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{{quote|''[[Laughing Mad|Hahahaha!]] Chase me! Mate with me! Seduce me! He is so strong... and sharp! [[Black Comedy Rape|Doesn't need a vagina at all!]] [male bedbug stabs her in the gut] OOOOOH! Ejaculate on my wound... the sperm will travel on their own... to my ovaries.''|''Isabella Rossellini, on the reproductive rituals of bedbugs.''}}
Ok, '''''Green Porno'''''. Where do we start?
Green Porno was a series of short films starred by [[Blue Velvet|Isabella Rossellini]] released in Sundance Channel from 2008 to date. In the eight original films that comprise the first season, Rossellini enacts the mating rituals of various insects with cardboard cut-outs and foam-rubber sculptures... most of the time both quite graphically and accurately. A good deal of its comic value comes from Rossellini's great ability to mimic different insects (dragonfly, spider, bee, praying mantis, worm, snail, fly), the cardboard settings as well as her [[Cloudcuckoolander|playful]] yet [[Fetish Fuel|oddly sensual]] physical approach to the subject.
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