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Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Difference between revisions

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*** The love of gold, of course, is very probably from the miner/craftsman aspect (especially since it is often compared to their love of iron) making things seem very recursive. The Dwarfs seem to have the tendency of being put in the place of any immigrant ethnic group whether black (in ''Soul Music'' they come up with "Rap" or "Rat" music) or Muslim (''Thud'') or yes, Jewish. Trolls on the other hand, seem to be just be sentient rocks.
**** Trolls and Dwarfs do share a tradition of "Hole Music".
** Dwarf women are also often seen - however, they are physically indistinguishable from male Dwarfs. This has had an affecteffect on their culture somewhat, in that many Dwarfs do not use female pronouns, courtship is largely devoted to finding out what sex, under all that leather and chainmail, the other Dwarf is, and a Dwarf identifying herself as female is treated akin to coming out as gay in a conservative society.
*** Exemplified by Sergeant Cheery Littlebottom of the Ankh-Morpork Watch, who "comes out" as a female, wearing leather skirts, high-heeled boots, and makeup, much to the chagrin of other dwarfs; but is never without her iron helmet, battleaxe, and ''beard''.
*** This undergoes a change during the novels - in ''[[Guards! Guards!]]'' it's mentioned that part of a dwarf courtship is carefully finding out which gender the other dwarf is, while in ''[[Raising Steam]]'' {{spoiler|the Low King announcing that she's female and thus the Low Queen}}, while important to the dwarfs concerned, is presented as a minor plot point.
** Being a dwarf also seems to be more a matter of certain actions and traditions than a biological thing, as Captain Carrot is technically a dwarf despite also being a nearly seven foot human.
*** Carrot's making a nature/nurture point - culturally he's a dwarf. He was raised as a dwarf, by dwarvern parents and went through all the normal process of growing up as a dwarf. He may not be as hardline dwarfish as the Deep Uberwald dwarves - mainly due to coming from a surface dwarf community near Lancre - but is still more dwarfish than many an Ankhmorpork city dwarf. He questions the relevance of being (genetically) human in the light of all this.
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