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World of Warcraft/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Jumping the Shark]]: There has been largely two immediate reactions for the Mists of Pandaria expansion announcement regarding the setting and gameplay changes.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Kil'Jaeden, they don't call him [[Meaningful Name|''The Deceiver'']] for nothing.
* [[Member Berries]]: The game's fifth expansion pack, ''Warlords of Draenor'', involved traveling back in time to before the first game. Players who were familiar with the lore of the first game were excited to meet characters like Orgrim Doomhammer, Kilgore Swordfist, and OrcRage McHugeSmash (or whatever the fuck their names were), while everyone else was just bored and confused. Also, it took place on the same continent as the game's first expansion (except earlier in time. Or in an alternate timeline. Or something).
* [[Memetic Badass]]:
** Saurfang is practically the Warcraft universe's [[Chuck Norris]], having several [http://www.wowpedia.org/Saurfang_facts Saurfang Facts] to his name.
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