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{{quote|''I am the hammer! I am the hate! I am the woes of daemonkind!''}}
Series by Ben Counter about the titular '''Grey Knights''' chapter of Space Marines. It follows the exploits of Justicar Alaric and his squad battling various daemonic and chaotic enemies of the Imperium.
The series currently encompasses three novels: ''Grey Knights'', ''Dark Adeptus'', and ''Hammer of Daemons'', which have since been collected in an omnibus.
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** [[Purity Sue|This has been retconned in the fifth edition codex to where the Grey Knights are naturally immune to Chaos and they can casually get away with using chaotic texts and harbouring corrupt items without risk or retribution from the Inquisition.]] [[Double Standard|They will turn a blind eye to Inquisitors that turn up to battle with a dozen daemonhosts and carrying daemon weapons.]] [[Moral Dissonance|They're also now known for freely making deals with aliens, and slaughtering loyal servants of the Emperor (resilient Sisters of Battle, to be precise) to smear their armour with their blood in order to defeat an artefact of the blood god Khorne.]]
*** The latter part was [https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Khornate_Knights one of the most reviled] by fans things ever done by Matt Ward ­- which says something, because there was ''nothing'' done by Matt Ward and not loudly reviled by at least some fans. So it was retconned away. Note that in the novels, quoth 1d4chan -
{{quote|Seeing as this was written by a much more competent author, unlike the ambiguous piece of shite-fluff written by a certain "spiritual liege", both sides figure out that this was part of an elaborate case of [[JustAll AsAccording Plannedto Plan|JUST AS PLANNED]], they stop fighting [...] and team up to take down the Big Baddy.}}
* [[Initiation Ceremony]]: Fairly standard for more pious chapters, but the preparations for it, and especially tests the aspirants get subjected to are such that hardly anything could be compared to it for sheer unpleasantness -- see [[The Spartan Way]] below.
* [[Magic Knight]]: They are the only [[Super Soldier|Space Marines]] chapter to consist ''entirely'' of [[Psychic Powers|psykers]]. And in 40K that's basically ''bad'', as it makes you much more prone to [[The Corruption]]. However they are so [[Badass]], that it doesn't matter much to them, making them even more [[Cursed with Awesome]] than any other psyker.
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[[Category:Science Fiction Literature]]
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