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X-Men: First Class: Difference between revisions

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* [[A Minor Kidroduction]]: The film starts by accentuating the ''very'' different childhoods Charles and Erik experienced. And we get cute little girl Mystique.
* [[Adaptive Ability]]: Darwin's [[Defense Mechanism Superpower]]. {{spoiler|It does not make him as powerful as you would think.}}
* [[Adorkable]]: Charles and Hank, the former when he uses his nerdy knowledge to woo girls at bars and the latter when he's flustering over Raven.
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* [[It's Personal]]: Erik wants revenge on Shaw/Schmidt [[You Killed My Father|for killing his mother]]. One of the reasons it feels like Erik is the hero of the film.
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]: Magneto interrogates a bank President by using his magnetic powers to pull out his dental fillings. Later he cracks Emma Frost's diamond body with a [[Beyond the Impossible|bed frame]]...in such a way that {{spoiler|a gentle tap would shatter her if she turned back before having time to heal}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Although the CIA staff in general acts like jerks most of the time, the worst is William Stryker Sr. What makes him most deserving of this trope is that John McCone, himself sexist and a hot headed jerk, actually calls out against Stryker twice, first in regards to his decision to keep Emma Frost detained (since the law requires that they hand her over), and the second when Stryker decides to have the American and Soviet navies [[TheresThere Is No Kill Like Overkill|bombard]] the Cuban shore to eliminate the mutants specifically because one of their human agents was present as well. Both times, he dismissed him, stating that he's not handing her over because the law doesn't apply to mutants, and in the latter case insensitively stated that the agent was "collateral damage."
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Havok seems to be this to Beast.
* [[Just Following Orders]]: The Nazis that Erik confronts trot out this line as an excuse for their actions. Charles later makes the mistake of echoing it while trying to calm Erik down. Definitely an [[Oh Crap]] moment for the audience when he says it.
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* [[Mental Affair]]: Emma Frost uses a [[Jedi Mind Trick]] on a Russian General to make him ''think'' he's having sex with her while she's actually sitting on his couch watching him make love to empty air on the bed. Charles thought that was a nice trick.
* [[Mentor Archetype]]: [[Evil Mentor|Sebastian Shaw to Magneto]]. [[Cool Teacher|Professor X to the team]]. [[Mentor Ship|Magneto to Mystique]].
* [[A Minor Kidroduction]]: The film starts by accentuating the ''very'' different childhoods Charles and Erik experienced. And we get cute little girl Mystique.
* [[Misfit Mobilization Moment]]: After circumstances force them to leave the CIA facility, the kids realize that they have to get their act together and learn to use and control their powers and work as a team.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: The first girl Charles tries to hit on.
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