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* ''[[Braid]]'' combines this with {{spoiler|[[Tomato in the Mirror]]. The game fools you into thinking the protagonist - Tim - is the hero trying to save a [[Damsel in Distress]]. In truth, he is a [[Villain Protagonist]] trying to capture her, something you do not learn until the final level. All the traps you have to evade were, in fact, set by her and the [[Hero Antagonist]].}}
* James from ''[[Silent Hill 2]]'', kinda sorta, although also [[The Atoner]]. He claims at first he is searching through this hellish place after receiving a letter from his wife, whom he believed was dead, having succumbed to some disease. In truth, James killed his wife (a [[Mercy Kill]], at least, the part about the disease being true) and all the dark monsters he must face are embodiments of his guilt, created to force him to come to terms with what he's done. Success earns him redemption as a reward; failure results in horrific death and damnation as a punishment.
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'' and onward, Sindel was a hard character to like, given her part in the slaughter of the Earthrealm Warriors, but fans still considered her more victim than villain, given her seemingly tragic backstory: forced to marry Shao Kahn after he invaded Edienia, murdered Sindel’s husband Jerrod, and eventually committing suicide from grief, then later resurrected as a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] slave, forced to become a living weapon. How can you condemn a woman who has been through that? Well, in the DLC story mode Aftermath, all that is proven to be a lie. Shang Tsung convinces the good guys to resurrect her precisely because her heroic, non-brainwashed personality will help ensure their success against Kronika. What she does instead is join with Shao Kahn and, between them, help Shang Tsung basically wreck everything the good guys have been trying to accomplish for their own ambitions while proclaiming genuine love for one another. As this happens it's revealed that her death was ''not'' a suicide, but murder by sorcerer Quan Chi; she was not forced to marry Shao Kahn but did so of her own will, much preferring how he would flaunt his power and privilege in true [[Evil Overlord]] fashion to Jerrod's being a ruler for and of the people. Worst of all, Jerrod was killed not by Shao Kahn, but by Sindel herself. Having revealed herself as a beast even darker than Shao Kahn, Sindel lost ''almost''<ref>Some fans still hope future installments in the series might change the continuity to a more benign Sindel</ref> all the support she had.
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