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Go-Karting with Bowser: Difference between revisions

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''*Gasp!*'' The hero and his arch rival are staring each other down! This is it! We're getting the [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny]]... wait, why are they sitting down and playing a game of checkers?
[[Frenemy|Not all heroes and villains are actively out for each others' blood]], some heroes are reasonable and tolerant, and a few baddies can [[Affably Evil|feign civility]]. On more extreme ends, enemies who are opposites (ideologically or otherwise) can engage in a peaceful activity to have a bout of diplomacy. But just like a [[Sympathetic POV]] can show even the antagonists have a good side, likewise [[Friendly Enemy|Friendly Enemies]] can sit down and have a nice chat every so often. In the end, they're not there to engage in [[Good Old Fisticuffs|fisticuffs,]] though they may engage in a bout or two of social combat. Rather, they're there just to meet as friendly rivals and maybe, just maybe, [[Last Second Chance|win the other person over]] to [[We Can Rule Together|their point of view.]] After all, [[Sun Tzu| a wise man]] once said, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
Essentially, the heroes join the [[Villains Out Shopping]]. Occasionally, it will be a [[No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine|dinner date]], and it can happen frequently when the hero is [[Living with the Villain]], especially if they are [[Punch Clock Hero]] and [[Punch Clock Villain|Villain]]. If the bout is meant to emphasize their mutual intelligence, [[Smart People Play Chess|they'll probably play chess]].
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** A similar version happens in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]]'' when an incognito Andrew Waltfeld has a friendly debate about kebab sauces with Kira and Cagalli, then invites them back to his place to give Cagalli a dress to replace the one that was messed up in a terrorist attack. Of course, at this point, Andy reveals that he's the Desert Tiger of ZAFT, and has known that the kids are with the Earth Alliance the whole time...
*** Ironically he ends up helping them in the end with little ill will towards Kira for killing his girlfriend.
** Happens AGAIN in ''[[After War Gundam X]]'' in episode 20. While on shore leave at an industrialized island, [[Bottle Fairy]] and [[Dark-Skinned Blond]] Toniya ends up becoming friends with only recently recovered ex-[[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] Ennil El, who has spent most of the past three arcs trying to kill Garrod. They have a ''very'' good time together, neither one aware of the other's identity... and then Ennil finds out. Even after that point, she and Toniya still view each other as friends and Ennil does eventually undergo a [[Heel Face Turn]].
** In a lesser example, ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' gives us Zechs. Viewing your [[The Rival|rival]] as a [[Worthy Opponent]] is nothing new to ''[[Gundam]]'', but Zechs goes beyond that by rebuilding Heero's self-destructed Gundam so they can have a [[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen|fair fight]].<ref>Which includes lying to his superiors about destroying it '''and''' giving it back to Heero when all is said and done</ref> When he finally meets Heero face-to-face, Zechs is about as nice to the boy as he gets with anyone while still maintaining his [[Incredibly Lame Pun|mask]].
* Happens, sorta (it smells more like a negotiation {{spoiler|and it's actually a trap}}), in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]!'', when Fate and Negi go to a coffee shop. The two of them then get into a heated arguement, with magic and power flying around, over which is better: coffee or tea.
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* As shown in the trope image, the superheroes of [[The DC Universe]] once faced off against the villains in [https://web.archive.org/web/20131028115420/http://www.comictreadmill.com/CTMBlogarchives/2005/2005_Individual/2005_08/000888.php a "friendly" baseball game]. All to settle a bet between the villainous married couple, Sportsmaster and Huntress, over "whether villains can win." Uncle Sam and Amazo handle umpiring duties. [[It Makes Sense in Context]]... barely.<ref>DC Super Stars #10 (1976)</ref>
* An [[Elliot S! Maggin]] ''[[Superman]]'' story has Luthor always escaping on a certain date each year, eventually Superman figures out he's trying to celebrate the birthday of [[Albert Einstein]], one of his heroes. Superman arranges for himself and Luthor to have a private tour of the Einstein section of the Smithsonian. Luthor actually tears up as he sees the statue. As Luthor is taken back to jail he tells Superman, "Thanks for everything!" Definitely a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]].
* In ''[[Young Justice]]'', Zandia - a country ruled and inhabited mostly by super-villains - was allowed to compete in DC-Earth's version of the 2000 Summer Olympics. Sadly, the readers didn't get to see most of them actually compete, as the story focused solely on the archery event. Ultimately subverted, however, as their leader - the Brain - was planning to sabotage the events due to a deal made with a geneticist called The Baron, who promised to create a new body for the Brain in exchange for doing so.
* ''[[Watchmen]]'': The Comedian and Moloch appear to have this relationship. When The Comedian learns about {{spoiler|Ozymandias' plan}}, it seems Moloch is the first person he goes to, drunk and crying. He even refers to Moloch as the closest thing he has to a friend. Later, Moloch is among Comedian's former teammates at his funeral.
* [[Mickey Mouse Comic Universe|Mickey Mouse and Pete]] seem to have this relationship, especially in the Disney Italia comics. In one issue, Pete will have tried (and failed) to kill Mickey. The next, he'll be at Mickey's, asking if he could come in to watch TV. And Mickey will invite him in, because, well... [[Villain Decay|it's]] [[Harmless Villain|Pete]].
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== Films -- Live-ActionFilm ==
* It's certainly a ''[[James Bond (film)|James Bond]]'' trope. Bond has played cards with villains in the past. The main difference is that this is ''usually'' before they start trying to kill each other. There's also the golf game between Bond and [[Goldfinger]].
* In the first ''[[X-Men (film)|X-Men]]'' movie, Professor X playing Chess with Magneto.
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* In ''[[Scott Pilgrim vs. the World]]'' Scott and {{spoiler|Nega Scott}} talk about maybe getting breakfast sometime.
* Being Victorian Gentlemen, ''[[Sherlock Holmes (film)|Sherlock Holmes]]'' and James Moriarty share a friendly game of blitz chess and trade snark while discussing their plans to thwart the other.
== Literature ==
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** There's also deep sample bias. The Amberites we know are the ones who ''chose to'' hang out in Amber or at least keep in touch and accepted the implications. Some others got really, really fed up with this atmosphere (we know of at least Delwin and Sand). But they took the only sane choice left: walked far away into the Shadows, never called back and consistently refused invitations (via Trumps) to get involved in Yet Another Family Mess ever after, which removed them from the picture almost completely.
* In ''[[The Hollows]]'' novels despite the fact that Trent Kalamack has tried to kill Rachel Morgan one more than one occasion, killed an acquaintance, tried to get her to kill a personal rival and frame her for the deed and [[We Can Rule Together|works to corrupt her to work for him]] they often go out socially together to have [[No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine|drinks and dinner]] and he has her over to the house on occasion. For her part Rachel will do legitimate work for him, [[Defeat Means Friendship|is good friends with his chief bodyguard]] and was once a bridesmaid for his wedding.
* In ''[[Discworld/Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'', [[Devil in Plain Sight|Reacher Gilt]] was more than willing to have a little chat and pay the bill for [[Con Artist|Moist von Lipwig's]] dinner in Ankh-Morpork's most expensive restaurant, despite being the main villain for the book. Even though {{spoiler|he was a tad surprised to see him there because he'd just sent a hired killer to maul Moist and torch the Post Office. Oh dear.}}
* The ''[[Harry Potter]]'' parody series ''Barry Trotter'' did this once in ''Barry Trotter and the Unnecessary Sequel'', {{spoiler|when Lord Valumart showed up for Barry's thirty-eighth birthday party as an invited guest}}.
* In Anne Rice's ''[[The Vampire Chronicles|Memnoch the Devil]]'', Lestat overhears God and the Devil chatting in a coffee house.
* Magician Roogna and Magician Murphy in ''Castle Roogna''—part of [[Piers Anthony]]'s ''[[Xanth]]'' series—are quite civil to each other, and consider their battle for rulership of the humans in Xanth akin to a strategy game or contest. Others might see it differently, especially when {{spoiler|Murphy's magic talent lures two opposing forces into having the final apocalyptic battle of their war at Castle Roogna.}}
* In ''[[The Hobbit]]'', Bilbo and Gollum tell each other riddles. (Though it's clear there, and made even moreso in [[The Lord of the Rings]], that Gollum would've happily ''killed'' Bilbo, and the latter was just trying to buy time so he could get out of there.) Riddles are also [[Serious Business]] in Middle Earth.
* One of the best moments in J P Martin's Uncle series is when [[Fiction 500|Uncle's]] sworn enemies show up and they all celebrate Christmas together. It's casually mentioned that this is an annual tradition. Of course, the enemies get food, presents, and a chance to observe the [[Big Fancy House|house]]/[[Cool House|castle]]/[[Bizarrchitecture|kingdom]] that they want to take over. But considering how they usually upset Uncle's refined sensibilities, have attempted many times to rob him, have stabbed him with skewers, and enjoy spreading inaccurate malevolent propaganda about him, you do have to wonder what's in it for him. Perhaps just [[Rule of Funny]]?
* In ''[[Warrior Cats]]'', there are gatherings that are a temporary truce between the four clans that happens once a month. {{spoiler|However, there are cases where these gatherings can get broken. Also, clans can refuse to join a gathering in several cases.}}
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== Tabletop Games ==
* In some depictions, a few of the Archangels and Demon Princes in ''[[In Nomine]]'' will get together and talk about the old days while at the same time their servants are elsewhere fighting to the death.
* In the ''[[Dungeons & Dragons|D&D]] [[Planescape]]'' setting, you might find a celestial deva and a pit fiend (or maybe even [[Arch Enemies| a pit fiend and a balor]]) calmly discussing philosophy in a tavern in Sigil, and not think much of it. However, Sigil is under the protection of the Lady of Pain, who can keep out gods and flay virtually anyone (including said gods) with a glance. Making trouble there is not a good idea. Although, it also might be a good idea to eavesdrop on such a conversation - whatever a powerful planar leader says to another might well be ''very'' important.
* Apparently the denizens of the ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' world occasionally put down the swords and crossbows to duke it out in a friendly (okay, not that friendly) game of ''[[Blood Bowl]]''. It's a very violent sport, sure, but it's still a sport, as opposed to a battle.
** It has been stated by Gamesworkshop that the two settings are not the same and the ''Blood Bowl''-verse is actually a alternate universe of the ''Warhammer'' world where certain events didn't take place.
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** Read more: [http://www.cracked.com/article_18863_5-reasons-bowser-most-successful-video-game-character_p2.html#ixzz1Or3e8U8R 5 Reasons Bowser Is The Most Successful Video Game Character]
{{quote|"Repeated home invasions and sexual assaults normally lead to restraining orders, not golf invitations."}}
*:* In ''[[Super Mario Galaxy]]'', Bowser even flat-out states that [[Friendly Enemy|he ''likes'' having Mario as an arch-enemy.]]
*:** He previously stated this in ''Super Mario 64 DS.'' Mario is the only character who is allowed to access the final area because "Mario is the only one I [Bowser] can call my rival."
:** In ''Mario Party 5'', after Bowser is defeated in Story Mode, he reveals his dream: {{spoiler|having a strong opponent}}. He then bids the player a friendly farewell, {{spoiler|his dream having just come true}}.
:** When you think about it Bowser's been trying to kidnap Peach and beat Mario since they were babies. It's like a routine, if he stopped doing it they'd probably worry that something was wrong. This is implied to be the case in ''[[Super Mario RPG]]'', in which the constant kidnappings are mentioned several times and at one point, Bowser even laments being broken out of his routine and reminisces on how the kidnapping attempts usually go.
:** Mario explains his logic in [https://web.archive.org/web/20130708184642/http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/07/mario-sports-mix-press-conference-reveals-marios-dreams-and-a this interview]:
{{quote|'''Mario:''' Well, you know what dey say, keep you friends-a close, and you enemies-a closer. But dey also say, if you enemy is a gigantic spiky creature, who breathes-a da fire, keep him-a super-duper close!}}
*:* In the ''[[Super Smash Bros.]] Brawl'' story mode ''The Subspace Emissary'', Peach stops a fight between her partner [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|Sheik]] and [[Star Fox (series)|Fox]] to have tea. Fox instantly becomes their friend.
*:* Kirby and King Dedede should count as well.
*:* Really, the game as a whole is a very "fighting" version of ''Mario Kart'' anyway. Even after losing a match to long-time nemesis Link, Ganondorf will still politely (if begrudgingly) stand in the background and applaud.
* ''[[Jade Empire]]'' has two representatives of the Way of the Open Palm and the Way of the Closed Fist (the [[Lawful Stupid Chaotic Stupid|game's rough way]] of saying "Good" and "Evil") meet once a year to play a game vaguely reminiscent of go. Without any pieces. ''Or a BOARD.'' Once you've chosen one philosophy for your own and learn the corresponding martial art, the two conclude their game and vow to meet up next year... if something bad doesn't happen in the time in-between.
* Harman and Kun Lan in ''[[Killer7]]''.
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** Just about the entirety of ''Fate/hollow ataraxia'' is built around this trope. [[Fan Service|It's all done for fan enjoyment, of course.]]
* The [[Alien vs. Predator]] arcade game lets you do "alien hunting with the Predators", as two out of four player characters are Predator Warrior and Predator Hunter.
== Web Animation ==
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* In''[[Street Sharks]]'', the Seaviates aren't above pulling harmless pranks on the Sharks when they're not trying to kick each others' fins.
* In ''[[Celebrity Deathmatch]]'' episode, '''Deathcon 2001''', just before getting his revenge at Nick Diamond for injuring his eye, Zatar the Alien goes do some shopping for [[Ultraman]] shirts.
* ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy|Billy and Mandy's Big Boogey Adventure]]'' sees the main cast competing with Boogey in a [[Deadly Game]] to acquire the [[Artifact of Doom|Horror's Hand]]; halfway through said game, all of them stop for a lunch break at an underworld cafe.
== Real Life ==
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[[Category:Characterization Tropes]]
[[Category:Heel Face Index]]
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