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Gratuitous Rape: Difference between revisions

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== Comic Books ==
* Sleez forcing a mind-controlled Big Barda to star in porn movies in ''[[Action Comics]]'' #593. He almost did it to Superman, too. (How creepy was Sleeze and this story? Sleeze was kicked out of [[Polluted Wasteland|Apokalips]] by [[God of Evil|Darkseid]] for [[Even Evil Has Standards|for being too creepy]].)
** When it was featured on ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall]]'', Linkara cited the page quote.
* Infamously, ''[[Identity Crisis]]'' created the [[Retcon]] of Dr. Light raping Sue Dibny in The Watchtower, and worse, we only found out about it ''after'' Sue had been murdered and its only purpose was to motivate the heroes into crossing into [[Moral Dissonance|very questionable territory]]. And worse, the entire rape plot turns out to be {{spoiler|a [[Red Herring]] when it comes to the central murder mystery.}}
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