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* Averted on ''[[Johnny Test]]''. Brainfreezer wishes he was less evil so he could just use his ice based technology for a legit business. After Johnny helps him, [[Heel Face Turn|he does just that.]]
* One episode of ''[[Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (animation)|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers]]'' is motivated by this. [[Mad Scientist]] Prof. Nimnul has built a lightning generator whose power supply is the static electricity you get from rubbing several hundred fuzzy cats. In his [[Motive Rant]], he claims to have tried selling it to a power company, but the design was so silly that they wouldn't take him seriously. His response is to blast them with the lightning.
** Even worse was the time he tried to go legitimate by plugging his new aging ray (which used prunes as fuel) to a dairy company, under the assumption it would instantly transform milk into aged cheese. However, after a [[Disastrous Demonstration]] (his fault; he ate too many of the prunes and it ran out of power) in which he accidentally flooded the dairy convention hall with sour milk and ended up being blackballed, he decided [[Then Let Me Be Evil|to stick to being a villain]]. As shame, really, as the heroes discovered that using plums to fuel it had the opposite effect - Nimnul [[Fridge Logic| had actually discovered a way to grant to eternal youth!]]
* The ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' episode "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E15 The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000|The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000]]" gives us the Flim Flam brothers, who have a machine that can produce apple cider at a rate faster than the Apple Family can. Had the two brothers not tried to drive the Apples out of business, not been such a pair of [[Jerkass]]es to the Apples, or heck, even tried to cut a fair deal with them instead of giving them an obviously bad one, they'd have ended up being filthy rich off the shared profits. Instead, they're hit with [[Laser-Guided Karma]] after they become so focused on beating the Apple Family that they [[Pyrrhic Villainy|turn off the quality control on their machine, this winning the contest but making cider so awful that no one will buy it]].
** A popular fan theory is that the machine requires sufficient maintenance that it is not cost-effective to work for long periods, thus reducing the Flim-Flam brothers to a business model of 'show it off quick, then use the intimidation factor it produces to force people into unequitable contracts, then take the money and run'. Some support for this exists in the fact that in order to sustain a high production rate for any period of time the machine needs to be operated in a very unsafe manner, hence the quality control problem.
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