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''(Buffy walks over to the mark and puts her fist through it, ripping up the floorboards. Gets up and looks over at Giles with a proud smile)''
"...is ''not'' one of them and will in fact immediately bring forth the fear demon itself." }}
*:* {{spoiler|Good thing the fear demon itself is only four inches tall.}}
*:* Buffy does Angel, which causes him to lose his soul and revert to his evil mind rapist self. Nice job having the hots for a vampire, slayer.
*:* Cordelia [[Be Careful What You Wish For|wishes]] that Buffy never came to Sunnydale, around demon Anya. Yep, nice job causing a [[Crapsack World]]\[[The End of the World as We Know It]], libby.
*:* Played straight - somewhat - with the demon Balthazar in Season Three. Balthazar was Mayor Wilkins' rival - had he regained his power, he would have killed the Mayor. By killing Balthazar, Buffy eliminated one of the two major threats to the Mayor. Of course, the other major threat was herself...
*:* And, of course, when Buffy was {{spoiler|brought back from the dead, thereby ripping her out of heaven.}} From Buffy's point of view, at least, nice job breaking me, Scoobies. It also broke the Slayer line, allowing [[The End of the World as We Know It|the Big Bad in season 7 to try to end the world]]. Nice job breaking it, heroes.
*:* Then in Season Eight {{spoiler|Buffy needed funds, stole from a bank... which resulted in a rogue Slayer and a very unhappy military. Giles sent Faith undercover to assassinate a dangerous Slayer. Buffy misunderstood. Faith didn't react well. Willow's flaying of Warren comes back to haunt her. And everyone else. That was just the beginning.}}[[Department of Redundancy Department|Nice job- oh never mind]]
** It also broke the Slayer line, allowing [[The End of the World as We Know It|the Big Bad in season 7 to try to end the world]]. Nice job breaking it, heroes.
:* In “Real Me”, Dawn inadvertently upgrades Harmony from [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]] to [[Not So Harmless Villain]]. She and her “minions” come to Buffy’s house to challenge her (Buffy isn’t home) but because [[Vampire Invitation| a vampire must be invited by a resident of a home before entering it]], Harmony and her crew are forbidden to enter, and Xander and Anya are smart enough not to be baited into going outside and facing them. For a minute or so, the Scoobies are literally a few feet away from Harmony, but she is helpless to do anything but sling insults at them… until Dawn says, “Oh yeah? Come inside and say that!” (The [[Oh Crap]] look from her indicates she realizes what she’s done about a second too late.) Incompetent as Harmony may be, this small [[Moment of Weakness]] from Dawn means Buffy must now be forever wary of a vampire who could potentially come into her house and kill her while she sleeps. (Or rather, until Willow and Tara can perform the "uninvite" ritual which they've found by that time.)
** Then in Season Eight {{spoiler|Buffy needed funds, stole from a bank... which resulted in a rogue Slayer and a very unhappy military. Giles sent Faith undercover to assassinate a dangerous Slayer. Buffy misunderstood. Faith didn't react well. Willow's flaying of Warren comes back to haunt her. And everyone else. That was just the beginning.}}[[Department of Redundancy Department|Nice job- oh never mind]]
* In ''[[Angel]]'', the crew defeat the fallen power Jasmine, who took over the world through mind control and was eating people on a daily basis... and are later rewarded by the demonic law firm Wolfram and Hart for "Ending world peace" because during the short time Jasmine was in control, there was no war or fighting or hatred anywhere within her influence.
** Also an example: waking Jasmine up in the first place by curing Cordelia's amnesia.
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** [[Doctor Who]] certainly isn't unfamiliar with this trope. [[Doctor Who/Recap/S21/E01 Warriors of the Deep|Such as the time the Doctor basically killed off both sides of a conflict by accident]] while trying to negotiate a truce. Or [[Doctor Who/Recap/S19/E05 Black Orchid|accidentally killing a damaged man who was only trying to find the woman he loved]]. Not to mention [[Doctor Who/Recap/S19/E06 Earthshock|causing the extinction of the dinosaurs]]. The Fifth Doctor had a lot of those ...
** At the end of The Water of Mars, it's heavily implied that {{spoiler|the Doctor broke Time itself. Or, rather, he would have if Adelaide had not made the ultimate sacrifice to set things straight.}}
** And let us not forget that in "Tooth And Claw", the Tenth Doctor and Rose save [[Queen Vicky|Queen Victoria]] from a werewolf, but because they act like selfish, immature adrenaline junkies, she decides to found the Torchwood Institute to protect the British Empire against extraterrestrial threats. They then spend a good century robbing and murdering innocent alien passers-by, and nearly destroying the human race several times [[For Science!]].
** And in ''"Victory of the Daleks''" the Doctor's attempt to force the Daleks to admit their true intentions culminates in him screaming "[[Large Ham|I AM THE DOCTOR, AND YOU ARE THE DALEKS!]]". Unfortunately, this "testimony" causes the Daleks' Progenitor device to accept that they are the Daleks (apparently it didn't recognise them as they weren't 'pure'). At this point they reveal their true identity, start killing people and make more Daleks which proceed to turn on all the lights in London during the Blitz, make an earnest attempt at blowing up the Earth and then '''escape to their own time period to recover and rebuild'''. Nice job endangering the entire universe throughout the whole of history, Doctor.
** Eleven runs into this again during ''"A Christmas Carol''". He resorts to going back in time and rewriting the entire childhood of Kazran, the only man who can save a spaceship from crashing, {{spoiler|only for Kazran to end up exactly as bitter and jaded as he was already, just for different reasons. Then, when Kazran finally ''does'' agree to help, the all-important machine no longer recognises him as the man it's programmed to obey.}}
** The Doctor has a lot of these concerning the Daleks. First he visited their home planet of Skaro, alerting them to the existence of life off of their little rock, thus causing them to become intergalactic genocidal monsters. Then much later on he causes the biggest backfire in history which involves a Dalek [[Death Ray]] destroying Skaro. This of course was probably a large reason for the Time War, and [[Last of His Kind|we all know how that ended]].
** In the 2005 episode "Father's Day". Rose saves her father from the car that's supposed to kill him despite the Doctor warning her not to do more than SEE''see'' him physically. Cue the Reapers appearing and starting to devour everyone in sight just to heal the wound she's created. [[It Got Worse|It gets worse, though]]. When the Doctor finds a solution that will bring everyone back ''and'' keep her father alive, he warns her not to touch her past self. Rose, of course, does this (well, her past self was thrust into her arms), ruining the Doctor's solution and getting him consumed in the process. As a result, the only way to stabilise time is for Pete Tyler to sacrifice himself ... Rare case of [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|the hero breaking it]] twice in one episode.
** The supposed villains got one in ''"The Pandorica Opens''": The Daleks, the Cybermen, the Sontarans, the Autons, [[Continuity Porn|the Draconians, the Atraxi, the Judoon]], [[Canon Immigrant|the Chelonians]] and others all band together to build [[Schmuck Bait|a puzzle the Doctor can't resist to trap him]]. They do this to keep him trapped for all eternity [[Bond Villain Stupidity|to prevent him from causing the TARDIS from exploding]] and destroying all of creation. It turns out The Doctor was the only one that could have prevented said explosion, which occurs in his absence. Oops... This is why villains should never try to be [[Big Damn Heroes]].
** In [[The Movie]], the Doctor is rushed to hospital after being shot, where the cardiologist on duty, Grace, begins to operate on him, despite the Doctor repeatedly trying to get her to stop due to his [[Bizarre Alien Biology]] (finally being silenced by being pumped full of anesthetics). During the operation Grace gets lost and freaks out due to the Doctor's different biology, a medical probe breaks off inside the Doctor, and he has a seizure and dies. [[It Got Worse|It Gets Worse]] however, as when his regeneration finally kicks in it's botched up due to the ton of anasthetics, and the Doctor ends up wandering around the hospital confused and with amnesia. All this could have been avoided if Grace simply ''hadn't operated'' on the Doctor.
** In ''"Utopia''", Martha Jones convinces Professor Yana to {{spoiler|open his Chameleon Arch pocket watch, which turns him back into the Master.}}
** In the Fall 2011 season trailer, Hitler thanks the Doctor for saving his life. (Technically, this was Mels'/ {{spoiler|River Song's/Melody Pond's}} fault since she threatened the Doctor at gun-point, shot the TARDIS and caused it to crash at the wrong time. Doesn't stop the Doctor from saying this;
{{quote|'''The Doctor''': ''It was an accident, believe me.''}}
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