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Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[I Gave My Word]]: When Serebria captured Rosalyn’s ship (who was quickly escorted off before the capture), she had the crew dead to rights. Lute/Mask, who was the acting captain, proposed settling things with a coin toss. If he beats her and her crew members in coin tossing, they leave peacefully (and gets to dance with Serebria, but will die if he loses even once. Serebria humors Lute/Mask and takes him on. He beats all the crew members, and Serebria honors the bet to leave them. Before that, she dances with him as part of his win.
* [[Last of Her Kind]]: Serebria is the last undine left in the world.
* [[Only Sane Woman]]: Tries, in vain, to point out her side to quit biting off more than they can chew. She gets ignored.
* [[Our Mermaids Are Different]]: Serebria is an Undine, which would explain why she’s her kingdom’s naval commander. Oddly enough, she hasn’t shown any aquatic form to speak of.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Though Serebria is the queen of Iberia, she tries to do what she thought was best for her country, unlike her husband, Emperador II, who takes extremeextremely questionable methods. She angrily calls him out on ordering the assassination of {{Spoiler|Prime Minister Zeitzen of Nordland, saying since he's a prime supporter of Edelland, all suspicions of his death will be pointed at Iberia. She was proven right and that the act was not only useless to Iberia’s cause, but rather it was harmful}}. She even takes action in the end {{spoiler|as the last royal in charge of Iberia}}, to declare peace to spare her people further bloodshed.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Serebria is the queen of Iberia and a renowned naval commander, since she is also an undine.
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{{quote|'''Voiced by:''' [[Yukimitsu Koshi]] (JP)}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Good Parents]]: Motaire now being his son-in-law, he's obviously been a good influence on him, as what few shreds of Motaire's former nasty side have been further beveled off.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Apparently, after Aristera and Droit left him, Motaire started seeing Felzen's niece. As you can imagine, Felzen isn't exactly thrilled about this given Motaire's [[Handsome Lech|previous reputation.]]
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The Prime Minister of Fronce. He was good friends with Gladys' father, and had known Gladys herself, since she was a child. He hopes to someday introduce the Knighted Bureaucracy system in Fronce.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by him include:}}
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Continuing off the last game he was in, where he was already fairly rational, he's a moderating influence who tries to stay on Edelland's good side.
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* [[Break The Haughty]]: After getting his ass handed to him more than once and getting his life saved by the very people he opposed, he becomes much more likable.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: A bald general who is competent in his job.
* [[Running Gag]]: Every game in this series has at least one guy who's name is horribly mispronounced into something insulting. He fills that role here.
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* [[Royal Brat]]: He believes his status as a prince automatically entitles him to everything.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Legrand lets the status of prince go to his head and thought to increase his standing by challenging Felzen in a jousting match. He loses miserably. He also overestimates his own abilities, believing himself to be all Estoria needs to protect Nordland from invasion (which was just to get in her pants). When Lute arrives and halts the invasion, Legrand gets angry about Lute “stealing his thunder”, saying he was not needed.
* [[Smug Snake]]: He's basically Prince Bobon and Argent but with even less intelligence, allies or resources, yet he still tries to punch above his weight class in [[Evil Plan]]s.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Villains Want Mercy]]: {{Spoiler|After his attempted assassinations of Lute, Shamsiel, Gladys, and Aphrodia failed spectacularly, Legrand pathetically begged for forgiveness once he gets cornered. He’s sent to the guillotine.}}
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