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Ambiguous Clone Ending: Difference between revisions

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* One Halloween short on [[The Simpsons]] involving a magical hammock that made multiple Homer Simpson clones ends with all the Homer clones being sent plummeting down a cliff. {{spoiler|However, it turns out that ''the real Homer'' was amongst the clones who fell to their doom. However, Marge doesn't seem to mind, making love in bed with the clone Homer that survived in the real Homer's stead.}}
* Invoked in the Season 4 finale of ''[[Rick and Morty]]'', where it is revealed that Rick did indeed make a clone of Beth in the previous seaso after "The ABCs of Beth". It turns out that when he made the offer to Beth to clone her so she could live her own life rather than stay with the family, she asked him to choose for her. Unable to make that choice, Rick cloned Beth, then shuffled the clone and the real Beth so nobody, himself included, would know who was who. Then he gave one of the two choices to each of them. ([[Word of God]] claims that Rick just couldn't handle the decision, so he made a non-choice and doubled down on it hard.]]) Fortunately, by the end of the episode, neither "Earth Beth" nor "Space Beth" really cares who is who, and everyone except Rick sees a bright side to having both around.
* Played for laughs [[DuckTales (2017)| in the 2017]] reboot of Duck Tales; Gyro has made an army of clones, and none of them can remember who the real Gyro is anymore, one of them even mentioning that one of the two who are vaporized during "Moonvasion" might be the real one. None of them seem to be all-too concerned about it.
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