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Norse Mythology: Difference between revisions

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(updated "Ugly Guy, Hot Wife" to make clear the "ugly" part is relative)
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* [[The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter]]: The hideous Jotnar (giants) occasionally have beautiful daughters. Naturally in stories involving them they get seduced by Norse gods. Odin (or Thor) was the usual culprit. The guy really got around, though not to the same extent as [[Anything That Moves|Zeus]].
** That was more Thor's area.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: While the ''Gylfaginning'' prose Edda says Frey is fair of face, any guy would be "ugly" when compsredcompared to Gerd, the most beautiful woman in the world.
* [[Vertebrate with Extra Limbs]]: Odin's horse had eight legs.
* [[Volleying Insults]]: Two of the Poetic Eddas (''Harbardsljoth'' and ''Lokasenna'') consist of pretty much nothing ''but'' this.
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