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The Chronicles of Amber: Difference between revisions

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* [[Our Monsters Are Weird]] - Since "the Shadows" include everything up to and including a bar where [[Alice in Wonderland|Cheshire Cat hangs out with his pals]], a lot of strange critters pop up now and then.
* [[Our Demons Are Different]] - It seems to just mean "a natural inhabitant of Chaos", with whichever degrees of sentience and magical abilities. There are many traditionally horned, fanged, and bat-winged demons in the Courts of Chaos, but there are also talking cats, furry snakes, mantis-dragon things with multiple limbs, spikes and three hearts, and trickster mathematical abstractions. And non-corporeal spirits capable of possessing mortals. Most of the Lords of Chaos wear demon forms (generally on "TREMBLE, MORTALS!" end of the scale) and the line between mere demons and full Lords of Chaos is never clearly defined.
** "Lord of Chaos" seem to require initiation in Logrus and maybe direct relation to the royal family. But unlike the Pattern, Logrus is open for everyone, and can be successfully navigated by any creature with will and luck to survive the process, or even by a drone spawned off a magical construct (even if It was angry about this cheating afterwards), so there's no obvious reasons why a demon couldn't. While the royal family is big even officially and… [[Father of a Thousand Bastards|see also: Oberon]].
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]] - Merlin thinks Rhanda was one, and her family in turn discouraged her teenage romance with him, thinking that he was one (and hoping she'd marry up). However, it turns out that she's a "shroudling," a people who live behind mirrors and who eat people the world would be better off without in their opinion. They can apparently do this across Shadow.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Random becomes this to Martin...once he ''realizes'' he has a son, that is.
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