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* Think Bayonetta has it bad? In ''[[Asura's Wrath]]'', even the ''first'' boss is as big as a planet!
* In ''[[Super Mario]]'' Bowser's actual size [[Your Size May Vary| depends on the game]], but he's ''always'' bigger than Mario. Or most other characters.
* ''[[God of War]]'' is another franchise known for humungous bosses, which is ironic, seeing as Kratos himself is huge when compared to most humans, canonically 7 feet 6 inches tall. Pandora’s Guardian (a 20 foot tall undead, armored minotaur) in [[God of War (Video Game)| the original game]], Poseidon from ''[[God of War III]]'' (a giant about a hundred feet tall [[Elemental Embodiment| literally made of water]], mounted on a just-as-big three-headed sea monster made of stone and water), the [[Kraken]] from ''[[God of War II]]'' (ironically, ''not'' as big as the one in ''[[Clash of the Titans]]'', but about 150 feet long, give or take), the Hydra King from the original game relaunch (forget measuring this one, suffice to say it’s as big as the sailing vessel Kratos fights it on), the Colossus of Rhodes from the second game [[Meaningful Name| (naturally)]], Aegaeon the Hecatonchires (this boss is not only the size of a city, it ''is'' the city, a case where the boss and the level you fight it in are one and the same), and of course, Cronos from the third game, a practical living mountain and likely, relatively speaking, the most gigantic boss in video game history (what do you expect from a Titan?), whose [[Boss Battle]] combines the elements of a [[Colossus Climb]] ''and'' a [[Womb Level]].
** Ares, the [[Big Bad]] of the first game Zigzags the Trope; while he ''is'' a giant, Kratos fights him using magic that makes himself ''just'' as big.
** In the 2018 sequel series, the bosses are usually closer to Kratos' size, but Hræzlyr the Mountain Dragon is as big as, well, a dragon, probably a throwback to the giant bosses in the original series.
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