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The Scrappy/Film: Difference between revisions

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** There was also the little matter of that dumbass essentially [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom|being the vote that doomed the Republic]] by totally missing the point of Padme's instructions NOT to vote for the Grand Army, thereby dragging it into the Clone Wars.
** Especially irritating in that [[Brian Blessed]]'s Boss Nass could have fulfilled the same role, and was genuinely amusing in his few appearances.
** Interestingly, Jar Jar has found himself somewhat [[Vindicated by History]] as time went on. Part of it comes from the prequels themselves being [[Vindicated by History]], with some fans that enjoyed the movies during their childhood or were adults that liked them warts and all going up to bat for the goofy Gungan and admitting to have found him funny, or at the very least inoffensive and no more annoying than C-3PO (who himself was [[Vindicated by History]] years later). Another part of it comes from how ''[[Star Wars: The Clone Wars|Clone Wars]]'' portrayed him, with it emphasizing his friendly nature and giving him plenty of [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] moments while making sure he was never an active liability to the good guys. But most amusingly, fan speculation that he was once planned to secretly be a conniving Sith Lord (with a surprising amount of evidence backing it up) is probably ''the'' biggest saving grace of the character due to the [[Hidden Depths]] it would potentially give him (and even if it isn't true, it's still a ''very'' fun bit of speculation).
* C3PO didn't have a bad response in [[A New Hope|the original Star Wars]], but after ''[[The Empire Strikes Back]]''... well, in an interview, George Lucas said some people considered the android "the worst character ever".
*** With that being said, the fan acceptance is ''far'' from universal, and even with it taken into consideration Jar Jar is still, at best, a ''big'' [[Base Breaker]].
* C3PO didn't have a bad response in [[A New Hope|the original Star Wars]], but after ''[[The Empire Strikes Back]]''... well, in an interview, George Lucas said some people considered the android "the worst character ever" thanks to being high-strung and ''obnoxiously'' yappy. The hatred for the character would end up heavily dying down in the future, however.
* Jacen Solo from the [[Expanded Universe]] isn't thought of very highly, either, especially since his character crossed the line into unforgivable bastardry.
** Jacen was [[The Scrappy]] for being a [[God Mode Sue]], though. His being [[The Scrappy]] made him a bad guy so that he could be [[Alas, Poor Scrappy|killed]].
* Ewoks have a reputation of having plenty of people who regard them as a race of scrappys for the following two reasons:
#** [[Flanderization]] turning the Stormtroopers into the [[Butt Monkey]] of ''[[Star Wars]]'' VS debates barring [[Expanded Universe]].
#** Preventing what would have been an awesome rebellion by Chewie's people. So much for watching them tear the arms off Stormtroopers (originally, the plan was to liberate Kashyyyk but they chose Endor and the Ewoks instead, because Lucas [[Rock Beats Laser|wanted the Empire defeated by primitives]] & the Wookies weren't primitive enough).
* Padmé Amidala, mostly for the [[Romantic Plot Tumor]] but also for how in Episode 3, she became a lot weaker than she was in Episodes 1 an 2. On theforce.net, there's even a "Defenders of the A/P Love Story" thread.
* [[Dark Messiah|Anakin Skywalker]] in the prequels. Pretty disliked in the fandom either for being a whiny, poorly-acted kid in the [[The Phantom Menace|first prequel]], and for being a [[Wangst|Wangsty]], poorly-acteddirected adult in the second [[Attack of the Clones|two]] [[Revenge of the Sith|prequels]] who just happened to contribute to said [[Romantic Plot Tumor]]. Most of his hate, however, comes from allegations of ruining the characterization of his future self [[Series Mascot|Darth Vader]], who otherwise seemed like (and might still be) an awesomely [[The Stoic|stoic]] and incredibly sinister megalomaniacal [[Badass]].
* There are two types of [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] fans, those who love Mara Jade and those who absolutely can't stand to read another mention of [[Heroes Want Redheads|red-gold hair]].
* There's also the midiMidi-chlorians, the sentient microbes that alloware used to measure one's beingscapability to channel [[The Force]], which are widely seen as a [[Doing In the Wizard|pointless "explanation" for how the Force works]], a subject that would probably have been better left mysterious. While later materials would elaborate that the Midi-chlorians themselves are ''not'' the sole deciding factor of Force sensitivity so much as they are a single piece of the puzzle, it doesn't stop prequel haters (or even a fair share of their defenders) from singling them out as a point of contention.
* Rey, the main character of Disney's sequel trilogy was more of a [[Base Breaker]] at first, but definitely fell into this status as time marched on. While she isn't annoying or aggressively unlikable, she's criticized for being ridiculously ''boring'' instead. Unlike her predecessors Luke and Anakin, who went through their fair share of hardships and [[Character Development]], Rey's a fairly static character from start to finish, and her tendency to brute force her way out of many bad situations with [[Ass Pull]] power ups that she didn't put in the work for tends to suck the tension out of all but a handful of conflicts. Not helping her case is the ''very'' aggressive [[Character Shilling]] on Disney's part, which contributes to the labels of [[Mary Sue]] and [[God Mode Sue]] that her hatedom tends to throw her way.
* Supreme Leader Snoke, the {{spoiler|initial}} [[Big Bad]] of the sequels had promise at first, but decisively fell into this territory in ''The Last Jedi''. Whether it's his silly golden bathrobe, unfortunate resemblance to [[Playboy|Hugh Hefner]], or tendency to clutch the [[Idiot Ball]] with an iron-clad death grip, Snoke lost ''all'' of the mystery and intrigue that made him a compelling enigma during his debut, with even the movie's staunchest defenders finding him to be an uninteresting, [[Narm|Narmy]] Palpatine knock-off who {{spoiler|died a stupid and avoidable death}}. And then once {{spoiler|Palpatine himself came back into the fold}}, he felt even more pointless than before.
* Luke Skywalker's portrayal in the sequels did ''not'' gel with fans, to say the least. Going from an optimistic, compassionate young man to a [[Wangst|whiny old grump]] who would waste his twilight years sulking in a remote corner of the galaxy gave a lot of people whiplash, and the justification for it just made things worse. {{spoiler|The near-murder of his nephew over a nightmare where he turned to the Dark Side is held up as a glaring example of character assassination that flies in the face of his portrayal in the original trilogy, where he was willing to put his life on the line to redeem his father, who he adamantly believed wasn't a lost cause in spite of the atrocities he had committed.}}
* Rose Tico caught a ''lot'' of flack in ''The Last Jedi'' for being a character that was useless at best and insufferable at worst, with some of her harshest critics calling her the Jar-Jar Binks of the sequel trilogy. Being tied to what many of the film's critics ''and'' defenders consider to be a pointless [[Filler Arc]] was bad enough, but what set this status in stone for her is the moment where {{spoiler|she ruins what could have been a great bit of character development for Finn ''and'' a big win for the Resistance by preventing his [[Heroic Sacrifice]] for reasons that are often criticized as selfish and possessive}}.
** Interestingly enough, when ''The Rise of Skywalker'' heavily cut her screentime seemingly in response to these criticisms, it actually caused a lot of backlash among fans ''and'' detractors alike. What was meant to be viewed as an [[Author's Saving Throw]] was instead met with cries of [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character]] from fans who thought that Rose had potential to be an interesting addition to the cast, and felt that her actress, Kelly Marie Tran, wasn't given a fair shake and deserved better than what she got.
* Admiral Holdo gets this for being a belligerent [[General Failure]] whose awful treatment of Poe and refusal to do even the ''bare minimum'' to establish a good rapport with the Resistance and keep them in the loop regarding her plans caused a lot more problems than they solved.
== ''[[Transformers (film)|Transformers]]'' films by [[Michael Bay]] ==
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