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* Makalov from PoR/RD. {{spoiler|Compulsive gambler, sleezy, good-for-nothing paladin with few redeeming qualities. Forces his sister to quit her position because he had racked up too much debt, tries to gamble away the medallion given to him by [[Love Martyr|Astrid]], his betrothed because he claimed that...}} Ugh.
* Rena's older brother Marchis in ''Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light/Mystery of the Emblem'' is bashed by a lot of FAQ and guide writers for his stats, personality and appearance. One person even says "he totally defiles the game" by existing.
* Leonie Pinelli from ''[[Fire Emblem: Three Houses]]'' is ''not'' a popular character despite her cute [[Tomboy]] design, thanks to her obsession with the player's father Jeralt. She ''constantly'' talks about him and can hardly go an entire conversation without bringing him up at lastleast once. And her obsessions goes beyond mere fangirlism: her first two support conversations with Byleth have her antagonizeantagonizee them because she views them as a rival for Jeralt's affection. And this culminates in her horribly insensitive B support where {{spoiler|she accuses Byleth of not appreciating Jeralt after s/he tried and failed to save the man, and were ''forced to watch him die''.}} While she apologizes for it later, [[Never Live It Down|it sealed her status as an annoying Jeralt fangirl]] in stone for a lot of players, making her easily the most detested character in the Golden Deer house, if not the entire game.
** Cyril is a close second, [[He's All Grown Up|at least]] Pre-Timeskip. Replace Jeralt with Rhea as the figure of his obsession, and make him even ruder and blunter than Leonie (though his obsession with Rhea is a bit more understandable). Even worse is that he's considered to be one of the worst characters you can take into battle. That said, this is a case of [[Americans Hate Tingle]], since Japanese audiences like him, or are at least more forgiving with his shortcomings. His Supports also address more his obsession with Rhea and mostly growing out of it, allowing him to have more of a chance at being [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]] than Leonie.
** While not super popular in Japan, Gilbert fares a lot better with Japanese players than he does with Western ones, who hate the guy for abandoning Annette and her mother while [[Wangst|wallowing in his own self-pity]]. Interestingly, [[Values Dissonance]] plays a key part in this: in the game's home country of Japan, a father leaving his family after failing in his duty (which in Gilbert's case was protecting King Lambert) used to be fairly commonplace, and even now isn't entirely unheard of, since it's viewed as the father forsaking the comfort of his family after bringing shame onto them. But in the West where this isn't a cultural norm, he comes off as a scummy deadbeat dad and the fact that the daughter he abandoned is as quirky and adorable as Annette doesn't do him any favors.
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* Fargoth, Gaenor, Glarthir, Maglir, the Adoring Fan...the list of hated Bosmer in ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' goes on and on and on.
** [http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Heimskr Heimskr], the Whiterun Priest of Talos in ''[[Skyrim]]'' is a close runner-up to [[Fallout 3|Confessor Cromwell]] in the "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIbUwEHU9ck highly murderable] nonstop preacher" category.
** Fellow Whiterun civilian Nazeem is also widely hated for being a pompous, self-important twit who smugly talks down to the player every time they cross paths. Which will be ''every goddamn time'' you go visit Jarl Balgruuf. Though on the flipside, if you have a save you can instantly reload, he ''is'' satisfying to beat up and kill over and over again.
** The Thalmor in general, players absolutely hate them so much due to their jerkass [[Can't Argue with Elves]] nature and making Tamriel into the hellhole it is during ''[[Skyrim]]''. If there is a thing everyone can agree upon in Skyrim [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much|including Altmer players]], its the desire to kill every single Thalmor member they see, even if they are fighting against the group you'd normally be against.
** Maven Black-Briar is Riften's insufferably smug and unlikable local crime boss and is responsible for Riften's status as a [[Wretched Hive]]. She callously bosses the player around during the Thieves' Guild questline, and is annoyingly untouchable thanks to being a [[Karma Houdini]] that you can't arrest or even kill since she's an essential NPC. PC Players can easily get around this with console commands, but console players have no such luck. Or at least they didn't, [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/8u8qp3/every_way_to_screw_maven_blackbriar_over/ until a dedicated player put together a guide that allows you to truly screw her over] with a revenge plan so intricate and brutal that it would make [[The Count of Monte Cristo|Edmond Dantes]] blush.
** On the opposite end of Riften's morality scale is Aerin. He's a [[Nice Guy]] who doesn't have a single mean bone in his body, but players hate him just as much as Maven because he never stops following Mjoll the Lioness around like a lost, pathetic little puppy. And he follows her ''everywhere'' to the point that he ''moves in with you'' if you marry her, making him come off as a creepy stalker instead of a valued friend. Since Mjoll is a popular marriage option for being a good-hearted [[Hot Amazon]] and one of very few [[Game Breaker|immortal followers]], he's become the bane of many players' existence and is a popular punching bag on par with Nazeem.
** Delphine. Her snippy attitude is a far cry from more likeable Blades such as Jauffre and Baurus from ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion|Oblivion]]'' already doesn't do her any favors. But what firmly puts her into this territory is her irrational hatred of {{spoiler|the friendly dragon Paarthurnax}}, who she'll order you to kill after a certain point. And if you refuse to do so, she and the rest of the Blades will dig in their heels and refuse to help you unless you change your mind and kill him. And keep in mind that this is ''after'' she clarifies that the Blades serve you, making her come off as an entitled, bossy hypocrite who tosses you aside the second you defy her orders.
* ''[[Gothic]]'' had Mud, a pest who latched onto the hero if you walked by him. He'd constantly pester you by initiating pointless dialog, but should any enemies get near, he'd run away... until you defeated them. Then he came back. The only way to get rid of him was to beat him up. Very cathartic, actually.
** Since even the hero seems to enjoy beating him up, and because of his [[But You Screw One Goat!|implied reason for being thrown into the mine colony]], this was probably intentional.
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** Shortly after the game's release, Abby from would quickly become one of the most hated characters in video game history, right up there with the Duck Hunt Dog and Navi. {{spoiler|Killing Joel, a near-universally beloved character in such a cruel and humiliating fashion did not endear people to her, and the revelation that you'd be ''playing'' as her would prove to be the killing blow to any potential popularity she could have had. And to top it off, she's a [[Karma Houdini]] to boot, and she walks away from the game smelling like roses while Ellie, who slaughtered her way through her equally hated friends to avenge Joel is left a miserable and broken wreck despite being a lot more sympathetic. And that's after she spared her, for god knows what reason}}. Needless to say, if you're going to [[Character Shilling|shill a new character out the ass]], ''don't'' shit on beloved pre-established ones to do so.
** Out of that circle of friends, Manny is especially hated for {{spoiler|spitting on Joel's corpse}}, for being responsible for the creepy and widely despised sex scene between him and Abby, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|and his stupid man-bun.]] {{spoiler|Thankfully, [[Karma Houdini Warranty|he gets his when Tommy blows his brains out right out of nowhere.]]}}
* While calling ''any'' character from ''[[YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG|YIIK]]'' likable [[Eight Deadly Words|is a bit of a stretch]], [[Hipster|Alex's]] sheer obnoxiousness makes them feel tolerable by comparison. He's a self-absorbed dick who whines and complains about the littlest things, has a creepy savior complex towards a missing girl he barely knows, acts like a raging asshole towards a friend troubled by {{spoiler|his sister's suicide}}, and makes {{spoiler|that very same friend's potential suicide}} all about himself. He's also a pretentious fuckwad who goes on overly long and drawn-out monologues filled with [[Purple Prose]], and often screams at everyone around him to explain [[Memetic Mutation|"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"]] anytime something mildly weird happens. And if that wasn't bad enough, he's the main character, meaning that you have to put up with his attitude for the entire game. What's funny is that Alex is ''supposed'' to be hateable, but he's also supposed to win the player over by developing into a better person. Players and even the rare fans here and there almost unanimously hate him anyway because he doesn't do nearly enough to balance out his [[Jerkass]] behavior or truly change his ways for the better, resulting in him going down in history as a textbook example of how ''not'' to write an unlikable protagonist.
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