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** "Xerox of A Xerox" ends this way, on an industry-wide level. BoJack and Princess Carolyn stage an apology interview after BoJack's friend group gets wind of a news story that will implicate BoJack in Sarah Lynn's death. While his remorse is sincere, all of his lines are spoon-fed to him and carefully edited so that he doesn't admit to any wrongdoing that would damage his reputation. It seems to work, and people love BoJack after it airs. But... he does a second one when the network executive in charge of the first interview suggests a followup to boost ratings. Biscuits Braxby goes from delivering softball questions to confronting him with evidence that he left Sarah Lynn to die and lied to the police about it. She goes from that [[Wham! Line]] to a troubling pattern that he has where people get hurt due to the power he has over them. During her curveballs, BoJack starts spluttering and throws fellow alcoholic Sharona under the bus while also asserting he already apologized to her. Let's just say none of the apologies in either interview are accepted by the next episode: everyone in Hollywoo hates BoJack, Sarah Lynn's abusive mother and stepfather sue for damages, and people at BoJack's Al-Anon meeting give him [[Death Glare]]s and [[What the Hell, Hero?]] gestures for breaking the "anonymous" code while Sharona is nowhere in sight. [[Disproportionate Retribution|The Xerox company also bankrupts BoJack in a lawsuit for mentioning their name]].
** "Nice While It Lasted" has a really sad one, in the series finale. BoJack finds Diane on the roof at Princess Carolyn's business wedding. He tries to start their old dynamics, but Diane shuts him down. She then reveals the voicemail that he sent before his suicide attempt, that he was going swimming because no one cares about him, and he would only stay out of the pool if Diane picked up the phone. Diane points out that she was asleep in Chicago, ''hours'' away, and she wouldn't have come to rescue him in time. BoJack, as it turns out, doesn't remember any of this; he was hopped up on drugs and alcohol, and sincerely apologizes to Diane. She doesn't accept it, explaining that he caused her to spiral into a near nervous breakdown. Fortunately, the year that BoJack was in prison and her blocking him gave Diane that time. With that said, she is still mad at BoJack and makes it clear their friendship is over, because she can't be his moral center. BoJack acknowledges that her reasons are more than fair, and says that Diane doesn't owe him anything, not even closure. She at least gives him that, thanking him for being in her life.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]''
** An early season one episode has Maddy mad at Jack for forgetting that she was visiting her sister for a "divorce party" and walks out on him. Jack goes [[Oh Crap]] when it sinks in and chases after her, landing in the boondocks to apologize for being so oblivious and focused on ghosts. Thing is he forgot the present he brought as an apology, and Maddy isn't amused. Jasmine and Danny have to save the situation by delivering the present and lying that Jack was keeping it safe from mosquitoes.
** Another episode has Jasmine worried about Danny, but a ghost disguised as a new counselor uses Jasmine to siphon misery off Danny and humiliate him in school during Spirit Week. Danny gets more depressed and rejects Jazz's apologies for making him feel worse. {{spoiler|This culminates in her learning about her brother's secret identity, and deciding to wait until he is ready to tell her.}}
** In season two, Valerie becomes [[The Dragon]] to Vlad and a ghost hunter after the ghost dog Cujo gets her dad fired, making her a [[Fallen Princess]] at school. Danny Phantom apologizes to Val and keeps saving her from Cujo's [[Beware of Vicious Dog]] attitude, even protecting [[It Makes Sense In Context| their flour baby in a later episode]]. Valerie eventually befriends Danny Fenton and even starts a brief relationship with him, but she hates Danny Phantom {{spoiler|up until the Series Finale}}.
** One season two episode has Jasmine attempting to {{spoiler|join Danny, Sam and Tucker in hunting for ghosts. The problem is that she has no experience, and she keeps trapping Danny in the ghost thermos. Danny is unamused as she frees him each time and says she's sorry. They eventually have a fight, causing Jazz to run off to Vlad's mansion. Danny's attempts to find and apologize to her in turn leads to Vlad catching him. He then forces them to fight, allowing them to vent their stress to each other.}}
** The season three premiere has Danny instigate an [[Escalating War]] of pranks and snitching on Vlad's ghostly activities, as revenge for Vlad torturing and cloning him in the previous season. Vlad, however, knows how to play as dirty, and successfully becomes Mayor of Amity Park. After using his power to harass Danny in civilian and ghost form, Danny admits that he went too far and tries to restart their truce. Vlad rejects it and sics the Guys in White on Danny Phantom.
* ''[[Family Guy]]'':
**"Dial Meg for Murder"
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** In an episode leading to the season one finale that has no eliminations except for "Mr. Coconut," the [[Companion Cube]] that Owen created, the final four contestants get stranded on a remote part of the island due to a freak flood. Heather cries on a confession cam when recapping the moment that Gwen and Duncan abandoned her in favor of sailing a raft to find civilization, after Duncan made an "every camper for themselves" credo, and apologized to Beth and Lindsay on-camera for using them to get her win. It didn't work; the followup special showed both girls refused to ally with Heather again.
** Gwen and Courtney ended up trading this dynamic for a bit during and after season three. At first, Courtney was convinced that Duncan had a thing for Gwen; Gwen even told Courtney in season two that Duncan only had eyes for his girlfriend. Unfortunately, Courtney was proven right, and Duncan in season three kisses Gwen in front of the confession cam...and a shocked Tyler. Everyone finds out about Duncan's cheating next episode, and public opinion of Gwen becomes dismal. Gwen is truly apologetic when the truth comes out, because she considers Courtney a friend, and throws an elimination challenge that allows Courtney to stay. Courtney doesn't accept the apology until ''All-Stars'' where Gwen breaks up with Duncan for Courtney's sake and does a cathartic wrestling match with All-Stars. Then the roles get reversed in "Sunday Muddy Sundae" when Mal discovers that Courtney was going to throw a lot of her former competitors and now friends under the bus, including Gwen. Gwen isn't just upset about the betrayal but also about the principle of the matter, that in the end her atonement was [[All for Nothing]].
* ''[[W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)|W.I.T.C.H.]]''
** When Cedric in his human disguise tells Elyon who she really is and that her friends knew, she confronts them. Cornelia apologizes and says that she wanted to tell her. Elyon rejects the apology by protecting Cedric with her [[Power Incontinence]] before Will can expose his true form. It takes the season finale for Elyon to realize why they lied, and that her brother Phobos is a monster.
** Much of season two has Caleb attempting to apologize to Cornelia for {{spoiler|choosing to rebuild Meridian over building a relationship with her. Sure, he is right that deposing Phobos means a lot of reforms need to happen, and Queen Elyon needs an advisor. The issue Cornelia had was that he didn't consider that she was as important, and only came to Earth at Elyon's request. It takes until "F Is for Facade" for Caleb to realize that he should have communicated better, just as he finds out Cornelia is dating Taranee's older brother using her Guardian persona.}}
** In "L is for Loser" when Irma humiliates Martin for serenading her on the school's new radio show. While she had a legitimate point that he was overstepping boundaries, yelling it without realizing the loudspeaker was on was overkill. She tries to apologize to him later at his house, but Martin points out that she's just feeling bad, and isn't really sorry. The next day, she goes on the loudspeaker again, willingly, and gives a public apology. He forgives her, and cools it on the flirting.
** "M is for Mercy": Inverted when {{spoiler|Nerissa uses her power boost to resurrect her lover and fellow Guardian Cassidy, planning to brainwash her for a new Guardians team. She expects, after giving a sincere apology, that Cassidy would have [[Unfinished Business]] and resentment about being unceremoniously murdered; all those negative feelings would allow her to take over Cassidy. However, Cassidy has forgiven Nerissa and says that she would rather stay dead. It doesn't help that Cassidy knows her girlfriend too well, that Nerissa would have an ulterior motive for resurrecting her.}}
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