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** Similarly his student, Lee can smash the earth by running and could uproot casually uproot trees as a 13 year old boy.
* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', Teana made the mistake of telling Subaru to put more strength into boosting her up during a wall climbing exercise in the Ground Forces Military Academy. Subaru did... and accidentally threw Teana all the way up to the sky in the process. {{spoiler|This was our first clue on Subaru's [[Hollywood Cyborg|cyborg nature]]}}.
** In ''[[Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force|FORCE]]'', most members of the Huckebein family sport some degree of boosted physical strength but so far{{WHEN}} Fortis is the only one who has done a clear demonstration by crushing a soda can to a little marble with barely an effort.
* Apparently{{verify}} a standard ability of the vampires in ''[[Hellsing]]''. Alucard [[Guns Akimbo|dual-wields]] [[Hand Cannon]]s that are explicitly said to be beyond human ability to lift, while Seras's [[BFG]]s keep getting bigger and bigger.
** This one is demonstrated more brutally on other occasions. During a flashback sequence in Volume 3, Integra's father tells her during a lecture that vampires can rip humans apart, "like wet rags." [[Sociopathic Hero|Alucard]], naturally, does exactly that in the same chapter to a SWAT team, including one instance of apparently bitch-slapping a man in half.
* ''[[Strike Witches]]'' implies that the characters have Super Strength, what with their ability to carry around huge guns. Gertrude really shows off her strength in episode 12 when she throws an I-beam.
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* Ku Fei in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' is essentially the [[Badass Normal]] of the main cast yet still one of the top fighters. Even Negi has to resort to buffing himself with [[Dark Is Not Evil|dark]] magic to match her sheer physical strength.
** Quite a few of the girls in 3-A can enhance their strength with either ''ki'' or [[Yin-Yang Bomb|ki and magic combined]], Asuna, Kaede, and Setsuna, for three. And if Ku Fei wasn't doing it in the early books, she certainly advanced to it by the Mahora War arc.
* In ''[[Black Butler]]'', {{spoiler|Finny}} of all people is able to easily lift and toss a large marble statue. He throws it with such force that it becomes [[A Twinkle in the Sky]]...before {{spoiler|falling at terminal velocity toward Ciel's head.}}. Due to this super strength, is the only one able AND willing to play with Plu (a giant, demonic dog).
* While most of the cast seem to be Made of Iron with regards to being physically injured, a few in ''[[Soul Eater]]'' demonstrate extreme strength. Outside of gods like Shinigami and Kid putting craters in the scenery when not using their Weapons, Black Star has been known to punch holes in walls thanks to his soul wavelength.
* Standard feature of ''[[Youkai]]'' in ''[[Inuyasha]]''. The titular character, despite being half-human, is in the high side of the curve for ''Youkai''. Not surprising, as his late father was one of the strongest ''youkai'' to ever live.
* [[Unstoppable Rage|Heiwajima]] [[Hair-Trigger Temper|Shizuo]] in ''[[Durarara!!]]''. Though he was born with the strength, he initially lacked the [[Required Secondary Powers]] and repeatedly broke his bones throwing stuff at people. Shizuo's body toughened up, though, so by the time most of the series take place he routinely chucks vending machines around and swings lampposts without suffering any ill effects.
* Makoto/Lita, AKA [[Shock and Awe|Sailor Jupiter]] from ''[[Sailor Moon]]'', possesses great strength even in ''civilian'' form. She can pick up and throw man-sized enemies without much strain. All the Sailor Soldiers have enhanced strength in their Sailor forms, but Jupiter is the most powerful physically. Appropriate, given the god she's named after.
* Ryoko in the ''[[Tenchi Muyo!|Tenchi Muyo]]'' worlds often has this ability; one manga episode had her rather crudely performing 'brute force barbecue': heat plus (surprised) cow.
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Gurren Lagann]]'',: Most Mech'sMechs have it, but good ol' Gurren Lagann Lifted what was the equivalent of an aircraft carrier with a mountain-city balanced on it at the same time while the aircraft carrier was pushing into the ground.
* [[Cute Bruiser|Kagura]] from ''[[Gintama]]'' can toss around boulders and cars with ease and stop Gin's scooter by grabbing the back of it, among other things.
* In ''[[Rosario + Vampire]]'', pretty much every monster out there is stronger than a normal human, but most especially the [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampires]], whose primary power is this.
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