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I Am Not Left-Handed: Difference between revisions

→‎Video Games: Copyedit and elaboration
(→‎Video Games: Copyedit and elaboration)
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* Same with [[Role Playing Game]]s, where players will just keep on using regular attacks on the regular mooks they encounter to save up items and MP, only to open the whole can of whoop-ass on stronger enemies.
* Played with in [[Super Robot Wars]]. Sanger Zonvolt is best known for piloting a mech whose only weapon is [[BFS|the Type-3 Zankantou]] and which uses a custom operating system that turns it into a [[Motion Capture Mecha]]. In OG Gaiden, a villain tries to take advantage of this by disabling the Zankantou, only for Sanger to switch back to the default OS and kick his ass with the onboard weapon systems. The catch is that these weapons had never made any kind of in-game appearance before and had only been referred to via concept art in the artbooks for SRW Alpha 2 (where Daizengar made its first appearance). So it's less "I Am Not Left Handed" and more "I ''AM'' Left Handed, [[Badass|But I Can Kick Your Ass With My Right Hand Too]]".
** ItsIt's a kind of [[Fridge Brilliance]], - if he is only capable of using his Zankantou, he wontwon't reach a high position at the millitarymilitary, and he is a former member of the group that invented mecha combat.
* ''[[Devil May Cry]]'':
* Nero does a form of this in his fight with Dante in ''[[Devil May Cry]] 4'': he's been keeping his [[Evil Hand|Devil Bringer]] hidden under the pretense that his arm is broken and he must carry it in a sling. He fights Dante for the majority of their first contact with his right arm hidden in the sling, and just when Dante has the upper hand and is about to run Nero through, he suddenly throws the sling off and blocks Dante's sword with his cursed arm, stopping Dante in his tracks.
** Vergil also does this in ''3''. In the first fightgame, againstthe himdefault hesword staysForce inEdge humanis formits allown the"I while.Am ByNot theLeft secondHanded", fightas heit pullsdoesn't outhave thea [[Super Mode|Devil Trigger]] afterform youfor damageDante, himand enough.only Inat the thirdright andmoment finaldoes fight,it hereleases getsits totrue usepower anto evenbecome morethe powerfulsword [[SuperSparda, Mode]]which onlets topDante ofDevil theTrigger previousinto onehis with deadly [[Secretfather's AIDemon Moves]]Form.
** Vergil also does this in ''[[Devil May Cry 3]]''. In the first fight against him, he stays in human form all the while. By the second fight, he pulls out the [[Super Mode|Devil Trigger]] after you damage him enough. In the third and final fight, he gets to use an even more powerful [[Super Mode]] on top of the previous one with deadly [[Secret AI Moves]].
*** It should be noted about the Devil Trigger, that before 3 it is played up like Dante has never been able to access it, so after Vergil kicks his ass in a cutscene after the bossfight that it awakens Dante's own abilities. Sort of giving Dante his own "I Am Not Left Handed". In fact in all the games save for 2 and 4 Devil Trigger isn't attained until a certain point so it's always been a hidden [[Super Mode]] technically.
** The Devil Trigger itself is a case of this. In most of the games outside of the second and fourth, it's treated as a hidden [[Super Mode]], and in the third game Vergil kicking Dante's ass in a post-boss fight cutscene, it awakens Dante's own abilities - this is chronologically treated as the first time he's ever activated it in canon.
**** In the first game, the default sword Force Edge is it's own "I Am Not Left Handed", in the fact it doesn't have a Devil Trigger form for Dante, and not until the right moment releases it's true power to become the sword Sparda, which let's Dante Devil Trigger into his father's Demon Form.
** Nero does a form of this in his fight with Dante in ''[[Devil May Cry]] 4]]'': he's been keeping his [[Evil Hand|Devil Bringer]] hidden under the pretense that his arm is broken and he must carry it in a sling. He fights Dante for the majority of their first contact with his right arm hidden in the sling, and just when Dante has the upper hand and is about to run Nero through, he suddenly throws the sling off and blocks Dante's sword with his cursed arm, stopping Dante in his tracks.
* Some time after {{spoiler|his death}} in [[Fire Emblem]] 9/10, Greil is revealed to have {{spoiler|crippled his sword arm because Lehran's medallion caused him to go [[Axe Crazy]] and kill his wife.}}. When {{spoiler|the Black Knight finds out he didn't fight the true Greil because of this, he holds back in his final fight in PoR so that Ike will become stronger and show him what Greil was truly capable of.}}.
* ''[[Command & Conquer]]'': "That was left-handed!"
** Subverted by Boris in ''[[Command & Conquer: Red Alert|Boris.]]''. He seems to legitimately be left-handed, given from how he holds his rifle. It also appears to be a left-handed variant (given where the ejection port is).
* In ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'' Regal Bryant fights only using kicks, keeping his hands shackled. {{spoiler|Late in the game, you find out firsthand that when he fought using his hands, he was as or more powerful then, than the team is currently, and that was without the Exspheres that allow them to be powerful.}}
* At first, Joshua of ''[[The World Ends With You]]'' at first appears to be a [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]] who fights with a psychic cell phone. He can't jump, and his ground combos only deal damage after the last button is pressed, while (Shiki and Beat can deal damage with every press). However, when Joshua and Neku are confronted by a Taboo Noise, and all hope seems lost, Joshua suddenly reveals [[Power Floats|he can levitate]] and proceeds to vaporize the Noise with a [[Fan Nickname|Jesus Beam]]. {{spoiler|He later goes all the way up to [[A God Am I]] when he reveals that he is Shibuya's Composer, [[The Man Behind the Man]].}}
* ''[[Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals]]'': After the first boss fight with Gades, if you manage to defeat him, he toasts your party anyway in a cutscene.
* ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'': Slash, one of Magus' [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|generals]], is as famed as a legendary swordsman as his comrades are for their control over magic. When confronted, he puts up a respectable fight, but something just seems to be missing... until halfway through, when he acknowledges the team's prowess and takes his sword off the wall. Uh-oh.
{{quote|'''Slash:''' You're more powerful than I thought! I better use all of my strength as well. ''[pulls sword off of wall]'' And you, without Cyrus... ''[unsheathes sword in slashing motion]'' '''You've no hope!'''}}
** Some gamers still have a soft spot for his old battle cry. "Yes, indeed!" heralded ''pain''.
* In ''[[Guild Wars]]'', one of the NPC henchmen, Lukas, wields his sword in his right hand; he will occasionally shout "I am not right handed!" as one of his combat dialog lines. (he wields his sword in his right hand, of course)
* ''[[Ace Combat]] X: Skies of Deception'' has the mission Time Limit, where an unstable neutralising agent forces Gryphus One to fly slowly and with reduced maneuvering. Two Leasath pilots proceed to trash talk about how he's not what [[Shrouded in Myth|the rumours make him out to be]] and stalk him in this near-defenceless state. When Gryphus One finally gets to discard the neutralising agent and dogfight properly, the two are taken aback by his real prowess and don't last long.
* ''[[Street Fighter]] examples'':
** [[Old Master|Oro]] fromIn ''[[Street Fighter III]]'', [[Old Master|Oro]] keeps his arm bindedbound in his gi sleeve [[Badass|so he doesn't accidentally kill his opponents]], and only uses them for specific Super Arts. In ''[[Street Fighter V]]'', he instead keeps a pet turtle in one hand, only using both hands proper for some V-Triggers and his Critical Art.
** M. Bison, being an [[SNK Boss]], does this in ''[[Street Fighter Alpha 2]]''. At first, he doesn't seem like he even has the powers he did in ''[[Street Fighter II]]''. However- however, win one round, and he startsturns into an [[SNK Boss]]: he begins floating and levitating as he moves, and starts using the ''comically'' broken Psycho Crusher, a flying attackSuper Combo that will deplete ''two thirds'' of your Life Bar if it hits. Oh, and while Bison ''is'' a playable character in this game, [[My Rules Are Not Your Rules|you won't be able to use this move while using him.]] Sorry.
* Shadow's story in ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 video game)||Sonic the Hedgehog 2006]]'' seems to be setting up a [[Bolivian Army Ending]], with Team Shadow surrounded by an evil army of magic clones. Then Shadow removes the [[Power Limiter]] rings on his gloves, and proceeds to wipe the floor with them.
** Which is an idea that was first implemented in ''[[Sonic X]]'' where he removes the ring to better use the Chaos Emerald's powers, though weakening him in the process. This is noted mainly during the final battle of the ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]'' [[Story Arc]] of the show when he goes [[Super Mode]] with Sonic and stops the ARK from falling on Earth by removing the rings again to give him enough juice.
* Ragna the Bloodedge from ''[[BlazBlue]]'' holds great power in the Azure Grimoire {{spoiler|copy/fake}} that makes up his right arm, but refuses to use it for much of the game. When he does, stuff starts hitting the fan ''very'' quickly.
* [[Zeno Clash]]'s second [[Handicapped Badass|Hunter]] battle begins with the titular boss keeping one hand behind his back as he fights you. Whittle his health down enough and he brings both arms into play - ''[[Hopeless Boss Fight|and beats the living hell out of you.]]''
* In a cutscene in the ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' prequel ''[[Crisis Core]]'', Sephiroth and his then-friends Genesis and Angeal are having a 'play fight' on the Junon Cannon. However, when Genesis gets carried away and goes overboard, Sephiroth reveals just how much he was holding back earlier. Cue [[Curb Stomp Battle]], complete with kickass version of [[Crowning Music of Awesome|One-Winged Angel.]].
** It should also be noted that Sephiroth ''is'' indeed left[[A Sinister Clue|left-handed]].
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'': The Lich King manages to pull this in the final fight in ''Wrath'', when he stops messing around and slays your entire party with one attack.
* [[Resident Evil 4]] often requires this to be able to survive the tougher enemies. One can buy a rocket launcher and make quick work of what was originally to be a boss that could easily kill you. The fully upgraded Broken Butterfly will also get the job done.
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** Shoot Salazar's "Right Hand" with the upgraded Broken Butterfly or a rocket launcher after freezing it the first time and it will shatter.
* The ''[[Fallout]]'' games allow you to specialise in many different weapon types. You can be really good at using [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better|ordinary ballistic firearms]] but choose to use [[Ray Gun|energy weapons]] even if your skill with them is weaker but you like the pewpew effects. But when it comes down to fighting a particularly tough enemy, you can always put the laser rifle away and switch to a high-powered [[Infinity-1 Sword|Anti-Materiel rifle]] with explosive ammunition and turn a [[The Juggernaut|deathclaw]] into [[Ludicrous Gibs|bloody chunks]].
* Notorious [[SNK Boss]] Rugal Bernstein from ''[[King of Fighters]]'' is a Boss who gives veteran players nightmares due to his bait-and-switch strategy. The first round is deceptively easy, but after that round, he ''tells'' you he was holding back, and he's ''not'' lying. After switching his nice suit for a [[Hell-Bent for Leather]] outfit, he gains far more lethal moves like the Genocide Cutter (a very powerful uppercut, more or less) and a charging attack that will shove your fighter clear across the room and slam them into the opposing wall. Not that those are necessary, because- at this point, ''even his basic attacks'' will deplete close to half your life bar.
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