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Our Titans Are Different: Difference between revisions

"fan fiction"->"fan works", paragraphing, copyedits
("fan fiction"->"fan works", paragraphing, copyedits)
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{{quote|''"Nothing tears us apart. In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power. Well that football field out there, that's our universe. Let's rule it like titans."''|'''Coach Boone''', ''[[Remember the Titans]]''}}
|'''Coach Boone''', ''[[Remember the Titans]]''}}
In [[Classical Mythology]], the Titans (and their primordial parents before them) were ancient god-like beings that had ruled reality, until they were overthrown by the [[Our Gods Are Greater|Olympians]] in the [[Death of the Old Gods|Titanomachy]].<ref>The Titans were originally considered true gods, not merely "god-like beings." Later Classical writers started confusing them with Giants, but this was not the usual representation. Also, the name Titan sometimes only refers to the first generation, though usually the non-nymph, non-Olympian children of Titans are also called Titans.</ref> Titans and primordials have since been featured in many works of fiction, and have several common traits among their varying depictions.
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Compare [[Our Giants Are Bigger]], [[Our Gods Are Greater]], and [[The Old Gods]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[The Incredible Hercules]] - The Titans and Chronos are imprisoned behind sealed doors, and they break free when [[The Incredible Hulk]] accidentally breaks the seal. The exception is Atlas, who is placed at The Axis of the world (center of the world that sometimes moves, changing the political situation of the world, and can also serve as a nexus to all the mystical foundations of the world).
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* The Titans from the [[Teen Titans|New Titans]] story "Who Is Wonder Girl?" ([[Multiple Choice Past|one of the earlier attempts to give Donna Troy an actual origin]]) were absolute indistinguishable from their Greek and Roman children, falling on the "nice" end of the morality scale as a result by abducting random orphan baby girls throughout the cosmos and raising them to have super powers then rewriting their memories to forget this before sending them back to their homeworlds (which somehow atones for the whole "eating their offspring" bit from myth). This also subconsciously influenced Donna to suggest the name "Teen Titans" via retcon.
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
* The "aunts" and "uncles" (and presumably, parents) of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Luna and Celestia]] in the fanfic [http://www.fimfiction.net/story/877/Under-The-Northern-Lights Under The Northern Lights]. They are vast elemental beings which created the world and its intelligent species (learning the latter from the much younger Luna and Celestia {{spoiler|when their toys turned into the first ponies because the sisters loved them so much - so yeah, ponies originated as toys of two little girls}}). The one we have seen in the fic is the water being called Karhu-Akka by reindeer. She combines traits of bear, cow, squid and whale and now sleeps in the shape of a huge glacier. If she awakes, horrible things will happen. {{spoiler|Her rolling over in her sleep when Discord got free is one of the causes for the crisis in the fic, one which might kill all life in a country.}} Luna, however, remembers her as a kind aunt who played with her and Celestia by the sea and gave them wonderful toys. Their greatunclesgreat-uncles and greatauntsgreat-aunts, however, are pure [[Eldritch Abomination]], seen in a vision as "lights... sounds... patterns of magic in a black sphere that itched the brain and made the soul cry". Discord is one of them.
== [[Literature]] ==
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* ''[[Percy Jackson and The Olympians]]'' has the Titans looking almost exactly like normal humans, with the exception of Oceanus. Kronos is {{spoiler|possessing Luke}} and so looks just like him except for having solid gold eyes. The Titans are about as tough as the Olympians, and Kronos is apparently [[Oh Crap|even more so]].
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Xena: Warrior Princess]]'', Gabrielle once read a scroll and woke up three Titans, 30 foot giants who repaired the town. The three Titans had a cunning plan to make Gabrielle read the second scroll which would awake a 1,000 other Titans and destroy the world.
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** In ''[[Pathfinder]]'', titans were the first creations of the gods, and half of them rebelled against their creators in the equivalent of the Titanomachy. The giants are their degenerate descendants. The titans who fought against the gods were imprisoned in the Abyss, while those who remained loyal live in Elysium.
* In ''[[Scion]]'', Titans are [[Eldritch Abomination]]s who are free of human shaping, hard to comprehend and [[Reality Warping|shape reality]] simply by existing. One of them is Hun Dun, who is [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Chaos itself]] and cannot be defined at all, even by itself.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' has the Primordials, eldritch beings of vast power who built Creation and then created the gods as their slave janitors. The gods got fed up with their cruddy jobs and had the Exalted overthrow the Primordials (while they stole their bosses' crack stash), but it turns out that [[Dividing By Zero|killing]] some of them [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|broke the universe.]] To elaborate, the death of several Primordials in the setting's equivalent of the Titanomachy is the reason [[The Underworld]] exists. One of the Primordials who surrendered, as a parting shot before her imprisonment, ''[[Ret-Gone|erased ninety percent of Creation from existence down to a conceptual level.]]''
** The two remaining Primordials, who sided with the gods, are: Gaia (the Earth Mother, creator of the Five Elemental Dragons, who is in some way connected to Creation) and Autochthon (the inventor of Exaltation, the patron of technology, who later fled to Elsewhere and became a [[Genius Loci|planet]] made of [[Steampunk]]).
To elaborate, the death of several Primordials in the setting's equivalent of the Titanomachy is the reason [[The Underworld]] exists. One of the Primordials who surrendered, as a parting shot before her imprisonment, ''[[Ret-Gone|erased ninety percent of Creation from existence down to a conceptual level.]]''
The two remaining Primordials, who sided with the gods, are: Gaia (the Earth Mother, creator of the Five Elemental Dragons, who is in some way connected to Creation) and Autochthon (the inventor of Exaltation, the patron of technology, who later fled to Elsewhere and became a [[Genius Loci|planet]] made of [[Steampunk]]).
* In the ''[[Role Aids]]'' supplement ''Giants'', the Titans were the first giants. They had godlike abilities and powers, including the ability to cast any spell at will, and have artistic abilities that outmatch those of any other culture.
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