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Last-Name Basis/Literature: Difference between revisions

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** Pansy Parkinson is a weird exception. As the [[Alpha Bitch]], Harry clearly has no liking for her, but the narrator keeps calling Pansy by her first name rather than her last, which is something he does to Malfoy - another character he dislikes. The only known character that calls Pansy by her last name is Hermione. However, Harry never talks to Pansy or mentions her in dialogue, so we don't know how he would refer to her outside his head.
** Insofar as it applies to fellow students at Hogwarts, that's really just a Public School (Americans: read 'private, fee-paying school') thing, probably informed by all those other books set in boarding schools.
** In ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban|Prisoner of Azkaban]]'', Harry / the Narrator refers to Sirius as 'Black' up until he starts believing him over Wormtail. Suddenly the narration calls him 'Sirius' instead and this stays throughout the rest of the series.
** Usually, "Harry" refers to the character in specific, while "Potter" refers to the franchise as a whole.
* To the very end of the ''[[Sherlock Holmes]]'' canon, despite being best friends and living through years (even decades) of perilous adventures together, Holmes and Watson still use each other's last names, but this would be absolutely [[Truth in Television]] for Englishmen of their period and class. Only Holmes' brother Mycroft ever uses his first name.
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** [[Subverted]] in the ''[[Sherlock]]'' series. They're not "Holmes" and "Watson", they're "Sherlock" and "John". It's the 21st century. Move on. Not that it would be uncommon to stick with the old convention in the present century of course.
* In ''[[Fahrenheit 451]]'', protagonist Guy Montag is referred to solely as Montag in the narrative and more or less everyone else, only addressed as Guy by his wife Mildred and once or twice by his boss Captain Beatty (Clarisse calls him 'Mr Montag').
* In ''[[Amelia Peabody|The Amelia Peabody Mysteries]]'', Amelia and her husband Radcliffe Emerson fondly refer to each other by their last names, in memory of their rather tumultuous courtship.
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s ''[[Gaunt's Ghosts]]'' novels, [[Last-Name Basis]] is normal. First names are seldom even given in the text. Exceptions grow as the series go on, and are generally significiant.
** Technically, every important character except Bragg has a first name given; it's just that the only characters who are ever referred to by their first names with any frequency are Gaunt, Corbec, and Milo.
* In ''[[The Great Gatsby]]'', the character Jay Gatsby is almost always refered to as Gatsby. Although, to be fair, nobody really knows anything about him.
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