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** This was called an ostracism, and there were [[Honor Before Reason|people]] who preferred death to being exiled from Athens, even if they had the chance to live elsewhere.
* Frequently happens on internet forums, for obvious reasons. Sometimes, the members who were banned make spin-off forums, as sort of a "refugee camp" for banned users so to speak.
* [[Conspiracy Theorist|Conspiracy theorist]] [[Alex Jones]] was permanently banished from most mainstream social media and internet services following complaints and defamation cases filed by relatives of mass shooting victims whom Jones and his followers launched harassment campaigns aimed to discredit them as so-called "crisis actors", as well as Jones inciting hatred and sowing discord against people of other ethnicities and beliefs. Facebook flagged Jones and his site under their "Dangerous individuals and organisations" blacklist, whilst Apple, YouTube, Spotify, Periscope, Roku, Vimeo and Twitter removed and permanently banned him and his content from being posted on their services. Online payment service PayPal wanted nothing to do with his business transactions either, and both the Apple App Store and Google Play removed the official InfoWars app from their stores, in the latter case only in March 2020 due to serious concerns about lies and misinformation being circulated about the [[COVID-19 Pandemic]]. [[TV Tropes]] doesn't want any articles about him either as he was deemed to be untropableun-tropeable by the site's [[Censorship Bureau]].
* In 2017 [[Steven Seagal]] was banned from entering Ukraine as "a national security threat" (in reality obviously as a tantrum over Seagal being granted Russian citizenship). [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/05/steven-seagal-banned-ukraine-branded-national-security-threat/ News article here].
* There is a persistent [[Urban Legend]] that, because of a commercial she made for Burger King in 1981 when she was five, [[Sarah Michelle Gellar]] was sued by and then banned for life from [[McDonald's]]. She did make [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ss7_5PSnyA the commercial] and she ''was'' a part of a lawsuit filed by McDonald's against Burger King (she was even put on the stand to testify about the things she said in the commercial). But she was never banned -- although her parents apparently avoided McDonald's for a few years after the lawsuit.
* Hate group leader [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Duke#2009_arrest_in_the_Czech_Republic David Duke] is not allowed in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Initially, it was only Italy, having kicked him out for making Holocaust denial claims (a serious crime in most of Europe), but after he violated that order and was found living in Valle di Cadore, the rest of the European Union didn't want him there either.
* Being on the sex offender registry not only leaves a black mark on a person which they would very much find it hard to erase, it also effectively gives the person in question ''persona non grata'' status as they are no longer allowed to take up certain jobs, reside in places near schools or places of worship or be in close contact with minors. Controversies over its effectiveness have been discussed though, as some have argued that it created more problems than what they're supposed to address, like families of sex offenders [[Sins of Our Fathers|who are also affected]] even if they had nothing to do (or wanted nothing to do) with the offender's sexual deviancy, as well as the issue of offenders who end up as homeless bums due to lack of housing and job opportunities making them even more dangerous to children residing near the area.
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