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The Zeroth Law of Trope Examples: Difference between revisions

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The good is oft interred with their bones.”
|''[[Julius Caesar (theatre)|Julius Caesar]]''}}
* [[No Man of Woman Born]]/[[Prophecy Twist]]: ''[[Macbeth]]'' is the [[Trope Namer;]] for the former - the prophecy of the Weird Sisters says "Nono Manman of Womanwoman Bornborn" can harm Macbeth, but MacDuff was "untimely ripped" from his mother's womb (as in, born via Caesarian section), and was thus not "born" the regular way.
** Which means this Trope applies well to [[Prophecy Twist]] as well.
* [[Out, Damned Spot!]]: Well, of course, as it's the [[Trope Namer]]:
{{quote|"Out, damned spot! out, I say!"
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