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M*A*S*H pothole
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(M*A*S*H pothole)
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See also [[Salaryman]], [[Workaholic]] and [[When You Coming Home, Dad?]] Contrast the [[Crusading Widower]], who loses his family through more violent means.
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Godannar]]'': Both Goh Saruwatari and his "wife" Anna Aoi. His mother-in-law, Dr. Kiriko Aoi (Anna's mother), also happens to be his boss.
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== Film ==
* In ''[[The Addams Family Values]] Values'', Debbie "Black Widow" Jellinsky says she killed her first husband, a heart surgeon, because he was so often late home due to emergency operations. But then, she was ''insane''.
* Nicholas Angel of ''[[Hot Fuzz]]'' has this as his defining trait.
* ''[[Die Hard]]''. The stereotype of the 'workaholic cop and frustrated wife' was curiously inverted, however, as at the beginning of the first movie police officer John McClane's complaint was that the devotion his ''wife'' had to her job was killing their marriage.
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'''Provenza''': When why my first wife and I divorced, I agreed to split my pension with her from the day I retire. I'll be damned if she gets a nickel.
'''Pope''': That...I understand. }}
* On ''[[MASH|M* A* S*H (television)|M*A*S*H]]'' Hawkeye's complete devotion to his career as a doctor is the reason given for his inability to make relationships last. He finds it easier to remain single and sleep with a different [[Girl of the Week]] each epepisode (there are hints that this was the case even before he was drafted into the army).
* ''[[Law and& Order: Special Victims Unit]]'':
** When Olivia Benson was asked if she was a lesbian (her answer, "No", made plenty of Alex/Olivia shippers pissed), Elliot teases her that it would explain why she has had such rotten luck with men. Her reply is this trope, word for word.
** Also, in her first episode with Casey Novak, she explains that being married to the job, particularly their job, screws with ''everyone'''s love lives, and then proceeds to list them.
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