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Royals Who Actually Do Something: Difference between revisions

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See also [[In Its Hour of Need]].
CompareThe [[Warrior Prince]], and [[Badass Princess]] automatically qualify. See also [[Politically-Active Princess]], [[Modest Royalty]], [[Authority Equals Asskicking]], [[Non-Idle Rich]], and "President Action" under [[Our Presidents Are Different]]. Especially prone to [[What's Up, King Dude?]]
Contrast [[Idle Rich]], [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything]], [[Authority in Name Only]], [[Orcus on His Throne]], [[Adipose Rex]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* Pretty much every chapter ''[['Tis Time for "Torture," Princess]]'' features the protagonist’s magic sword saying that the princess is a badass warrior who held the position of “Commander of the third legion of the imperial army” and has been forced to live a rather austere life (except luxury food), which is supported with very brief flashbacks. In the present however, the princess pretty much does nothing except cave-in to her captor’s interrogations. <br>
In the same series, the demon king is never shown fighting. That said he presumably takes an active role during the time battles play out, as he refuses to wage major battles at certain times the intelligence indicates would be advantageous because it creates a scheduling conflict (such as his wednesday cram school, or favorite anime coming out on sunday (and he is a man that watches his anime live!)). However what he does during the battles his army fights is not clear. The demon king might be willing to delegate small battles to subordinates as Kuroru was credited with conquering a town.
In the same series, the demon king is never shown fighting. That said he presumably takes an active role during the time battles play out, as he refuses to wage major battles at certain times the intelligence indicates would be advantageous because it creates a scheduling conflict (such as his wednesday cram school, or favorite anime coming out on sunday (and he is a man that watches his anime live!)). However what he does during the battles his army fights is not clear. The demon king might be willing to delegate small battles to subordinates as Kuroru was credited with conquering a town.
* ''[[Sailor Moon]]'': Although she doesn't know at the time, Usagi is a princess [[They Fight Crime|who fights evil.]]
** And she later becomes a Queen [[They Fight Crime|who fights evil.]]
** Endymion/Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask also counts, as in his first life he was prince of the Earth's most powerful kingdom and later becomes Usagi's husband and King. [[They Fight Crime|They Fight Evil.]] The other Sailor Soldiers of the solar system count too, as they were royalty of their own planets in their previous lives.
** The other Sailor Soldiers of the solar system count too, as they were royalty of their own planets in their previous lives. [[They Fight Crime|They All Fight Evil.]]
* In ''[[Code Geass]]'':
** The Emperor ''strongly'' encourages his children to take up positions of influence (and fly around in a [[Humongous Mecha]]). [[Social Darwinist]] philosophy and all that. However, the Emperor himself rarely takes an active role in running Brittania, considering war and diplomacy to be "mundane affairs" unworthy of his attention. He's a little too busy [[Rage Against the Heavens|trying to kill God]] to worry about that sorta stuff.
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* ''[[Windaria]]'': Both [[Warrior Prince]] Roland and [[Badass Princess]] Veronica personally lead their armies.
* Two of the three [[Princesses Rule|ruling princesses]] of ''[[Kirameki Project]]'' do something worthwhile: the eldest is the Commander in Chief of the country's armed forces, and the middle sister is a genius mecha designer and builder. The youngest princess plays with this trope: she ''wants to be'' the Defender of the Realm, but isn't very good at it.
* Princess Charlotte of the Kingdom of Albion in ''[[Princess Principal]]''. Granted, the "something" in this case is "spy on her own country"...
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Common in superhero universes. Among others:
** Black Bolt, Medusa, and the rest of the Royal Family of [[The Inhumans]].
** [[Doctor Doom]], King of Latveria, is a villainous example.
** Both [[Aquaman]] and [[Sub-Mariner|Namor]] are kings of their respective versions of [[Atlantis]] (though the latter [[Anti-Hero|not always a hero]]).
*** So what if Namor isn't always a hero? The trope is "Royals Who Actually Do Something", not "Royals Who Actually Do Something Nice".
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* [[Green Lantern|The Green Lantern Corps]] includes Princess Iolande of Betrassus, now ruler of her planet since everyone else in the royal family is dead. Iolande, however, much prefers being in the corps.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* In ''[[Keepers of the Elements]]'', [[Sassy Black Woman|Queen Tiana]] is the most prominent example of this. She is fluent in a few languages, has been Queen since the age of fifteen and is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the same time. She also happens to be quite proficient with machines in general and loves riding her flying motorcycle as seen in the scene in which she is introduced.
* Baron Beltorey in ''[[The Tainted Grimoire]]''. For example, when an underground sport was causing harm to civilians, he took measures to minimise the harm and in the process, also turned it into a legitimate sporting event.
* ''[[Mars Attacks: Simpsons]]'': After learning the Queen of England is joining the clean-up efforts, Otto shouts that she is finally doing something for once.
== [[Film - Animated]] ==
* [[Disney Animated Canon]] examples:
** ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'', Prince Eric is a competent sailor. Ariel fights Ursula when the sea witch turns her dad into a sea plant and, prior to that, risks drowning to swim to a ship and prevent Ursula from marrying an [[Brainwashed|enchanted]] Eric. Her daughter Melody takes on Ursula's sister in the sequel.
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* Stoick in ''[[How to Train Your Dragon (animation)|How to Train Your Dragon]]'' takes his role as chief of Berk seriously and is often the one to lead the charge.
** Of course; they're Vikings. [[Running Gag|It's an occupational hazard.]]
== Film - Live Action ==
* ''[[Star Wars]]'':
** Princess Leia was of course a key leader in the rebellion. Even though her biological mother wasn't <s>really</s> royalty by inheritance (Naboo being best described as a <s>noble</s> sovereign republic, albeit one with [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|a maximum of two four-year terms for the ruler]]), her <s>foster</s> adoptive mother was part of the Alderaan royal family.
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* In [[Robin Hood (2010 film)|Cameron's ''Robin Hood'']] despite being an upcoming [[Big Bad]] for a potential sequel, ''Prince John'' is the first to charge into the siege of upcoming French, eager to prove his worth.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Aerin, heroine of ''[[The Blue Sword|The Hero and the Crown]]'' is a sword-wielding princess who saves her kingdom.
* The royalty in ''[[Dune]]'' basically do nothing ''but'' scheming against one another and actually ruling their domains. Court functions and leisure occasions seem to only serve the purpose of furthering their schemes for power.
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** Also, the Low King of the dwarves is, up till his election, a working dwarf.
*** The same could probably also be said of Diamond (the troll king), since he runs a 'Thud' (a dwarven/trollish board-game) Club.
** After his marriage to Sybil elevates him to dukedom, Vimes himself qualifies; he continues to work as the head of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch in spite of being so independently wealthy that his great-great grandchildren could go their entire lives without doing a day of work. In ''[[Discworld/Monstrous Regiment|Monstrous Regiment]]'' he's actually mistaken for a sergeant because of his philosophy that armor ought to look like it's been doing its job and his habit of avoiding committees.
* Princess Raisa actively invokes this trope throughout ''[[The Seven Realms Series]]''. In book one she founds the Briar Rose Ministry, a charity she and her father run that earns money for the people. The Briar Rose ministry not only helps some of her people avoid starvation, but gets some younger people the money they need to go to school ''and'' earns her a very loyal following. [[Chekhov's Gun|(This becomes a very important plot point later on.)]] By book three, she stops caring about making enemies within the government and goes around rectifying serious issues with the way things are done in order to help the people. A good portion of book three is spent on showing her doing this.
* Garion in ''[[Belgariad]]'' is actually a decent king who spends more of his time as an administrator than anything in pomp and ceremony. Most other kings and royalty, and even many aristocrats, in that universe are in a similar position. Also occurs- albeit to varying extents- in Eddings' ''Elenium''.
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* The British royal family in ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'', composed of Queen Elizard, first princess Rimea, second princess Carissa and third princess Villian. They are part of a power triangle that controls Britain (the other two being the Knights and the Church). All of them play important roles in the British civil war, and Carissa fights personally in World War III.
== [[Live -Action TelevisionTV]] ==
* ''Abarenbo Shogun's'' titular character is the epitome of this trope, much to his advisor's chagrin.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' has accumulated a few over the years.
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* The BBC series ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'' shows Prince Arthur to be not only the Camelot's heir apparent, but also the day-to-day commander of the kingdom's armed forces. He not only leads them in battle, but also recruits the knights and oversees their training. He also seems to be the closest thing that the kingdom has to a sheriff or chief of police. If any "crime" occurs, it's usually Arthur that's sent to investigate.
** It's heavily implied that his father King Uther was this as well in his youth. He does prove himself quite handy with a sword.
* ''[[Power Rangers]]'':
** King Mondo, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Power Rangers Zeo]]'' is a villain example, having fought the Rangers personally on more than one occasion. His eldest son Prince Gasket (and a would be [[The Starscream|Starscream]]) even more so.
** Prince Phillip III of Zandar in ''[[Power Rangers Dino Charge]]'', the Graphite Dino Charge Ranger; not truly [[The Sixth Ranger]], as his role of prince gives him responsibilities back home and means his participation with the core team is limited, but he manages to be a [[Guest Star Party Member]] during important battles.<ref>His [[Super Sentai]] counterpart is not royalty but rather a recurring ally; because most of the scenes with Philip are stock footage, he was given a reduced role in the American version.</ref>
== Mythology [[New Media]] ==
* Most player-controlled royals in the ''[[Gaming Steve Universe]]''.
== [[Oral Tradition]], [[Folklore]], Myths and Legends ==
* Nearly any king or prince mentioned in myth will have long careers, primarily as warriors and/or monster-slayers. [[Classical Mythology|Hercules, Achilles, Theseus, Odysseus]], [[King Arthur]], [[Beowulf]], Gilgamesh, all of them were royals.
* The discovery of tea is often credited as being a Chinese emperor who had been practitioner of medicine, and tested many of his experiments on himself. Tea must have been his best discovery.
* [[Older Than Dirt]]: [[The Epic of Gilgamesh|Gilgamesh]] did lots of things after the gods answered his subjects' prayers to get him the heck out of their city and away from their wives.
== Play[[Professional By Post GamesWrestling]] ==
* Most player-controlled royals in the ''[[Gaming Steve Universe]]''.
== Professional Wrestling ==
* [[Jerry Lawler|Jerry "The King" Lawler]], even at his advanced age, has been active in the WWE on a semi-consistent basis, including competing in a TLC match against [[The Miz]].
* The King of The Ring tournament which has crowned many superstars over the years. Several King of The Ring winners have gone on to incorporate royalty gimmicks to their characters, such as Harley Race, [[Owen Hart]], Mabel, and [[Booker T]].
* An Arabic example of this trope is The Sultan, played by Rikishi and managed by [[The Iron Sheik]].
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Given the [[Crapsack World]] they live in, along with a healthy dose of [[Authority Equals Asskicking]] the royals of the various factions and races in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' are often the most lethal warriors available to their race.
* Let us not forget the God-Emperor of mankind from the ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' universe. Although ones 'Milage may Vary' as he went out and smote for only a short time and has spent the past ten millennia static on life support, on the verge of death.
** And pretty much every leader of every faction. Ork Warbosses become that way because they really are the biggest, meanest, and usually the smartest Ork in the bunch. Imperial Guard Lord Generals, unlike some of their lesser leaders, are ONLY chosen from the cream of the officer corps, the best of the best. While some governors are incompetent, ''these usually don't survive long.'' Governors are usually Machiavellian in political skill, because there's always someone ready to replace them if they aren't.
* The king and queen in [[Chess|chess]]. While the king may hide behind his bodyguards in the opening and middlegame, he frequently becomes a key fighting piece in the endgame. And of course the queen is the most powerful piece on the board and is in the thick of things throughout the game.
* Many of the monarchs and khans in the ''[[BattleTech]]'' universe actively serve in combat, and much of their prestige as leaders is dependent on the skills they show in Mech warfare.
** In Clan society, there ''are'' no nobles that do nothing. Everyone has their own tasks, and rank is only attained via Trials of Position, and while the Khans are the highest rank of the Clans, they're still chosen from those with Bloodnames, which must be earned in a series of combat trials.
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* Most ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' settings have [[Authority Equals Asskicking]] and/or [[Asskicking Equals Authority]] as a matter of fact. But even if the land is not under constant attacks or a hereditary [[The Magocracy|magocracy]], expect high-ups to keep their hands (or other appendages) very busy with large-scale juggling. Which applies to ruling monarchs and other [[Blue Blood]] alike.
** ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' has a lot of it. For an example when it's not a plain necessity, Tethyrian lesser royals are accorded duties in whatever branch of power their talents and inclinations allow. Heirs were traditionally well taught to rule, and expected to pick up some of these when coming of age, including specifically the post of Crown Ecclesiastic; which means having to command as an united force [[Church Militant|religious knightly orders]] that theoretically are loyal to the crown and belong to the allied churches, but practically have at best different priorities and at worst cross-purposes—from 15 years old and until the heir claims the crown. House Tethyr had absolute power for over 350 years, was deposed after one greedy and complacent king and some infighting, and still got their [[Rightful King Returns|triumphant restoration]] later.
* In the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! (Tabletop Game)|Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' game, monsters seem to have an [[Authority Equals Asskicking]] tradition, but some examples among individual "tribes":
** [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Madolche_Queen_Tiaramisu Madolche Queen Tiaramisu]] is the second-strongest Madolche; [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Madolche_Puddingcess her daughter] downplays it, only becoming a [[Badass Princess]] when she evolves into [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Madolche_Puddingcess_Chocolat-a-la-Mode Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode] and surpasses her mother.
** [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Terrorking_Archfiend Terrorking Archfiend] is very strong for a Lvl 4 monster, although among the original group, Shadowkight had the same ATK (with an effect that was less useful) and Skull Archfiend of Lightning was stronger; [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Infernalqueen_Archfiend Infernalqueen Archfiend], not much at first, but she is later [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Imprisoned_Queen_Archfiend able to help the other Archfiends] after [[Might as Well Not Be in Prison At All| being thrown in prison]], and seems to have escaped and [[Came Back Strong]] as [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Archfiend_Empress Archfiend Empress]. And as for why she was in prison to begin with, [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Archfiend_Emperor,_the_First_Lord_of_Horror Archfiend Emperor, the First Lord of Horror]] could certainly have overthrown her and Terrorking, given the look of him.
** [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Brron,_Mad_King_of_Dark_World Bronn, Mad King of Darkworld] isn't the strongest of his people (and as his name implies, he's pretty mad) but his Effect is certainly a boon to most of them, as Dark World monsters gain effects that activate when discarded.
** [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Amazoness_Queen Amazoness Queen] - don't let the slouch and the throne fool you, she is stronger and higher-Level than other Main Deck Amazons, and her effect protects not only herself but her underlings. She can also evolve into [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Amazoness_Empress Amazoness Empress] via Fusion, and from ''there'', evolve into the even stronger [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Amazoness_Kaiserin Amazoness Kaiserin]. And again, [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Amazoness_Princess her daughter] is an [[Action Girl]] in her own right.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* King K. Rool from ''[[Donkey Kong Country (video game)|Donkey Kong Country]]''.
* When she is not [[Damsel in Distress|getting kidnapped]], [[Super Mario Bros.|Peach]] often helps Mario, such as in ''[[Super Princess Peach]]''.
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** ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|Skyrim]]'s'' in-game lore reveals many personalities of royalty in Tamriel's history being warriors and monster slayers, with the ultimate example being Tiber Septim (aka [[Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence|Talos]]), the founder of the Tamriel Empire and the Septim Dynasty, who was also one of the earliest known Dragonborn.
* Prince Valerian Mengsk of ''[[StarCraft]]'' is shown to be a [[Badass Bookworm]] trained in Martial Arts and swordsmanship as well as classical knowledge in the books. He's an [[Adventurer Archaeologist]], to boot. He's also definitely taken notes from his father in [[Magnificent Bastard]]ry and by the end of ''[[StarCraft II]]'' {{spoiler|manages to disinfect Sarah Kerrigan [[Enemy Mine|with the help of]] Jim Raynor}}.
* The king from ''[[Castle Crashers]]'' is a GIANT''giant'' example of this trope- a bearded, midgety giant example. For one thing, though he starts out utterly terrified of the Big Bad, he gets his groove back real fast- and helps you by doing everything from dispensing useful advice to ''leading an attack boat filled with knights and cannons at a giant boss catfish''. He even saves you from a giant frog by filling its stupid face with cannon fire! He can also be unlocked as a bonafide playable character.
* ''[[The Last Remnant]]'' has numerous examples of this (both good and evil). The most notable is David, the Marquis of Athium, who is a very competent and active leader both in the throne room and on the front lines.
* In ''[[Guild Wars]]: Nightfall'', one of the first heroes to join your party and set your characters' plans in motion is Tahlkora, who is revealed to be a princess of Vabbi.
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* One of the unlockable playable character in ''[[Cars 2: The Video Game]]'' is you guessed it, the Queen of England!
* {{spoiler|Prince (Later, King) Roan}} in ''[[Grandia II]]''.
* ''[[Monster Girl Quest Paradox]]'':
** In the original game, {{spoiler| Alice is the Monster Lord, meaning she is Queen of Monster Girls, and does a lot more for their cause than most of her subjects. She acts as Luka's guide and [[Stealth Mentor]] as part of a long-term [[Secret Test of Character]] to see if attempting to make peace with humans is worth the effort.}}
** Monster society runs on [[Authority Equals Asskicking]], so Queen monsters are also the strongest fighters and often lead from the front.
** This is continued in the sequel, ''[[Monster Girl Quest Paradox]]'':
** The human royals aren't slouches either. The San Ilia King spearheads the technological revolution of the church and maintains a large information network. Sara (after {{spoiler|being freed from her [[Brainwashing]]}}), upon hearing news of an attack on a nearby village, immediately puts on her armor and heads out to handle the situation personally. The Grangold King crushes entire armies on his own {{spoiler|thanks to becoming a superpowered [[Humanoid Abomination]]}}.
*** Monster society runs on [[Authority Equals Asskicking]], so Queen monsters are also the strongest fighters and often lead from the front.
*** The human royals aren't slouches either. The San Ilia King spearheads the technological revolution of the church and maintains a large information network. Sara (after {{spoiler|being freed from her [[Brainwashing]]}}), upon hearing news of an attack on a nearby village, immediately puts on her armor and heads out to handle the situation personally. The Grangold King crushes entire armies on his own {{spoiler|thanks to becoming a superpowered [[Humanoid Abomination]]}}.
* ''[[Maple Story]]'':
** Mercedes, the Elf Queen of Elluel, and the greatest warrior among them; she is one of the five Heroes who originally sealed the Black Mage.
** [[The High Queen|Empress Cygnus]] starts personally leading the armies of the Alliance starting with the Arcane River questline, even though [[Number Two| Neinhart]] would really [[Risking the King| prefer she not do so]]. Unfortunately, Cygnus is not playable, and most of her heroics occur offscreen.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* The clan nobles in ''[[Drowtales]]'' are universally taught some degree of fighting skills and specialize in either weapon or [[Mana]]-based combat.
* In ''[[Erfworld]]'', [[RPG Mechanics Verse|Royals level up faster, have higher stats, and grant significant leadership bonuses to any units they command]]. Exactly how this works has yet to be revealed.
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* ''[[Dreamwalk Journal]]'' (contains NSFW content): Leonurus, humanoid bee queen of Helianthus Hive. When she's not busy ruling she's happy to show her human guests around the Hive, and in a later storyline she takes an active role in the rescue of an ant queen in distress.
== [[Web Original]] ==
* In ''[[The Insane Quest of Unfathomable Randomness]]'', Mortal, the Prince of the Blob planet, and Luna, Princess {{spoiler|of Haruvia}}, both are no slouches when it comes to helping the group. {{spoiler|Luna's mother defended her home planet from incoming attackers, but was killed by the original Smoosh.}}
* ''[[Chaos Fighters]]'' has its own share of royal protagonists: Clair and Shefan, a princess and a prince in different countries in ''Route of Land'' along with Selia, a queen and Clair's mother in a side story ''Robbery Assault''. They are all as capable of fighting as other characters.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]]'': Prince Adam is not an example of this trope. He-Man is a completely different person. Stop making stuff up.
** And [[She-Ra: Princess of Power|She-Ra]] is supposed to be Adam's sister? Don't make me laugh.
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{{quote|'''Fox:''' That still doesn't change what you tried to do.
'''Titania:''' What makes you think this wasn't ''exactly'' what I had planned from the beginning? }}
* ''[[Samurai Jack]]'':
* ''[[Samurai Jack]]'':* Aku, the Shape-Shifting Master of Darkness rules his future with an iron fist, and is seen demanding tribute from newly conquered peoples, usually in the form of regular commissions of new Aku-shaped structures, to remind all who runs things around here. Most metropolitan regions in the series feature Aku horns in the skyline.
** Jack counts too, being a [[Warrior Prince]] in exile. The episode "Birth of Evil" shows that his father - the Emperor of Japan - was certainly no slouch either.
* ''[[Young Justice (animation)|Young Justice]]'': The first thing Queen Perdita of Vlatava does {{spoiler|after her life-threatening heart surgery is take away her supervillain uncle's title and diplomatic immunity. Note that Queen Perdita is about ten.}}
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Britain has a number of examples throughout its history. It helps that the modern royal family requires its men to serve two years of military service.
** Prince Harry served in Afghanistan until an Aussie paper blew his cover. He then trained to be a helicopter pilot, at least partly on the principle it will actually allow him to do his job and serve in the front line without placing his unit in danger, because helicopters are a priority target no matter who flies them. Similarly, Prince William, the second in line to the throne, is a qualified air-sea rescue captain. Hardly an easy job at the best of times.
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***George V between the wars patronized the British secret service and got it through budget difficulties.
** William IV had served in the Royal Navy and was called "The Sailor King" as a result. Being not a second but a ''third'' son, he had not prepared to be King ''at all'', and did such scandalous things as refuse to use ride the Royal Carriage to his coronation (he walked instead). He was famous for the whole [[King Incognito]] thing, going around London and Brighton unaccompanied to get a proper view of these cities. Although he was just as dissolute as his brothers, he's considered to have been a slightly better king than his predecessor (George IV), but not as good as his older brother Frederick (the Grand Old Duke of York and by the end of the wars a skilled general in the Army) would have been.
** TheBefore currentbecoming PrinceKing, ofCharles WalesIII served in the Royal Navy (and is nowbecame Colonel-in-Chief, being the one who awarded his son Prince William his air wings after the latter completed his military flight training) and has becomebecame an active patron of many charities and, famously, an environmental campaigner. Opinions are divided on whether this is a good thing or not. He has, unfortunately, had to slow down on public activities after hurting himself playing polo in 2020, an injury that has also resulted in him given up the sport.
*** Opinions are not divided on whether this is a hilarious thing or not, though. {{spoiler|It IS hilarious.}}{{verify}}
*** He also wrote a children's book called ''The Old Man of Lochnagar'' and read it on TV, and makes organic honey. On one occasion he presented a TV documentary about his opposition to insensitive architectural development.
*** British monarchs are expected to be politically neutral, a requirement taken so seriously that Charles' campaigning days are probably over.
** King James VI of Scotland and I of England had a major interest in demonology and witchcraft, and even wrote his own scholarly texts on the subject. And also a screed against the use of tobacco, something that got a minor nod in the comics miniseries ''[[Marvel 1602]]''. On a more respectable note, he took an active and scholarly interested in the translation of the version of the Bible that bears his name.
** Henry VIII of England was a learned man who, early in his reign, wrote theological pamphlets defending Papal rule against the rising tide of Lutheranism, although the best ones were ghostwritten by Sir Thomas More. The Pope, impressed, granted him the title Defender of the Faith, which remains attached to British monarchs to this day, even after Henry famously severed his ties with the Papacy. He was also a skilled musician. Although the idea that he wrote "Greensleeves" is largely considered a myth, he did write a song called "Pastime With Good Company" that remained popular for a century after his death. Both his second wife, Anne Boleyn, and his sixth wife, Catherine Parr, actively promoted Protestantism. Catherine is also the author of several books.
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** [[Richard the Lion Heart]] of England earned his nickname by being a great military leader and leading soldiers to [[The Crusades|battle in the Holy Land]] and Angevin France. It has been asserted by many historians that Richard generally left administrative work to others, though this has been disputed by others. Richard also gained a name in his own time as a [[Warrior Poet|poet and musician]].
** Richard's mother Eleanor of Aquitaine joined her first husband King Louis VII of France to [[The Crusades]]. After her marriage to her second husband King Henry II of England got into trouble, she encouraged her sons to rebel against their father and was therefore locked up most of the end of Henry's reign. At his death, Richard immediately released her and she gained great influence. She ruled England in Richard's name during his absences and made sure the ransom was collected and delivered after his capture. After Richard's death, she supported John's claim to the throne. When she was already eighty, she crossed the Pyrenees to collect one of her granddaughters as a bride for the heir to the French throne.
** Diana, Princess of Wales was heavily involved in charities and activism, especially on the issue of the removal of land mines around the world. One can make the nuance that land mines hardly kill a soldier deader then bullets, nonetheless there IS''is'' way to much ordinanceordnance around in places where they wouldn'tno evenlonger serve a military purpose if they killed someone as their war is over, so she might have a good idea at that. [http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9710/10/nobel.peace/ The Nobel Peace Prize committee certainly thought it was a good idea to clean up those old landmines.]
*** It seems now that Harry is taking after his mother.
** George III of Britain (of American Revolution fame) had a strong interest in farming and encouraged agriculture, even personally visiting his citizens to see their farms for himself. He wrote environmental pamphlets under the pseudonym "Ralph Robinson".
** "Farmer George's" son, Frederick the Duke of York (commemorated in the nursery rhyme) proved himself a surprisingly able administrator as commander-in-chief of the British army during most of the Napoleonic Wars. This is partially attributed to [[My Greatest Failure|the debacle that was his first expedition in Flanders]] (the source of the rhyme), which [[Failure Knight|propelled him to never fail again]]. He is particularly well-remembered for undertaking the first major reform of the British Army, tuning it into a far more effective fighting force.
** Anne, the Princess Royal ([[HM The Queen|Elizabeth II]]'s daughter]]) is an accomplished horsewoman, competing and earning silver in the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. She also helped foil an attempt by a mentally-deranged person to kidnap her, yelling out "Not bloody likely!"
** Her daughter Zara is also an accomplished horsewoman and silver Olympic medal winner, in her case in 2012.
* Speaking of Britain (or at least England proper), this is also what the local nobility are encouraged to be. In the spirit of ''Noblesse Oblige,'' they were expected by the Crown to actually ''do something'' deserving of their titles, rather than merely act as court filler. This may have helped at least some among the aristocracy to survive and earn the respect of the people, compared (ironically) to France.
**Part of the reason was that in France since Louis IV the monarchy had gone out of its way to make sure the nobility could not raise private armies by forcing them to live in Versailles and exchange ambition for dissolution. Also French took nobility ''way'' to seriously; for instance to get a military commission it was necessary to have legal certificates of several generations none of whom had been "in trade"(meaning actually doing something) whereas in many parts of Europe if your daddy said you were a noble and your neighbors said you were, and you owned an estate, your ancestor could be whomever you wanted.
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** King William II of the Netherlands was wounded in action at Waterloo while still crown prince.
** Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands fired Prime Minister De Geer who wanted to make peace with the Germans during WWII. During the war she made frequent radio speeches inciting her people to rebel against the oppressors. She was the first Queen to address U.S. Congress on 5 August 1942, requesting American military aid in exchange for a number of resources from the Dutch overseas territories. Churchill called her the only man in the Dutch government.
* Emperor Hirohito (Shouwa) of Japan was apparently a competent marine biologist, the first to describe several species of jellyfish. He also got to name a few species that he discovered. His son and heir Akihito is also a marine biologist who apparently has co-authored some published scholarly articles on the subject.
** TheHis currentson Emperorand successor Akihito is a world authority on goby fish with many published papers in Nature and other major journals - there is even a species of goby, ''Exyrias akihito'', named after him which he helped to discover (it was originally considered a part of ''E. belissimus'' until proven to be a separate species).
** The most important thing Hirohito ever did was save Japan from possible extinction not to mention save America all the lives that would have cost, simply by being the only man who could [[Know When to Fold'Em|order a surrender]] without [[Honor Before Reason|losing face]] for the military clique. Whether he could have ordered the surrender sooner or indeed prevented the whole thing from the get go is controversial. But it is unquestionable that this is a royal actually doing something and whether it was out of sense of responsibility or desire to safe his own skin or enlightened mixture of the two is irrelevant at this point.
* Louis XIV of France, a.k.a. 'the Sun King', despite his reign's image of idle luxury and aristocratic balls, was a noted workaholic who personally administered the business of government for five decades. Many historians have argued that Louis intentionally distracted his court with trivialities so that they would not hinder his work. He was also passionately interested in architecture and landscaping, directly influencing the design of Versailles.
* One of Louis XVI's lasting legacies is all the clocks he made.
Line 577 ⟶ 597:
*** It's arguable that the Habsburg line in general fills this trope, from soldiers to artists and even ''actors.'' There's a reason why they stayed for so long (after they got the whole [[Royally Screwed-Up|inbreeding thing]] fixed).
* [[The Bible]] has several examples:
** [[David Versus Goliath|King David]] was a famous warrior, not only for his fight with Goliath but also his massacre of Philistines to earn King Saul's daughter Michal's hand in marriage. Saul asked for [[Twenty Bear Asses|100 foreskins]] as proof—Philistines were not circumcised, and taking a Philistine's foreskin entailed killing him. David came back with ''200'' foreskins. As [[The Cartoon History of the Universe|Larry Gonick]] put it:
{{quote|'''David''' ''(to Saul, and being squeezed tightly by Michal)'': ''198, 199, 200''! I'll take take two of 'em!}}
** King Saul himself personally led most of Israel's military campaigns, and even died in battle by ''intentionally falling on his own sword'' after his arms-bearer refused to stab him.
Line 621 ⟶ 641:
* One of the most important roles of a monarch is essentially to be a state totem. This is more important then it sounds as it can be difficult for citizens to give loyalty to a state which is a machine, and if there is not a ceremonial monarch, sometimes an ambitious politician will take a more poisonous advantage of these natural instincts. This kind of monarchy is actually quite common, often found with a more concrete autocrat paired with him but sometimes found in what is effectively a republic. The ways this role is played vary according to the customs of a given culture. It is common in Northern Europe, notably Britain for monarchs to devote themselves to philanthropy, aforesaid patronage, keeping of national historical treasures, and the handing out of honors for achievement. In some places the duties can be truly stifling and may involve never being seen in public without regalia, never leaving a sacred space, etc. In fact, where religion plays an important part in culture the distinction between a monarch and a high priest is ambiguous and there may in fact be no distinction.
** The importance of this and other seemingly irrational public (or social to remind of the fact that many are not in fact state sponsored and some are indeed off limits to non-members) institutions is that humanity even in the most complex states has not in fact been psychologically weaned off tribalism, and trying to do so is arguably counterproductive. Sublimating tribalism is a frequent substitute. Similar institutions for this can be lower nobility, chieftainships of kin groups long brought into the system (as in Scotland), private clubs, and the ceremonial aspects of any given occupation, some of which are more inclined to be encrusted with ceremony then others such as military units.
*** In that spirit [[Loreena McKennitt]] is the colonel of the 435 Transport and rescue squadron, Colonels in the commonwealth being a ceremonial position{{verify}} much like (and related to of course) the monarchy itself and though often soldiers if not of that particular unit, in their own right, not always. McKennitt's primary profession of course is as an entertainer.
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