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The Monkees (TV series): Difference between revisions

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* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: In "Success Story", Davy (who is a born and raised Brit) states that he was raised by his grandfather, who is flying in from England to see his grandson. However, when we first hear the grandfather speak, his British accent is very mild-to-nonexistent, to the point of almost sounding American, and later, when the charade is falling apart, the grandfather starts sounding... Irish?
** The climax of one episode had the [[Grand Vizier]] of the [[Qurac|Middle Eastern nation Nahudi]] asked by the ruler how he could betray "the land of your birth."
{{Quote|'''Vizier''': [generic fake Middle Eastern accent] The land of my birth? [disgusted spitting sound] I am '''not''' a Nahudian! [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|I was born! in Enid! Oklahoma!]]
[accent shifts to [[American Accents|Deep South]]] Ah just came heah to get yawr oil. Which Ah'm about to do raht naow.}}
* [[Pass the Popcorn]]: "The Picture Frame" has three of them robbing a bank after being tricked into thinking they're making a movie. When the police present them with the film from the surveillance cameras as evidence, they treat it as an actual movie, complete with being critical about their performance and popcorn.
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