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Children Are Innocent: Difference between revisions

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== Played Straight(ish)==
=== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ===
* ''[[Laputa: Castle in the Sky]]'': Sheeta and Pazu, both.
* ''[[My Neighbor Totoro]]'': Satsuki and Mei, both
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** [[Captain Obvious Aesop|Duh.]]
* In ''[[Grave of the Fireflies]]'' Setsuko's innocence is used as a foil to highlight the cruelty of war.
* Averted in ''[[Kodomo no Jikan]]'' with nine -year -old main character Rin, who [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior|acts in a very sexual way towards her teacher]]. Her friends are way more innocent, but not to the extent of this trope.
* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', this is one of the stated reasons why Fate's sentence was light despite being an accomplice in the dimensional interference; she was just a child who was following her mother's wish and didn't fully understand the crime that she was committing. Also, Precia's an [[Evil Matriarch|evil]], [[Complete Monster|evil]] bitch for not only taking [[The Power of Trust|advantage of that trust]], [[Abusive Parents|but abusing it]].
* In ''[[Phantom Dreams]]'', when a Jaki kills a child for a spell, Tamaki is enraged.
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* Averted in ''[[Tekkon Kinkreet]]'': Black can't be older than 13 and has already mugged, assaulted and maimed several people. His [[Constantly Curious|usually innocent]] partner White also nastily averts this trope when he {{spoiler|[[Nightmare Fuel|lights one of their alien attackers on fire]] and [[Kill It with Fire|burns him alive]].}}
* Subverted in the manga ''Ikigami''. In "The Last Lesson", a school teacher loses his job because a kid was tired of hearing him talk and took pictures of underage children with the teacher's phone, getting him branded as a pervert. Later, when the kid admits to setting up the teacher, the teacher responds with "If you're truly sorry, then you have done no harm."
** Also, the headmaster of the school where the kid went fired teachers if the children were failing, the logic being that kids will study as hard as they can and if they're failing, itsit's the teachers fault.
** The entire point of ''Ikigami'' is subverting this trope. The reason why the National Welfare Act was passed was to deal with underage crime.
* Broken into pieces, set on fire, and then had its ashes spit on in ''[[Black Lagoon]]''. Hansel and Gretel are, by far, the least innocent characters in the whole show. {{spoiler|Though their [[Dark and Troubled Past]] might be a reason for this}}.
=== [[Comic Books]] ===
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