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* This Trope is very, very common in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. To illustrate, in the first scene of the first episode a jock-type student is bringing his shy, reluctant girlfriend into the school at night, his words suggesting he's trying to reach first base, so to speak. Seeing as this series is about vampires, the first thought might be that this guy is, in fact, a vampire and is going to attack her. Nope. Other way around.
** And it doesn't get easier. The Scoobies think Morgan’s [[Demonic Dummy]] is the killer? Nope, the dummy is the good guy, Morgan is the killer. ("Puppet Show") The Scoobies think Amy’s mother is a witch and poor Amy is under her thrall? Technically true, except the person they think is Amy is her mother, who has stolen her daughter’s body. (“The Witch”) They think the students who kill poor Principal Flutie are possessed by demonic hyenas? They are, but the true threat is the zookeeper trying to gain their power for himself. (“The Pack”) And all that is just the first half of season one. The trend continues throughout the whole series, with Buffy and the Scoobies assuming a classmate or a more [[Genre Savvy]] adult is the victim of an obvious-looking threat, or only to discover the classmate or savvy adult is the mastermind behind the threat.
* ''[[Power Rangers SPD]]'', {{spoiler| the A-Squad are an elite team that the B-Team (the protagonists), admire, respect, and strive to be like. This admiration is misplaced. The A-Squad not only betray SPD and join the villains, they are the first Rangers in the franchise to [[Not Brainwashed| do so of their own volition]].
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