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* A situation very similar to the above-mentioned ''Sleeping Beauty'' example is used in Jim Henson's ''Hey, Cinderella!''. In it, Cinderella meets Prince Charming while he's gardening, and they fall for each other immediately. He promptly tells her that he's the castle gardener, just because he's afraid that Cinderella will turn into a snob if she knows who he really is ("nothing makes a girl a snob more than saying she personally knows a prince"). They plan to meet at the masked ball, wearing geraniums to recognize each other. This plan fails and the result is that they meet at the ball and dance, but Cinderella doesn't realize that Arthur the gardener and Prince Charming are the same, and he doesn't realize that Cinderella is the mysterious "princess" he met. In a bit of a subversion, while the two hit it off very well at the ball, both are quite determined to hold out for the "original" identities.
* In the fourth season of ''[[Eureka]]'', Henry accidentally hops timelines, discovers that in the alternate timeline he's married to a woman he barely knows, and falls in love with "his" wife. At first she naturally resents him for displacing her real husband, but she seems to be falling in love with him as well.
* In S3 E2 of ''[[Misfits]]'', Curtis is testing out his {{spoiler|new power}} which is {{spoiler|he can change his sex at will}} he ends up sleeping with the same girl {{spoiler|as both Curtis and ''"Melanie", his female alter ego}} without her knowing it. With Curtis, it doesn't go well. But {{spoiler|the girl hits it off with Melanie, and they start dating.}} Things get messy when she {{spoiler|finds the dress she lent "Melanie" at his house}} causing her to think that {{spoiler|"Melanie" is cheating on her with Curtis.}} It only gets more complicated from there.
* In ''[[Power Rangers Samurai]]'', Spike first develops a crush on the Pink Samurai Ranger, and later develops one on Mia, making him a little conflicted on which to pursue. That said, not only is Spike something of a [[Hopeless Suitor]], Mia herself has no clue Spike lusts after ''either'' of her identities.
* In the ninth season of ''[[Smallville]]'' there is a love triangle between Clark, Lois and his Blur persona
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