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* [[Awesomeness Meter]]: You're ranked either '''Stone''' ([[Butt Monkey|Enzo]]), '''Bronze''' ([[Morality Pet|Cereza]]), '''Silver''' ([[Ted Baxter|Luka]]), '''Gold''' ([[Scary Black Man|Rodin]]), '''Platinum''' ([[Player Character|Bayonetta]] herself), or '''[[Rank Inflation|Pure Platinum]]''' ([[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|Bayonetta holding a purple crescent over her head]]), depending on how well you did at the end of each chapter.
* [[Badass Biker]]: Bayonetta and Jeanne.
* [[Bad Guy Bar]]: Supposedly, the Gates of Hell is this to the layman; located in a [[Wretched Hive]] of a city called the Dump, it is populated by thieves and black marketeers. Only a few - like Bayonetta - know that it's also [[Bazaar of the Bizarre| a demonic weapons market]].
* [[Bad Habits]]: Bayonetta dresses up like a nun at the beginning of the game, as does {{spoiler|Jeanne}} at the end of the game.
* [[Bad Moon Rising]]: The full moon in a cloudless sky lets Bayonetta {{spoiler|(and Jeanne)}} use "Witch Walk", and walk up walls.
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* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]: The description of an item you can buy from Rodin states that Cleopatra was a head witch in the Ancient Egypt.
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: At one point, Bayonetta starts a motorcycle by [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|jamming her middle finger into the ignition switch.]]
* [[BFG]]: Lt. Col. Kilgore. A set of ROCKET LAUNCHER TONFAS. Quadruple wielded, of course! The in-game description states that this weapon actually [[Living Weapon| contains the soul]] of [[Apocalypse Now| the character it is named after]]. While it probably does more damage than any other weapon in the game, it is unfortunately rather slow.
** Jeanne's equivalent is called [[Scent of a Woman|Col. Slade]].
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]:
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* [[Blood Knight]]: Sure, she has to kill angels to keep demons from dragging her to Hell, but it's pretty clear she enjoys punishing angels a bit too much. Nearly every fight scene begins and ends with a smile on her face (with a few very serious exceptions) and, other than recovering her memories, she states that one of the initial reasons she was going to Vigrid was because the weak angels being sent at her had her bored.
* [[Bonus Boss]]:
** {{spoiler|Rodin}}. Or rather, {{spoiler|Father Rodin, as he calls himself as a boss}}. Possibly one of the hardest bonus bosses in a hack and slash game ever, expect Bayonetta to get her perky ass kicked a few dozen times before you defeat him. Also might be the best example of this boss in a game like this that isn't really story related. {{spoiler|To unlock him, you need to finish the game and buy the Platinum Ticket (costs 999,999 Halos, and defeating him nets you a weapon [[Infinity Plus One Sword| that is also called Rodin]]}}.
** He is also a [[Bonus Boss]] in the second game, where he's just as hard, but this time, {{spoiler|he turns into a demon called the Infinite One}}. Here, unlocking costs 9,999,999 Halos, and again, defeating him grants you the same weapon as the first.
** A second bonus boss can be fought at the end of Angel Slayer mode. It turns out to be {{spoiler|Bayonetta herself}}.
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** {{spoiler|The stone that Bayonetta carries for Jeanne, as she uses the power in it to protect herself from an otherwise fatal explosion}}.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Luka giving {{spoiler|a lollipop to Cereza, which pretty much signifies what Bayonetta's favorite sweet is}}.
* [[Cherubic Choir]]: The background musics of the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UtuP7WVnK8 Paradiso] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT9BRphwDVc&feature=related levels] are made of this. They are stunningly beautiful and relaxing. There is also the dedicated music for [[Mook Debut Cutscene|Mook Debut Cutscenes]]s.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: {{spoiler|Balder}}. See [[Gambit Roulette]] below.
* [[The Chosen One]]: {{spoiler|Bayonetta is "The Left Eye", the darkness that makes up half of [[God|Jubileus]]. Her father is "The Right Eye", the light of Jubileus. Together they make up "The Eyes of the World"}}.
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* [[Degraded Boss]]: The climactic angel fights from the early chapters all return as regular enemies in later levels. You are also accosted by weaker knock-offs of the four Cardinal Virtues after killing their respective real deal.
* [[Did Do the Research]]: The game's angels look pretty bizarre when placed next to their counterparts from other media, but the Bible states that angels spent a lot of their time trying to calm down the people they appeared to. Also, there's one enemy that looks like a locust with a scorpion tail, a sort of creature which is supposed to appear ''just'' before Christ's return and sting unbelievers to death. Of course, depending on whether you're drawing from the Bible or from later sources/artists, the accuracy will vary as the modern image of angels (people with wing) came out long after the Bible was written.
** Also, the language spoken by the angels, and [[Magical Incantation| by Bayonetta when she uses magic]], is actually [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian Enochian], a dead language that was invented by British occultist John Dee and his colleague Edward Kelley in the 16th Century. Dee claimed this was an actual language of angels.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: {{spoiler|Yes, you did, and hard enough that her soul was knocked out of her body and flew all the way from Pluto into the '''sun'''}}. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Suplexing a DRAGON]] certainly qualifies, as well.
* [[Difficult but Awesome]]/[[Simple Yet Awesome]]: "Dodge offset" doesn't sound all that complicated: continuing an interrupted combo after dodging by holding the attack button − but in the heat of battle it requires quite a bit of coordination to pull out spontaneously. If you master it though, it becomes extremely useful in situations where you can't use Witch Time (like the [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Gracious and Glorious]] fights or the entire Infinite Climax Mode). It looks pretty sweet too.
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* [[Dragged Off to Hell]]: First of all, it happens to any boss that you kill: it gets dragged to Hell by a bunch of clawing red arms. The same thing happens to Bayonetta on the game over screen if you choose not to continue. It turns out that all Umbra Witches get this when they die, not just Bayonetta.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: ''Everyone'' during the Route 666 stage, so much that the musical score is a direct [[Shout Out]] to ''[[After Burner]]''.
* [[Dual Boss]]: Not truly bosses, but [[Elite Mook| Grace and Glory]] are usually found together.
* [[Dual Wield]]: Guns. Melee weapons. Chainsaws. You name it, she can double wield it. She can also dual wield twice: once for her hand weapons and once for her leg weapons. Is it Quadruple Wielding?
* [[Dueling Games]]: Released nearly at the same time as another Heaven VS Hell beat-em-up ''[[Darksiders]]''.
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* [[Fan Service]]: Most of the game. The lollipops, the gradually disappearing clothing, the [[Male Gaze|ass shots]], the dialogue and... it's actually harder to think of what ''isn't'' intended to titillate.
* [[Fantastic Measurement System]]: Megatons for Torture Attacks, gigantons for [[Quick Time Event|Climax moves]], and {{spoiler|infinitons for the [[Final Boss]]}}.
* [[Femme Fatalons]]: Durga (or Kali, in Jeane's case), magical claws used by the heroine that give her [[Elemental Punch| fire and lightning charged]] claw attacks.
* [[Fighting with Chucks]]: The Sai Fung (or Tang Lung in Jeanne's case) is an unlockable weapon you can get after completing 100 chapters on Normal Mode. They're very fast and can quickly stun any enemy smaller than a Beloved, but don't do much damage.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Earlier in the game, Bayonetta asks Jeanne "Who are you? And don't you dare say my long lost sister." At first, Jeanne scoffs, but this becomes [[Fridge Brilliance]] when, way later in the Epilogue of the game, you pick up on what Jeanne says: {{spoiler|"I am here to reclaim my Umbran sister!"}}
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** Bayonetta moans sensually early in the game when Affinity angels slash off her nun costume, before [[The Reveal|revealing her true outfit]].
** The Joys whenever you use a Torture Attack on them.
* [[Impossibly Cool Weapon]]: [[Bottomless Magazines]], [[Absurdly Sharp Blade|Absurdly Sharp Blades]]s, [[Improbable Weapon User|ice skates]] (that work off the ice), [[Fighting with Chucks|bullet-firing nunchaku]], [[Macross Missile Massacre|rocket launcher tonfas]], [[Whip It Good|snake whips]], [[Laser Blade|Laser Blades]]s, [[Playing with Fire|element]] [[Shock and Awe|shifting]] [[Wolverine Claws|claws]], [[Swiss Army Weapon|and a shape-shifting angelic weapon]].
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: {{spoiler|Balder does this after tossing Luka through a window. He tops it of by chuckling at his own bad joke: "It looks like my plan has gone right out the window."}}
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: {{spoiler|Pillow Talk, which is basically a giant [[Laser Blade]]}}, is the strongest weapon in the game. You can only acquire it after completing the game on its highest difficulty, Non-Stop Infinite Climax Mode. {{spoiler|Alternatively, you can enter Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A at a certain area to unlock it}}.
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* [[Kill Sat]]: One gets used against you in the fight against {{spoiler|Balder}}. It even malfunctions and falls out of the atmosphere after a while, but {{spoiler|still tries to kill you}}.
* [[Last Chance Hit Point]]: Even though it's never explicitly stated to be in effect.
* [[Laser Sword]]: The most powerful weapon in the game is Pillow Talk (Bloody Moon in Jeanne's case); unfortunately, in order to unlock it, you need to finish the game on Nonstop Climax Mode, meaning [[Infinity+1 Sword| you're not likely to need it anymore]].
* [[Leitmotif]]: Parts of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKWgJNm9Mg0 "One of a Kind"] are reused in many of the game's tracks, especially near the end of the game.
* [[Lethal Lava Land]]: Most of Chapter 3, after Fortitudo unleashes a fiery cataclysm on Vigrid. Not only does this make for hazards that can harm the heroine, but enemies become scorching hot and impervious to non-magical attacks.
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* [[Marathon Level]]:
** Chapter {{spoiler|[[That One Level|15]]}}. Takes place inside a huge building, is littered with [[Demonic Spiders|Grace and Glory, Fairness and Fearless, Ardors, and Joys]], {{spoiler|[[Recurring Boss|Iustitia, Temperantia and Sapientia return]]}}, and it even has a {{spoiler|''[[Unexpected Gameplay Change|platforming segment]]''}}. Don't be surprised if it takes you 45 minutes on your first attempt.
** [[Brutal Bonus Level|Angel Slayer]]. {{spoiler|50}} levels of fights against ''[[Demonic Spiders|every]] [[Boss in Mook Clothing|enemy]] [[Goddamned Bats|in]] [[Elite Mook|the]] [[That One Boss|game]]'', [[Difficulty Spike|Raises in difficulty]] every 10 levels, has multiple [[Boss Fight|boss fights]] against {{spoiler|Jeanne}} (including having to fight '''[[Beyond the Impossible|THREE AT ONCE]]'''), and even has a boss fight against {{spoiler|[[Mirror Boss|Bayonetta]] herself}}. As mentioned above, ''you cannot continue if you die''. So no [[Save Scumming]]: you're expected to do all this in ''[[Check Point Starvation|one go]]''. It can take at least 80-10080–100 minutes to complete. [[Sarcasm Mode|I'm sure you'll love it]].
* [[Meaningful Name]]:
** Rodin shares his name with the famous sculptor Auguste Rodin, and also runs a bar called "The Gates of Hell", which was also the name of one of the real Rodin's greatest works.
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* [[Mega Corp]]: This seems to be the case with the Ithavoll Group, which is unique in that it's also a [[Corrupt Church]]. Supposedly it was once a medium-sized IT company which has grown so powerful it owns ''two'' private cities, the walled enclave of Vigrid and the far more modern Isla Del Sol nearby, along with their own military base and an [[Evil Tower of Ominousness]] ''three kilometers tall''. Many believe the CEO is a descendant of the original Luman Sages, {{spoiler|but this is inaccurate; Father Baldur ''is'' one of the original Sages}}.
* [[Meganekko]]: Bayonetta and Cereza.
* [[Mook Chivalry]]: Of the ''[[Ninja Gaiden]]'' kind. <ref>[[Don't Explain the Joke|Meaning, non-existent]].</ref>
* [[Mook Debut Cutscene]]: With dedicated music too! Only [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Gracious and Glorious]] don't have one.
* [[More Dakka]]: Bayonetta has guns on her feet. [[Lampshaded]] in the opening, as Rodin is tossing her pistols:
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* [[Skyscraper City]]: Isla del Sol is basically hundreds of skyscrapers disposed around one that must be [[Star Scraper|something like a kilometer high]]. See [[Scenery Porn]] above.
* [[Sliding Scale of Realistic Versus Fantastic]]: While the game is infamous for being safely placed on the absurd side of the scale, any [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] is long dead and buried before the conclusion. For example, while the plot starts with guns in shoes and hair demons, they seem pretty feasible when {{spoiler|Bayonetta is murdering her father with lipstick to save her past self, before going on to punch God's soul into the sun}} in the final chapters.
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Rodin [[Cigar Chomper| smokes cigars]] after lighting them by producing a flame with his thumb.
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: "If you get in my way, I will... how do the Americans put it? Oh yes. ''Bust a cap in yo' ass''."
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To ''[[God Hand]]'' (in terms of general insanity) and the original ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' (in terms of gameplay).
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* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]: Jeanne.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: "Tentacles! Why did it have to be ''tentacles''?"
* [[The Worf Barrage]]: You know the climax techniques, the super [[Finishing Move|Finishing Moves]]s that kill bosses in [[No Kill Like Overkill|the most brutal fashion imaginable]]? Yeah, they don't work on Balder. He kills ''them'' instead.
* [[World of Badass]]: Every single character in the game is badass in their own way. Bayonetta manages to kill angelical asses without losing her temper, Luka is capable of pulling [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments despite not having any superpowers, Jeanne is among the few opponents capable of making Bayo lose her temper and truly offering a life-or-death combat to her, and Balder is the only living being who can survive a Climax attack from Bayonetta.
* [[World of Ham]]


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