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The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive: Difference between revisions

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Quite infamously, fan fiction is banned from the site after Warner Bros. sent a cease and desist letter to the site in 1998. There are a few ''[[Star Trek]]'' and ''[[X-Files]]'' fanfics on the site, but these are legacy fics from before 1998 that weren't affected by the ban; fan fiction hasn't been accepted since.
Similarly, [[Transgender]] stories were removed from the archive some time ago, due to the generally correct opinion of the webmaster that [[X Meets Y|Transgender / Mind Control fiction]] tends to use MC to enforce gender play, at which point the MC is more or less dropped.
Despite it having no "fanfics" [[Subverted Trope|in the true sense of the word]], it still generally is a site for ordinary people to post their stories
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{{tropelist|''...and when I count to 3, you will tell me every single trope this website uses. You will have no memory of this trance. Do you understand?''
:"Yes, Master."}}
* [[All Men Are Perverts]] / [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Even ''if'' they're among the most [[Chivalrous Pervert|restrained]] with their abilities.
* [[Anatomically-Impossible Sex]]: Sometimes it's because the writer screwed up (or doesn't mind that what they're describing is unrealistic), sometimes it's because characters have [[Applied Phlebotinum]] that makes it work anyway, and sometimes ''characters'' attempt this and then find out that [[Reality Ensues]] ([[Hilarity Ensues|hilarity]] optional).
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* [[And I Must Scream]]: A very large chunk of the stories marked "NC: Non-Consensual" revolve around the victim being trapped, aware of their situation but unable to change it.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Frequently
* [[Archive Binge]]: ThereAs of the end of 2021 there are only about 1014,000 stories... ranging from one chapter to ''hundreds'' of chapters.
* [[The Artifact]]: This website has quite a few remnants of its original home at the alt.sex.stories Text Repository:
** Actually it's still hosted with the A.S.S.T.R and is actually just an account under the A.S.S.T.R domain. It uses the A.S.S.T.R Webservers to serve pages. Hence the A.S.S.T.R error messages.
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* [[Fighting From the Inside]].
* [[Freak Lab Accident]]: The origin story for so many mind controllers.
* [[Furry Fandom]]: Only 3891 stories (noneand only six of them gay male furry stories) were this trope as of MarchDecember 195,, 20102021.
* [[Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul]]: what happens when controllers use [[More Than Mind Control]] to make sure their victims find [[Happiness in Slavery]]. Depressingly common.
* [[A God Am I]]: Notably, the origin of the "Master PC" stories about a computer program that lets the user reprogram people.
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* [[Gone Horribly Right]].
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: When the controlled enjoy it.
* [[Het Is Ew]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]]. Heterosexual stories (those labeled "MF: male-female sex") outnumber homosexual stories by almost a 2-to-1 margin. (As of MarchDecember 195, 20102021, there are 49,789319 stories with heterosexual sex.) However, do keep in mind that the numbers for this trope as well as "Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls" below are unreliable. The FF, MF, and MM categories are not mutually exclusive, and some stories on the site are classified into more than one of these three categories.
* [[Horny Devils]].
* [[Hospital Hottie]]: Many stories involve someone getting [[Psychic Powers]] from a head injury or other accident. I'll give you one guess as to who ends up being the first person to be affected by those powers.
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* [[Stockholm Syndrome]]: Often [[Applied Phlebotinum|Phlebotinumally induced, in fact.]]
* [[Three-Way Sex]]: And it doesn't always stop at three.
* [[Time Stands Still]]: Ironically, even though this is a very common feature of the hypnoplay that the site's users engage in, only 3159 actual stories (as of AprilDecember 125, 20102021), all of which are marked "TS: time stop", feature this trope.
** While Time Stands Still as a hypnotic suggestion is used, TS stories are literal uses of Time Stands Still -- there being much overlap between the Time Stop fetish (Yes, it exists) and Hypnosis Fetishes, apparently.
* [[TV Genius]].
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