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Insatiable Newlyweds: Difference between revisions

"comic book"->"comic books", markup
("comic book"->"comic books", markup)
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{{quote|''"Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race."''|'''[[The Bible|Psalms 19 4-5]]'''}}
|'''[[The Bible|Psalms 19 4-5]]'''}}
{{quote|''"Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices."''|'''[[The Bible|Song of Songs]]'''}}
|'''[[The Bible|Song of Songs]]'''}}
[[Alice and Bob]] have [[Let's Wait a While|decided to put off]] [[Their First Time]] (Which isn't necessarily ''the'' first time for either of them) until they get married. Maybe they believe in waiting until marriage. Maybe it's because they think it'll make their wedding night "extra special." Either way, they wait.
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== [[Comic BookBooks]] ==
== [[Comic Book]] ==
* A storyline in the DC ''[[Star Trek]]'' comics starts with the wedding of two of the crew, who promptly head back to their cabin. Immediately afterward, a telepathic crewmember falls ill and fills the ''Enterprise'' with his hallucinations, subjecting everyone on board to a trip through [[The Divine Comedy|Dante's Inferno]]...except for the newlyweds. They were too wrapped up in what they were doing to notice.
== [[Film]] ==
* There's a couple in ''[[National Lampoon's European Vacation]]'' that keeps showing up. The two are newlyweds and are seen engaged in heavy petting during every appearance.
* [[Up to Eleven]] in the Gary Shandling vehicle ''What Planet Are You From?''
* The newlywed couple in ''[[Rear Window]]'' doesn't leave their apartment for days.
* A religious couple in ''[[Forgetting Sarah Marshall]]'' are DRIPPING''dripping'' with this trope.
* ''[[Bottom|Guest House Paradiso]]'' featured a couple of hotel guests who hadn't been seen for days after they checked in. When they eventually come downstairs for a meal and the hotel manager works out who they are and asks them what they've been doing all this time, they just look at each other and smile sheepishly, "We're newlyweds".
* Employed in the film version of ''[[Barefoot in the Park]]'' with the couple not leaving the honeymoon suite for days.
* "if they don't stop they're going to kill each other." Said in ''[[The Four Seasons]]'' where the antics of a man and his hot young wife are [[Right Through the Wall|heard for hours through the thin walls of the sailboat he and his friends are staying on]].
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* The Bundy's neighbors in ''[[Married... with Children]]'' start out this way, with a [[Running Gag]] that Al hates their visits because it makes his wife amorous.
== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[Breaking Dawn]]'' by Stephanie Meyer. Edward and Bella are like this after she turns into a vampire. Emmett and Rosalie also mention that they "broke a few houses" and that it "took them a decade" to stop being this.
* In ''[[Things Fall Apart]],'' when a guy's late for a morning activity somebody jokes that you can never trust timeliness from someone who recently took a new wife.
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