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== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Very common: depressingly common among [[Sturgeon's Law|The Other Ten Percent.]]
** See [[Dead Fic]] for more examples.
** Given that [[Dead Fic|dead fics]] are often of the other ten percent, and that the ten percent often [[Needs More Love]], it can be incredibly depressing or frustrating to an author to see that the ninety percent of crap gets more attention than their decently written fic ever will.
* The ''Zelda'' fic ''Feel Good Hit of the Summer'' has died...after posting a very well-done [[Mood Whiplash]] [[Nightmare Fuel]] scene revealing some serious [[Break the Cutie]] in a flashback. (In fairness, it's a sequel to a decent-length complete fic, but still.)
* The ''The Legend of Dragoon'' fic ''Rebirth of a Legend'' was four chapters from the end according to the author. He never came back to finish it.
* The ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' Azulaang fic "Lanterns" has also gone over two and a half years without an update.
* ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1095253/1/The_New_Students The New Students]''. An incredibly good crossover between ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' and ''[[Harry Potter]]''. No, really.
* ''[[Final Fighting Fantasy]]'', in [[Left Hanging|the most frustrating way]]. It's been 4 years since the last installment came out, and the prognosis for the final installment doesn't look good.
* ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6367096/1/Harry_Potter_and_the_Breeding_Darkness Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness]'' might have run solely on [[Plot Bunny]] fuel, but it is very well-written, possibly even [[So Cool Its Awesome|brilliant]] (although as always, [[Your Mileage May Vary]]). Unfortunately, the fic seems to have been discontinued due to lack of interest and time to continue writing for it, and has now been put it up for adoption.
* ''[[With Strings Attached]]'' was this for a long time. The author, who started it in 1980 and began posting it online in 1997, gave it up in 2002 after her personal life imploded (mother had Alzheimer's, laid off from her job, etc.). The two-thirds of the book she'd finished remained on her website to drive readers nuts. She never thought she would finish it, but in early 2009 she was hit by literary lightning, wrote 300 pages in 3 weeks, and finished the thing. (The final product in book form is over 650 pages long.) She is now working on the long-promised sequel, ''The Keys Stand Alone''.
* ''[[The Nunu Bot Show]]'' is in one, with creator Angry Goran not even logging onto [[YouTube]] for two months.{{when}}
* ''[[The Shoebox Project]]'' is one of the most highly-rated ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fanfics ever, but it hasn't been updated since 2008 and never got a proper ending.
* ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7350801/1/Colonization_First_Contact Colonization: First Contact]'' is a ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic with the typical "human in Equestria" premise, except with a twist: instead of the typical self-insert, it features a space expedition of scientists and soldiers who stumble upon the planet Equestria. Unfortunately, it petered out just as things had started getting interesting; all we got are five chapters, and a piece of the sixth on the author's profile. The author later announced he will not be finishing the fic (and offers it to any enterprising author who would like to finish it.)
* The ''[[Ranma ½]]'' fanfic ''[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/264446/1/Hearts-of-Ice Hearts of Ice]'' by Krista Perry Fisk. An epic in both size and subject matter, ''Hearts of Ice'' first appeared in 1997, and over the next two years, Fisk (then unmarried and writing under her maiden name of Perry) turned out some 25 chapters of exceptionally high-quality story, with the 25th -- the penultimate chapter -- ending on a heartbreaking [[Cliff Hanger]]. And then ''stopped writing for ten years''. Ultimately averted when she finally completed it in 2009, but not before it gained the nickname "The Great Unfinished Symphony of ''Ranma'' Fanfic".
* The extraordinarily well-done ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fic ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1260679/1/ Realizations]'' by "Wishweaver" reached thirty-six chapters between 2003 to 2010, at which point its author abruptly disappeared. It lay fallow for a decade, until in 2020 when Wishweaver reappeared and began posting [https://archiveofourown.org/works/25925863/chapters/63012685 a rewritten version] on [[Archive of Our Own]]. Unfortunately, as of early 2021 Wishweaver has once again reached thirty-six chapters and stalled out; at the time of this writing it is too early to say whether it is again Orphaned, but it's not looking good.
* ''[[Girl Days]]'', perhaps ''the'' best [[Original Flavour]] ''[[Ranma ½]]'' fanfic in existence. Seventeen and a half chapters written between 1999 and 2002, after which its author vanished from the Net.
* ''Tales of Ranma and Ranko'' by Jack Staik and Lady Tesser. An absolutely epic work of ''[[Ranma ½]]'' fan fiction, it is composed of three massive (and complete) novel-sized stories (''Ranma's Secret, Ranma's Fiancees'', and ''A Matter of Romantic Chemistry'') and one short story ("Nabiki's Plan"). A fourth novel-sized installment, ''Our Wedding Day'', promised to wrap up the entire cycle -- but was left barely started when its husband-wife writing team suddenly disappeared from the Net in the early 2000s.
== Film ==
* The first two installments of [[Arthur C. Clarke]]'s Space Odyssey series, ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey]]'' and ''2010: Odyssey Two'' have film adaptations, but not ''2061: Odyssey Three'' or ''3001: The Final Odyssey''. [[Tom Hanks]] expressed interest in doing film adaptations of the last two, but this was ''ages'' ago.{{when}}
== Literature ==
* [[Older Than Print]]: At the beginning of ''[[The Canterbury Tales]]'', the characters are all heading to Canterbury for various reasons, and it's stated that each one will (for a story contest) tell two stories on the way there, and two on the way back. However, it breaks off before they make it to Canterbury or even have one character tell more than one story (in some cases, such as "The Cook's Tale", the story is incomplete). Whether or not [[Geoffrey Chaucer]] simply abandoned it or meant to finish it but [[Author Existence Failure|died first]] is unknown. (An alternative explanation is that the work was completed, but no complete version of the manuscript has been retained or recorded.)
* Some scholars consider ''[[The Tale of Genji]]'' an example. It cuts off abruptly with the potential for plenty more story.
* Puffin has apparently announced that the ''Hagwood Triology'', about a shapeshifting, hobbit-like race, has been abandoned by Robin Jarvis. Same fate for ''Intrigues of the Reflected Realm'' series?
* ''Quest Of The Gypsy'' by Ron Goulart was supposed to be 6 books long, but stopped after the second book in 1977.
* Stieg Larsson's ''[[Millennium Trilogy]]'' was planned to be a decalogy, but was cut short by [[Author Existence Failure|his sudden death]].
* [[Kim Newman]] writing as Jack Yeovil's ''Demon Download'' series for [[Games Workshop]]'s [[Dark Future (novel)|Dark Future]] universe has been awaiting the fourth and final installment since 1991. Despite GW republishing the earlier works, there's no sign of the final volume ever appearing in print.
* Robert Jordan's ''[[Wheel of Time]] series, which he spent twenty-plus laborious years making until [[Author Existence Failure|he abruptly died]] in the middle of writing the twelfth and final book. (Subverted in that he left behind enough notes that [[Brandon Sanderson|another author]] could, and did, finish it for him.)
* ''Tales of the Nine Charms'' by Erica Farber and J.R. Sansevere had two books published in 2000 and 2001 respectively and claims to be a trilogy. As of 2012, the third book has yet to materialize.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Firefly]]'' was a dead-then-resurrected-then-dead series which wasn't able to put out a full season before its final-and-actual cancellation. Some semblance of closure was attempted with the movie ''[[Serenity]]''. {{spoiler|According to [[Joss Whedon]] on the DVD extras, one of the characters was [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|glibly killed]] to focus the audience on the seriousness of the final scenes.}}
** ''Serenity'' was in fact made because Joss had become convinced that the show could not be revived. Instead, it was intended to finish the story of River and the Academy. Main characters only died because Joss was sure the series would not be renewed.
* ''[[Chappelle's Show]]'': When Dave couldn't handle the fame and pressure after the success of the first two seasons, he literally walked out on the production of the third, even when Comedy Central offered a bigger paycheck.
== Music ==
* The [[Vocaloid]] series "Synchronicity" was thought by fans to have been abandoned, since the third and final video in the trilogy has yet to be released. This notion was perpetuated when an incomplete version of the final video was allegedly posted on Japanese video sharing site [[Nico Nico Douga]] before quickly being removed. However, the creator of the series, Hitoshizuku, claimed that no such video was ever uploaded, and she has confirmed on her blog that the conclusion to the series is in progress, though she stated that fans might have to way awhile for it to be released.
* The 1995 [[David Bowie]] album ''1. Outside'' was intended to be the first part of a trilogy of concept albums. Bowie apparently lost interest in the project.
== Tabletop Games ==
* In a sort of [[Show Within a Show]] style example, this phenomenon got a reference in the RPG sourcebook ''[[GURPS]] Fantasy II'', where the greatest poet of a certain ancient civilization has been suffering a writer's block for ''thousands'' of years, his magnum opus left one volume short of completion. Rather than an isolated case, this is another symptom of said civilization's stagnated nature.
* While the game itself has continued without a hitch, Konami is notorious for creating and then dropping various deck archetypes for the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' card game. While the anime-based ones are forgivable, the original ones are not, especially when some of those archetypes are left orphaned with only an opening hand's worth of cards to their name. Fortunately, Konami seems to be realizing that they have those archetypes orphaned, and are starting to readopt them with new support in the game's more recent sets.
* ''[[Mage: The Ascension]]'''s revised Convention books, covering the groups of the game's primary antagonist group, the Technocracy. The first book in the series, ''Iteration X'', was released in 2002, proving to be a considerable improvement over the original... then [[White Wolf]] went and ended the [[Old World of Darkness]]. Fans thought that was it for the Convention books. However, at Gencon 2011, WW announced they'd be doing the remaining four Convention books. Here's hoping.
** On the subject of the oWoD, both ''[[Changeling: The Dreaming]]'' and ''[[Wraith: The Oblivion]]'' were ended before the other lines, and both were left incomplete. In Changeling's case, ''Book of Glamour'' was announced, but never saw light of day, and the Kithbook series was cut short, with the Boggans and Sidhe not done (though ''Nobles: the Shining Host'' is considered an unofficial Sidhe Kithbook). Wraith's Guildbook series was also left unfinished, with five of the thirteen Great Guilds not covered.
== Web Original ==
* The first incarnation and reboot [[Darwin's Soldiers]] on Furtopia were never finished and will probably remain that way.
* In general, this is very common fate for online roleplays.
* Similar to the web comics examples, this is an incredibly common result for blogs. Due to lack of time or interest in maintaining regular blog posts, the internet is littered with thousands upon thousands of blogs that are orphaned permanently. Bloggers also often bring their blog [[Back from the Dead]] after long periods of orphandom, but frequently this results only in "I've been meaning to get back to this..." and "I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long..." posts showing up at increasing intervals.
* Played straight with [[Homestar Runner|Strong Sad's blog]], which is otherwise a parody of [[LiveJournal]]. And then [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] when Strong Sad mentioned it in the Strong Bad Email "email thunder". Sadly, it seems that this has happened to Homestarrunner.com as well.
* ''[[Xiao Xiao]]'' ended with a demo of a beat-em-up game back in 2002. There have been no signs of that demo or the series ever continuing since then. In fact, the author's whereabouts are unknown as well.
* ''Sapphire Spindle Paw'' is either this or [[Stillborn Serial]]. Mystic (TheSpiritWolf) created a prologue video and then a first episode, then posted about their intentions to make a third video before disappearing site. Searching "Sapphire Spindle Paw", with quotes, gives around four or five results, and there is no sign of an episode 2.
* [[Something Awful|Rock Tumbler's]] [[Let's Play]] of ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' was discontinued due to his drug use. His former partners have started it up again and finished it.
* [[The Spoony Experiment|Spoony's]] [[Let's Play]] of ''Deadly Premonition'' is looking like it won't ever be continued (at least not any time soon), having only Part 1 up on the site. This doesn't stop fans on the forums starting a new thread every few weeks or so asking when he's going to finish it...
* [[Atlas of Medieval America]] was a very intriguing concept that never got more than a couple months of updates. [[Alternate History]] buffs have tried to carry on.
* ''[[Super Mario Bros Z]]'', due to how time consuming it took to the animate the fights. What was meant to be a twenty-six episodes ended at eight after the creator [[Mark Haynes]] called it quits. He has since made an attempt to reboot the series, which has been progressing slowly - but progressing nonetheless.
* The [[SCP Foundation]] story "[http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/metafiction Metafiction]" (one of the most popular tales on the site) ends with ''to be continued'' on a very interesting cliffhanger. The discussion page is filled with requests, pleads and threats to the author to just finish the damn thing already.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Ralph Bakshi's 1978 animated version of ''[[Western Animation/Lord Of The Rings|Lord Of The Rings]]'' covered the first two-thirds of Tolkien's trilogy. Those who desire to see the ending, however, will be forced to pick up the books. ([[Adaptation Decay|Which is probably for the better]] . . .)
* ''[[Perfect Hair Forever]]'' was scheduled to have 17 episodes made for the internet but the creators only made 1 due to lack of interest.
* ''[[The Pirates of Dark Water]]'' eventually simply stopped, after about eight of the thirteen [[MacGuffin|treasures of rule]] were collected. A lack of budget and [[Channel Hop]]s were the responsible issues, here.
** The Genesis game ''does'' contain a proper ending to the series however.
* G3.5 of ''[[My Little Pony]]'' should have lasted at least three years, but ended prematurely at only one year. It had one special and a few toys - however, it was made around the same time as ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]'' (which ended up being the series to revive the brand).
* ''[[Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles]]'' ended abruptly before finishing the final story arc.
{{quote|'''[[The Muppet Show|Waldorf]]''': These shows aren't getting finished!
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[[Category:OrphanedStatler Seriesand Waldorf]]
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