the same way a table of trigraphs, showing the ratio of occurrence of any three letters in sequence, could be prepared, but such a table would be very extensive and a count of the more common three letter combinations is usually used.</div>
Other tables, such as frequency of initial and final letters of words, might be of value but the common practice is to put cipher text into groups of five or ten letters each and eliminate word forms. This is almost a necessity in telegraphic and radio communication to enable the receiving operator to check correct receipt of a message. He must get five letters, neither more nor less, per word or he is sure a mistake has been made. There is little difficulty, as a rule, in restoring word forms in the deciphered message.
Line 131 ⟶ 132:
=== Data for Solution of Ciphers in English ===
Table I.—Normal frequency table. Frequency for ten thousand letters and for two hundred letters. This latter is put in graphic form and is necessarily an approximation. Taken from military orders and reports, English text. [</span>[[#pb6|6]]]</span></div>
Line 277 ⟶ 278:
Order of letters: E T O A N I R S H D L U C M P F Y W G B V K J X Z Q.
Table II.—Frequency table for telegraph messages, English text. This table varies slightly from the standard frequency table because the common word “the” is rarely used in telegrams and there is a tendency to use longer and less common words in preparing telegraph messages. [</span>[[#pb7|7]]]</span></div>
Line 421 ⟶ 422:
Orders of letters: E O A N I R S T D L H U C M P Y F G W B V K X J Q Z.
Table III.—Table of frequency of digraphs, duals or pairs (English). This table was prepared from 20,000 letters, but the figures shown are on the basis of 2,000 letters. For this reason they are, to a certain extent, approximate; that is, merely because no figures are shown for certain combinations, we should not assume that such combinations never occur but rather that they are rare. The letters in the horizontal line at the top and bottom are the leading letters; those in the vertical columns at the sides are the following letters. Thus in two thousand letters we may expect to find AH once and HA twenty-six times. [</span>[[#pb8|8]]]</span></div>
Line 1,328 ⟶ 1,329:
Table VI.—Table of frequency of occurrence of letters as initials and finals of English words. Based on a count of 4,000 words; this table gives the figures for an average 100 words and is necessarily an approximation, like Table III. English words are derived from so many sources that it is not impossible for any letter to occur as an initial or final of a word, although Q, X and Z are rare as initials and B, I, J, Q, V, X and Z are rare as finals.
Line 1,448 ⟶ 1,449:
while the exact sense often depends upon the use of accents over the vowels. However, in cipher work it is exceedingly inconvenient to use the permanent digraphs, CH, LL and RR and they do not appear as such in any specimens of Spanish or Mexican cipher [</span>[[#pb10|10]]]</span>examined. Accented vowels and Ñ are also not found and we may, in general, say that a cipher whose text is Spanish will be prepared with the following alphabet:</div>
Line 1,460 ⟶ 1,461:
In Spanish, the letter Q is always followed by U and the U is always followed by one of the other vowels, A, E, I or O. As QUE or QUI occurs not infrequently in Spanish text, particularly in telegraphic correspondence, it is well worth noting that, if a Q occurs in a transposition cipher, we must connect it with U and another vowel. The clue to several transposition ciphers has been found from this simple relation.
Table VII.—Normal frequency table for military orders and reports, calculated on a basis of 10,000 letters of Spanish text. The graphic form is on a basis of 200 letters. [</span>[[#pb11|11]]]</span></div>
Line 1,596 ⟶ 1,597:
E A O R S N I D L C T U M P G Y (BH) F Q V Z J X.
Table VIII.—Table of frequency of digraphs, duals or pairs, Spanish text. Like Table III, this table is on the basis of 2,000 letters although prepared from a count of 20,000 letters. For this reason it is, to a certain extent an approximation; that is, merely because no figures are shown for certain combinations, we should not assume that such combinations never occur but rather that they are rare. The letters in the horizontal lines at the top and bottom are the leading letters; those in the vertical columns at the sides are the following letters. Thus, in two thousand letters, we may expect to find AI twice and IA twenty-three times. [</span>[[#pb12|12]]]</span></div>
Line 2,380 ⟶ 2,381:
=== Alphabetic Frequency Tables ===
==== (Truesdell) ====
Frequency of occurrence in 1,000 letters of text:
Line 2,762 ⟶ 2,763:
=== Graphic Frequency Tables ===
Line 2,976 ⟶ 2,977:
Line 3,190 ⟶ 3,191:
Line 3,197:
== Chapter III ==
=== Technique of Cipher Examination ===
In time of active operations it is important that captured or intercepted cipher messages reach the examining office with the least possible delay. The text of messages, captured at a distance from the examining office, should be sent to the office by telegraph or telephone, the original messages being forwarded to the office as soon thereafter as possible.
Line 3,203:
The preamble, “place from,” date, address and signature, give most important clues as to the language of the cipher, the cipher method probably used, and even the subject matter of the message. If the whole of a telegraphic or radio message is in cipher, it is highly probable that the preamble, “place from,” etc., are in an operators’ cipher and are distinct from the body of the message. As these operators’ ciphers are necessarily simple, an attempt should always be made to discover, by methods of analysis to be set forth later, the exact extent of the operator’s cipher and then to decipher the parts of the messages enciphered with it.
In military messages, we almost invariably find the language of the text to be that of the nation to which the military force belongs. The language of the text of the message of secret agents is, however, another matter and, in dealing with such messages, we should use all available evidence, both external and internal, before deciding finally on the language used. Whenever a frequency table can be prepared, [</span>[[#pb17|17]]]</span>such a table will give the best evidence for this purpose.</div>
All work in enciphering and deciphering messages and in copying ciphers should be done with capital letters. There is much less chance of error when working with capitals and, with little practice, it is just about as fast. An additional safeguard is to use black ink or pencil for the plain text and colored ink or pencil for the cipher. A separate color may be used for the key when necessary.
Line 3,211:
The first column of this blank should be filled out from data furnished by the officer obtaining the cipher from the enemy. A general order, emphasizing the importance of promptly forwarding captured or intercepted ciphers to an examining office, could specify that a brief report embodying this data should be forwarded with each cipher.
The second column of the blank should be filled out progressively as the work proceeds. The office number should be a serial one, the first cipher examined being No. 1. The date and hour of receipt at examining office will be a check as to the time required to transmit it from place of capture. The spaces “From,” “At,” “To,” “At,” “Date,” are for [</span>[[#pb18|18]]]</span>the information concerning sender and addressee of the cipher and are to be obtained from the message. In case an operators’ cipher has been used, these parts of the message will have to be deciphered before the blanks can be filled in.</div>
Line 3,432:
The probable language of the text is assumed from the preceding data and, if necessary, from [</span>[[#pb19|19]]]</span>internal evidence. Thus a cipher from a Mexican source and not containing K or W is probably in Spanish.</div>
The class and case are determined by the rules laid down later. The space for remarks is to permit notation of any special features. When the solution is completed, the date and hour are noted, the language of text and key (if determined) are entered and a type number, to identify it with other ciphers prepared by the same method (but not necessarily the same key), is given to it. The file number is for convenience in filing and in preparation of a card index.
Line 3,442:
If the examining officer decides the cipher to be of the transposition class, no further work with frequency tables is necessary. The clerk should proceed to count and set down the number of vowels in each line and column and the examining officer should look for any occurrence of the letter Q and try to connect it with U and another vowel. The stenographer may be set to work putting the cipher into rectangles of different dimensions. The clerk’s work gives data for possible rearrangement, for if the vowels are much out of proportion at any point, they must be connected with the proper proportion of consonants as a first step in rearrangement. Work with transposition ciphers must necessarily include much of the fit and try method. The details of this work are taken up later.
If a cipher seems to be a substitution cipher, the examining officer should look over the frequency of occurrence of each of the fifteen letters counted. If some letters (it is of no importance at present which ones) occur much more frequently than others and some occur rarely or not at all, we may safely decide on Case [[#c4|4]], [[#c5|5]] or [[#c6|6]] and let the clerk proceed to finish the frequency table for the message. On the other hand, if all the fifteen letters examined occur with somewhere near the same frequency—for example, the most common letter occurring not over three or four times as often as the least common letter—we may at once eliminate the first three cases [</span>[[#pb21|21]]]</span>and let the clerk proceed to examine the cipher for recurring pairs and groups, counting the intervening letters, so that the examining officer may decide whether [[#c7|Case 7]], or some more complicated case, should be chosen.</div>
If something more complicated than [[#c7|Case 7]] has been used and other ciphers are on hand awaiting examination, the cipher should go into the unsolved file to be worked on when other work permits, unless the contents of the cipher are believed to be very important. Every opportunity should be taken to clean up the unsolved file and, whenever a message is solved, the methods should be tried, if applicable, to everything remaining in the file.
Line 3,450:
When a cipher has been solved, the solution should be prepared in triplicate and given the serial number of the cipher. Any parts which are not clear, through errors in enciphering or in transmission, should be underlined or otherwise made conspicuous, so that the head of the Intelligence Section may note them and, possibly, from other sources, supply the deficiency.
One of the copies of the cipher and report of examination, with a copy of the solution, should be turned over at once to the head of the Intelligence Section or to the Chief of Staff. The other copies of the solution should be filed with the original cipher, the report of examination, and all work done on the cipher. [</span>[[#pb22|22]]]</span></div>
Periodically, say once a week or even daily at the beginning of active operations, there should be an interchange between all examining offices of solved messages involving new methods used by the enemy. All the examining offices will thus be kept in touch. It may also be possible to assign certain hostile radio stations to each examining office to prevent duplication of work. [</span>[[#pb23|23]]]</span></div>
== Chapter IV ==
=== Classes of Ciphers ===
There are, in general, two classes of ciphers. These are the transposition cipher and the substitution cipher.
Line 3,480:
The distinction between the route cipher (transposition) and the substitution cipher where whole words are substituted for letters of the original text, must be made on the basis of the words actually used. It is better to consider such a message as a route cipher when the words used appear to have some consecutive meaning bearing on the situation [</span>[[#pb25|25]]]</span>at hand. A substitution cipher of this variety would only be used for transmission of a short message of great importance and secrecy, and then the chances are that certain words corresponding to A, E, N, O and T would appear with such frequency as to point at once to the fact that a substitution cipher was used. Watch the initial or terminal letters in such a cipher; they may spell the message.</div>
In general, the determination of class by proportion of vowels, common consonants and rare consonants may be safely followed. We will now proceed to the examination of the more common varieties of each class of cipher. [</span>[[#pb26|26]]]</span></div>
== Chapter V ==
=== Examination of Transposition Ciphers ===
After having decided that a cipher belongs to the transposition class, it remains to decide on the variety of cipher used. As, by definition, a transposition cipher consists wholly of characters of the original message, rearranged according to some law, we may, in general, say that such a cipher offers fewer difficulties in solution than a substitution cipher. A transposition cipher is like a picture puzzle; the parts are all there and the solution merely involves their correct arrangement.
Line 3,758:
It is simply a matter of inspection to read a message in a cipher of this type, once the dimensions of the rectangles have been determined. We place the whole or a portion of the message in such rectangles and read horizontally, vertically and diagonally forward and backward. Parts of words will at once be apparent and the whole message is soon deciphered. Two examples will show the process. [</span>[[#pb28|28]]]</span></div>
Line 3,945 ⟶ 3,946:
Here an inspection shows this to be Case [[#c1f|1-f]], alternate diagonal, and the text to be “ME SITUO SOBRE PARRAL PORQUE ME PRESENCIA FUE REVELADA POR U”; here the sense breaks but note that U is the twelfth letter of the line and continue as if the rectangle were 5 × 12 and we have “NA PAREJA QU.” Now inspect the second rectangle of 5 × 12 in the same way and the sense continues “E SE ME ACERCO Y HUBO QUE RECHAZAR POR EL FUEGO ALLI ESRERO ORDENES FINISX”.
Line 4,026 ⟶ 4,027:
Case 2.—This case includes all transposition ciphers in which lines and columns of the text are rearranged according to some key word or key number. There are many varieties of this case but their solution usually is arrived at through the methods suggested for Case 1, that is, arrangement into appropriate rectangles and examination of lines and columns for words or syllables. Rearrangement of columns or lines follows until the solution is completed.
Line 4,285 ⟶ 4,286:
These combinations appear among others:
Line 5,456 ⟶ 5,457:
== Chapter VI ==
=== Examination of Substitution Ciphers ===
When an unknown cipher has been put into the substitution class by the methods already described we may proceed to decide on the variety of substitution cipher which has been used.
Line 5,709 ⟶ 5,710:
A variation of this case is where the cipher alphabet changes according to a key word but the change comes every five letters or every ten letters of the message instead of every word. The text of the message can be picked up in this case with a little study.
Note in using case 4 that if we are deciphering a Spanish message we use the alphabet without K or W as a rule, altho if the letters K or W appear in [</span>[[#pb42|42]]]</span>the cipher it is evidence that the regular English alphabet is used.</div> Case 5-a.
Line 5,748 ⟶ 5,749:
Same as [[#c4b|case 4-b]] except that the cipher message must be deciphered by means of a cipher disk set A to A before proceeding to make up the columns of alphabets. The words of the deciphered message will be found on separate lines, the lines being indicated as a rule by a key word which can be determined as in [[#c4b|case 4-b]].
The question of alphabetic frequency has already been discussed in considering the mechanism of language. It is a convenient thing to put the frequency tables in a graphic form and to use a similar graphic form in comparing unknown alphabets with the standard frequency tables. For instance the standard Spanish frequency table put in graphic [</span>[[#pb43|43]]]</span>form is here presented in order to compare with it the frequency table for the message discussed in [[#c4a|case 4-a]].</div>
Line 6,253 ⟶ 6,254:
It is always well to attempt the reconstruction of the entire alphabet for use in case any more cipher messages written in it are received.—— [</span>[[#pb47|47]]]</span></div>Case 6-b.
Line 6,421 ⟶ 6,422:
Superficially, this looks like a normal frequency table, but O is the dominant letter, followed by H, E, A, T, I, N, S, in the order named. It is certainly Case 6 if it is a substitution cipher at all.
Line 6,437 ⟶ 6,438:
Now take the group ENOUTHOMEAH which occurs twice. This becomes THE_IRE_TOR and if we substitute U=D and M=C we have THE DIRECTOR. Next the group (FTRR)BHAMOOUEA becomes (WILL) _ROCEEDTO and the context gives word with missing letter as PROCEED, from which B=P. Next the group (ENO) IZTIETASMOSEOHIEYOCK(FNOHO) becomes (THE)__I_TIO_CE_TER_T_EU_(WHERE) and the group (FTEN)EFAPHOSMNIZTIEAHL becomes (WITH)TWO_RE_CH__I_TOR_. [</span>[[#pb49|49]]]</span>The substitution of A for I, V for Z, N for S and F for P makes the latter group read (WITH TWO FRENCH AVIATORS and the former read (THE)AVIATION CENTER AT _EU_(WHERE).</div>
Now the word YOCK = (_EU_) is the name of a place, evidently. We find another group containing Y, viz: ENOSTSMAYBISD which becomes THENINCO_PANY so that evidently we should substitute M for Y. The other occurrence of Y (=M) is in the group EAYOEQISU which becomes TOMET_AND. A reasonable knowledge of geography gives us the words MEUX and METZ so that X should be substituted for K and Z for Q.
Line 6,460 ⟶ 6,461:
In the study of Mexican substitution ciphers, several alphabets have been found which are made up in a general way, like the one discussed in this case.
Case 6-c.—It is a convenience in dealing with ciphers made up of numbers or conventional signs to substitute arbitrary letters for the numbers and signs. Suppose we have the message:
Line 6,583 ⟶ 6,582:
== Chapter VII ==
Line 7,468 ⟶ 7,466:
The first horizontal alphabet is the alphabet of the plain text. Each substitution alphabet is designated by the letter at the left of a horizontal line. For example, if the key word is BAD, the second, first and fourth alphabets are used in turn and the word WILL is enciphered XIOM.
The Larrabee cipher is merely a slightly different arrangement of the Vigenere cipher and is printed on a card in this form: [</span>[[#pb54|54]]]</span></div>
Line 7,521 ⟶ 7,519:
As shown here, A of the fixed or text alphabet coincides with T of the movable cipher alphabet. This is the setting where T is the letter of the key word in use. The lower movable alphabet is moved for each letter of the message and the A of the fixed alphabet is made to coincide in turn with each letter of the key before the corresponding letter of the text is enciphered. It is obviously only a step from this arrangement to that of a cipher disk, where the [</span>[[#pb55|55]]]</span>fixed alphabet, (a single one will now serve) is printed in a circle and the movable alphabet, also in a circle, is on a separate rotatable disk. Coincidence of any letter on the disk with A of the fixed alphabet is obtained by rotating the disk.</div>
The well known U. S. Army Cipher Disk has just such an arrangement of the fixed alphabet but the alphabet of the disk is reversed. This has several advantages in simplicity of operation but none in increasing the indecipherability of the cipher prepared with it. The arrangement of fixed and sliding alphabets which is equivalent to the U. S. Army cipher disk is this:
Line 7,569 ⟶ 7,567:
The first horizontal line is the alphabet of the text. The other twenty-six lines are the cipher alphabets each corresponding to the letter of the key word which is at the left of the line. [</span>[[#pb56|56]]]</span></div>
One of the ciphers of Porta was prepared with a card of this kind:
Line 7,697 ⟶ 7,695:
It was long ago discovered that, in any cipher of this class, (1) two like groups of letters in the cipher are most probably the result of two like groups of letters of the text enciphered by the same alphabets and (2) the number of letters in one group plus the number of letters to the beginning of the second group is a multiple of the number of alphabets used. It is evident, of course, that we may have similar groups in the cipher which are not the result of enciphering [</span>[[#pb58|58]]]</span>similar groups of the text by the same alphabets but if we take all recurring groups in a message and investigate the number of intervening letters, we will find that the majority of such cases will conform to these two principles.</div>
Changing the key word and message to illustrate more clearly the above points, the following is quoted from the Signal Book, 1914, with reference to the use of the cipher disk in preparing a message with a key word.[[#xd21e15272|1]]
“—This simple disk can be used with a cipher word or, preferably, cipher words, known only to the correspondents.... Using the key word ‘disk’ to encipher the message ‘Artillery commander will order all guns withdrawn,’ we will proceed as follows: Write out the message to be enciphered and above it write the key word ... letter over letter, thus:
Line 7,821 ⟶ 7,819:
“M. B. Will deposit £27 14s 5d tomorrow,”
and the next day we find this one: [</span>[[#pb60|60]]]</span></div>
Line 8,330 ⟶ 8,328:
In the table for Column 1, the letter G occurs 9 [</span>[[#pb62|62]]]</span>times. Let us consider it tentatively as E. Then if the cipher alphabet runs regularly and in the direction of the regular alphabet, C (7 times) = A and the cipher alphabet bears a close resemblance to the regular frequency table. Note TUV (= RST) occurring respectively 7, 7, and 5 times and the non-occurrence of B, L, M, R, S, Z, (= Z, J, K, P, Q, and X respectively.)</div>
In the next table, L occurs 19 times and taking it for E with the alphabet running in the same way, A=H. The first word of our message, CT, thus becomes AM when deciphered with these two alphabets and the first two letters of the key are C H.
Line 8,338 ⟶ 8,336:
In the fourth table, I is clearly E and A=E. The fifth table shows T=14 and J=9. If we take T=E we find that we would have many letters which should not occur. On the other hand, if we take J=E then T=O and in view of the many E’s already accounted for in the other columns, this may be all right. It checks as correct if we apply the last three alphabets to the second word of our message, OSB, which deciphers NOW. Using these alphabets to decipher the whole message, we find it to read:
“M. B. Am now safe on board a barge moored below Tower Bridge where no one will think of looking for me. Have good friends but little money owing to action of police. Trust, little girl, you still believe in my innocence although things seem against me. There are reasons why I should not be questioned. Shall try to embark before the mast in some outward bound vessel. Crews will not be scrutinized so sharply as passengers. There are those who will let you know my movements. Fear the police may [</span>[[#pb63|63]]]</span>tamper with your correspondence but later on when hue and cry have died down will let you know all.”</div>
The key to this message is CHBEF which is not intelligible as a word but if put into figures indicating that the 2d, 7th, 1st, 4th, and 5th letter beyond the corresponding letter of the message has been used the key becomes 27145 and we may connect it with the “personal” which appeared in the same paper the day before reading:
Line 8,496 ⟶ 8,494:
Every letter except K and W occurs at least six times. We may say then that it is a substitution cipher, Spanish text, and certainly not Case 4, 5 or 6. We will now analyze it for recurring pairs or groups [</span>[[#pb64|64]]]</span>to determine, if it be Case 7, how many alphabets were used. The following is a complete list of such recurring groups and pairs with the number of letters intervening and the factors thereof. In work of this kind, the groups of three or more letters are always much more valuable than single pairs. For example, the groups, HOBE, OYMU, RMERGL and UBRE show, without question, that six alphabets were used. It is not necessary, as a rule, to make a complete list like the following:</div>
Line 9,623 ⟶ 9,621:
1st Alphabet. Probable vowels T, X<nowiki>; probable common consonants, </nowiki>B, I, N, R. We conclude this because of the frequency of occurrence of T and X and the variety of their prefixes and suffixes. On the other hand, B, I, N, and R have for prefixes and suffixes, in a majority of cases, E, F, O and S which are the probable vowels in the 2d and 6th alphabets.
2d and 6th Alphabets.—Probable vowels E, F, O, S<nowiki>; probable common consonants, </nowiki>D, J, Q, U, Y. [</span>[[#pb68|68]]]</span></div>
3d Alphabet.—Probable vowels C, I, L<nowiki>; probable common consonants </nowiki>A, Q, T, Y.
Line 9,786 ⟶ 9,784:
Referring to our frequency tables as a check on suppositions, we find everything agrees well enough if we assume the first line to read:
Line 9,837 ⟶ 9,835:
Again referring to the frequency tables the first word is evidently PR<u>O</u>CEDEN<u>T</u>E. We have also HA<u>L</u>LA and <u>M</u>AR<u>C</u>HEUS<u>T</u>ED. The letter B may be determined from another cipher group, JF<u>B</u>SQDLD (56<u>1</u>23456) = PO<u>S</u>ICION. The letter N may be determined from BET<u>N</u>DQXUC (123<u>4</u>56123) = SER<u>R</u>ADERO. The letters F and Y may be determined from JCPJOISL<u>Y</u>DUASIUP<u>F</u> (23456123<u>4</u>5612345<u>6</u>)= [</span>[[#pb71|71]]]</span>COMPANIA PARTIENDO. The completed alphabets, arranged as before, are:</div>
Line 9,888 ⟶ 9,886:
Let us assume that REINFORCEMENTS is the first word and that it is represented by the cipher group YANZVZNLPPKQFX. We may put the test in this tabular form, using a cipher disk and a Larrabee cipher card to determine the value of A for each letter under these two systems. Any other alphabets suspected may be tried out at the same time.
Line 10,147 ⟶ 10,145:
This method may be used, with some labor, on short words like THE, AND, etc. Parts of the key will appear whenever an assumed word is found in the message and the whole key may be assembled if enough of the parts are available. Even if only part of the key may be so recovered, it will always lead to the ultimate solution of the cipher by trial of the partially recovered key on the message letter by letter.
As an example of recovery of a key by use of short common words, let us refer to the message of Case [[#c7a|7-a]]. There are twenty-four groups of three letters each in this message and we will try them against THE, ARE and YOU, assuming that the Vigenere cipher is used. [</span>[[#pb75|75]]]</span></div>
Line 10,385 ⟶ 10,383:
In column 5, we have, for YOU, the key BEF<nowiki>; column 6 gives the same key for </nowiki>ARE<nowiki>; column 10 gives the key </nowiki>FCH for THE and column 15 gives the same key for YOU<nowiki>; column 12 gives the key </nowiki>HBE for ARE and column 16 gives the same key for THE<nowiki>; column 23 gives the key </nowiki>EFC for YOU. The only possible key for the message is a five-letter one made up of the letters BEFCH or EFCHB or FCHBE or CHBEF or HBEFC. If the key in this case were a word, we would have no difficulty in determining it; as it is, there is no real difficulty in the matter as we may now divide the message into blocks of five letters and note that ZSZ (= YOU) form the 3d, 4th and 5th letters of a group. The corresponding key letters, BEF, are then the 3d, 4th and 5th letters of the key which must be CHBEF.
This special solution for Case 7 depends so largely on the intuition of the operator in choice of a word that it is not, in general, advisable to use it unless the message is very short and the regular methods of analysis have been tried unsuccessfully. It is, however, a wonderfully short cut in difficult cases where the other methods fail. [</span>[[#pb76|76]]]</span></div>
[[#xd21e15272src|1]] The method used is not the most satisfactory one for several reasons and a better method is that of writing the message in multiples of the key and enciphering the columns as already described.&nbsp;[[#xd21e15272src|↑]]
== Chapter VIII ==
Line 10,593 ⟶ 10,591:
Note that these letters are those of the vertical column containing D plus the letters B, C and G, of the horizontal line containing D.
Lieut. Frank Moorman, U. S. Army, has developed a method for determining the letters which make up the key word in a Playfair cipher. In the first place, a key word necessarily contains vowels in the approximate proportion of two vowels to three consonants and it is also likely that a key word will contain other common letters. This key word is placed in the first row or rows. Now if a table is made, showing what letters in the cipher occur with every letter, it will be found that the letters having the greatest number of other letters in combination with them are very likely to be letters of the key [</span>[[#pb79|79]]]</span>word, or in other words, letters occurring in the first or second lines. An example will make this clear:</div>
Line 11,309 ⟶ 11,307:
From this table we pick out the letters B, E, F, O, R, T, X, as tentative letters of the key word on account of the variety of other letters with which they occur. As there are but two vowels for seven letters, we will add A to the list on account of its occurrences with B, D, E, R, and X. This leaves the letters for the bottom lines of the square as follows: [</span>[[#pb81|81]]]</span></div>
Line 11,467 ⟶ 11,465:
=== Two-character Substitution Ciphers ===
Case 9.—Two-character substitution ciphers. In ciphers of this type, two letters, numerals, or conventional signs, are substituted for each letter of the text. There are many ways of obtaining the characters [</span>[[#pb84|84]]]</span>to be substituted but, in general, these ciphers may be considered as special varieties of Case 6 or Case 7. The ciphers which come under this case are not well suited to telegraphic correspondence because the cipher message will contain twice as many letters as the plain text. However they are so used; an example is at hand in which two numerals are substituted for each letter and this makes transmission by telegraph very slow.</div>
Case 9 can be recognized by some or all of the following points; the number of characters in the cipher is always an even number; often only a few, say five to ten, of the letters of the alphabet appear; either a frequency table for pairs of the cipher text resembling the normal single letter frequency table can be made, or groups of four letters will show a regular recurrence, from which the cipher can be solved as in Case 7.
Line 11,483 ⟶ 11,481:
With arbitrary letters substituted, we have
Line 11,686 ⟶ 11,683:
If these be substituted we have for the message:
Line 11,871 ⟶ 11,868:
An examination of the groups of two numerals each which make up this message, shows that we have 11 to 36 and 41 to 65 with eleven groups missing. Now the 11 to 36 combination is a very familiar one in numeral substitution ciphers (See Case 6-c) and it [</span>[[#pb87|87]]]</span>will be noted that 41 to 66 would give us a similar alphabet. Let us make a frequency table in this form:</div>
Line 12,066 ⟶ 12,063:
Then A=11 or 41, J=10 or 40 and T=20 or 50 as we found. Using the above alphabet, the message may easily be read. Note that this cipher is made up of ten characters only, the Arabic numerals.
Line 12,300 ⟶ 12,296:
We at once note the resemblance between the frequency tables for the groups 11 to 19 and 21 to [</span>[[#pb89|89]]]</span>29; for the groups 30 to 36 and 50 to 56; and for the groups 40 to 49 and 70 to 79. Also the groups 11 to 19 and 21 to 29 have a frequency fitting well with the normal frequency table of the letters A to I<nowiki>; the groups 41 to 49 and 71 to 79 have a frequency fitting well with the normal frequency table of the letters </nowiki>K to S<nowiki>; and the groups 31 to 36 and 51 to 56 have a frequency fitting well with the normal frequency table of the letters </nowiki>U to Z. We have J and T unaccounted for, but note what occurred in Case 9-b and that 40 and 70 would correspond well with T if they followed respectively 49 and 79. We may now make up a cipher table as follows:</div>
Line 12,368 ⟶ 12,364:
There are several ingenious cipher machines by which complicated ciphers can be formed, but if the apparatus is available and fairly long messages are at hand for examination, it is usually possible to solve them. Such machines are not, as a rule, simple and small enough for field use; and it must always be remembered that a machine cipher operates on certain mechanical cycles, which can be determined if the machine is available.
A book by Commandant Bazeries, entitled “Etude sur la Cryptographie Militaire,” and a series of [</span>[[#pb91|91]]]</span>articles by A. Collon, entitled “Etude sur la Cryptographie,” which appeared in the Revue de L’Armée Belge, 1899–1902, give illustrations and details of operation of several of these cipher machines and the latter goes into the methods of deciphering messages enciphered with them. These methods of analysis require long messages, and as each one is adapted only to the product of a certain machine or apparatus, it is not considered advisable to include a discussion of them here. Those interested in such advanced cipher work must refer to these and other European authors on the subject.</div>
The requirement that cipher messages should be adapted to telegraphic transmission, practically excludes ciphers in which three or more letters or whole words are substituted for each letter of the plain text. Such ciphers might be used for the transmission of very short messages but in no other case.
The cipher of Case 7, with a key word or phrase longer than one-fourth of the message, the cipher after the method of Case 7, using a certain page of a book as a key, and the cipher with a running key, where each letter of the cipher is the key for enciphering the next letter, all look safe and desirable, theoretically, but, practically, the work of enciphering and deciphering is hopelessly slow, and errors in enciphering or transmission make deciphering very difficult. Incidentally the first and second of these ciphers can be solved by the special solution for Case 7, and the third can be solved by trying each of the twenty-six letters of the alphabet as the first key letter, and then continuing the work for five or six letters of the cipher. When the proper primary key letter is found, the solution of the next five or six letters of the cipher will make sense, and thereafter the cipher offers no difficulty. [</span>[[#pb92|92]]]</span></div>
There are numerous other methods of preparing what is virtually a very long, or even an indefinitely long key from a short key word, but all such cipher methods have the same practical disadvantages of slowness of operation and difficulty in deciphering, if errors of enciphering or transmission have been made.
Line 12,384 ⟶ 12,380:
On preliminary determination, a cipher prepared by such a combination of methods will appear to be a substitution cipher to be solved as such. The frequency table of the result will resemble the normal frequency table, although the message will still be unintelligible and we will know at once that it is a transposition cipher for further solution.
The substitution methods usually found in combination ciphers are those of Case 4, 5 and 6, and the transposition method is nearly always Case 1, and particularly the simple varieties of this case like the [</span>[[#pb93|93]]]</span>fence rail (Case 1-i), reversed writing or vertical writing.</div>
A few examples will show some of the possible combinations.
Line 12,442 ⟶ 12,438:
== Chapter X ==
=== Errors in Enciphering and Transmission ===
One of the most difficult tasks before the cipher expert, is the correction of errors which creep into cipher texts in the process of enciphering and transmission by telegraph or radio.
Line 12,471 ⟶ 12,467:
so that there may be a minimum of such confusion.
In cipher work it is necessary, under ordinary circumstances, to use any or all of the letters of the alphabet. To assist operators in keeping the text straight, it is customary to divide cipher text into groups of four, five, six or ten letters, and usually groups of five letters are used. The receiving operator may then expect five letters per group, and if he receives more or less he is sure that either he or the sending operator has made an error. This division into groups of a constant number of letters eliminates word forms and, in the mind of the non-expert, increases [</span>[[#pb96|96]]]</span>the difficulty of solving the cipher. But the increase in difficulty is more apparent than real; particularly, as a cipher examiner habitually finds himself dealing with ciphers without word forms, and the occurrence of a cipher with word forms usually means that he has an easy one to handle.</div>
Messages are occasionally encountered which consist partly of plain text and partly of cipher. The cipher part may or may not retain its word forms, but, when this method is used, it is clearly impossible to have a fixed number of letters in each cipher group if the word forms are not used. It is almost impossible to prevent errors of transmission in such messages, and it often requires considerable skill and labor to correct them.
Line 12,477 ⟶ 12,473:
For those unfamiliar with the telegraph alphabets, they are given below. Messages sent by commercial or military telegraphs or buzzer lines will be transmitted with the American Morse alphabet. Those sent by radio, visual signalling or submarine cable will be transmitted by Continental Morse, known also as the International Code. Messages may be transmitted by both alphabets in course of transmission. For example, a cablegram from the Philippines to Nome, Alaska, will be transmitted by Continental Morse (commercial cable) from Manila to San Francisco, by American Morse (commercial land line) from San Francisco to Seattle, by Continental Morse (military cable) from Seattle to Valdez, by American Morse (military land line) from Valdez to Nulato and by Continental Morse (military radio) from Nulato to Nome.
Prior to February, 1914, the Mexican government telegraph lines used an alphabet differing slightly from the American and Continental Morse. However, at that time, the Continental Morse alphabet was prescribed for use on these lines and [</span>[[#pb97|97]]]</span>it is believed that the use of the old alphabet has entirely ceased on Mexican lines. However, skilled American operators would have no difficulty in picking up this alphabet if it were found to be in use.</div>
Radio communication is, by International Convention, invariably in Continental Morse.
Line 12,663 ⟶ 12,659:
Beyond this point the message, if we continue the deciphering process, is unintelligible. The sense fails at the first P of the cipher group BSPPK. We have translated B as M with disk A to N and S as I with disk A to A. The last words that make sense [</span>[[#pb99|99]]]</span>are A POINT TWELVE MI<nowiki>; clearly the rest of the last word is </nowiki>LES and this is represented by PPK. Putting P=L then A=A and putting P=E then A=T. In other words, the encipherer forgot to change his disk setting, A to A, after enciphering I into S and enciphered L into P with the same setting, A to A. Continuing the deciphering on this basis, we have:</div>
Line 12,693 ⟶ 12,689:
The deciphered and corrected message is:
“Reliable information from Casas Grandes received here that a mounted detachment left there last night to escort shipment of arms and ammunition to be smuggled across border next Friday night, at a point twelve miles east of Douglas. This is in [</span>[[#pb101|101]]]</span>your district. Will you take necessary steps to prevent this shipment going over? Leader of smugglers said to be Juan Hernandez of Naco.”</div>
Another remarkable example of errors in transmission by American Morse is the following: A message, partly in cipher and partly in plain text, contained the cipher words
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