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|"Fat Bottomed Girls", '''[[Queen]]'''}}
The Big Beautiful Woman, or BBW for short, is a subversion of Hollywood's usual standards of size and beauty. She isn't sexy ''despite'' her full figure, she's sexy ''because'' of it. She's comfortable with the fact that her weight is part of her just like her hair color. [[Weight Woe|Any angst or insecurity over her body]] was [[Defied Trope|resolved long ago]] (or over the course of the story, if this trope is the end result), and she's a confident woman who has a healthy dating life and knows how to find outfits that look fantastic on her. In an earlier time, she'd be called [[Rubenesque]]. Sloppier works might give her the same feel as a [[Pet Homosexual]]: a raunchy best friend who's always talking about sex but is never seen having it. Writers can avoid this by making her part of the [[Beta Couple]] or (believe it or not) making her the main heroine as an everywoman.
There's plenty of overlap with [[Sassy Black Woman]] (she'll at least have the attitude if not the skin tone) and [[Fag Hag]]. Also a source of [[Fetish Fuel]]. When adding examples, avoid ladies who are [[Hollywood Pudgy]]. She must be visibly heavy-set for the trope to be in effect. May be part of the [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl]] Pairing. Sometimes paired with [[Of Corsets Sexy]], as a number of full-figured women esteem corsets highly as a way to produce a perfect hourglass figure. Contrast with [[Brawn Hilda]] and [[Amazonian Beauty]].
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