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8 Mile: Difference between revisions

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* [[Jerkass]]: Greg, Stephanie's live-in boyfriend, and, of course, the members of the Free World rap group.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Papa Doc spends the entire film humiliating Rabbit for being a white rapper. Then Rabbit reveals to the whole club that Papa Doc (Or Clarence) is actually from a wealthy family and his tough persona is an act. Watching him as he realizes he has permanently lost any respect or fear he once inspired in people and that he can never regain it is a wonderful sight to behold.
* [[Miles GlorioususGloriosus]]: Papa Doc pretends to be a tough, street wise gangster who grew up in the same rough lifestyle as Rabbit. Then its revealed he is actually from a wealthy family and his entire persona is a facade that is smashed in front of everyone.
* [[Motor City]]
* [[Paralysis by Analysis]]: Rabbit choke's the first time he goes on stage.
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