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[[File:duckhuntdog.jpg|link=Duck Hunt|frame|[[Up to Eleven|Some gamers hate him more than they hate the original Scrappy.]] [[Luke, I Am Your Father|Maybe he's his father?]]]]
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== Ace Attorney ==
* Lotta Hart, a tabloid photographer with a Southern accent who appears in ''three'' cases in the series, much to the dismay of her haters. It doesn't help that whenever she appears, she takes some sort of photo of something involving the crime, and these photos are always horribly misleading.
* Pretty much every case-exclusive character in ''Justice For All'' Case 3 has a hate following, from the flamboyant Maximillion Galactica to the so-not-funny clown "Moe" Curls. It really shows when the most sympathetic, likable characters in that case are {{spoiler|the victim and the murderer}}.
** It doesn't help that whenever she appears, she takes some sort of photo of something involving the crime, and these photos are always horribly misleading.
* Pretty much every case-exclusive character in ''Justice For All'' Case 3 has a hate following, from the flamboyant Maximillion Galactica to the so-not-funny clown "Moe" Curls.
** It really shows when the most sympathetic, likable characters in that case are {{spoiler|the victim and the murderer}}.
* Spark Brushel in ''Apollo Justice''. It doesn't help at all that his Perception tic is a [[Guide Dang It]]; specifically, it's {{spoiler|a sweaty armpit}}, not where most people would even think to look.
* Klavier Gavin has the fanbase [[Broken Base|split]]. Some love him for being not all in it for the winz, as the von Karma's and Edgeworth (before his enlightenment) were. Others hate him for being too friendly with Apollo, hence making the trial segments lack any semblance of conflict.
* Not to mention Wendy Oldbag, although even in canon she's supposed to be repulsive. {{spoiler|Why did she have to show up ''twice'' in Edgeworth's game? Why?}} [[Americans Hate Tingle|Oldbag IS surprisingly popular in Japan, for some reason.]]
* The above also applies to Larry, {{spoiler|which is amusing because they've shown up together twice.}} Even in canon people try to avoid being around him, but he's constantly popping up in nearly every game.
** [[Americans Hate Tingle|Oldbag IS surprisingly popular in Japan, for some reason.]]
** Not to mention that even in canon people despise her.
* The above also applies to Larry, {{spoiler|which is amusing because they've shown up together twice.}} Even in canon people try to avoid being around him, but he's constantly popping up in nearly every game.
* Kay Faraday, Edgeworth's plucky girl sidekick from ''Ace Attorney Investigations''. Despite the fact that she basically is to Edgeworth what Maya is to Phoenix Wright and isn't even in two of the cases, she seems to get on [[Broken Base|some]] people's nerves.
* If you're a female sidekick in the [[Ace Attorney]] series, it's almost certain that you will get a hatedom.
* Many fans consider Mike Meekins to be the worst of the worst, due in no small part that he talks through an ear-screeching megaphone every few seconds. Thankfully, he ditched the megaphone after his first appearance, but many fans still hate him for being obnoxious and stupid.
* Zinc Lablanc II, the [[No Indoor Voice|loud]] [[Jerkass|obnoxious]] art dealer from ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations]]'' who constantly sticks his nose into the investigation. Despised so much that players were ''wishing'' he was the murderer just so he can be arrested.
* Also from ''[[Ace Attorney Investigations]]'', Calisto Yew. It's difficult to find a fan who doesn't find her annoying. Oh, and {{spoiler|Beingbeing Shih-na hasn't helped her gaining fans}}.
== Baldur's Gate ==
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* Makalov from PoR/RD. {{spoiler|Compulsive gambler, sleezy, good-for-nothing paladin with few redeeming qualities. Forces his sister to quit her position because he had racked up too much debt, tries to gamble away the medallion given to him by [[Love Martyr|Astrid]], his betrothed because he claimed that...}} Ugh.
* Rena's older brother Marchis in ''Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light/Mystery of the Emblem'' is bashed by a lot of FAQ and guide writers for his stats, personality and appearance. One person even says "he totally defiles the game" by existing.
* Priam from ''[[Fire Emblem: Awakening]]'' has the unfortunate status of being an otherwise unremarkable character whose very existence is essentially a living, breathing middle fingers to [[Yaoi Fangirls]] who shipped Ike and Soren in the Tellius games. Thanks to Ike/Soren being ''the'' premiere Fire Emblem yaoi ship, fangirls take umbrage with his status as a biological descendant of Ike and bash him due to his existence being "straightwashing" of a character who, [[Common Knowledge|despite what the fandom may lead you to believe]], never actually shows romantic interest in any men.
* Leonie Pinelli from ''[[Fire Emblem: Three Houses]]'' is ''not'' a popular character despite her cute [[Tomboy]] design, thanks to her obsession with the player's father Jeralt. She ''constantly'' talks about him and can hardly go an entire conversation without bringing him up at least once. And her obsessions goes beyond mere fangirlism: her first two support conversations with Byleth have her antagonizee them because she views them as a rival for Jeralt's affection. And this culminates in her horribly insensitive B support where {{spoiler|she accuses Byleth of not appreciating Jeralt after s/he tried and failed to save the man, and were ''forced to watch him die''.}} While she apologizes for it later, [[Never Live It Down|it sealed her status as an annoying Jeralt fangirl]] in stone for a lot of players, making her easily the most detested character in the Golden Deer house, if not the entire game.
** Cyril is a close second, [[He's All Grown Up|at least]] Pre-Timeskip. Replace Jeralt with Rhea as the figure of his obsession, and make him even ruder and blunter than Leonie (though his obsession with Rhea is a bit more understandable). Even worse is that he's considered to be one of the worst characters you can take into battle. That said, this is a case of [[Americans Hate Tingle]], since Japanese audiences like him, or are at least more forgiving with his shortcomings. His Supports also address more his obsession with Rhea and mostly growing out of it, allowing him to have more of a chance at being [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]] than Leonie.
*** Interestingly enough, thanks to the release of ''[[Fire Emblem: Three Hopes]]'', even more people have warmed up to Cyril due to the Golden Wildfire route. Not because of what he does, but rather because {{spoiler|people who take umbrage with Claude's characterization in the game cite Cyril as someone whose mere existence invalidates every single one of Claude's Edelgardesque talking points and wish he was more than a boss unit so he could slap some sense into the guy.}}
** While not super popular in Japan, Gilbert fares a lot better with Japanese players than he does with Western ones, who hate the guy for abandoning Annette and her mother while [[Wangst|wallowing in his own self-pity]]. Interestingly, [[Values Dissonance]] plays a key part in this: in the game's home country of Japan, a father leaving his family after failing in his duty (which in Gilbert's case was protecting King Lambert) used to be fairly commonplace, and even now isn't entirely unheard of, since it's viewed as the father forsaking the comfort of his family after bringing shame onto them. But in the West where this isn't a cultural norm, he comes off as a scummy deadbeat dad and the fact that the daughter he abandoned is as quirky and adorable as Annette doesn't do him any favors.
* In a move that nobody saw coming, ''Claude'' of all characters went from being incredibly popular in ''Three Houses'' to genuinely detested in ''[[Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes]]''. Instead of being a shifty but ultimately well-meaning guy who has very strong opinions but is willing to change his mind when confronted with knowledge contradicting them, {{spoiler|he's a scheming, backstabbing snake in the grass who manipulates and betrays a ton of people, even his own allies, in order to get ahead. He also becomes a mouthpiece for Edelgard (an already controversial character), leading to him spewing a lot of false rhetoric about the Church of Seiros that is actively contradicted in this game and ''his own goddamned route in Three Houses'' and murdering the archbishop Rhea while smugly taunting her about it}}. While this characterization stems from the developers wanting to write Claude closer to how he was conceptualized, {{spoiler|the sheer whiplash when you look at Three Houses Claude compared to Three Hopes Claude is utterly jarring, and even people who like the idea of him being shadier and manipulative hate that he comes off as an ignorant idiot who isn't anywhere near as smart as he thinks he is.}}
==Kingdom Hearts==
== Kingdom Hearts ==
* Kairi from ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' has the dual misfortune of being seen as a proto-[[Shallow Love Interest]] and [[Damsel in Distress]], (The second one being true, the first one isn't) and being the main love interest to the hero in a fandom that's been pretty much owned by [[Yaoi Fangirl|yaoi fangirls]] since 2005.
* Xion is this for the majority of the Axel/Roxas fandom, and even for a good number outside of it due to her [[Retcon|ret-connish]] nature and the [[Creator's Pet|amount of focus she was given]] in a game that fans felt was supposed to be about Roxas. She is one of the biggest of this series' many [[Base Breaker|Base Breakers.]]
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== Mass Effect ==
* To start off, Ambassador Donnel Udina has an obnoxiously aristocratic voice, gets overly angry when talking to the Council, sidelines you when you're inconvenient, sells you out just to maintain public relations, and acts as an appeaser for the Citadel Council if he's selected to be the human representative. ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' manages to do some degree of rescuing, as he becomes significantly more sympathetic {{spoiler|even when he's attempting a Cerberus coup}}.
* Ashley Williams and Kaidan Alenko getgets a fair amount of ire from the fanbase for different reasons. Ashley is disliked for her [[Fantastic Racism]] towards other races. Despite the fact that her character development lets her grow out of it ( {{spoiler|if you leave her to die on Virmire, she gets the turian and salarian Medal of Honor}}), some players still dislike her for her earlier ignorance. Aside from her [[Fantastic Racism]], she tends to be rather blunt and sarcastic (and not always in a friendly manner), has a bit of a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]], and {{spoiler|will gun down Wrex without the slightest shred of remorse if Shep can't talk him down}}. While her counterpart Kaidan getsgot hatred for coming off as boring and seemingly being a ripoff of [[Knights of the Old Republic|Carth]], despitehe theirgot not[[Rescued havingFrom similarthe personalities.Scrappy HeHeap]] andin Ashley2 alsoand get''especially'' hate3 for theirhis actions[[Character inDevelopment]] theand sequel;upgraded despitebattle Shepardskills, havingAshley savedseemed themto onregress Horizon,from theyhers complainand abouttrying Shepardto workingbe witha Cerberuscopy andof refuse[[Defrosting toIce joinQueen|Miranda ShepardLawson]]. (inHer contrasthate towas Garrussealed andin Tali,this whosituation joinin despite2: theirIn dislikespite of Cerberus).Shepard Thishaving distrustsaved filtersher intoon the third gameHorizon, whereshe theycomplains questionabout Shepard's loyaltyworking throughoutwith theCerberus firstand missionrefuses afterto thejoin prologue,him and(Kaidan eventuallydoes {{spoiler|holdthe Shepardsame, atbut gunpointbrings duringenough thereasonable Cerberuspoints coupto escape vitriol).}}
* LikeA Kaidansimilar andsituation Ashleyhappens in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', Miranda Lawson andwith Jacob Taylor,. theWhile startingMiranda humanhad squadmatesinteresting in ''[[MassHidden Effect 2Depths]]'', havein a lot of detractors. Miranda is hated by many due to her excessive whining2 and snobbywas attitude, not to mention her support of Cerberus, a racist terrorist organization. She also {{spoiler|blames Joker for the loss of the Normandy's crew, despite the fact that he'senormously'' the[[Rescued only reason they still havefrom the Normandy}}.Scrappy She warms up considerablyHeap]] in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', her motivating actions being the protection of {{spoiler|her sister}} the entire time. Jacob was mostly ignored in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'', for being considered a bland [[Master of None]] with a shallow and cheesy romance route. However, come ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' hemade the transition from ignored to ''hated''s when {{spoiler|he becomes the only romanceable character in the game who actually cheats on Shepard., Knockingknocking up another woman and not even trying to get in contact with Shepard in the six months she was incarcerated}}. This ''did not'' impress the fans, to say the very least.
* [[Memetic Mutation|"Ah yes, "'hatred'".]] Emotion felt by sapient lifeforms towards [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|annoying]] [[Fantastic Racism|turian]] [[Democracy Is Bad|councillors]], allegedly causing fan rage. [[Too Dumb to Live|We have dismissed that claim]]. That said, {{spoiler|he's the [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap|first of the council]] to come around in ME3.}}
** {{spoiler|1=He's the [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap|first of the council]] to come around in ME3.}}
* Kai Leng. The hate comes from his blatant cutscene power, cheap tactics, character design (described as a Capcom villain wannabe), and obnoxious bragging.
* Diana Allers seems to be getting quite a bit of hate for a variety of reasons. Her inclusion being considered blatant pandering to IGN (she's modeled after and voiced by one of their writers, Jessica Chobot), her [[Romance Sidequest]] (considered by many to be the most shallow in the series), her bland voice acting, and feelings by many that they dedicated far more time to her, an extremely minor character, than other aspects of the game (many note they put more effort in designing her than into {{spoiler|Tali's face}}). The fact that she replaced Emily Wong, another pre-established and well-liked character, did not ease the anger.
* Morinth isn't too well liked as well, due to being a very vicious [[CompleteSerial MonsterKiller]] with little plot relevance, to the point it's wondered if this was an [[Intended Audience Reaction]], given almost no characters in the game itself can stand her. Her status as a Scrappy is one of the few things fans on /v/ agrees on.
* The kid seen at the beginning of Mass Effect 3. Partially because of his poor voice acting, partially because his death is seen by some to be cheap emotional manipulation and partially because {{spoiler|his model is purposefully used for the Catalyst.}}
** Which brings us to: {{spoiler|The Catalyst, due to being responsible for the [[Gainax Ending]].}}.
== Mega Man ==
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== Metal Gear ==
* Raiden from ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 2''. He was introduced as [[And Now for Someone Completely Different|Someone Completely Different]] and a strange, awkward, somewhat clumsy, [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|confusingly androgynous]] dork. In the serious cutscenes he's more talented, but replaces the cluelessness with lots of angst ([[Narm|some not written too well]]) and the nagging implication that he has less emotions and guilt about killing than he likes to portray. Whatever it is, the overall theme is that Raiden could have been the absolute ideal character of every single fanboy playing the game at the same time, and he would still have been immensely unpopular for the sole reason that he's [[Replacement Scrappy|not Snake]]. [[Hideo Kojima]] got the point and gleefully used an identical character named Raikov as a self-parody and hapless victim in the next game (and a series of comedy shorts for the re-release), and then made Raiden do some [[Level Grinding]] In [[Took a Level in Badass|Badass]] in MGS 4. Of course it didn't'[[Metal helpGear thatRising: Revengeance]]''Sons offully Liberty''[[Rescued wasFrom athe notoriousScrappy [[MindHeap|rescued Screwhim]] withby amaking Doozy ofhim a [[GainaxCrazy EndingAwesome]] that[[Sociopathic theHero]], fansfinally [[Brokenquelling Base|stillcomplaints argueof abouthim tobeing thisnothing verymore day]]than a poor Snake substitute.
** Not to mention, he was also widely hated because the trailers and advertising kept Raiden as a secret (they would put Snake in place of Raiden in some parts, and when they showed Raiden, they showed him very briefly), so players were led to believe that they were going to play as Snake for the whole game. The back of the case (for the original 2001 release) even makes it sound like you're playing as Snake for the whole game too.
* And then there's Raiden's girlfriend Rosemary, who's received hatred largely for her relationship drama with Raiden (some of which [[Narm|wasn't written well]]), as well as a mixture of [[Die for Our Ship]] and [[Stop Helping Me!]] feelings. The fourth game [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|tones down her scrappyness]], though not as much as her husband.
** Not to mention the fact that people rarely take kindly to anyone that actually waits until her lover is off at a safe distance - trying very hard not to get killed - before steam-barraging him via digital communication with everything that's bugging her about their relationship. Granted, such an idea ''could'' work out with ensuing hilarity.
* Meryl is somewhat hated due to being a rookie in MGS1 (and is considered "annoying" by some fans), and being a bitch in MGS4. She is also hated by [[Yaoi Fangirl|yaoi fangirls]] for [[Die for Our Ship|getting in the way of the Snake/Otacon pairing during MGS1]]. Thankfully, the Meryl hate isn't anywhere near as immense as the Rose hate.
* Naomi is despised by many due to being a total back-stabbing bitch, and for getting in the way of the Snake/Otacon pairing during MGS4. Snake/Otacon shippers '''cheered''' when {{spoiler|1=she died in MGS4}}.
== Monster Hunter ==
* Some monsters in the ''[[Monster Hunter]]'' series are more hated than others, and the very first game gave us the fandom's biggest sore spot: Khezu. While it has a [[Creepy Awesome]] (if phallic) design, the hate comes from the fact that it's [[Goddamned Boss|boring to fight]] at best, [[That One Boss|downright torturous]] at worst. Either way, its fights tend to drag on for ''very'' long thanks to its beefy health pool as well as all the tactics it does to stop the player from hurting it, such as spamming its flinch-inducing roars or throwing up damaging fields of electricity around itself that force players to back off or risk taking a lot of damage. Adding insult to injury is that Khezu got a replacement in the form of Gigginox for the third generation of games that fans LOVED thanks to its design being even more alien and creepy than Khezu's, while having a more interesting fight that isn't anywhere near as frustrating. But for some reason, Khezu just keeps coming back while Gigginox hasn't been in a game since Tri Ultimate.
* Fellow Gen 1 monsters Velocidrome, Gendrome, Iodrome, and Giadrome, or as they're often collectively called, the crackhead raptors. They're all easy to kill, but annoying to fight thanks to their tendency to hop all over the place before knocking you on your ass with a sudden pounce attack. Like with Khezu, Their Great Jaggi/Baggi/Wroggi/Jagras/Girros/Macao/Izuchi replacements are far more popular than the jumpy raptors, and thankfully ''unlike'' Khezu the devs took the hint and they've appeared a lot less since their glory days.
* Bullfangos. Why do these stupid boars charge the player instead of the monsters?! Why do they respawn so quickly after dying?! WHY ARE THEY SO GOOD AT STUNLOCKING YOU TO DEATH?! These questions have caused them to handily win the status as most hated enemies in the franchise.
* Plesioth. Why? Three words: Hip. Check. Hitboxes. While bad hitboxes were a recurring issue in the first generation of games, Plesioth is the patron saint thanks to his infamous hip check that can hit you from basically anywhere around it in a small radius, with his tail swipes having a similar power, leading to a very hard and annoying fight that traumatized many a hunter.
** Most of its Picine Wyvern brethren don't fare much better. Cephadrome is hated for basically being sand Plesioth (complete with janky hitboxes), Lavasioth became a target of ire in ''World'' because of its painfully tedious boss fight, and Jyuratodus got hit hard with [[Replacement Scrappy]] status when it showed up in ''Rise'' at the expense of far more popular ''World'' monsters such as Odogaron and Legiana.
* Banbaro from ''World's'' Iceborne DLC. A supposedly "friendly" moose-like Brute Wyvern wouldn't earn a lot of hatred, right? Wrong: thanks to it showing up in literally ''every'' map (with the icy Hoarfrost Reach being the only map it makes sense to be in) and freaking out and attacking the second it stumbles upon you fighting another monster, it has very little in the way of fans.
* The Handler from ''[[Monster Hunter World]]'' is one of Capcom's most hated damsels in distress since Ashley from ''[[Resident Evil 4]]'' thanks to constantly wandering off and getting attacked by new monster after new monster, constantly forcing the player to bail her out of trouble while she never seems to learn from her near-death experiences. Not helping her case is her big appetite, which leads to her ''constantly'' talking about food. However, her hatred mainly stems from the Western fanbase: Japanese fans are a lot more receptive towards her "silly" quirks.
== Mortal Kombat ==
* The original ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' had Liu Kang. Apparently Shaolin monks castrate themselves or something. Not to mention that he had what is probably the lamest fatality ever created.
* In ''MK2[[Mortal Kombat 2]]'', we had Reptile. Reptile in ''MK'' was awesome; this Reptile had new, inferior powers. Were that not enough, the AI is a [[Perfect Play AI]]. Although as time passed, Reptile becoming ''the'' [[Butt Monkey]] and ''the'' [[The Woobie|Woobie]] of the series genuinely seemed to [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap|rescue him from the heap]].
* ''[[Mortal Kombat 3]]''
* ''MK3'' gave us Nightwolf. [[Ethnic Scrappy]]? Check. [[Game Breaker]]? Check. Thankfully, he was fixed by ''Deception''.
** Nightwolf. [[Ethnic Scrappy]]? Check. [[Game Breaker]]? Check. Thankfully, he was fixed by ''Deception''.
** Worse still was Stryker. For being named after a porn star, being a generic cop, and [[No Celebrities Were Harmed|looking like Woody Harrelson]], yeah.
** In the ''Ultimate'' upgrade, we had Ermac and Rain. Both of them got slightly better in later games, but while Rain got a cool costume, cool moves, and ''really'' cool Fatalities in ''X'', he was still something of a [[Jobber]] in Story Mode.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat 4]]'', Jarek. Same background as Kano, same moves as Kano... He ''is'' Kano, except he looks stupider. This guy's deal is, "He's in the Black Dragons and he's evil", nothing else. In fact, the only really interesting thing about him is [[Wronski Feint|how he dies in Sonya's ending.]]
* Hsu Hao from ''[[Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance]]''. Even the creators hate his guts.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance]]''.
** To a lesser extent, Mokap for being a joke character, and Drahmin for being difficult to control, not to mention the irritating flies that follow him around.
** Some characters are hated by fans but loved by developers (D'Vorah is a good example, as she tends to kill long-standing characters but never seems to receive much retribution herself) and some have the opposite problem (the fans ''love'' Kung Lao, but his death in ''every'' game where he appears seems to suggest the developers don't like him much) but Hsu Hao has the worst of both worlds, as the fans ''and'' the creators all hate his guts. It seemed his only purpose was to give Jax a hated nemesis (Kano was Sonya's hated nemesis, and it seems they figured a villain can't have that label for two heroes) but he comes across as little but a [[Dumb Muscle]] and incompetent fighter. Ed Boon publicly admitted his death in the game (in Hsu Hao's ending, one of many cases where even when a character wins he loses) should be considered canon. He did return in ''Armageddon'' (seeing as ''everyone'' returned there) but he died in his ending there too.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat: Deception]]'' gave us Shujinko, who is a flipping idiot. Also, Hotaru for being a fascist.
** To a lesser extent, Mokap for being a joke character, and Drahmin for being difficult to control, not to mention the irritating flies that follow him around. Likely the biggest beef players had with Mokap is that he was a poor reward for a ''lot'' of effort. To unlock him, you had to finish Konquest Mode with ''every'' other Kombatant (including Blaze, who was also hard to unlock) and for all that you get a mediocre fighter with a ridiculous design. Both his fighting styles are borrowed from other Kombatants, he has no Weapon style and no Fatality.
* Quan Chi was, without a doubt, the most successful character who debuted in ''[[Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm]]'' and ''also'' the most successful among those who made their video game debut in ''[[Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero]]''. Still, he started to grate on players nerves after a while, often seen as an arrogant [[Karma Houdini]] almost to the point of being a [[Villain Sue]]. His death in ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'' was Catharsis for fans, even if it ''did'' cause many of them to view fan-favorite character Scorpion as something of a dick.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat: Deception]]'':
** Shujinko, who is a flipping idiot who spends his entire life thinking he's helping Earthrealm and never realizing he's an [[Unwitting Pawn]] for the bad guys. Also, Hotaru for being a fascist.
** Darrius, Dairou, Kira and Kobra as well. The former two for not really fitting in with the MK storyline in general (and being a stereotypical black guy in Darrius' case), Kira for ripping off Sonya ''and'' Kano, and Kobra for being a poor man's [[Street Fighter II|Ken Masters]]. In fact, most of the Deception characters qualify for this, except maybe Havik.
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe]]'', DC fans seemed to view Baraka as this. Ironic since you'd think they'd enjoy the opportunity to see Batman and Superman attack a [[Wolverine|violent mutant with]] [[Blade Below the Shoulder]].
* ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'''s story has gotten Sindel a lot of hatred, to the point many are labeling her as this. She kills many well liked characters in rapid succession, some with just a simple punch or kick, even though the fight with her in that chapter clearly indicates she is not that powerful.
** ''[[Mortal Kombat 11]]'' does little to improve {{Spoiler|Sindel's reputation, bringing her into [[Hate Sink]] territory for most players, where her tragic backstory is [[Ret Conned]] into a lie, robbing her of any redeemable traits and making her an unrepentant monster.}}
** Shao Kahn also gets a lot of hate, albiet, for [[SNK Boss|very different reasons]].
** Shao Kahn also gets a lot of hate, albiet, for [[SNK Boss|very different reasons]]. In the end, {{spoiler|when both he and Sindel are double-crossed and killed by [[The Starscream| Shang Tsung]] in the ''Aftermath'' DLC, most fans considered it a fate well-deserved.}}
** Ironically, this game was also the one that redeemed Stryker, who was, until then, the [[Creator's Pet]] of the series.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat X]]'':
** D’Vorah may have been an experiment by the developers to prove a female character could be popular without making her look like an exhibitionist supermodel, but while she does have some fans, she has far more detractors. For one, D’Vorah is not just unattractive, she is ''disgusting''; it's hard to find a fan who actually likes bugs. She also seems to hog the glory, doing about 90% of everything important to the bad guys' plans, at least in ''X'', by herself. Comic book adaptations cause her to almost veer into [[Villain Sue]] territory by making her almost unbeatable, able to literally survive being torn in half (to give one example). What truly makes D’Vorah so hated, however, was that while killing Baraka could have been forgiven, killing Mileena ''enraged'' the fanbase (as Mileena herself tells Erron Black in ''11'', "A million souls cried out for my return!” and she isn't lying, given how many fans signed the #WeWantMileena petition on Twitter). Killing Scorpion, however (''the'' most popular character in the franchise) was the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in the eyes of most fans. New characters killing old ones with large fanbases is not a good way to establish a fanbase of their own. An overpowered newbie who "didn't pay her dues" (as wrestling fans might say), the experiment seems to be a failure.
** With Ferra/Torr, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character]]. The idea of a two-character team in a Fighting Game did seem novel and original, but the problem was, the duo really... didn't do anything in the story. Contributing nothing important to the plot, no interesting quirks, personality, or background, they were henchmen, and nothing else.
* ''[[Mortal Kombat 11]]'':
** The Kollector had the same problem as Ferra/Torr, cool look, decent design, but almost no relevance to the plot at all and wasted potential. He acted as [[Mr. Exposition]] to tell Shao Kahn what had happened while he was gone, but other than that, he didn't really ''do'' anything except act as a [[Jobber]] for the heroes to beat up.
** Kronika, the [[Big Bad]] and [[Final Boss]] of ''11'' is possibly the most disliked boss in Mortal Kombat for a variety of reasons, which is a shame, being the first female boss in the franchise. First of all, storywise, she makes no sense if you know the history of the game. As a Titan, she is supposedly above the Elder Gods and the One Being, but according to the established story of Creation, the One Being and Elder Gods were the only beings who existed before Time as a concept came into being, and the creation of the universe via the Big Bang occurred after the One Being was defeated and sealed away, meaning all of existence is, in fact, the sundered One Being. Kronika and her kin just don’t fit. Also, for all her hubris, Kronika does not seem to have any godlike power of her own, she needs the Hourglass and Crown to do, well, anything. Then there’s her motive. She claims she has reset the timeline over a 100,000 times over the course of millions years. This sounds dramatic, making her sound intimidating and omnipotent - until [[Fridge Logic]] kicks in and makes you wonder, ''why has it taken this all-powerful entity that long?'' Doesn’t say much for divine competence, it means she's either too dumb to accomplish her goal or it's impossible and she doesn't realize it, [[Stupid Evil|making her an idiot either way.]] Even, gameplay wise, she’s not a good boss, and a rare case where being an [[SNK Boss]] is not a benefit. First, she cannot be juggled or knocked down, so combos don’t work against her, meaning the fight doesn’t seem like ''Mortal Kombat'' at all. And while the unique style of less reliant on brute force and more on confusing, random attacks seems effective (she summons [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs|a freakin’ dinosaur]] for crying out loud), once you start to understand the pattern, it’s easy to defeat her with a stun lock or cheese the fight with projectiles because she literally cannot crouch. Unlike Shao Kahn (who players claim to have gotten PDSD trying to defeat when ''[[Mortal Kombat 2]]'' came out) Kronika is an easy boss, the only truly difficult part (especially on high levels) being when she leaves the arena and sends another Kombatant to fight you.
== Pokémon ==
* Back during the heyday of Gen 4, Bidoof was considered to be ''the'' Scrappy of ''[[Pokémon]]'' thanks to its goofy appearance, perceived uselessness, and its omnipresence on ''so many routes''. Funnily, time would be kinder to the little beaver, with fans coming to love its [[Ugly Cute]] demeanor. It's also not too shabby of a battler, compared to other early-route rodent [[Com Mons]] of its ilk.
* Bidoof is the Scrappy of ''[[Pokémon]]'', along with many other [[Com Mons]].
* The Spiky-Eared Pichu and the Pikachu-Colored Pichu in HeartGold & SoulSilver are starting todefinitely fall under this trope. Not only does the former ''replace [[Olympus Mons|Celebi]]'' in an event, there's pretty much NOTHING special about them except for their appearance. Oh, and the Spiky-Eared Pichu can't evolve and can't be transferred to the fifth generation, meaning there's absolutely no reason to even bother with it. (The Pikachu-colored Pichu is at least a "shiny" Pokémon, which are normally rare in the games, but still kind of a waste of an event; shiny Pokémon ''do'' appear randomly on their own.)
* Jynx was widely hated when she made her debut not just being a creepy [[Gonk|gonkish]]-looking Pokémon, but for being a creepy [[Gonk|gonkish]]-looking Pokémon that looked like she was wearing blackface. (Truthfully, it was based on a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganguro Ganguro], a Japanese counterculture fashion that was popular in the 90s.) While the intention was for her to resemble a mix between an obscure mountain yokai, the ganguro subculture, and an [[Ultraman]] creature, saying that it didn't translate well overseas would be one ''hell'' of an understatement. With that being said, years after having her skin turned purple and her [[Gonk]] traits being dialed down a bit, [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|Jynx has slowly, but surely been attracting fans who now understand what Gamefreak was going for.]]
* Jynx is widely hated in the fandom. Her [[Unfortunate Implications|controversial appearance]] doesn't help matters, either.
* Cresselia is this in ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]: Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky'' as well as a [[Tier-Induced Scrappy]]. Not only do you have to [[Escort Mission|escort her to the end of the dungeon (A frustrating task already with regular Pokémon, and she's a Legendary)]], but she also has the habit of wandering over lava (Which burns her and ends up wasting your Reviver/Heal Seeds), but she's also involved in the final battle against {{spoiler|Darkrai}}... and she's USELESS in said battle due to her being a Psychic type being pitted against a Dark type.
* Let's not forget Mr. Mime, Probopass and Garbodor, all of which have similarly disturbing designs.
** Ambipom is hated, as well due to its creepy grin.
* Cresselia is this in ''[[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]]: Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky'' as well as a [[Tier-Induced Scrappy]]. Not only do you have to [[Escort Mission|escort her to the end of the dungeon (A frustrating task already with regular Pokémon, and she's a Legendary)]], but she also has the habit of wandering over lava (Which burns her and ends up wasting your Reviver/Heal Seeds), but she's also involved in the final battle against {{spoiler|Darkrai}}...and she's USELESS in said battle.
** From the same PMD games, we have Chatot. Why? For one thing, he's a [[Jerkass]], and then there's the Perfect Apples incident. To summarize: after Team Skull takes the Perfect Apples during your mission to get them, Chatot berates you and your partner for failing. Instead of taking some time to listen to you, he immediately punishes you for going without dinner and forces you to face the Guildmaster. During that scene, even though Team Skull gives Wigglytuff one of the Perfect Apples to rub salt into your wounds, Chatot ''rubs the failure in your face the next day, telling you to give up on being included for the expedition.'' While he does manage to have what some people consider his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] near the end of the main storyline, it is the Perfect Apples incident that lands him in here.
* [[Goddamned Bats|Goddamn Zubats...]] They're fast, packing obnoxious confusion-inducing moves to trip you up, and practically ''infest'' the caves they're found in. With that being said, this only goes for ''enemy'' Zubats (and Golbats, their evolution), Zubat itself is actually a popular Pokémon for ingame use since its final evolution, Crobat, is an ''amazing'' Pokémon.
* [[Goddamned Bats|Goddamn Zubats....]]
* Magikarp is a running joke for causing headaches [[Magikarp Power|until he evolves into Gyarados]], but with the use of Experience Share that isn't hard to do, and with him being so common, you could easily raise a formidable army of Gyarados. ''Feebas,'' on the other hand, is terribly rare, so getting one at all depends on use of a strategy guide and luck, and evolving it is just as big of a pain. It requires you boost its beauty stat with fairly rare berries, and only certain natures of Feebas make this possible. One walkthrough writer even went as far as to declare, "I hate that fucking fish!"
** Thank Arceusgod, then, for the Prism Scale in ''Black and White''. This takes a ''lot'' of guesswork out of getting a Milotic.
* The announcer from ''Pokémon Battle Revolution'' tends to get a fair amount of hate, due to often repeating specific phrases. You attack the foe? "(Pokémon) starts to attack!" The foe gets knocked out? "(something)ed by (move)!" "It went down!" The worst? The foe scores a critical hit. "A clean hit!" SHUT THE FUCK UP. Thankfully, you can turn his voice off in Options.
** This one goes all the way back to the original ''Pokémon Stadium''.
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* With the amount of times they attack you, Geodude and its relatives would initially seem to fall under the [[Goddamn Bats]] trope—but try to fight them and they often reveal themselves as even worse. Because they can learn Self-Destruct naturally, and aren't shy about using it, it's often better to just run away when you encounter them—which will be a lot of times.
* Whitney's Miltank in HG/SS. It was <s>annoying</s> [[That One Boss|a menace]] in the originals, but in the remakes, which now had the ability system from Gen III, it gained the ability to damage Ghosts (which are normally immune to Normal types). Said ability is appropriately called Scrappy.
** Whitney herself is also this by association, though the fact that she throws a tantrum and initially refuses to give you the badge once you beat her gives her some unlikability points that are distinctly hers.
* Audinos are pretty hated by some players. They appear in every single area that has rustling grass, and are what you'll find there over half the time. This annoys people, especially when they try for extra rare Pokémon in these patches like certain fully evolved ones. However, they make for really good experience points sponges.
* Fennel has been getting this from other players ever since the Global Link opened. What doesn't help is her taunting expression and her [[Stop Helping Me!|constantly helping out when you only have an hour to spare on the Dream World]].
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* If a Pokémon is based on an inanimate object, it often gets a ton of hate. For example, Trubbish is often considered one of the very worst Pokémon (based on design).
** Granted, even Pokémon like Trubbish have fans who view it as a [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]]. It's the same (albeit less vitriolic) with ones like Vanillite, the ''ice cream'' Pokémon.
* And this brings us to Luvdisc, who is considered by fans as the most useless waste of life out of all 649 (thus far)1000+ Mons. No really. There are about 100 other water types or mixed water types who can do everything better (or, in the case of Feebas, at least evolve into something cool and competent) and the one thing it was good for ([[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire|having heart scales so you relearn moves]]) got dropped in [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]] thanks to the underground. It was so ''very nearly'' [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]] when fans saw [[Pokémon Black and White|Alomomola]] but when it was revealed to be a stand-alone (ie non-evolutionary) mon, the fans went straight back to beating Luvdisc with merciless abandon.
** Similarly, there's Unown. A psychic-type Pokemon that is essentially a side "[[Gotta Catch Em All]]" gimmick since there's 28 different variations (one for each letter of the alphabet and some punctuation). It doesn't help that Unown has horrible stats and can only learn "Hidden Power" (A move that is hit-n-miss in terms of which type it will be effective against). To make matters worse, all you get for catching all the variations of Unown is a certificate saying you caught them all (At least in Gold/Silver/Crystal you could print out said certificate).
* There are many Scrappy Moves introduced in the series: Whirlwind, Roar, Confuse Ray, Supersonic. All are incredibly annoying, especially if you're trying to level up your team...and an enemy trainer has their Pidgeotto use Whirlwind to throw underleveled teammemberteam member out for a higher level one.
* While she does have her fans, Zinnia from the [[Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire]] remakes tends to attract a lot of scorn and hatred from players. A lot of it comes from the fact that she acts incredibly [[Jerkass|condescending and insufferable]] for most of the Delta Episode, dooms the world by {{spoiler|destroying the Link Cable which was basically the planet's only hope for surviving an incoming asteroid in favor for her method of summoning Rayquaza which would have backfired spectacularly without the player's presence}}, and for being a complete and utter [[Hypocrite]] when calling out the Mossdeep Space Center's staff {{spoiler|for potentially endangering an alternate dimension}} when she helped either Archie or Maxie summon either Kyogre and Groudon while [[Apocalypse How|knowing full and well what they were capable of.]] The fact that she gets off without so much as a slap on the wrist for her crimes which include multiple accounts of assault and burglary as well as {{spoiler|destroying Space Center property}} only serves to make people hate her even more.
* A slightly more obscure version is Mindy, a character from the Sinnoh games who seemingly wants to make a good ingame trade: you give her a Medicham, and she'll give you Haunter, which evolves into the badass, incredibly powerful Gengar when it's traded... Except that this particular Haunter is holding an Everstone, which prevents it from evolving when it's given to you, [[Jerkass|and she even goes as far as to taunt you about it not evolving.]] For those who weren't able to trade with other people, she's easily considered one of the most hateable people in the series, bar none.
* While friendly rivals are controversial to begin with, Hop from ''[[Pokémon Sword and Shield]]'' is easily the one people hate the most. Not only is his general arc (and even a few animations) recycled straight from Hau, an already controversial character, but he's viewed as a clingy and obnoxious annoyance who will ''never'' shut up about type advantages when you fight him.
* Geeta from ''[[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet]]'' has quickly cemented herself as the franchise's most hated champion. Her design is widely considered to be creepy and off-putting (mainly in her official art, which steps neatly into the [[Uncanny Valley]]), and she doesn't have a winning personality to salvage it. For the most part she's a boring non-character, but when she ''does'' show a hint of a personality, it's usually through her inexplicable hatred of resident [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] [[Woobie|Larry]], who she's a ''terrible'' boss towards. [[Anticlimax Boss|Her team sucks too]], due to it consisting of weak Pokémon and potentially strong Pokémon that are kneecapped by incompetent usage that doesn't take advantage of their strengths as battlers.
== Shin Megami Tensei Series ==
* To start with the ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' series, the Scrappy of ''[[Persona 3]]'' seems to depend largely on personal taste.
** Ken haters maintain that his only purpose in the game was to enable {{spoiler|the death of [[Ensemble Darkhorse|fan favourite]] [[Badass]] Shinjiro Aragaki}}, then proceed to have absolutely no effect on the rest of the plot (including The Answer) while his lines could have been given to other party members with minimal changes made. It did not help he had Mona Marshall's scratchy, and rather inconsistent voice-acting as another reason (Ken will swing wildly from almost screechy high-pitched to 'sounds too much like a grown woman' in battle), as well as the fact that he is [[Master of None|eventually outclassed in everything he does by at least one character]]. Later spin-offs and re-releases have made more of an effort at [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|rescuing him from the scrappy heap]], largerly succeeding (though with [[Fan Dumb|some people]] ''still'' [[Never Live It Down|never living down]] October 4th).
*** And most Ken haters cited Mona Marshall's scratchy, and rather inconsistent voice-acting as another reason (Ken will swing wildly from almost screechy high-pitched to 'sounds too much like a grown woman' in battle). In addition to the fact that he is [[Master of None|eventually outclassed in everything he does by at least one character]]
** Fuuka's voice is freakin' ''[[Stop Helping Me!|annoying]]'', as your support character she can never be switched out (meaning you will hear everything she has to say multiple times, long after you've grown tired of it), and her Oracle special ability can easily lead to disaster.
*** And then there's her scenes with Natsuki, who has the most annoying voice in the game.
** Yukari's attitude and actions often make her come off as the party's personal [[Alpha Bitch]], as well as her actions during The Answer ( {{spoiler|choosing not to respect the protagonist's decision to make a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] at the end of The Journey, [[Protagonist-Centered Morality|being willing to risk the damnation of the entire world to undo said sacrifice]], [[Insane Troll Logic|calling everyone who doesn't agree with her a coward who is afraid to die]], and causing the party to have a completely avoidable internal battle}}) earned her a sizable [[Hatedom]]. Note that while Mitsuru sided with Yukari, she only did so because she promised to stand by her, and so hasn't received the [[Hatedom]] Yukari has.
* The trend continues in ''[[Persona 4]]'' with Teddie, who thankfully is replaced by the much better-voiced Rise 1/3 the way through the game.
** Possibly the biggest [[Scrappy]] in the game is Mitsuo who is not only a stereotypical geeky and lonely gamer, but he also killed three people just for the attention. As a result, fans weren't too happy with him. {{spoiler|Actually one, but who's counting?}}
** Rise doesn't get off easy either. That squealing of hers has made several gamers cringe in annoyance. There are also some who preferred her when she was subdued and easygoing instead of childish and ditzy.
** Yosuke, on the other hand, is smashed in several circles for being a homophobic [[Jerkass]] with a whiny voice and [[Creator's Pet|too much exposure in the story.]] The magic of [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] strikes again!
** Possibly the biggist [[Scrappy]] in the game is Mitsuo who is not only a sterotypical geeky and lonely gamer, but he also killed three people just for the attention. As a result, fans weren't too happy with him. {{spoiler|Actually one, but who's counting?}}
* Yuzu of ''[[Devil Survivor]]'' gets a lot of flack for being [[The Chick]], [[The Watson]], and [[The Complainer Is Always Wrong|The Complainer]] rolled into one [[Pink Girl, Blue Boy|pink-wrapped]] package. Despite dealing with tons of [[Break the Cutie|cutie-breaking horrors]] packed into ''a single week'', she's bashed for being weak, whiny, and [[I Just Want to Be Normal|wanting to return to her normal life]]. The fact that she [[Expy|could pass for]] [[Persona 3|another MegaTen might-be-Scrappy]] doesn't help. Nor does the fact that her entire ''world'' seems geared against her, to the point that {{spoiler|her [[Multiple Endings|ending path]] is the worst of the lot.}} Of course, the fact that the heroes are warned repeatedly that running away is a bad idea and she chooses to do so anyway {{spoiler|despite knowing that the lockdown was meant to keep [[The End of the World as We Know It|demons from invading the world]], [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|which they end up causing to happen when they go ahead and choose to break the lockdown]].}} are probably not points in her favor.
** Then there's Midori, who [[Unpleasable Fanbase|ironically has the opposite problem]]. Where Yuzu [[Refusal of the Call|wants to refuse the call]], Midori [[Jumped At the Call|leaps at it]], turning into a [[Cosplay Otaku Girl]] version of [[Leeroy Jenkins]] with a death grip on the [[Idiot Ball]]. While she [[Character Development|can get better]], her [[In the Name of the Moon]] speeches might as well be a [[Magical Girl]] version of "''P-p-p-p-puppy power!''"
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** ''[[Devil Survivor 2]]'' has Daichi, who, while he does get some badass points and can be a damn good physical attacker with great speed, is still a scrappy for being a male Yuzu expy (he whines even MORE than she did and sometimes has even less excuse). Ironically, the actual female character who takes Yuzu's role in a gameplay sense is rather liked.
* Anyone on the Law alignment in games with a [[Order Versus Chaos|Law-Neutral-Chaos]] mechanic is gonna get a LOT of shit for being [[Knight Templar]] asshats, '''especially''' the angels; contrast those in Chaos, who don't get as much flak for wanting to achieve anarchy-level freedom, and especially Neutral, who like to promote balance rather than one extremity. You'll see quite a few fans enjoying the Neutral and Chaos routes, but rarely ever someone who finds the Law route to be their favorite one.
== Sonic the Hedgehog ==
* Silver isthe probablyHedgehog morewas widelyhit disliked''hard'' thanwith Shadow.this Evenduring beforethe heheyday debuted inof ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 video game)||Sonic the Hedgehog 2006'06]]''. Before it was even released, some fans felt that a brand new character was unworthy to be one of the stars in a game meant to be a [[Milestone Celebration]], and it didn't help that he felt like a transparent attempt at trying and failing to ape Shadow's popularity due to being a new hedgehog with special powers. Once it came out, most judgedfound him annoying due to his [[Narm|silly voice]], [[That One Boss|frustrating boss battle]], and [[What an Idiot!|idiotic behavior that causes more problems than it solves]], causing the mediocregod-awful quality of the game reflectedto reflect badly on him. He hasn't had a leading role since, instead only appearing as a member of multiplayer rosters and as a boss in [[Sonic Generations]].
** His appearance in ''[[Sonic Generations]]'' [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap|made efforts to improve his position]], where the fight is reworked to greatly involve high-speed and is [[Obvious Beta|much less bugged]], he demonstrates much more powerful telekinesis, and [[Quinton Flynn|has a better voice actor]]. Even if you still don't like him after this, [[Hoist by His Own Petard|crushing him with his own "Meteor Smash"]] is bound to be satisfying.
*** While ''Sonic '06'' hasn't been [[Vindicated by History]] in a traditional sense, fans looking back on it more objectively and recognizing the potential it had to be great has led to Silver being fully elevated above his scrappy status. Now viewed as more of an unfortunate victim of circumstance due to the game's rushed development and poorly-executed story, many have lamented that he's been forced to languish as a side character and feel that he deserves another shot at stardom since derivative or not, a powerful psychic hedgehog is still a hell of a hook for attracting fan attention.
* [[Mega Neko|Big the Cat]], since his start in ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' meant having to sit through horrible [[Fishing Minigame|fishing missions]] in order to make progress. That, and he's kinda lacking in the cranial department.
* [[Mega Neko|Big the Cat]], since his debut in ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' meant having to sit through horrible [[Fishing Minigame|fishing missions]] in order to make progress. That, and he's kinda lacking in the cranial department. His own voice actor (Jon St. John, aka ''[[Duke Nukem|Duke fuckin' Nukem]]'') reportedly hated him so much that he forgot how to do the voice purely out of spite!
* Some original characters from TV shows get the same treatment.
** Oddly enough, Big would end up developing an ironic fandom that would give way to an ''unironic'' fandom due to later games making his [[Kindhearted Simpleton]] nature more apparent, as well as divorcing him from his awful fishing missions. It says a lot that when it was revealed that he'd be making a prominent appearance in ''[[Sonic Frontiers]]'', he was accepted with open arms! Sure, his fishing missions in that game ''are'' revamped and optional, but he's still come a long way!
* Some original characters from TV shows and comics get the same treatment.
** Half the people who watched ''[[Sonic X]]'' just wanted to throw Chris Thorndyke in a wood chipper simply for being in the show at all. His detractors argue that he's got lots of money and friends, but constantly plays the [[Lonely Rich Kid]] card because he'd rather hang out with [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]] and his anthro brigade. Fans also complain that he practically steals the 'sidekick' roll from Tails.
*** Another one of the main reasons people hate Chris is because he [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|had more screen time than all the other characters; including Sonic!]] And it doesn't help that he whines constantly and feels entitled to Sonic's attention to the point that he's willing to risk the world freezing in time because he refuses to let him go back to his own universe and leave him behind.
** Princess Sally Acorn of the ''[[Sonic Sat AM|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' SatAM cartoon and the Archie comic series alsohas appliessettled ininto this wayterritory with fans of the games, duedespite tobeing [[Spotlightwell-Stealingliked Squad|herin ratherthe excessivecartoon role]]and ascomic cofandoms. leadWhile andshipping closestwars allyplay ofa Sonicpart (usuallyin atit, thegame expensefans generally dislike her as a consequence of gamesher charactersfandom suchbeing as''very'' Tailsloud and Amy),aggressive. andThough herit arguabledoesn't help that she's something of a one-woman [[JerkSpotlight-Stealing SueSquad]] qualitiesherself. (especiallyAnd towardsthe less said about her loveentitled [[Jerkass]] moments in the Archie comics, the interest)better...
** Fellow ''Archie'' scrappy Locke, Knuckles' father, gets this for being a terrible parent who's often shilled and viewed as a paragon of virtue when written by Ken Penders. While he's ''meant'' to be a sympathetic hero who intended to do right by his son, the execution makes him come off as a self-righteous, sociopathic control freak who experimented on his son, gaslit him, isolated and abused him, and generally ruined his life for the sake of fulfilling a prophecy. And while Ian Flynn desperately tried to course-correct him by treating this all as a ''bad'' thing and giving him a [[Heel Realization]], the damage done to his reputation was irreparable, and to this day he's viewed as the living incarnation of (almost) everything wrong with Ken Penders' tenure as a writer, as well as the series' most obnoxious [[Creator's Pet]].
** Shortfuse from ''[[Sonic the Comic]]'' is almost universally hated by fans of the comic. He repeatedly [[As You Know|told his backstory]] every time he appeared, sometimes twice in one issue. He's generally somewhat annoying, and [[Word of God]] is he and Tekno like each other (which doesn't fare well with the fans who prefer Tekno with [[Les Yay|Amy]]).
* Omochao gets a lot of anti-fan heat for the same reasons Navi does. Like her, she/he/it is an obnoxious [[Exposition Fairy]] that ''just won't shut up.'' Thankfully, ''unlike'' Navi Omochao can be thrown, smacked, and dropped down pits for instant stress relief.
* The same thing goes for Tikal, at least forfrom somea ofgameplay thosestandpoint. whoAs playa character she's well-liked, but her [[Exposition Fairy]] role in ''[[Sonic Adventure]]''. Unlikeis hated for the opposite reason as Omochao,: sheinstead isof being nota usuallycondescending [[Captain Obvious]] - just the opposite. Many of her hints are vague.[[Guide Also,Dang sheIt|vague isand actually relevant to the plotunhelpful.]]
* Princess Elise is in the unenviable position of being a [[Damsel Scrappy]] from ''Sonic '06'' and Sonic's [[Designated Love Interest]] in a series where shipping wars can get ''ugly''. Thanks to the triple-whammy of constantly being kidnapped during Sonic's story, [[Squick|squicking]] out people who aren't into anthro/human relations by {{spoiler|kissing Sonic}}, and being too dull and uninteresting to those who are, she's one of the most hated characters in the franchise and unlike Silver, never got [[Vindicated by History]].
* Elise is another character that suffers from being a [[Damsel Scrappy]] and suffers from [[Die for Our Ship]] in the fanbase, although even people who don't dislike her for shipping reasons may dislike her from the sheer levels of [[Squick]] in Sonic having a human love interest.
* Charmy in later games is pretty disliked thanks to his "annoying kid" character - fortunately this is intentional, so it doesn't hit as hard. Somewhat less prominent than the other characters since he only seems to get bit roles, even compared to the other members of his team. He also benefits a bit from the [[Grandfather Clause]] as the team debuted in Sonic's classic era. Plus, he's got his teammate Vector to play off of, with the lovable crocodile viewing him as a cute, but annoying kid brother figure who often scolds him for his more annoying behavior.
* Marine isthe ofRaccoon's thearrogant [[Bratty Half-Pint]] varietybehavior did little to theendear otherher charactersto infans thethat gameplayed ''[[Sonic Rush Adventure]]''. SoWhile muchher sobeing thata Blazepain basicallyin toldthe herass to''is'' [[Takethe That,point Scrappy!|getof lost]].her Unfortunatelycharacter forgiven thehow raccoonannoying Blaze, Sonic, and even Tails didfind her, it worked a little to''too'' defendwell and resulted in her being a nearly forgotten character that few people miss.
* The G.U.N Commander from ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]'' gets this for his [[Hypocrite|hypocritical]] and [[Idiot Plot|nonsensical character motivation]]. Being a survivor of the Space Colony ARK massacre who viewed Maria as a sister and blames Shadow for her death isn't a terrible concept in and of itself. But what sinks it is that for some ungodly reason he joined and commands the corrupt military squad responsible for her death while seething endlessly about how much he hates Shadow for a murder that his own side committed. And it's not like he's cleaning up G.U.N from the inside either: it's every bit as corrupt and trigger-happy now as it was then, making his entire characterization one of the most baffling aspects of the game.
* The Deadly Six from ''[[Sonic Lost World]]'' are pretty much the most hated villains of the series by a country mile. Other unpopular villains like Black Doom and Infinite at least have [[Evil Is Cool|awesome designs]] and [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character|untapped potential]] going for them, but the Deadly Six don't even have that. They're almost universally viewed as boring [[Flat Character|Flat Characters]] whose personalities begin and end with being cartoonishly shallow villain stereotypes, with their designs also being criticized as ugly and out of place. Zavok, their leader, tends to get this the worst since he ''constantly'' shows up in other games despite vocal fan backlash, [[Creator's Pet|almost as if someone high on the totem pole at SEGA is trying (and failing) to push him as the series' next big thing.]] Even after Ian Flynn [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|rescued them from outright Scrappydom]] in IDW's line of comics, they haven't escaped it entirely. Now they've ascended to [[Base Breaker]] status, and still have a very loud hatedom.
== Star Fox ==
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== Super Mario Bros. ==
* Ukiki in ''[[Super Mario Bros.|Super Mario 64]]''. On top of being a gigantic hindrance to the player in the Tall Tall Mountains, he steals your hats with annoyingly cute dialogue and he's near-impossible to catch. Which makes it all the more satisfying to roast him using Yoshi's fire flower in the DS version.
* Waluigi gets this, main reason seeming to be he has... nothing to do with anything really.
** Waluigi might actually be coming out of the Scrappy heap because of that Youtube video, Fangame and [[Brawl in the Family]]. It helps that he's started to develop a concrete personality besides "Hates Luigi" (Being a deranged trickster with hints of classiness.)
* A less extreme example, but Neil in ''Mario Golf Advance Tour''. From his irritating, sarcastic-sounding "whoops!" when he gets a Bogey to his hideous character design that looks like Ash Ketchum's retarded cousin, could they have made a less appealing player character? At least at the very beginning, the game gives you the option to play as the much less annoying Ella instead.
* Starlow from ''[[Mario & Luigi]]'' is often hated because she usually gets credit for what Mario and Luigi do, she's an annoying [[Exposition Fairy]], and she is very cruel to Luigi for no real reason. Her [[Odd Friendship]] with Bowser redeems her for some... only to catapult her back into this territory in later appearances where they aren't working together.
* Baby Mario from ''[[Yoshi's Island]]'' gets a lot of hate. Not only is he gaming's biggest star reduced to a worthless, baby parody of himself, but he also irks the hell out of people with his obnoxious crying. ''And'' the whole game is a giant [[Escort Mission]]! It probably surprised nobody when [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nfigSWuh7o a glitch allowing Yoshi to eat him was discovered], [[And There Was Much Rejoicing]].
** Baby Mario is bad enough, but ''[[Yoshi's Island]] DS'' decided to add even '''more''' baby versions of famous Nintendo characters including [[Donkey Kong]], Bowser (Though he was in the original Yoshi's Island as the final boss), and Wario. However, '''none''' of them can compare to the utter mind-numbing annoyance that is Baby Princess Peach. Why? Because she is utterly useless. Her special (and that's putting it VERY loosely) ability is that she can float using the wind. Problem is that you're more likely to end up crashing headfirst into enemies or end up somehow falling to the ground because she sometimes DOESN'T catch the wind to float.
* Starlow from ''[[Mario & Luigi]]'' is often hated because she often gets credit for what Mario and Luigi do, she's an annoying [[Exposition Fairy]], and she is very cruel to Luigi for no real reason.
* Bowser Jr. A [[Replacement Scrappy]] for a whole villain team, he already gets a great deal of hatedom by replacing the seven most popular non Bowser villains in the older games, but alone he's about as hated. Due to his non personality, design nearly identical to a smaller version of Bowser (or in Partners in Time, identical to Baby Bowser) and the fact he's fought as a recurring boss every single tower in [[New Super Mario Bros.]], or about ten times with just two attack patterns. Some fans did start warming up to him when he was finally shown with his siblings though.
* Baby characters in such games. Baby Mario and Luigi are usually seen as fine when not crying, Baby Peach is seen as okay outside of Mario and Luigi Partners in Time, and Baby Daisy is pretty much seen as spinoff character filler and an undeserved use of a character slot. It really doesn't help that Baby Daisy's [[Tomboy Princess|adult]] [[Genki Girl|self]] (mentioned below) isn't exactly a character held in high regard, either. You thought one Daisy was nerve-wracking? Try dealing with two of them.
** Baby Daisy is bad enough, but Baby Rosalina is a true example of hitting the bottom of the barrel. She's yet ''another'' baby character introduced solely to pad out the roster of spinoff games, and fans who aren't opposed to playing as a young Rosalina hate that they can't play as her cute, tragic child-self from ''Galaxy'''s storybook.
* [[Damsel in Distress|Princess Peach]] has increasingly become a very hated [[Damsel Scrappy]] due to her [[Flanderization|Flanderized]] ditzy personality and annoyingly high-pitched voice. There could be some redemption for Peach, though, thanks to [[Super Princess Peach|her own game]] and more active roles in the [[RPG]]s, for instance.
* [[Damsel in Distress|Princess Peach]] became a very hated [[Damsel Scrappy]] during the early 2000's due to her [[Flanderization|Flanderized]] ditzy personality and annoyingly high-pitched voice. But thanks to games like [[Super Princess Peach]] and the [[RPG]]s giving her more of an involved role, she was eventually [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]].
** There's even an [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8os04ijHETY entire song about how annoying she can be.]
** [[The Runaway Guys]] believe Peach is "evil" due to her tendency to steal/hog coins in the [[Mario Party]] games to the point where they almost always team up against her.
* [[You Go, Girl!|Princess Daisy]] is rather divisive, but the part of the fanbase that hates her hates her hard, due to having a voice that's equally as obnoxious as Peach's, and her Flanderization of the [[Genki Girl]] trope that turns her into a nerve-grating twit. Also similar to the above princess, Daisy has had two equally jarring past portrayals: the generic [[Damsel in Distress]] in ''[[Super Mario Land]]'', and the tomboyish yet coy and klutzy woman in the original ''Mario Tennis''. Unlike the Princess Peach example above, however, Daisy has had no notable scrappy-rescuing appearances (or even a reference) outside of the series' party, racing and sports titles. Because of this, any defining character (if any) Daisy has is [[Satellite Character|hanging around with other characters]] like Peach and Luigi. Daisy is perhaps the closest we'll ever get to a female Waluigi.
** Anyone who played ''[[Mario Kart|Mario Kart: Double Dash!!]]'' will cringe and want to wring Daisy's neck by this simple [[Memetic Mutation]]: HI, I'M DAISY!
* TEC is this for people who were [[Squick|disgusted]] by [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|the subplot]] he had with Peach in ''[[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]]''.
* How is [[Super Paper Mario|Luvbi]] not mentioned here? She's practically a Scrappy-type. The Japanese version has her even speaking in a childish tone!
* Kersti from ''[[Paper Mario Sticker Star]]'' is a rude and obnoxious little sticker fairy who introduces herself by yelling at Mario and bossing him around, blaming him for the destruction Bowser caused and refusing to hear his side of the story. That led to her getting off on the wrong foot with players right out the gate, and her utter ''uselessness'' as an [[Exposition Fairy]] didn't exactly improve their perception of her.
** Luvbi was probably more of a Scrappy in-universe than out of it. {{spoiler|Her [[Alas, Poor Scrappy|heart-wrenching fate]]}} also seems to save her from further hate.
* ''[[Mario Kart 8]]'' has a very divisive roster. Partly because it's bloated with Koopas and babies that crowd out old fan favorites, but also because of these characters:
* Twink in [[Paper Mario]] is hated for being pretty annoying, and interrupting the game at inconvenient points.
** Pink Gold Peach. Like with Baby Rosalina and Baby Daisy, she's pointless roster filler. But she's ''even lazier'' than those two because she's a metallic [[Palette Swap]] of Peach instead of a baby with a character model that required ''some'' effort to be put into it. Her name also gets plenty of mockery because it's incredibly awkward and the embodiment of laziness on Nintendo's part, leading to jokes about potential new characters in the series such as Yellow Bronze Baby Donkey Kong and Green Platinum Fire Dr. Luigi.
* Flurrie in [[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]] is universally disliked, due to her odd and creepy design.
** Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach. They're DLC characters who are responsible for the roster having ''four'' Marios and Peaches, and a slap in the face to fans who hate that they have to spend money on ''these'' characters to get access to Link and the new cups.
** TEC is also this for people who were [[Squick|disgusted]] [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|by the subplot he had with Peach in that game.]]
** Gold Mario. He gets this a bit less since he's an alternate skin to Metal Mario who lacks his own slot, but it doesn't change the fact that as of ''Deluxe'', ''Mario Kart 8'' now has ''five'' playable Marios. He's also the only secret character, making him feel like an underwhelming reward for those who put in the time and effort to unlock him.
** While the new characters added to ''Deluxe'' via DLC are all beloved fan favorites, there is one exception to the rule: Peachette. She's ''yet another Peach clone'' whose presence baffled and infuriated fans the very second she was revealed, and stole a slot from more popular characters such as Dixie Kong, King Bob-Omb, Hammer Bro, and R.O.B at the last possible second.
* The spirit of the Dream Stone from ''[[Mario and Luigi Dream Team]]'' is an obnoxious, abrasive asshole that does everything in its power to be as unhelpful as possible when Mario, Luigi, and Prince Dreambert try to consult it. Even though Bowser and Antasma plan to use its physical form to cause trouble, it jeers at and insults the heroes while forcing them to chase it all around Dreamy Dozing Sands. And when it's cornered, it decides to ''kill'' them by turning into a massive robot. Thankfully, [[Catharsis Factor|you get to beat the tar out of it during the boss battle that follows]].
== Tales Series ==
* Many ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' fans look down on Karol and Estelle, claiming that they're a textboot idiotic [[Kid Hero]] and a textbook [[Naive Everygirl]] with less than stellar AI, respectively. They receive more character focus than some of the other characters in the party as well ([[Teen Genius|Rita]], [[Ms. Fanservice|Judith]], and [[Cool Old Guy|Raven]]), emphasizing their Scrappyness for their haters. [[Your Mileage May Vary]], however.
** Recent addition [[Token Mini-MoeLoli|Patty]] has been getting a lot of heat in America for [[Dummied Out|not being in the XBox 360 version]], messing up the dynamics of Yuri's [[Nakama]], and her [[Joke Character|strange battle style]]. Let's throw in some borderline [[Lolicon]]-pandering alternate costumes for good measure.
** Sodia. Most of the fandom ''seriously'' dislikes her for her holier-than-thou attitude, [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] tendencies, and {{spoiler|her attempted murder of Yuri.}}
* In ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'', the most hated character is easily Emil from Dawn of the New World... and he's the ''main character''. And yet, he managed to place pretty high in recent [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/ch_ranking_4th/result.php popularity] [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/ch_ranking_5th/result/ polls].
* In ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'', many fans see Colette (due to her annoying, strangely beneficial clumsiness and her [[Damsel in Distress]] tendencies) and/or Regal (as many see him as nothing more than a filler character) as the Scrappy.
* ''[[Tales of Graces]]'' has Cheria been hated for A) [[Tier-Induced Scrappy|being useless in battle]] B) [[Damsel Scrappy|the only moment she get a spotlight in the game is when she is kidnapped]] C) Her [[Strangled by the Red String]] [[Romantic Plot Tumor]] with Asbel, and D) her annoying [[Tsundere]] tendencies.
** Despite this, Colette manages to [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/chrranking.html place high] [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/character_popularity_vote_2nd/ in] [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/ch_ranking_3rd/index2.php Japanese popularity contests] AND [https://web.archive.org/web/20100824203753/http://tales.namco.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=79636&highlight= unofficial English counterparts].
*** Since she's really more of a [[Base Breaker]], it makes sense that she'd do reasonably well in popularity polls.
*** Colette's scrappiness may be more due to the fact that there are 8 endings to the game (one for each character besides Lloyd and a hidden one), but unless you actively work to piss her off you'll end up with her as your "soul mate" (the person who goes with Lloyd at the end of the game).
**** That's why there are three soul mate slots. All you need to do is refuse her invitation at the deciding moment. And it's not a hard thing to do.
** Colette at least has some fans. The most hated character in Symphonia is easily Emil from Dawn of the New World... and he's the ''main character''.
*** And yet, he managed to place pretty high in recent [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/ch_ranking_4th/result.php popularity] [http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/taleschannel/ch_ranking_5th/result/ polls].
* For some incredibly strange reason, [[Mysterious Waif|Sophie]] of ''[[Tales of Graces]]'' has become the most hated character in the yet to be released game. I don't know! A large and vocal part of the fandom hate her for being the heroine and not the [[Betty and Veronica|other girl]].
** After the game was released the tables have been turned completely. Sophie has been [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]] and is now one of the most popular characters in the game, while the other girl, Cheria, has been hated for A) [[Tier-Induced Scrappy|being useless in battle]] B) [[Damsel Scrappy|the only moment she get a spotlight in the game is when she is kidnapped]] C) [[Die for Our Ship|getting in the way for Asbel/Sophie and Asbel/Richard shippers]] D) her annoying [[Tsundere]] tendencies.
*** Especially strange since Cheria is one of the best characters in actual combat.
*** Only if you're actually controlling her. Her AI leaves a lot to be desired and with the lowest HP of the party she ends up needing to be revived way too much.
** As with Colette, though, Cheria actually ended up as the ''fifteenth'' highest-scoring character in the latest ''Tales'' poll.
* ''[[Tales of Legendia]]'''s Shirley Fennes. Fans just hate her for her voice, her [[Damsel in Distress]] tendencies, and that one scene where fans take it like [[Yandere|"Senel, either you love me, or I'll nuke your world."]] [[Base Breaker|There are quite a few who like her though.]]
** Colette, Sophie, Shirley......[[Designated Protagonist Syndrome|seeing a pattern here?]]
* As for ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]'', Anise gets scrappy points for {{spoiler|her involvment in Ion's [[Heroic Sacrifice|death]] and being forced to be [[The Mole|a mole]] by [[Corrupt Church|Mohs]]. Did I mention Anise was [[Toy Ship|clearly in love]] with Ion?}} Also, she gets additional scrappy points for being too [[Easily Forgiven]] for her transgressions compared to what Luke goes through after his screwup.
* It's very hard to find fans of Reala, from ''[[Tales of Destiny|Tales of Destiny 2]]''. Her status as a [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]] is undeniable, and she's also accused of other sins ([[Purity Sue|Sue]] tendencies, bad AI, overall blandness). It really says something when the characters chosen to represent the game alongside [[Kid Hero|Kyle]] in ''Tales of VS.'' were [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Nanaly and Harold]] instead of her (since she's pretty much the co-protagonist). Although she does make an appearance of a bonus boss in [[Tales of Graces]].
== The Legend of Zelda ==
Line 269 ⟶ 275:
** To a lesser extent, Fi, more or less for being [[Stop Helping Me!|extremely]] [[Captain Obvious|unhelpful]]. She has a knack of reiterating a piece of information said by an NPC [[Viewers Are Goldfish|literally five seconds after said NPC finished talking]], [[Captain Obvious|pointing out your shield is damaged or your hearts are low]], and in contrast to Tael and Midna, she's cold, stoic and almost robotic. It makes you wonder if the Goddesses created her to prepare one of his reincarnations for Navi.
*** However, {{spoiler|her farewell at the end of the game [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap|rescued her from the scrappy heap]] for some.}}
* In ''Breath of the Wild'' and ''Tears of the Kingdom'', the Koroks qualify as a Scrappy ''Race''. Thanks to being tied to both games' [[That One Sidequest|longest and most tedious sidequest]] (which manages to be a complete waste of time if you go for 100%, just to add insult to injury) these cute little tree guys are hated far more than any monster or [[Demonic Spiders|Guardian]]. Their new escort missions where you have to lead an immobile Korok to its friend in ''Tears of the Kingdom'' instantly attracted a ''lot'' of eye-rolling and groaning... only for players to quickly find out that they're a blessing in disguise. Since you can stick Koroks to vehicles and other contraptions that you make for the purpose of making transportation easier, [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|that also means you can attach them to ''Korok torture devices'']] so you can get [[Take That, Scrappy!|sweet, sweet revenge against the annoying little pests.]]
== World of Warcraft ==
Line 319 ⟶ 325:
* Back in the day when [[Banjo-Kazooie]] was first released, Bottles the Mole got a lot of attention as [[The Scrappy]] of choice. Many gamers were boggled by the first scene of the game being him popping out of his hole and speaking in his bizarre voice. In the sequel, [[Banjo Tooie]], Rare must have been aware of this, because Bottles is killed off right at the beginning and replaced by his Brother, Jamjars, as Banjo's mentor.
** In ''Nuts and Bolts'', nearly all of the new characters get some hatred for being associated with a controversial game, but the two biggest scrappies are probably Trophy Thomas, simply because he's a [[Jerkass]], and L.O.G., for being the face of Banjo's shoehorning into the new style of game.
* Carl "CJ" Johnson from ''[[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]]'' is considered [[The Scrappy]] by many, despite being the main protagonist of the game, according to some fans. These fans tend to criticise the fact that CJ is whiny at times and isn't as [[Badass]] as his predecessors, Claude (''GTA III'') and Tommy Vercetti (''Vice City''). Most fans like him though.
** The major problem fingered with CJ is cut-scene/gameplay dissonance. Claude is, at best, amoral and Tommy is a complete psycho, whereas CJ is depicted as having fundamentally good motivations and just 'doin it fo da hood.' Which somehow doesn't gel with the fact you just ran over a few old women and beat police officers to death with a dildo.
*** Then again, some people like the game ''better'' for introducing a protagonist with a sympathetic side. It turns out there's a lot of people in real life who aren't criminals, but fantasize about [[Berserk Button|snapping]] and [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|hitting back at the world for fucking them over]].
Line 339 ⟶ 345:
* Fargoth, Gaenor, Glarthir, Maglir, the Adoring Fan...the list of hated Bosmer in ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' goes on and on and on.
** [http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Heimskr Heimskr], the Whiterun Priest of Talos in ''[[Skyrim]]'' is a close runner-up to [[Fallout 3|Confessor Cromwell]] in the "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIbUwEHU9ck highly murderable] nonstop preacher" category.
** Fellow Whiterun civilian Nazeem is also widely hated for being a pompous, self-important twit who smugly talks down to the player every time they cross paths. Which will be ''every goddamn time'' you go visit Jarl Balgruuf. Though on the flipside, if you have a save you can instantly reload, he ''is'' satisfying to beat up and kill over and over again.
** The Thalmor in general, players absolutely hate them so much due to their jerkass [[Can't Argue with Elves]] nature and making Tamriel into the hellhole it is during ''[[Skyrim]]''. If there is a thing everyone can agree upon in Skyrim [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much|including Altmer players]], its the desire to kill every single Thalmor member they see, even if they are fighting against the group you'd normally be against.
** Maven Black-Briar is Riften's insufferably smug and unlikable local crime boss and is responsible for Riften's status as a [[Wretched Hive]]. She callously bosses the player around during the Thieves' Guild questline, and is annoyingly untouchable thanks to being a [[Karma Houdini]] that you can't arrest or even kill since she's an essential NPC. PC Players can easily get around this with console commands, but console players have no such luck. Or at least they didn't, [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/8u8qp3/every_way_to_screw_maven_blackbriar_over/ until a dedicated player put together a guide that allows you to truly screw her over] with a revenge plan so intricate and brutal that it would make [[The Count of Monte Cristo|Edmond Dantes]] blush.
** On the opposite end of Riften's morality scale is Aerin. He's a [[Nice Guy]] who doesn't have a single mean bone in his body, but players hate him just as much as Maven because he never stops following Mjoll the Lioness around like a lost, pathetic little puppy. And he follows her ''everywhere'' to the point that he ''moves in with you'' if you marry her, making him come off as a creepy stalker instead of a valued friend. Since Mjoll is a popular marriage option for being a good-hearted [[Hot Amazon]] and one of very few [[Game Breaker|immortal followers]], he's become the bane of many players' existence and is a popular punching bag on par with Nazeem.
** Delphine. Her snippy attitude is a far cry from more likeable Blades such as Jauffre and Baurus from ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion|Oblivion]]'', which already doesn't do her any favors. But what firmly puts her into this territory is her irrational hatred of {{spoiler|the friendly dragon Paarthurnax}}, who she'll order you to kill after a certain point. And if you refuse to do so, she and the rest of the Blades will dig in their heels and refuse to help you unless you change your mind and kill him. And keep in mind that this is ''after'' she clarifies that the Blades serve you, making her come off as an entitled, bossy hypocrite who tosses you aside the second you defy her orders.
* ''[[Gothic]]'' had Mud, a pest who latched onto the hero if you walked by him. He'd constantly pester you by initiating pointless dialog, but should any enemies get near, he'd run away... until you defeated them. Then he came back. The only way to get rid of him was to beat him up. Very cathartic, actually.
** Since even the hero seems to enjoy beating him up, and because of his [[But You Screw One Goat!|implied reason for being thrown into the mine colony]], this was probably intentional.
Line 423 ⟶ 433:
** Yunseong's got everything going for him. Wrong. He's got an annoying personality, including a firm grasp of the [[Idiot Ball]] over three games. He's practically a parody of every [[Hot-Blooded]] cliche in the book. He's seen by some as the [[Replacement Scrappy]] to Hwang, yet with a more useless moveset. Shippers of ''anyone he knows'' hate him, because they want him out of the picture. Because the people that he know tend to be [[Women Are Wiser|sensible, useful women]], and because they have to babysit him for half of their stories, he's seen as even more unavoidable.
* ''[[Resident Evil Code: Veronica]]'':
** Steve Burnside is a big time scrappy. An insufferable, whiny screw-up with a shrill, nasal voice. The fact that he often wastes ammunition on walls and ends up getting both Claire and himself into danger too many times just makes him even more unbearable. Thankfully, the staff working on the ''Code: Veronica'' segment of ''[[Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles|Darkside Chronicles]]'' seems to have noticed this, and plan to tone him down and, thank the heavens, give him a new voice actor that sounds like an actual teenager.
** Thankfully, the staff working on the ''Code: Veronica'' segment of ''[[Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles|Darkside Chronicles]]'' seems to have noticed this, and plan to tone him down and, thank the heavens, give him a new voice actor that sounds like an actual teenager.
** Note that like many other characters on this page, Steve is something of a [[Base Breaker]]. He's got ''[[Emo Teen|loads]]'' of [[Angst]], but there's justification for that in game {{spoiler|what with his mother being shot, him and his dad being shipped off to a private corporate prison, and his dad being turned into a zombie, which he then had to shoot.}} There's no justifying [[Most Annoying Sound|that damned voice]], though. Thankfully, ''Darkside Chronicles'' did fix that (he sounds a bit older than 17, but at least he's not horribly nasal).
* ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'':
** Lee Linjun, [[The Neidermeyer]] captain of the Shirogane is a stuck-up [[Jerkass]] perfectionist who has very little concern on his subordinates and always look down on Tetsuya Onodera, always giving him his frustrations while in practice, his high and mighty attitude always lead to disaster; and then, he got caught by stupidity, then turns traitor. Then right after that, he crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by killing Daitetsu Minase. From that point on, it doesn't matter if he had a sad past of losing his wife, all his negativities eclipse all of them, [[And the Fandom Rejoiced]] when he met his end by charging like an idiot towards Tetsuya... who's commanding the battleship Kurogane, ''with a drill on its head''.
** Wilhelm von Juergen, the 'supposed' [[Big Bad]] of the OVA, when you look at him, seems normal. A candidate of [[Anti-Villain]], perhaps, he only, like, got over the top reacting on his sadness of losing his family against the Aerogators, and his intentions in building the ODE is ''clearly'' well enough. But in process of that, he managed to be a unrepentant massive [[Big Bad Wannabe]], who caught Lamia Loveless only by luck, and when she made it clear that her mind cannot be overridden that easily with ODE's programming, he crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by shooting her while she's battered, defenseless and naked making it look like she dies and suffer a huge case of [[Chickification]] (Which was thankfully fixed when she eventually returns full time in OG Gaiden) since the teaser to OG Gaiden ended right after he shot her dead and he's immediately killed by Duminuss for outliving his 'usefulness'. Right after that, all his sympathetic points got to hell, and everyone looks at him with A LOT of contempt. However, you will be less than likely to find those who are vocal in their hatred towards Juergen when compared to Lee's ... because every one of Juergen's appearance is in a [[No Export for You]] media (the very small number of western players that DO know about him, they just can't find it in themselves to like him in any way). It doesn't help that the Bartolls that he provides are massive [[Goddamned Bats]].
** Mist Lex, the [[Original Generation]] main of ''[[Super Robot Wars K]]''. Where to start? He's an idiot that can't read the mood; when everyone is surprised at the [[Overman King Gainer|Overdevil]] disappearing, he just goes "Man, that was a tough enemy, huh?" for no reason. He speaks of stuff like the ''slavery'' back at his home planet nonchalantly, even if it involves friends of his. He's a reckless idiot that [[Leeroy Jenkins|attacks stronger villains without thinking twice about it]]. ''Repeatedly''. He's got a [[Love Triangle]] with two other girls not all that interesting either but still [[Romantic Plot Tumor|overtakes a decent chunk of the plot]], including [[Demoted to Extra|pushing aside]] the better [[Love Triangle]] from ''[[Shinkon Gattai Godannar]]''. To cap it off, his robot is ugly as hell and when combined with the robot of his chosen girl it becomes ''even uglier'', if that's possible. And he's the friggin' ''main character''. In Mist's defense, the previous DS game, ''[[Super Robot Wars W]]'', has some of the most popular and beloved Original mains out there, so he suffers a bit from [[Tough Act to Follow]], but even with that aside, he's just bland and uninspired, to the point fans want him to NOT appear in the ''[[Super Robot Wars Original Generation]]'' games, and occasionally when there's a new SRW announced, [[Troll]]s start picking up his Scrappiness and photoshopped Mist into said game, just to annoy people.
* ''[[Dragon Age]]'':
** It has two characters that spawned giant Hatedoms. Isolde, wife of the Arl of Redcliffe who raised Alistair, resident [[Mr. Fanservice]]. She was especially harsh to him when he was a boy, making him sleep in the stables and shipping off to be raised by the Chantry, where he was miserable, as well as generally making his life miserable while he was there (all before he was ten, mind you). Her reason being that her husband never told her that Alistair 'was not' his illegitimate son but Maric's causing all sorts of problems for her and her own son. Alistair as an adult even sympathizes with her and admits that his response to it all was very immature and stupid (his comment being that he may as well have been raised by dogs), this usually gets overlooked by Alistair's fangirls. In the course of the game she makes a number of [[It Got Worse|bad decisions]] that led to the problems in Redcliffe including a zombie plague that you have to fix. It's clearly not her fault however she simply didn't want her beloved son {{spoiler|to get dragged off to [[Wizarding School]] (which is the law) because it's a prison and where your graduation ceremony is having a demon shoved into you just to test your resistance to possession and where failure to toe the line either results in execution or a lobotomy. Her response was to hire an illegal mage who was secretly planted there by Loghain/Howe who poisoned the Arl causing her son to turn to a demon for help that possessed him and started the whole zombie plague. Her hatedom however makes her out to be a conceited, stupid bitch who just didn't want her son's magic embarrassing her because of her religion and let things get worst just to keep it secret instead of a distressed mother just trying to protect her only son.}}. She gets in your way quite a bit throughout the quest [[Mama Bear|but all to her save her son]]. Still many fans see her as a [[Karma Houdini]] for not receiving any sort of punishment for something she's not at fault for. Mostly though, ''everyone'' hates her poorly French accented voice! ''[[Memetic Mutation|"Teeeeeeeeee-]][[Most Annoying Sound|gaaaaaahn!"]]''. That she pushes for {{spoiler|[[Mr. Fanservice|Jowen's]] (the blood mage who tried to assassinate her husband [[The Atoner|then genuinely tries to repent for it]]) execution also doesn't help matters}}.
Line 440 ⟶ 448:
** Alistair's fangirls often hate on his sister Goldanna for not welcoming him with hugs and kisses and then demanding money from him. Keep in mind Goldanna is a bitter, poor single mother with five children who hasn't seen Alistair in years. Getting angry at him for trying to come into her life after all this time is understandable.
* ''[[Dragon Age 2]]'':
** Carver, Hawke's little brother is this to a lot of the [[Fandom]]. Just about every other character has some form of Hatedom, up to and including the main character Hawke, as a [[Replacement Scrappy]] and/or a [[Creator's Pet]]. ''Legacy'' [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|takes him out of this spot]], especially in comparison to...
** Outside of Carver, the other character who gets the biggest amount of hate is'''Fucking'''. '''Anders'''. Originally the [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] from ''[[Dragon Age]]: Awakening'', his entire character becomehas derailed into an angsty hypocritcalhypocritical mage who's one and only thought is to complain about the plight of the mages. {{spoiler|The fact he's personally responsible for the [[Downer Ending]] of the game due to an [[What an Idiot!|extremely idiotic]] and [[Moral Event Horizon|morally reprehensible]] decision}} only seals his hatedom.
** In the ''Mark of the Assassin'' DLC, the elf assassin Tallis (whose voice and appearance are based upon [[Felicia Day]]) is viewed by many as an unlikable [[Canon Sue]]. Players hate Tallis because of her [[Cutscene Power to the Max]] (her introduction scene features her killing half a dozen Antivan Crows without even breaking a sweat), her [[Can't Argue with Elves|Can't Argue With Qunari]] attitude, and the fact that she succeeds at her goals regardless of whether you choose to support her or oppose her.
* Wren Insurance from ''[[SimCity|Sim City 4]]'' has a lot of hate, due to a programming glitch that caused it to spawn more often than it needed to in the cities. There's a mod to fix this, as well as a mod to completely remove it from the game (as well as the rest of the Maxis buildings).
Line 521 ⟶ 529:
* [[Metroid: Other M|Adam Malkovitch.]] He's widely considered a [[Jerk Stu]] for his cold, sometimes careless behavior, and for imposing the now infamous [[Scrappy Mechanic|authorization mechanic]] on to Samus/The player. The fact that he was built up as a great man when ''[[Metroid Fusion]]'' came out makes some of his behavior rather shocking to some people. But probably the biggest reason is Samus's sometimes creepy relationship with him, which has spawned [https://web.archive.org/web/20131104140519/http://moonbase.rydia.net/mental/blog/gaming/metroid-other-m-the-elephant/article.html entire articles] going into how [[Unfortunate Implications|messed up]] it is. The short version is that Samus acts like he loves him like a daughter([[Relationship Writing Fumble|this didn't stop people from interpreting that she liked him in a far different way]]), but Adam, on the other hand, is mostly indifferent(the No-Varia run is a good example) to outright cruel. The fact that Samus takes things like disabling all of her weapons or ''getting shot and nearly killed by Adam'' like it was nothing made things quite worse.
** There's also the fact that this account basically erases the significance of the Chozo in her life, positioning him as the first father figure she ever had, rather than an entire race that raised her from early childhood, taught her everything she knows, and invented most of the technology she uses. Sure, that makes sense.
* To some, the ''[[EarthBound|Earthbound]]'' has the wandering Photography Man]], forwho randomly appearingappears out of nowhere seemingly at random to interrupt your game toand take a random picture.
* Although ''[[BlazBlue]]'' doesn't have any Scrappies ''per se'', you'll find it very hard to find fans of [[Bratty Half-Pint|Luna]]. She's considered to be extremely loud-mouthed and obnoxious, insulting and being a [[Jerkass|rude bitch]] to pretty much everyone. She's probably even more haughty than '''[[Jerk Sue|Rac]][[Canon Sue|hel]]'''. This hatred extends a little into Platinum [[Split Personality|as a whole]], although her other personalities Sena and Trinity are more well-received.
* Shaundi in ''[[Saints Row the Third]]''. Her personality change from easy-going pothead to a revenge-obsessed complainer who snaps at her friends at the drop of a hat has not gone over well with fans. The fact that [[Eliza Dushku]] did not return to voice her did not help matters.
* In [[Brothers in Arms]], Private Leggett, in-universe and out, especially with his original voice actor and after {{spoiler|the deaths of Allen and Garnett.}} He's awkward, annoying, and far more aggressive towards his fellow squad-mates than towards the Germans. After his [[Heroic BSOD]] moment, some squad members mutter that "that skinny prick better not cross [their] path." A new voice actor and some fleshing out [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap|make him more popular in later installments, though.]]
* The Yeti/"Abominable Snow Monster" in the 8-Bit Windows game ''[[SkiFree]]'' is also hated due to [[Game Over Man|appearing out of nowhere and eating the player who was just minding their own business skiing down the hill]], and tops it off by [[Troll|jumping up and down victoriously over eating the player, mocking their inability to escape him or kick his ass]]. He's getting like that [[Duck Hunt]] dog, only with less publicity, and everyone who played [[''SkiFree]]'' hates this guy.
* The Mayor from ''[[Nintendo Wars|Advance Wars: Days of Ruin]]'' is more hated than even the worst [[Complete Monster]]s in the game for being a selfish ingrate who only pretended to care about his people. {{spoiler|This makes his [[Karmic Death]] when he tries to consume the antidote himself only to find out the hard way that it was poison all along more satisfying.}}
* [[Atelier Meruru]]: Rorona. She got turned into an (ugly) eight year old between games, and acts her new age. A very large portion of fanbase is not pleased. This is apparently because Gust [[Christmas Cake|couldn't stand to see her in her 30s]]. "Who wants to see a Rorona in her 30s? Not me, that's for sure!"
* ''[[The Last of Us Part II]]'':
** Shortly after the game's release, Abby from would quickly become one of the most hated characters in video game history, right up there with the Duck Hunt Dog and Navi. {{spoiler|Killing Joel, a near-universally beloved character in such a cruel and humiliating fashion did not endear people to her, and the revelation that you'd be ''playing'' as her would prove to be the killing blow to any potential popularity she could have had. And to top it off, she's a [[Karma Houdini]] to boot, and she walks away from the game smelling like roses while Ellie, who slaughtered her way through her equally hated friends to avenge Joel is left a miserable and broken wreck despite being a lot more sympathetic. And that's after she spared her, for god knows what reason}}. Needless to say, if you're going to [[Character Shilling|shill a new character out the ass]], ''don't'' shit on beloved pre-established ones to do so.
** Out of that circle of friends, Manny is especially hated for {{spoiler|spitting on Joel's corpse}}, for being responsible for the creepy and widely despised sex scene between him and Abby, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and his stupid man-bun.]] {{spoiler|Thankfully, [[Karma Houdini Warranty|he gets his when Tommy blows his brains out right out of nowhere.]]}}
* While calling ''any'' character from ''[[YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG|YIIK]]'' likable [[Eight Deadly Words|is a bit of a stretch]], [[Hipster|Alex's]] sheer obnoxiousness makes them feel tolerable by comparison. He's a self-absorbed dick who whines and complains about the littlest things, has a creepy savior complex towards a missing girl he barely knows, acts like a raging asshole towards a friend troubled by {{spoiler|his sister's suicide}}, and makes {{spoiler|that very same friend's potential suicide}} all about himself. He's also a pretentious fuckwad who goes on overly long and drawn-out monologues filled with [[Purple Prose]], and often screams at everyone around him to explain [[Memetic Mutation|"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"]] anytime something mildly weird happens. And if that wasn't bad enough, he's the main character, meaning that you have to put up with his attitude for the entire game. What's funny is that Alex is ''supposed'' to be hateable, but he's also supposed to win the player over by developing into a better person. Players and even the rare fans here and there unanimously hate him anyway because he doesn't do nearly enough to balance out his [[Jerkass]] behavior or truly change his ways for the better, resulting in him going down in history as a textbook example of how ''not'' to write an unlikable protagonist.
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