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* A man has been [[Modern Warfare|locked up in a gulag for five years]]. His first act upon getting out? Lead a commando raid on a Russian nuclear missile sub base to {{spoiler|fire a nuke at the US Eastern Seaboard to both garner sympathy for the US and to use the EMP to knock out all the Russian equipment and halt the invasion.}} Because after five years in hell, your mind begins to snap a bit, or in his view, your eyes begin to open to possibilities you wouldn't have considered before, and you'll do ''whatever it takes'' to win. Gentlemen, this is what happens to {{spoiler|Captain John Price.}}
* Cao Cao from ''[[Dynasty Warriors]]''.
* The protagonist of ''[[Nie RNieR]]'' is a man determined to save his (depending on the versions of the game) [[Knight Templar Big Brother|sister]]/[[Papa Wolf|daughter]] Yonah at all costs and does not hesitate to destroy those who get in his way, {{spoiler|ultimately destroying humanity itself in his journey}}.
{{quote|''"I swore to protect my daughter and my friends. If someone puts them in danger, they must stand aside or be cut down!"'' }}
* [[Anti-Villain|The Architect]] of ''[[Dragon Age|Dragon Age: Awakenings]]'' is a darkspawn [[Ubermensch]] who will stop at nothing to end conflict between darkspawn and non-darkspawn.
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