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Karma Overdose: Difference between revisions

Corrected my 'White Bear' section, also added a section in the description to talk about Disproportionate Retribution.
(Corrected my 'White Bear' section, also added a section in the description to talk about Disproportionate Retribution.)
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The time has come for the [[Big Bad]] (or [[Jerkass]] or just whoever's in the wrong in the moment) to [[Laser-Guided Karma|get their karma]]. However, the punishment is so bad that the audience (and potentially the characters in-universe) feel sorry for them. Whether it be you feel the crime in question wasn't that bad or the punishment is that awful, [[Unintentionally Sympathetic|you will feel that person]] [[Alas, Poor Villain|got the short end]] [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|of the stick]].
Can overlap with [[Disproportionate Retribution]], where someone does something awful for petty reasons but the reaction to that is only limited to the characters in-universe, not the audience.
Whether it be you feel the crime in question wasn't that bad or the punishment is that awful, [[Unintentionally Sympathetic|you will feel that person]] [[Alas, Poor Villain|got the short end]] [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|of the stick]].
CanAlso overlapoverlaps with [[Disproportionate Retribution]], [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]], [[Alas, Poor Villain]], [[Unintentionally Sympathetic]], and [[Jerkass Woobie]].
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== [[Fan Works]] ==
* Generally, if there's a [[Ron the Death Eater]] that gets taken out/treated quite harshly and is a [[Base Breaker]] ([[Alas, Poor Scrappy]] can also feature here), the audience might think this.
* A lot of ''[[Miraculous Ladybug]]'' [[Deconstruction Fic|deconstruction]], [[Revenge Fic|revenge]] or [[Hate Fic|hate fics]] (particularly the ones concerning Lila) have this reaction towards Miss Bustier's class. There's a good chance they'll have their whole lives ruined [[Disproportionate Retribution|just because they didn't believe Marinette]] (who often turns into a [[Designated Hero]]). The person who typically gets this the worst is Adrien/Chat Noir.
* In ''The Eliza Trilogy'', the main cast lambast Draco for {{spoiler|convincing Fudge to give Diawna the Dementor's Kiss.}} Sure, {{spoiler|Diawna tricked them into thinking she was Eliza back from the dead and committed at least one murder, while kidnapping most of the student body and several teachers, ''but'' as Harry puts it, the Kiss is a [[Fate Worse Than Death]]. And no one deserves that, not even someone like Diawna.}}
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== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Black Mirror (TV series)|Black Mirror]]'':
** Another [[Broken Base|debatable example]]. In ''White Bear'', it's [[The Ending Changes Everything|revealed]] [[Villain Protagonist|AngelaVictoria]] {{spoiler|is an accomplice to her boyfriend burnedburning a child againalive while she filmed it}}. You'd think that would automatically make everything the peopleothers put her through okay (and indeed some people do agree hence the debatable part). However, she's {{spoiler|forced to painfully lose her memories and go through the terrifying scenario of being chased down by hunters before it being revealed to be a show for the audience, which she has to go through all over again}} and the fact her [[Amnesiac Dissonance|amnesiac self]] {{spoiler|genuinely seems to feel bad for her actions}} made some [[Alas, Poor Villain|people think her punishment was going much too far]].
** "White Christmas" shows that if {{spoiler|a criminal cannot serve their time, the government will create a digital clone called a cookie and make them suffer the punishment instead}}. Sure, some of them are murderers, but {{spoiler|the clones had nothing to do with the original crime}}.
** "Black Museum" shows different criminals having their conscious minds put on display in digital copies, while visitors pay admission to the owner. They consented in all the cases, but some were coerced for money or to take care of their families.
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