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*** Anubis from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light]]''. How else would you describe someone whose plan involved manipulating Kaiba to get to Yugi, which, in effect, opposes both of them simultaneously?
*** Paradox from ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: Bonds Beyond Time]]'' was worse. A bad guy challenging the main protagonist of a series is one thing, ''this'' idiot decides to challenge [[Dream Team|the protagonists of ''three'' series of a franchise]] ''simultaneously''.
* ''[[Overlord (novel series)|Overlord]]'':
** Most of the monsters in Nazarick fit, though it really isn't their fault. Before the odd phenominon that transported them to another world, they were little more than mooks who had been programmed to be [[Exclusively Evil]] enemies for players, with little individuality or identity. When Momonga can give them instruction, they do okay, otherwise they show very little strategy, coordination, or cooperation in battles, and almost no skill in diplomacy or subtlety.
** Philip Dayton L'Eyre Montserrat (a minor noble of the Re-Estize Kingdom) does a lot of stupid things that ultimately doom the kingdom, but the stupidest was stealing a shipment of grain that was in transit from the Sorcerer Kingdom (lands ruled by Momonga, the series' protagonist) to the Holy Kingdom, thinking this was easy money. First off, Momonga alone has proven able to defeat entire armies of the Re-Estize by himself, and relations between them aren't good. Plus, the grain shipments were intended as ''humanitarian aid''. It doesn't take a genius to predict the two-front war this is likely to cause.
* Butler, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Pokémon: Jirachi Wishmaker]]''. A [[Mad Scientist]] and member of Team Magma, his attempt to create Groudon from a fossil fails, which causes the guys in charge of Magma to fire him. (Pun not intended.) So to get back into their good graces, he decides to capture another Legendary - as in Jirachi - to make a second attempt. It ends badly, as what he actually creates is [[Eldritch Abomination]] that resembles Groudon, and once it starts to rampage, Butler realizes he never had a plan to restrain, contain, or subdue it.
* ''[[Dragonball Z]]'': Goz and Mez, the two ogres assigned as watchkeepers in [[Hell|the HFIL]]. It says a ''lot'' for a prison guard's intelligence when an [[Idiot Hero]] like Son Goku can outsmart them.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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* The mere existence of the [[Suicide Squad]] seems to be showing how much an idiot Amanda Waller is, seeing as she usually uses them to covertly clean up some other mess she started and lost control of.
* In a story in the ''[[Batman: Streets of Gotham]]'', third-rate villain Jennifer Duffy (aka the Carpenter) is hired by the Director to build a [[Death Trap]] complex with the intent to use it on Batman and ''film'' it, intending to market the footage as a [[Snuff Film]]. And he doesn't plan to stop there either, having "scripted" similar films with [[Superman]] and [[Wonder Woman]] as victims. He even ''advertises'' these movies. One movie poster shows Diana's dead body hanging from a gallows. Duffy's own opinion of this is, [[Captain Obvious|Batman is going to curb-stomp him]], and she hopes to be paid and get miles away before that happens.
* During the ''[[Acts of Vengeance]]'' arc, a [[Red Skies Crossover]] originating in ''[[The Avengers]]'', [[Loki (comics)|Loki]] has an idea that looks good on paper. He gathers together a group of villains with a lot of influence among other villains - Dr. Doom, Magneto, the Kingpin, the Wizard, the Mandarin, and the Red Skull - and has them trade enemies, directing their minions against heroes other than the ones they usually fight. (For example, Spider-Man ends up fighting Gravaton and the Brothers Grimm, among others, while Daredevil has to deal with Ultron.) With the advantage of total surprise, this ''seems'' like a valid plan, but Loki's obvious mistake was putting the Red Skull (a Nazi) and Magneto (a Holocaust survivor) on the same team, or for that matter, putting them in the same room. (In fact, the other villains all had reason not to cooperate with the Skull, Doom is Romani, Mandarin is Chinese, the Kingpin is a capitalist CEO of a large conglomerate, ''not'' a big fan of fascism, and the Wizard, well, no conflicting background there, but he ''still'' isn't one who would associate with Nazis.) His plan is foiled ''not'' by the Avengers, but by the infighting among his intended pawns that his poor choices cause.
* Speaking of the Red Skull, in [[Captain America]]'s new title [[Milestone Celebration| (released for his 75th birthday)]], {{spoiler|the Skull befriends a little girl [[Physical God| who is actually]] [[Reality Warper| an evolved Cosmic Cube]]; the exact same one he used to own when she was just a Cube. Seeing as she remembers him and has the naiivette of the little girl she resembles, she trusts him as she would a father. The Skull now effectively has the ability to alter reality ''any way he wants''. But rather than change history so that, say, the Nazis won World War II or something like that, he chooses to alter history so that Cap was his disciple, making Cap [[The Mole| a sleeper agent]] and a loyal member of HYDRA. Seriously, he's ''that'' obsessed with revenge that he delays his chance to rule the world. He doesn't seem to realize that making Cap into his pawn ''does not'' ensure loyalty (Cap quickly becomes [[The Starscream]] as a result, something the Skull intended to do to Hitler but never got around to) and also doesn't seem to realize that whatever the Cube does, she can just as easily undo, which she does when she discovers he's a liar.}}
* ''[[Fantastic Four]]'' villain the Wizard claims to be a criminal genius, but he seems to have very bad taste in accomplices. A [[Running Gag]] in the franchise is how he can never find a fourth member of his [[Evil Counterpart]] team the Frightful Four. The original team consisted of himself, Sandman, Trapster, and Medusa. However, Medusa was an [[Amnesiac Hero]] who, after regaining her memory, double-crossed him. Now sure, no way Wizard could have known that, but he recruited her for the team again ''twice'', when she ''didn't'' have amnesia, and both times she only did so to double cross him again. Same with Thundra, her [[Heel Face Turn]] occured before Wizard thought to ask her to join, and again, she betrayed him. In fact, it seems a lot of fourth members caused their plans to end in disasters, simply because the Wizard was too stubborn to admit this Evil Counterpart team idea just couldn't work.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
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* The ''[[Wishmaster]]'' films, in a big way. The [[Jerkass Genie]] actually has motivation for his job: once the person who releases him makes three wishes, genies will be freed from the hell-dimension they're trapped in and rampage across the Earth. Time and again, however, he proves not just to be [[Obviously Evil]], but also a unique combination of Stupid Evil and [[Chaotic Stupid]]. He could simply ''trust'' that the person who released him would have three things that they wanted to wish for - and the odds of that are pretty high - but instead, he insists on causing mayhem and destruction whenever someone makes a wish (particularly random people who ''aren't'' the person who can free the genies with three wishes), ensuring that whoever actually ''did'' free him will never make their three wishes.
** It's justified, although it tends to depend on the movie. In all movies, granting somebody's wish effectively allows him to take their soul when they die (and the interpretations of these wishes usually end up with the person making the wish dead); in the third movie, it's mentioned that he needs 1000 souls before he can achieve his goal, although this detail wasn't present in the first two movies.
* [[Helena Bonham Carter]]'s version of Bellatrix Lestrange in the ''[[Harry Potter]] (film)|''Harry Potter'' movies]] borderlines on this. She's portrayed as an insane character who delights in petty acts of vandalism like shattering windows and setting houses on fire. In the books, she's described as much more serious - she's considered insane only because of the level of her devotion to Lord Voldemort.
* ''[[Super Mario Bros. (film)|Super Mario Bros.]]'' - man, where to begin here?
** King Koopah's evil plan is to merge ''his'' world with ''ours'' so he could conquer it. Assuming this didn't cause ''two'' [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]s, ''his'' world has only one settlement, Dinohattan, meaning he'd be facing off against multiple armies with his limited forces. This includes the police of Dinohattan, who are overworked, understaffed, and incompetent; Koopa's enforcers, the woefully stupid Goombahs which were ''purposely'' made so via devolution; and his cousins Iggy and Spike, whom he trust to get the [[MacGuffin]] he needs ''after'' the two morons kidnap the wrong girl ''five times'' before managing to grab Daisy.
** Also, Koopa is rather careless for a totalitarian ruler, seeing as ''every'' citizen is armed and weapons are lying around everywhere, just waiting to be picked up. Half of the movie is one big case of [[Boss Arena Idiocy]], giving the heroes easy access to bombs, high-tech guns, and rocket shoes. [[Rule of Cool|Which, in all fairness, are kinda cool.]]
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* The [[Big Bad]] in ''[[Catwoman (film)|Catwoman]]'' is an evil cosmetics CEO who plans to market an anti-aging cream which has rather dangerous side effects: prolonged use makes the user's skin deteriorate and atrophy if use is halted. She ''thinks'' this will ensure customers continue using it and bring a constant cash flow. She never considers that the FDA would likely outlaw it first, nor the onslaught of lawsuits she'd have to deal with.
* Deacon Frost in ''[[Blade]]''. This vampire's [[Evil Plan]] involves turning ''everyone'' on Earth into vampires. Several more sensible vampires in the movie see the obvious flaw here - vampires prey on humans, and without them, they'd starve. Even if Deacon planned to keep supplies of blood in cold storage, it would be a limited supply, and he'd just be ensuring the extinction of his own people.
* Jerry in ''[[Fargo]]''. [[I Fought the Law and Thethe Law Won|He needs money (cause he's got none)]] and his scheme, being the [[Stupid Crooks|Stupid Crook]] he is, consists of paying some other Stupid Crooks to kidnap his wife so his rich father-in-law will pay a ransom, planning to split the ransom with the hired kidnappers, a stupid and dangerous plan that works as well as you'd expect. Jerry also doesn't notice some obvious warning bells, like his hired thugs bringing along "Carl”, someone nobody seems to know anything about. Sure enough, Carl is the one who messes the whole thing up.
* ''[[Batman and Robin (film)|Batman and Robin]]'' gave us two iconic villains turned into morons with another, "destroy the world without thinking about the long term” plot. Mr. Freeze plans to freeze the world so Poison Ivy can cover it with mutant plant life, so they can rule the world as [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Adam and Evil]] as Freeze calls it. The idea that two villains with such vastly different goals acting as a team is dumb enough ''without'' trying to consider what they'd do if they succeeded.
* ''[[Die Hard]]'' was a great movie with great writing and an equally great villain, but one has to wonder why Gruber expected his escape plan to work. Surely he realized he couldn't fit all his henchmen with their duffle bags loaded with stolen bearer bonds into that one ambulance? Even if he did get away, it's obvious he'd be the prime suspect when the authorities found the empty vault, especially with no bodies indicating anyone died in the explosion.
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** Belloq also attempts to look into the Ark, believing it a conduit to God. However, the Bible also details a punishment for that within the same book as the above: "But God struck down some of the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh, putting seventy of them to death because they looked into the Ark of the Lord. The people mourned because of the heavy blow the Lord had dealt them."<ref>Samuel 6:19</ref> Indy, who ''has'' done the research, tells Marion not to look, and both are spared as Belloq and the Nazis die horribly.
** Of course, Belloq is more a glorified thief than an “expert archaeologist", as Indy would attest: though he makes a token attempt to dress like a priest, he's not even Jewish, ''let alone'' a Kohen Levite - [[Only the Worthy May Pass|they are the only ones among the priesthood permitted to even carry the Ark]], and as the [[Book of Numbers]] detailed, even ''they'' would die if they touched it. Without any actual Kohanim present, any attempt to open the Ark is a fool's game. On that note, as the Nazis are a genocidal regime bent on exterminating the Jewish people, any attempt to use their artifacts - much less a Biblical artifact of ''this'' nature - as a [[Weapon of Mass Destruction]] easily registers as a ludicrous idea.
** ''[[Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny]]'' continues the tradition of stupid Nazis. The main antagonist - former Nazi Jürgen Voller - is actually kind of smart, realizing from the beginning that Hitler was an incompetent madman, and intending to use the eponymous Dial of Destiny to travel back in time, assassinate Hitler and assume command of the Third Reich, in order to change the outcome of [[World War II]]. His henchmen, however, are complete idiots:
*** In the second act of the movie (the first happening three decades earlier than most of the story) Vollner (a [[Villain with Good Publicity]] tells his men to [[Leave No Witnesses]], and they seem to comply at first, using guns with silencers and disguising themselves as linemen. But when their escape route is cut off by a ticker tape parade (the one celebrating the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11 Apollo 11 moon landing], no less) they proceed to back into a cab, start an argument with a cabbie (letting Indy escape), punch a police officer while pursuing Indy, steal a convertible car being used by a beauty queen (naturally, she screams for help) and pursue Indy through a busy subway station and ''then'' through the tunnel, all with sub machine guns blazing, and to make this worse, they do it all in front of one of the henchmen whom they know is a government agent who was tricked into helping them. Voller then cancels his trip to Los Angeles (where he was to meet with the President, thus standing him up) in order to pursue Indy to Morocco where his actions cause the U.S. Army to intervene. In short, by the third act, after everyone in America with a television witness their crimes, he is no longer a Villain with Good Publicity.
*** Of course, given the nature of his plans, Voller assumes none of this will matter in the end. However, the villains’ ultimate act of stupidity comes in the final act. While Voller himself has a brief moment of sanity and subverts the [[Cassandra Truth]] Trope, ordering his men to abort the mission, it is too late and they fly into [[Ancient Greece]] into the middle of the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Syracuse_(213%E2%80%93212_BC) Siege of Syracuse]. Stupidly, they open fire on the Roman soldiers, making them think there are dragons attacking them. While Indy and Helena (being smart) parachute to safety where they are met by Archimedes himself (inadvertently creating a [[Stable Time Loop]] that enables the Dial to be completed), the villains’ plunge to their deaths as the plane is brought down by Greek fire from the retaliating Roman army.
* The Purgers in ''[[The Purge]]''. (First movie, that is.) While [[This Troper]] is no expert on the subject, one would assume that gangs intending to invade a home and murder the occupants on the day of the year it is most likely to happen would expect some level of resistance. Nobody wants to be dragged out of bed and murdered in the middle of the night by people wearing horrendous-looking masks, right? Yet, the Purgers in this movie aren’t exactly up for the task. Despite this movie occurring in America, [[Never Bring a Knife to A Gun Fight| they carry surprisingly little in the way of firearms]]. Plus two of them they literally act like children (sociopathic murderous children, that is) [[Giggling Villain| giggling wickedly]] and giving each other piggyback rides, actions [[Obviously Evil| that make them seem like evil lunatics]], right up to the part where the much savvier homeowner James blows their brains out with a shotgun. The rest fare little better, easily ambushed and killed by the Sanders’ neighbors, seemingly forgetting that when you go out on Purge Night, [[The Hunter Becomes the Hunted| you are not the only ones purging]].
* Poppy Adams in ''[[Kingsman: The Golden Circle]]'', head of Poppy’s Pharmaceuticals, which is, in fact, a front for [[The Cartel| the eponymous cartel]]. Her scheme to gain a monopoly on illicit drugs and near-infinite wealth is to poison her wares with a toxin that causes paralysis, mania, and ''agonizing'' death to whoever uses them, offering the antidote if the President of the United States ends the country’s war on drugs and grants her and her cartel legal immunity, broadcasting her demands ''publicly''. This plan fails because there’s a [[President Evil]] in office who feels the only good drug user is a dead one. Still, even if he had caved to her demands, this plan was absurd for more than one reason. Assuming the U.S. even ''could'' grant her full legal immunity (doubtful, as she marketed her drugs globally) she’d never be able to assure that they wouldn’t renege on such a deal. Plus publicly announcing that you’ve poisoned the drugs you are selling is not likely to gain customers. Even the most desperate of addicts are likely to look elsewhere or even seek treatment rather than buy from her afterwards.
* [[Superman]]’s [[Arch Enemy]] [[Lex Luthor]]’s competence as a villain (or lack thereof) is very much [[Depending on the Writer]], the whole “destroy California as part of a real estate scam” in the [[Superman (film)| original movie]] not the brightest idea, but without a doubt, the dumbest version of Lex was in ''[[Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice]]''. His plan goes as follows:First he frames Superman for murder by planting a bomb at a congressional hearing, building up anti-superhero sentiment among the public, angering Bruce Wayne, who then, as [[Batman]], breaks into a museum and steals kryptonite to build a weapon to bring Superman down. Then Lex kidnaps Martha Kent, [[I Have Your Wife|ordering Superman to kill Batman in exchange for her life]]. So far, so good, Lex is playing both sides like a [[Chessmaster]] who… Clearly cannot play chess. Sure, the two heroes fight ([[Let's You and Him Fight|that’s what heroes do, after all]]) but only for about five minutes, before they figure out who the real enemy is and Lex now has ''two'' angry superheroes after him. To his credit, Lex has a backup plan, but it’s no less dumb, releasing Doomsday (who in this version is a genetically enhanced clone made from his own and General Zod’s DNA) to sic on the two heroes, with absolutely no way to control this living weapon. By now, the destruction and carnage is so widespread that [[Wonder Woman]] shows up, with Lex and Doomsday now having ''three'' heroes to deal with, practically cementing an alliance between all three. Long story short, if this movie was supposed to portray Lex as an evil genius, it failed miserably, making Lex the type whose plan relied on the heroes being dumb, the plan itself making him look double-dumb. [[What the Hell, Casting Agency?|Oh, and he wasn't even bald in this version.]]
* ''[[The Hurricane Heist]]''. In this movie, the villain is a rogue federal agent named Connor Perkins, who along with his gang of other crooked agents plans to loot $600 million from the Federal Reserve. He realizes that getting the money out of the vault is the easy part, and that the hard part will be getting past the army of National Guard troops who would swoop him and make him give it back. So he decids to stage the heist as a destructive category 5 hurricane is about to hit the city. [[Too Dumb To Live| Uh… right.]] Connor makes two big mistakes here, one, the good guys give him far more resistance than he had assumed and two, [[Captain Obvious| a hurricane does not play favorites]]. In the end, when Connor is the sole survivor of his gang, the winds rip the trailer off the semi truck he is using as a getaway vehicle, and then drops it on the cab, killing him. [[Karmic Death]].
* SETI from ''[[Species]]''. One could say the decision to even conduct this experiment was a stupid idea, but when Sil breaks free, their attempts to recapture her border on absurd. As dangerous as Sil is, she has the mental capacity and personality of a child (and technically ''is'' one, having been "born" only a few months previous) motivated only to reproduce, how hard can it be to track her down? In the case of these idiots, pretty hard.
== [[Literature]] ==
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* [[Ultimate Evil|Tak]] from [[Stephen King]]'s novel ''[[Desperation]]''. It murders an entire small town [[For the Evulz|for kicks]], despite needing [[Body Surf|a fresh supply of human hosts]] in order to survive. (To make this even more absurd, the town in question is ''in the middle of the desert''.) The characters even come to this conclusion when they question its actions.
* [[Big Bad|Voldemort]] was [[The Dreaded|the feared and dreaded]] symbol of [[Pure Evil]] in the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' franchise, and also one of the stupidest villains in modern fiction:
** For the record, the whole franchise would never have happened had he not failed in his first attempt on Harry's life due to a ''misinterpreted'' prophecy. The biggest reason he failed to kill Harry as an infant was because Lily sacrificed herself to save her son - but in hindsight, did Voldemort really need to kill Lily? If he had instead used the Cruciatus Curse to subdue her (or frankly, even just pushed her aside), he'd have had a clear shot at Harry. Killing Lily not only fouled up later attempts to kill Harry, it gave Harry a valuable ally, and speaking of whom…whom...
** Snape's crush on Lily was sort of creepy, but using a [[For Want of a Nail]] scenario, Lily's death was the sole reason Snape turned against him, giving Harry a potent ally. While Voldemort's most stated weakness is [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|his inability to comprehend concepts like love and friendship]], he does know a thing or two about loyalty, pride, and holding grudges. He should have known Lily's death would enrage Snape to the point of desiring revenge; and for all his [[Jerkass]] tendencies and uppity attitude, Snape is a competent and ''very'' powerful wizard, and not someone you want on your bad side if you can help it. Indeed, had Snape remained loyal to Voldemort, it is very likely Snape would not have gone out of his way to save Harry during the Quidditch match where Quirrell booby-trapped Harry's broom, ending the young hero's career in his first year.
** One of the reasons heroes with capes and masks use secret identities is because of a common trick bad guys use to get to the good guys, trying to do them in through their family and friends, but even though Harry has neither cape nor mask, he has plenty of allies he cares for who depend on him: Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Dobby, to name a few. Yet, this is something Voldemort rarely tried. He did it once, in ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|TheHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'', sending Harry visions of Sirius Black, and it worked; how hard could it have been to expand this theme? Especially seeing as Hermione's parents are both [[Muggles]], how hard could it have been for him or another Death Eater to kidnap her during summer vacation?
** One of his biggest mistakes was [[It's Personal|making the conflict with Harry a personal issue]]. Sure, Voldemort is an evil wizard, and it's understandable that he'd blame Harry for having to share Quirrell's body, feed on unicorn blood, and [[Evil Makes You Monstrous|looking, well, hideous]]. And he believed a prophecy about being the only one who could kill Harry. But frankly, he could have survived had he just let go a little. His vendetta was an obsession, and [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You|his insistence on doing Harry in himself]] is the biggest reason the Boy Who Lived, er, ''lived'' as long as he did. Due to his orders, his followers were goofing around giving the students cursed diaries rather than make any steps towards eliminating Harry, and even when he did come back, his "leave him to me” mentality only helped Harry escape, often with far more information than the villain would have liked.
** His ''entire plan'' in ''[[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (novel)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]''. Here's the problem: You need the blood of your enemy to restore your physical body. So you decide to convince Barty Crouch Jr. to kidnap "Mad Eye" Moody, brew a year's supply of Polyjuice potions, have Crouch infiltrate Hogwarts disguised as Moody, teach the Defense Against Dark Arts class for a year (giving Harry and his friends some ''very'' useful info about combating black magic), manipulate the Goblet to compel Harry to compete in the Tri Wizard Tournament, push Harry in the right direction during said Tournament, and finally, turn the trophy into a port key that delivers Harry into your clutches. Well, it works, but wouldn't it have been a lot easier to just enchant his toothbrush or something? In the end, Voldemort's whole plan seems to be a whole lot of unnecessary effort and cost for something that, on the surface, he could have done easier.
*** Not to mention, if he really needed blood of an enemy, the dead body of poor Cedric was right there, but Voldemort was so hung up with his obsession with Harry to consider that option. In fact, the only folks who didn't qualify were the Death Eaters. Even Pettigrew (you know, the guy who thought spending three years as a rat was a valid plan?) thought this was a bad idea.
** There's also his complete inability to use subtlety in his assaults on Potter. Despite what Dumbledore would have you believe, [[Swiss Cheese Security|Hogwarts' security, to be blunt, stinks]]. A 12-foot-tall mountain troll manages to get as far as the dorms in the first book before the staff even realizes its there (requiring the [[Power Trio]] to take it down; Sirius Black, a fugitive convicted of murder who had just broken out of jail, was able to sneak in, vandalize the Fat Lady's painting and get away before anyone noticed; Rita Skeeter spied on numerous staff and students in order to write her slanderous stories; and Peter Pettigrew spent ''three years'' in the students' dorms disguised as a rat before anyone noticed. Had Voldemort actually tried to sneak in himself after Goblet of Fire (or had one of his minions do it), possibly using a Polyjuice potion to disguise himself as Ron, Hermione, or for that matter, anyone Harry trusted, it would have been all over. But each and every time he confronted Harry, he had to make a big show out of it, giving Harry the chance to escape or fight back.
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** Another missed opportunity, [[Magically-Binding Contract|the Unbreakable Bond]]. This spell places two wizards into an agreement that will ''kill'' one of them should he break it, and it seems surprisingly easy to cast. Fred and George nearly made one with Ron when they were just kids, so it's absurd to think Voldemort couldn't have used it to prevent his own minions (including Snape, Karkaroff, and the Malfoy family) to prevent desertion and/or betrayal, but he seemed content on using the Black Mark, which in the long run, did little to ensure loyalty.
** [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom|Good old lovable idiot Horace Slugthorn]], the guy who inadvertently told Tom Riddle about Horcruxes in the first place. Poor guy was [[Properly Paranoid|paranoid that the Death Eaters would try to silence him]], but one has to wonder, did they even try at all? One would think Voldemort would put at least some effort into eliminating this dangerous loose end, but no, Slugthorn not only lived long enough to retire, but come out of retirement, and eventually give Harry the info he needed to take down Voldemort.
** And finally, there's the Time Turners, a major plot device (and a lot of wasted potential) in ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Prisoner of Azkaban (novel)|Prisoner of Azkaban]]''. This device was ''invented'' by Lucius Malfoy (one of the Death Eaters), may have had a hand in inventing this device<ref>If ''[[Harry Potter and the Cursed Child]]'' is considered canon.</ref> and despite how powerful it was, it seemed easy to get, given how many the Ministry of Magic had. Sure, there are rules governing their use, but when has Voldemort cared about that? He had so many chances to grab one, and could have used it to undo any of the mistakes he made on this list, but it never seemed to occur to him.
* From ''[[The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]]'': Killing a man in public and leaving behind part of the murder weapon wasn't the brightest idea on Hyde's part, and he does a sloppy job burning his papers at his rented room before fleeing, leaving many of them still legible. Indeed, Utterson recognizes the cane as belonging to Jekyll, confirming that the Mr. Hyde who killed Sir Danvers Carew is the "friend" of Jekyll he knows.
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** While he's not the only example in the series, he's the only one who doesn't have the excuse of being on drugs or a stupid kid.
* Dear God, the Borg. While dreaded and feared in ''[[Star Trek]]'' mythos, a combination of poor design, lack of creativity, inability to adapt, and lack foresight makes them absurdly easy to outsmart. A supercomputer is no good if it uses no firewall or antivirus, and the Borg takes such an analogy [[Up To Eleven]]. They never prepare for stealth-based viruses and sabotage, never learn from their defeats from such, and never seem to come up with new ideas on their own. They're unable to even ''see'' beings not registered as threats, meaning you could waltz right into one of their giant cubes, plant a nuclear bomb, and leave without being caught, so long as you made no threatening moves. Seven of Nine's parents lived and studied them ''right under their noses for two years'' before being caught, and they didn't even learn from ''that''. They also never bother to study the history of the races they assimilate; Picard was able to mow them down with a tommy gun in one episode involving the Holodeck, something that should have been the equivalent of an American soldier standing up to a Blitzkreig with a squirtgun. How they ever became powerful enough to be considered [[The Dreaded]] in the first place is a mystery. [[Catch Phrase| "Resistance if futile"]]? More like "Resistance is Fruitful".
** In one multi-part episode, the Borg's inability to prepare seems almost laughable. They invade the ''Enterprise'', and the crew is pinned down because their phasers are ineffective against their personalized forcefields. The crew retunes the [[Techno Babble| "frequency of the upper Ian band"]], and in the next confrontation, the Borg are gunned down with ease. The Borg Queen makes a complete overhaul of the system in part 2, only for the crew to tweek them again, and again, the Borg soldiers are gunned down with ease; this happens in ''[[Star Trek: First Contact]]'' as well, except the heroes are using the same strategy with ''phaser rifles''. For all their supposed superior intelligence, it seems the Borg cannot remember a finite number of frequencies or modulations on the weapons or defense systems their arch enemies use to foil them in ''every'' skirmish.
** A good analysis of why this dreaded, technologically superior Collective is, in fact, a bunch of idiots is [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ioY3Xhb-0k detailed here.]
* In ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', the Cardassians could often be considered a whole civilization that fits this Trope, but special emphasis goes to Dukat. An incompetent [[Small Name, Big Ego|egotist and narcissist bordering on a messiah complex]], Dukat claims he only wants what all Cardassians want - to protect his family, serve his people, and to save and empower the Cardassian state, and if those were indeed his goals, he'd make a great leader. However, he lies. His true goals, illustrated by his actions, are to be a legendary hero known throughout the galaxy. He wants the respect and approval of both his allies and enemies, including Sisko. (Or rather, ''especially Sisko''.) He wants the Bajorans to slavishly bow to him (the Star Trek equivalent of [[Impossible Task|the Israelis surrendering to the Arabic nations and worshipping them]], or vice versa). And of course, his desire to [[Villainous Crush|get into Kira's pants]], despite the small inconvenience that she utterly despises him. Not that he's above using other Cardassian women as [[Sex Slave]]s. In pursuing these impossible goals, he is a complete failure, and as a result, he is responsible for about 90% of the idiotic things the Cardassians do, their plans always ruined and any progress they make undone by his own rash desires and the poor decisions he makes as a result. [[Jerkass Has a Point|Even Quark laughs at the idea]] anyone would consider him admirable or competent. Detailing all examples would take too long, so an example will do of how he justifies his crimes and claims he deserves the respect and prestige he desires:
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'''Dukat:''' ''False!'' I tried to ''save'' lives during my administration! I was convinced that a gentler hand was required to deal with the Bajorans. [[Wants a Prize For Basic Decency|Child labor was abolished]]. Medical care was improved, food rations were increased. After one month of my administration, [[Insane Troll Logic|the death rate had dropped by 20%]]. They blew up an orbital dry dock. I ordered 200 members of the resistance rounded up and executed, 200 lives for 200 lives. Time and again, I would reach out as an open hand of friendship, [[Moral Myopia|and time and again]], they would slap it away!}}
:* Okay, let's analyze this. Dukat is basically saying, "I tried to be friendly, but those ungrateful Bajoran terrorists had the audacity to try to liberate their people from the folks that enslaved them, and the other subjugated slaves still treated me like dirt." More rations? Of yes, thanks for giving back a few more crumbs of the rations you stole in the first place, and the fact that there even ''was'' child labor in those prison camps or a death rate you could reduce speaks volumes. Dukat's naïve attempt to convince his victims that he was a benevolent dictator while acting like a tyrant was the political equivalent of pissing into the wind.
* One bad habit that villains in the ''[[Power Rangers]]'' franchise ''never'' seem to get tired of (but never seem to do ''right'') is using some sort of spell or curse to brainwash a friend, ally, or classmate of the heroes to use against them. It literally ''never'' works, and more than one [[Sixth Ranger]] has been recruited this way. Rita takes the cake here - after Kat became the Pink Ranger, Rita tried to enspell her again ''twice'', and failed both times.
** Well, other than Lord Drakkon<ref>An [[Alternate Universe]] version of Tommy Oliver who, in his reality, chose to remain on Rita's side</ref> {{spoiler| which is a case where it worked only too well, Drakkon [[The Starscream| betraying Rita and killing her]].}}
* From ''[[Wonder Woman (TV series)|Wonder Woman]]'' Diana has fought her share of [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]s in her time, and plenty of them were Nazis, but Colonel Kesselman (from "Fausta, the Nazi Wonder Woman") pulls double duty, being a Nazi ''and'' a misogynist - which causes him to be twice as stupid. His attitude towards women causes him to treat Fausta like garbage, refusing to believe that using the Lasso of Truth on the heroine can gain any productive information, scoffing at the idea of her claims that a woman can be as powerful as a man and the idea of Paradise Island, even though he's watched live news footage of her heroic actions. Eventually, simply out of a desire to prove he's right, he ''gives Diana back her lasso and belt!'' Naturally, she breaks free of the her restraints, and takes Fausta down. To top that off, while that's happening, his only means of calling for backup is a rotory phone - even when you consider that [[Technology Marches On| the show was made in the 80s]], that was rather poor planning.
== [[Oral Tradition]], [[Folklore]], Myths and Legends ==
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*** And then there are the mistakes she makes that are associated with this Trope. She makes deals with Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung (two villains who any fan of the franchise realize are ''guaranteed'' to betray her), [[Bond Villain Stupidity|tells her minions not to kill the living heroes who have revenant counterparts]], because doing so would [[Ret-Gone|RetGone]] the revenants (even though the revenants [[Surrounded by Idiots|are not helping her much]] and [[Fridge Logic|being killed is required to become a revenant]]), she leaves her crown (something she needs to use the Hourglass) where the heroes can find it, [[Explaining Your Power to the Enemy|blatantly tells the heroes how she can be beaten]] (that her plans involving turning Liu Kang and Raiden against each other because their cooperation is a threat to her). It almost seems like Kronika wants there to be a chance she could fail simply to make the conflict more interesting [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|(which might have been an interesting plot twist, actually)]] but no, she has no viable excuse other than being a moron.
* In the Lost Chapters version of ''[[Fable (video game series)|Fable]]'', the evil option of the final choice is this. The options are either A. Throw an evil talking mask into the lava (Good) or B. put on the talking mask that tempts you with power and obviously just wants you to put it on so it can possess you (evil). Guess which option is the smart one and which is the really, ''really'' stupid one. Come on, guess.
* [[Mega Corp|The Umbrella Corporation]] in the ''[[Resident Evil]]'' series. This group of [[Mad Scientist]]-slash-[[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] types were obsessed with manipulating DNA and creating biological weapons ("BOWs”) in order to market them to various military firms, only to run into some problems. Problem #1: These BOWs are unpredictable, unstable, and usually destroy whatever facility they're developed in. Problem #2: Said results of these BOWs are usually defeated and destroyed by one police officer. On top of that, they have a task force dedicated to cleaning up these accidents, but most of them are either eaten alive or infected. Problem #3, they ''never'' learn, never having any concern for repercussions of their experiments, even when the brunt of such repercussions come crashing down on their heads, and often come off as "evil for evil's sake". They'd nuke a school bus full of preschoolers if they thought it could be [[For Science!]], and that is clearly [[Not Hyperbole]]; they definitely would. Calling Umbrella "incompetent” would be an understatement. As noted above, the movie's incarnation stay true to this portrayal.
* Union Aerospace Corporation, from the ''[[Doom]]'' franchise. Okay, the Earth is in the middle of an energy crisis, so the "geniuses” at this Mega Corp discover an energy source on Mars that originates from Hell itself. (That's right, ''from Hell itself''.) Not only that, they decide to explore Hell itself (which is infested with demons, of course) while mining its resources and looting its artifacts. On top that, they knew one of their own scientists, Dr. Olivia Pierce, has started [[Religion of Evil|a devil-worshiping cult]] among members of the organization, and do nothing. Worst of all, after the demons are unleashed and the heroic [[Space Marine]] saves humanity from being wiped out, their idiotic CEO Samuel Hayden doesn't even thank him, and decides to continue research into the project. How dumb can you get?
* Phenotrans, the [[Mega Corp]] main antagonists of the ''[[Dead Rising]]'' series. This is the group that markets a drug called Zombrex, a daily dose of which is required for anyone infected by a zombie, in order to stay human. And they charge an astronomical price for it. The apocalyptic ramifications of this deliberate price gouging - not to mention profiteering, as they deliberately try to worsen the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] - never occurs to them, nor do they ever realize that the overwhelming profits they're making are going to collapse once customers start to lose the funds to afford it. Not to mention they risk turning the entire world into a state where said profits will be worthless.
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* Cave Johnson from ''[[Portal]]'', another [[Posthumous Character]] whose own stupidity is the reason he's "posthumous". By his own admission, he always "trusted his gut" rather than thinking with his brain. As an industrialist and CEO of Aperture Science, his MO was to greenlight ''every single'' idea he thought up, no matter how absurd, ill-conceived, or outright ''dumb'' it sounded, and see if any of them panned out, and he claimed a thousand of these ideas were tested ''a day''. While he did manage to make some scientific breakthroughs like matter-manipulating gel, sapient AI programs, and of course, the portal gun, there were dozens of [[Epic Fail]]s per success, and he simply didn't ''learn''. To give one example of his insane experiments, Chell finds one recording intended for the ''second'' group of test subjects for a project involving injecting human subjects with praying mantis DNA, telling them the test was postponed indefinitely, but he now had another test for them - fighting the ''first'' group that was now an army of mindless mantis-men. Supposedly, Johnson died from kidney and lung failure due to "moon rock poisoning", and seeing as moon rocks were a main ingredient in the aforementioned gels, he was clearly [[Hoist by His Own Petard]].
* The Ancestor in ''[[Darkest Dungeon]]''. The foul corruption that has turned the Hamlet into a barely-habitable [[Überwald]], every boss encountered in the game (and for that matter, every Mook in the game) is a result of the blasphemous experiments he conducted in his attempts to unearth the eponymous dungeon, squandering his fortune ''multiple'' times, often making more mistakes in his attempts to fund his goal, all because ''he was bored''. The Crimson Court DLC shows that the action that caused him to cross the [[Moral Event Horizon]] involved ''drinking vampire blood'', not the wisest choice there. And despite ''acknowledging'' every mistake he made and often regretting every mistake, he never considered halting the insane goal, only realizing the sheer scope of his folly and taking steps to undo it (possibly) after succeeding and inadvertently unleashing a fiend with the intent to bring about [[The End of the World as We Know It]].
* Dr. Eggman has done a lot of stupid things in the long history of the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' franchise, but the one that buries the needle on the stupidity detector is his ''[[Evil Plan]]'' in ''[[Sonic Unleashed]]''. There are these two entities in the center of the Earth, the benevolent Light Gaia, who protects life, and Dark Gaia, who wants to destroy it. These two entities are locked in an eternalendless struggle, which must continue for all eternity, [[Barrier Maiden|lest Dark Gaia break free and destroy the world]]. Eggman decides to drain the Chaos Emeralds to power a device that releases Dark Gaia, and why? So he can use its energy to fuel the rapid construction of - get this - an Eggmanland theme park! Plus he builds it in ''the center of the Earth'', not the best location for tourism. Ironically, this is also stupid due to [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]. Sonic has access to the multiple refreshment stands and souvenir shops in Eggmanland, where he can buy power ups and other useful items with the Rings he collects.
* [[Sinister Minister|Father Zachary Hale Comstock]], the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[BioShock Infinite]]'' is [[A Nazi By Any Other Name]] before even the true Nazis came to power. Ruler of [[Crap Saccharine World|Columbia]], a city that was commissioned as a showcase of American exceptionalism, it quickly degenerated into an ultra nationalist xenophobic militarized theocracy, serving as a precautionary tale to the evils of fascism. He fits the Trope for multiple reasons:
** First of all, he and his followers have nothing but contempt for undesirables (all the folks the true Nazis wanted to eradicate, meaning anyone except white, male, straight, Anglo-Saxon Christians) [[Politically-Incorrect Villain| being blatantly racist]] and leaving no question of their motives, their disgusting propaganda spreading vile lies about them. But they certainly don't do a good job getting rid of them or keeping them out. These undesirables are kept in the city as indentured servants or slaves and treated like garbage, but poorly supervised, and given easy access to weapons and things that could be used as weapons. One of Booker's allies is an African-American woman of genius intellect permitted access to a lab, while an Asian man is actually allowed to run a gunsmithing business! Clearly, they foolishly underestimate the intelligence and potential of these "inferior" peoples. Columbia's leadership is practically asking for a slave revolt, and their cruelty has caused all of the unfavored class (plus many sympathetic members of the favored class) to unite under a common enemy, creating [[La Resistance| Vox Initiative]], which Comstock has not, after 17 years, been able to exterminate. As Booker travels to other realities, he finds that bloody revolutions are already happening to other versions of Columbia, and this one is clearly next.
** Second, Columbia has a great deal of advanced [[Steampunk]] technology. Robot soldiers, fantastical vehicles and weapons, [[Portal Network|the miraculous device that allows access to alternate realities]], and the city itself is on a man-made [[Floating Continent]]. All of this was invented by [[Evil Genius|brilliant scientist Rosalyn Lutes]]. While Rosalyn is herself no saint, her brother (or rather, [[Gender Flip|a male alternate dimension version of Rosalyn]]) has far more of a conscience and convinces her to side with Booker. Comstock attempted to have the "siblings" killed by sabotaging the aforementioned portal machine, but his jury-rigged trap instead grants the siblings godlike power and the ability to alter reality at will. It is stated that they have brought Booker to the city 16 times in attempts to overthrow comstocks rule (the 17th time is where the player takes the controls) but these numerous failures mean nothing to them, as they have all the time in the world, and the ability to manipulate time itself. Maybe trying to use Rosalyn's own technology to craft his trap - which is far beyond his ability to understand - wasn't a good idea on Comstock's part, especially seeing how essential the device is for his continued rule of Colombia. For that matter, trying to kill her in the first place (rather than have her arrested and jailed) was never a good idea, seeing as she is the only one who could conceivably fix it or anything else she designed; he'd better hope Columbia's technology never breaks down… And if their death was absolutely necessary, simply shooting them might have been a better idea than trying to use their own technology to do them in. It's not like secrecy is needed in his totalitarian police state.
** Not that Columbia would have survived even if Rosalyn had remained loyal to Comstock, given the numerous reckless mistakes. Comstock claims to be an exhalted profit who has been instrumental to many historic events, but he is, in fact, [[Snake Oil Salesman|a big phony]]. Everything he says about his past is a lie, a result of his attempts to rewrite history with him as a hero. (In fact, one big mistake he makes is claiming he led the charge at Little Bighorn and was victorious; a soldier who was ''actually there'' is in Colombia, and becomes an important member of the Vox.) The leader of a cult of personality only remains strong when he is seen as infallible, and he is dumb enough to leave evidence of his darkest secrets lying around where anyone can get them, much less someone with dimensional travel technology. Case in point, Elizabeth. His plan involves attempting to mold Elizabeth into his heir, keeping her isolated in a prison tower and subjected to conditioning and indoctrination, which seems to have caused her to ''hate'' him more than convert her, not helped by the books she has access too, which even includes a manual on lockpicking. Here’s the kicker; Comstock knows Booker is coming, knows Booker's intent, but the only security he has against him is propaganda and [[Mecha-Mooks]] that Booker can gun down with ease. He makes no effort to do background checks on white males that enter the city, so Booker gets in rather easily. Plus, when he knows Booker is getting close to her prison, he tells these Mecha Mook to stand down, letting Rosalyn’s deadliest creation - [[Robeast|the Songbird]] - handle it alone. While the Songbird is indeed incredibly strong, it’s far too big to pursue a foe indoors, and is controlled by a pan flute of all things. While it does foil Booker’s first attempt to rescue Elizabeth, this inadvertently helps Booker succeed the second time, as the first attempt ends with the prison tower and a lot of the city wrecked by the Songbird’s attempt to smash him. In fact, story-wise, rescuing Elizabeth seems the easiest part of Booker's job here.
** And of course there are the vigors. These potions let whoever drinks them control the mechanical devices in Columbia (including the Mecha Mooks), and they are ridiculously easy to obtain from vendors - one vendor even gives out a free sample! In fact, anyone who swipes even ''one'' can of the stuff could use it to rob vending machines to get more of it! Exactly why the Vex never considered using them is a mystery.
** Finally, Comstock's biggest flaw is his true goal, conquering the United States, thinking victory is certain, because he assumes the visions he has witnessed through the portal device are based on prophecy. As Rosalyn explains, they are actually based on probability. (As in, each is a reflection of what ''might'' happen, not what ''will'' happen, and some possible futures are more likely than others. Thus, the future he views where Elizabeth (as an old woman in the year 1984) continues his life's work and destroys New York (using zeppelins of all things) could possibly happen theoretically in his reality… but the odds would be very ''very'' much against it. Even if it did come to pass, it's very likely the scenario would end with the U.S. Army blowing Columbia out of the sky in retaliation.
** In the end, {{spoiler| Comstock's foolish machinations result in Elizabeth realizing her true past, tapping the true potential of her [[Reality Warping]] powers, and [[My Future Self and Me| recruiting every version of herself]] throughout all realities, managing to kill Comstock before he even perceives the idea of Columbia, eradicating the regime not only in the core reality but throughout all others. When your own mistakes lead to your plans being [[Ret-Gone]] out of existence, you know you're one of the stupidest villains who ever lived.}}
* In the first two ''[[BioShock]]'' games, the trope is not as obvious, but is still there. The production and marketing of Adam isn't stupid or evil in itself, nor is it dangerous unless a user foolishly overdoses (the Plasmids are living proof of this) but the greed shown by Ryan and Fontaine (proven as how they neglected to address the side effects or post any safety guidelines) and the methods they used to harvest the stock (horribly altering and mutating the little sisters and Big Daddy's in order to collect and harvest) put them past the [[Moral Event Horizon]], resulting in their planned [[Utopia]] becoming [[Soiled City on a Hill|an apocalyptic nightmare.]]
** It's possible for the player to fall into this too if they ignore the obvious moral repercussions of harvesting the Little Sisters. This game does a very good job at making you feel like a jerk should you take the evil path, the resulting endings of such not rewarding or pleasant at all. The sequel is even worse - if the player harvests ''every'' Little Sister, Eleanor realizes Evil is the only logical path to success and becomes the worst [[Serial Killer]] the world has ever seen.
=== [[Visual Novels]] ===
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* In the [[DuckTales (2017)|''DuckTales'' relaunch]], the leaders of F.O.W.L. try very hard to avoid this, their preferred methods being global domination through subtlety and subterfuge. Unfortunately, they just can't seem to keep their agents from [[They Just Don't Get It|acting like open and blatant supervillains]], which tends to [[Surrounded by Idiots|cause their carefully-planned schemes to collapse into chaos]]. In fact, Bradford - the founder of the group - had simply wanted to call it O.W.L. (Organization for World Larceny) only adding the "F" - for "Fiendish" - in order to convince [[Dark Action Girl|Black Heron]] to join them.
* Bullies tend to be [[Dumb Muscle]] types, but Flats the Flounder from the aptly-named ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'' episode "The Bully" emphasizes the "dumb" part. And he's ''pretty'' dumb. It's unknown why he's so dead-set on flattening SpongeBob, but he spends ''days'' trying to do so using [[Good Old Fisticuffs]], never seeming to realize that SpongeBob is, well, a sponge. After several days of this and it never sinking in that he's not hurting his victim much, Flats collapses from exhaustion.
* The Pakleds were intentionally designed to fit this Tropetrope when they first appeared in ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]''; when they started appearing as recurring villains in ''[[Star Trek: Lower Decks]]'', the [[Denser and Wackier]] nature of the series let the writers have a ''lot'' of fun with their buffoonery, like say, one of them mistaking an airlock for a rest room (and having to be rescued by the heroes) and testing a bomb, only to discover bombs are not reusable. Often they can be so [[Laughably Evil]] they're [[Dumb Is Good| almost lovable]].
* Adam, the [[Big Bad]] from ''[[Hazbin Hotel]]''. Granted, he is a decent fighter and field leader, and a dire threat to demon-kind, but that is clearly not due to his intellect. Sure, he managed to convince Sera (with [[The Dragon| Lute’s]] help) that it was in her best interests to continue the annual purges, but his big problem is, this is marred by his arrogant, impulsive, egotistical attitude. In layman's terms, he wants to solve every problem ''immediately'' as it comes up, and ''always'' the way ''he'' believes he should, reasons and possible consequences be damned. In episode 6, when he sees Charlie and Vaggie and in Heaven, he wants to assault them right then and there, [[Straight Man|Lute]] having to hold him back while reminding him of [[Captain Obvious| the possible consequences of assaulting two guests in front of dozens of witnesses]]. Even worse, later in the same episode, his big mouth reveals the entire conspiracy to the rest of Heaven, which is specifically what Sera had told him ''not'' to do just a few scenes earlier. Eventually, this impulsiveness is what does him in when, during the season one finale, he decides to attack the hotel itself, breaking a deal made with Lucifer, and enabling the now-angry King of Hell to come after him with no restraint.
* In ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 series)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' Baxter Stockman was never the model of intelligence or lucidity to begin with, but he seems to get worse with each appearance. In “Revenge of the Fly”, [[Evil Versus Evil| his anger towards Shredder and Krang is well-justified]], but his desire to make everyone in the world suffer by using Mutagen on them is [[Misplaced Retribution]], the repercussions of a city full of mutated insect people never occurring to him. This is even lampshaded by Stockman himself halfway through the episode, where he rants, “Yes! I must destroy the Turtles because of… uh… because of whatever I’m mad at them about!” Such is his lack of foresight, he deals with Shredder and Krang by locking them in a closet full of barrels of chemicals (Krang is a master chemist who invented mutagen; while it takes a few tries, he manages to jury rig a device they can use to break out), he turns Vernon into a mutant spider (it is very easy for the heroes to get him to side with them by reminding him that spiders eat flies), and worst of all, for him, he is trapped in "dimensional limbo" again, and this time, [[Fate Worse Than Death| never returns.]]
* Let's be honest here, Dr. Facilier (from ''[[The Princess and the Frog]]'') was an ''excellent'' villain, but in hindsight, making deals with dark spirits (his "friends from the other side") was, in hindsight, ''not'' a good idea. You could blame what happened to him on greed or overconfidence but there are better ways to become rich than risking your soul.
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