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* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Happens to her in Luceria route when it is revealed that she cried at {{spoiler|Lute's and Luceria's wedding. Compare to what happens in the Harem route where she finally DOES say it}}.
* [[Career Versus Man]]: At the end of her route, she and Lute {{spoiler|make it back to the capital safely and are set to be rewarded by the king, but the Prime Minister has Isis speak to him in private. Their talk regards Lute's strange abilities he had displayed during their trip such as being able to activate the demon temples, killing fish with just putting his hand in water, and being revered by demons. The Prime Minister accuses Lute of being the "devil" which the demons spoke of and orders her to kill him. She agrees (she was lying), and leaves. Outside she encounters Motaire who was also told to kill Lute, but she refuses his help. Instead, she goes and warns Lute to escape otherwise the Royal Guards would kill him. They are brought to the front of the castle by Shamsiel, but Lute tries to convince Isis to stay behind, otherwise she'd be throwing away her future as a Royal Knight. Isis tearfully tells him that she could care less about that and she was going to stay with him no matter what. They then flee the country together, so ultimately she chose her man... Over her (kind of sad) career and arranged marriage to her cheating, abusive, jerkass (ex-)boyfriend.}}
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: She has quite a few moments of this: Early on, she was this toward Motaire, but he didn't care [[What an Idiot!|at all.]] {{spoiler|Since he claimed to not feel any sort of attraction toward her [[What an Idiot!|at all,]] he would cheat on her with other girls, and she knew about it. In her route, she dreamed about calling Motaire out on this, and then dumping him. Then in Luceria's and the Harem route, she comes to develop respect and admiration for Lute, that turns to a friendship, and then love. Although she doesn't fully declare it to him until the end, she DOES have moments where she shows jealousy toward other girls getting close to Lute, particularly the 2 groupies... Understandable since they used to be with Motaire... Her ex-fiance}}.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: She delivers some during the Harem Route, {{spoiler|after Lute was imprisoned for supposedly murdering the King, Isis was put under house arrest with Princess Luceria for trying to prove his innocence. At one point Motaire shows up and during their conversation, Isis reveals that she was in love with Lute with all her heart, and that she was breaking off her engagement to Motaire, and if he had any problems, "he could just keeping f-cking those 2 sluts, Aristera and Droit"}}.
* [[Comforting Comforter]]: See [[You Must Be Cold]] below...
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* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: His attire makes him look like trouble, but the issue is actually zigzagged depending on the route. {{spoiler|In any other route aside from the Harem route, he's either evil or so much of a self-centered d-ck that he may as well be. However, in the Harem route, he spends most of it being a spoiled snob and trying to still act superior to Lute who had surpassed him in both rank, status, and opinion in the eyes of the generals, king, and even his fiance and women he was in love with. Near the end, he pretty much LEAPS at the chance to take Lute down when Lute is framed for murdering the king, but then when Bobon becomes the new king and things start going from bad to living hell, he changes his mind and FINALLY realizes that Lute was innocent, and indeed worthy of being king, and even goes as far as to save Lute's life and help execute the Prime Minister for treason and the murder of King Haegel}}. Suffice to say, it took a while to get there.
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Sex]]}}: Almost. {{spoiler|Apparently, while visiting Boan, he kept insulting Lute and the people of Boan, so Shamsiel took it upon herself to punish him, though he thought it was only a dream. It was mostly thanks to Lute telling her not to, that she didn't flat out kill him, despite making it clear that she would have if not for Lute's mercy}}.
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: To a hilarious extent during Lucaria's chapter. When Motaire overheard King Hagel's asking Lute to teach his only daughter swordplay, not only did the former get up in arms. He outright burst into the private space without consent to chew out his senior officer in front of the King, [[What an Idiot!|bad move]], one made worse by his continued denouncing of said lord and the Kingdom's favorite to his face. Something which [[Death Glare|Hagel takes great offense too]]; offenses compounded by [[Poor Communication Kills|a poorly worded explanation]] by the latter regarding Gladys and Burstenhalter which came off like he was [[Underestimating Badassery|denouncing Felzen's competence]] as a leader. Ending in the spoiled ass getting kicked out of the castle for a time. One cannot help but find satisfaction in that; considering his excessive pride had been the source of contention for a lot of people in story.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: He isn't fond of Lute on a normal day, but when bad things happen to him, BECAUSE of Lute (he blames Lute, but it's more because of his own ego). {{spoiler|Lute usually expresses sympathy toward him, but that is something he very much hates when coming from him.}}
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]: Following {{spoiler|Lute's victory over Gladys}}, there is a banquet held that night to celebrate. While attending, Motaire is furious at the mere idea of {{spoiler|Lute defeating Gladys and being considered more praiseworthy than himself, so despite others attempts at stopping him, he drinks until he passes out}}.
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