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* [[Gender Flip]]: The video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TBd-UCwVAY "It's Time"], shot from the perspective of someone who falls in love with a man and builds a relationship with him. The video ends with the man proposing marriage, and the camera pulls back to reveal that the point-of-view character was [[Queer Romance|another man this whole time]]. The video was heavily promoted by gay marriage advocates, causing many people to not even realize that the POV character's gender was supposed to be a [[Twist Ending]].
* [[Real Life]] example: In the 2012 Orange Bowl, a West Virginia player celebrated by tackling the Orange Bowl mascot. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsK6OKfLCqo This] is his reaction upon learning that the mascot was played by a woman.
* A truly weird example, a 2,000-year-old mummy discovered in 1826 was identified as a male due to interpretation of hieroglyphics on the casket. Modern technology in 2021, however, including a Computed tomography scan and multiple X-rays, reveal the mummy is not only the remains of a woman, but one who was pregnant at the time of death, an unborn fetus still in her womb. [https://www.rawstory.com/mummy-archeology-fetus-found/#comments_section_start Read the story here.]
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